Data Settings API Reference (obs_data_t) ======================================== Data settings objects are reference-counted objects that store values in a string-table or array. They're similar to Json objects, but additionally allow additional functionality such as default or auto-selection values. Data is saved/loaded to/from Json text and Json text files. .. type:: obs_data_t A reference-counted data object. .. type:: obs_data_array_t A reference-counted data array object. .. code:: cpp #include General Functions ----------------- .. function:: obs_data_t *obs_data_create() :return: A new reference to a data object. Release with :c:func:`obs_data_release()`. --------------------- .. function:: obs_data_t *obs_data_create_from_json(const char *json_string) Creates a data object from a Json string. :param json_string: Json string :return: A new reference to a data object. Release with :c:func:`obs_data_release()`. --------------------- .. function:: obs_data_t *obs_data_create_from_json_file(const char *json_file) Creates a data object from a Json file. :param json_file: Json file path :return: A new reference to a data object. Release with :c:func:`obs_data_release()`. --------------------- .. function:: obs_data_t *obs_data_create_from_json_file_safe(const char *json_file, const char *backup_ext) Creates a data object from a Json file, with a backup file in case the original is corrupted or fails to load. :param json_file: Json file path :param backup_ext: Backup file extension :return: A new reference to a data object. Release with :c:func:`obs_data_release()`. --------------------- .. function:: void obs_data_addref(obs_data_t *data) void obs_data_release(obs_data_t *data) Adds/releases a reference to a data object. --------------------- .. function:: const char *obs_data_get_json(obs_data_t *data) Generates a new json string. The string allocation is stored within the data object itself, and does not need to be manually freed. :return: Json string for this object --------------------- .. function:: const char *obs_data_get_json_with_defaults(obs_data_t *data) Same as :c:func:`obs_data_get_json()` but default values are also serialized. :return: Json string for this object --------------------- .. function:: const char *obs_data_get_json_pretty(obs_data_t *data) Same as :c:func:`obs_data_get_json()` but the JSON data is pretty-printed. :return: Json string for this object --------------------- .. function:: const char *obs_data_get_json_pretty_with_defaults(obs_data_t *data) Same as :c:func:`obs_data_get_json_pretty()` but default values are also serialized. :return: Json string for this object --------------------- .. function:: const char *obs_data_get_last_json(obs_data_t *data) Returns the last json string generated for this data object. Does not generate a new string. Use :c:func:`obs_data_get_json()` to generate a json string first. :return: Json string for this object --------------------- .. function:: bool obs_data_save_json(obs_data_t *data, const char *file) Saves the data to a file as Json text. :param file: The file to save to :return: *true* if successful, *false* otherwise --------------------- .. function:: bool obs_data_save_json_safe(obs_data_t *data, const char *file, const char *temp_ext, const char *backup_ext) Saves the data to a file as Json text, and if overwriting an old file, backs up that old file to help prevent potential file corruption. :param file: The file to save to :param backup_ext: The backup extension to use for the overwritten file if it exists :return: *true* if successful, *false* otherwise --------------------- .. function:: void obs_data_apply(obs_data_t *target, obs_data_t *apply_data) Merges the data of *apply_data* in to *target*. --------------------- .. function:: void obs_data_erase(obs_data_t *data, const char *name) Erases the user data for item *name* within the data object. --------------------- .. function:: void obs_data_clear(obs_data_t *data) Clears all user data in the data object. --------------------- Set Functions ------------- .. function:: void obs_data_set_string(obs_data_t *data, const char *name, const char *val) --------------------- .. function:: void obs_data_set_int(obs_data_t *data, const char *name, long long val) --------------------- .. function:: void obs_data_set_double(obs_data_t *data, const char *name, double val) --------------------- .. function:: void obs_data_set_bool(obs_data_t *data, const char *name, bool val) --------------------- .. function:: void obs_data_set_obj(obs_data_t *data, const char *name, obs_data_t *obj) --------------------- .. function:: void obs_data_set_array(obs_data_t *data, const char *name, obs_data_array_t *array) --------------------- .. _obs_data_get_funcs: Get Functions ------------- .. function:: const char *obs_data_get_string(obs_data_t *data, const char *name) --------------------- .. function:: long long obs_data_get_int(obs_data_t *data, const char *name) --------------------- .. function:: double obs_data_get_double(obs_data_t *data, const char *name) --------------------- .. function:: bool obs_data_get_bool(obs_data_t *data, const char *name) --------------------- .. function:: obs_data_t *obs_data_get_obj(obs_data_t *data, const char *name) :return: An incremented reference to a data object. Release with :c:func:`obs_data_release()`. --------------------- .. function:: obs_data_array_t *obs_data_get_array(obs_data_t *data, const char *name) :return: An incremented reference to a data array object. Release with :c:func:`obs_data_array_release()`. --------------------- .. _obs_data_default_funcs: Default Value Functions ----------------------- Default values are used to determine what value will be given if a value is not set. .. function:: obs_data_t *obs_data_get_defaults(obs_data_t *data); :return: obs_data_t * with all default values (recursively for all objects as well). ----------------------- .. function:: void obs_data_set_default_string(obs_data_t *data, const char *name, const char *val) const char *obs_data_get_default_string(obs_data_t *data, const char *name) --------------------- .. function:: void obs_data_set_default_int(obs_data_t *data, const char *name, long long val) long long obs_data_get_default_int(obs_data_t *data, const char *name) --------------------- .. function:: void obs_data_set_default_double(obs_data_t *data, const char *name, double val) double obs_data_get_default_double(obs_data_t *data, const char *name) --------------------- .. function:: void obs_data_set_default_bool(obs_data_t *data, const char *name, bool val) bool obs_data_get_default_bool(obs_data_t *data, const char *name) --------------------- .. function:: void obs_data_set_default_obj(obs_data_t *data, const char *name, obs_data_t *obj) obs_data_t *obs_data_get_default_obj(obs_data_t *data, const char *name) :return: An incremented reference to a data object. Release with :c:func:`obs_data_release()`. ---------------------- .. function:: void obs_data_set_default_array(obs_data_t *data, const char *name, obs_data_array_t *arr) obs_data_array_t *obs_data_get_default_array(obs_data_t *data, const char *name) Autoselect Functions -------------------- Autoselect values are optionally used to determine what values should be used to ensure functionality if the currently set values are inappropriate or invalid. .. function:: void obs_data_set_autoselect_string(obs_data_t *data, const char *name, const char *val) const char *obs_data_get_autoselect_string(obs_data_t *data, const char *name) --------------------- .. function:: void obs_data_set_autoselect_int(obs_data_t *data, const char *name, long long val) long long obs_data_get_autoselect_int(obs_data_t *data, const char *name) --------------------- .. function:: void obs_data_set_autoselect_double(obs_data_t *data, const char *name, double val) double obs_data_get_autoselect_double(obs_data_t *data, const char *name) --------------------- .. function:: void obs_data_set_autoselect_bool(obs_data_t *data, const char *name, bool val) bool obs_data_get_autoselect_bool(obs_data_t *data, const char *name) --------------------- .. function:: void obs_data_set_autoselect_obj(obs_data_t *data, const char *name, obs_data_t *obj) obs_data_t *obs_data_get_autoselect_obj(obs_data_t *data, const char *name) :return: An incremented reference to a data object. Release with :c:func:`obs_data_release()`. --------------------- .. function:: void obs_data_set_autoselect_array(obs_data_t *data, const char *name, obs_data_array_t *arr) obs_data_array_t *obs_data_get_autoselect_array(obs_data_t *data, const char *name) :return: An incremented reference to a data array object. Release with :c:func:`obs_data_array_release()`. .. versionadded:: 30.1 --------------------- Array Functions --------------- .. function:: obs_data_array_t *obs_data_array_create() :return: A new reference to a data array object. Release with :c:func:`obs_data_array_release()`. --------------------- .. function:: void obs_data_array_addref(obs_data_array_t *array) --------------------- .. function:: void obs_data_array_release(obs_data_array_t *array) --------------------- .. function:: size_t obs_data_array_count(obs_data_array_t *array) --------------------- .. function:: obs_data_t *obs_data_array_item(obs_data_array_t *array, size_t idx) :return: An incremented reference to the data object associated with this array entry. Release with :c:func:`obs_data_release()`. --------------------- .. function:: size_t obs_data_array_push_back(obs_data_array_t *array, obs_data_t *obj) --------------------- .. function:: void obs_data_array_insert(obs_data_array_t *array, size_t idx, obs_data_t *obj) --------------------- .. function:: void obs_data_array_erase(obs_data_array_t *array, size_t idx)