Lain 0c6fa0a2ba UI: Fix YouTubeAppDock crash
Apparently the YouTube app dock thing didn't take into consideration the
fact that the user may have the browser source available, but may not
have browser docks available (via the `cef` global). This is because
certain system configurations do not support browser widgets, such as
Wayland on Linux.

(Lain note: There's multiple things I'm unhappy about here. I'm mostly
going to blame myself for multiple reasons.)
2023-08-03 18:25:25 -07:00

488 lines
13 KiB

Copyright (C) 2023 by Lain Bailey <lain@obsproject.com>
Philippe Groarke <philippe.groarke@gmail.com>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <util/util.hpp>
#include <QDialog>
#include <QPointer>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <obs.hpp>
#include "auth-base.hpp"
#include "ffmpeg-utils.hpp"
class OBSBasic;
class QAbstractButton;
class QRadioButton;
class QComboBox;
class QCheckBox;
class QLabel;
class OBSPropertiesView;
class OBSHotkeyWidget;
#include "ui_OBSBasicSettings.h"
class SilentUpdateCheckBox : public QCheckBox {
public slots:
void setCheckedSilently(bool checked)
bool blocked = blockSignals(true);
class SilentUpdateSpinBox : public QSpinBox {
public slots:
void setValueSilently(int val)
bool blocked = blockSignals(true);
class OBSBasicSettings : public QDialog {
Q_PROPERTY(QIcon generalIcon READ GetGeneralIcon WRITE SetGeneralIcon
Q_PROPERTY(QIcon streamIcon READ GetStreamIcon WRITE SetStreamIcon
Q_PROPERTY(QIcon outputIcon READ GetOutputIcon WRITE SetOutputIcon
Q_PROPERTY(QIcon audioIcon READ GetAudioIcon WRITE SetAudioIcon
Q_PROPERTY(QIcon videoIcon READ GetVideoIcon WRITE SetVideoIcon
Q_PROPERTY(QIcon hotkeysIcon READ GetHotkeysIcon WRITE SetHotkeysIcon
Q_PROPERTY(QIcon accessibilityIcon READ GetAccessibilityIcon WRITE
SetAccessibilityIcon DESIGNABLE true)
Q_PROPERTY(QIcon advancedIcon READ GetAdvancedIcon WRITE SetAdvancedIcon
OBSBasic *main;
std::unique_ptr<Ui::OBSBasicSettings> ui;
std::shared_ptr<Auth> auth;
bool generalChanged = false;
bool stream1Changed = false;
bool outputsChanged = false;
bool audioChanged = false;
bool videoChanged = false;
bool hotkeysChanged = false;
bool a11yChanged = false;
bool advancedChanged = false;
int pageIndex = 0;
bool loading = true;
bool forceAuthReload = false;
bool forceUpdateCheck = false;
std::string savedTheme;
int sampleRateIndex = 0;
int channelIndex = 0;
bool llBufferingEnabled = false;
bool hotkeysLoaded = false;
int lastSimpleRecQualityIdx = 0;
int lastServiceIdx = -1;
int lastIgnoreRecommended = -1;
int lastChannelSetupIdx = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t ENCODER_HIDE_FLAGS =
std::vector<FFmpegFormat> formats;
OBSPropertiesView *streamProperties = nullptr;
OBSPropertiesView *streamEncoderProps = nullptr;
OBSPropertiesView *recordEncoderProps = nullptr;
QPointer<QLabel> advOutRecWarning;
QPointer<QLabel> simpleOutRecWarning;
QString curPreset;
QString curQSVPreset;
QString curNVENCPreset;
QString curAMDPreset;
QString curAMDAV1Preset;
QString curAdvStreamEncoder;
QString curAdvRecordEncoder;
using AudioSource_t =
std::tuple<OBSWeakSource, QPointer<QCheckBox>,
QPointer<QSpinBox>, QPointer<QCheckBox>,
std::vector<AudioSource_t> audioSources;
std::vector<OBSSignal> audioSourceSignals;
OBSSignal sourceCreated;
OBSSignal channelChanged;
std::vector<std::pair<bool, QPointer<OBSHotkeyWidget>>> hotkeys;
OBSSignal hotkeyRegistered;
OBSSignal hotkeyUnregistered;
uint32_t outputCX = 0;
uint32_t outputCY = 0;
QPointer<QCheckBox> simpleVodTrack;
QPointer<QCheckBox> vodTrackCheckbox;
QPointer<QWidget> vodTrackContainer;
QPointer<QRadioButton> vodTrack[MAX_AUDIO_MIXES];
QIcon hotkeyConflictIcon;
void SaveCombo(QComboBox *widget, const char *section,
const char *value);
void SaveComboData(QComboBox *widget, const char *section,
const char *value);
void SaveCheckBox(QAbstractButton *widget, const char *section,
const char *value, bool invert = false);
void SaveEdit(QLineEdit *widget, const char *section,
const char *value);
void SaveSpinBox(QSpinBox *widget, const char *section,
const char *value);
void SaveFormat(QComboBox *combo);
void SaveEncoder(QComboBox *combo, const char *section,
const char *value);
bool ResFPSValid(obs_service_resolution *res_list, size_t res_count,
int max_fps);
void ClosestResFPS(obs_service_resolution *res_list, size_t res_count,
int max_fps, int &new_cx, int &new_cy, int &new_fps);
inline bool Changed() const
return generalChanged || outputsChanged || stream1Changed ||
audioChanged || videoChanged || advancedChanged ||
hotkeysChanged || a11yChanged;
inline void EnableApplyButton(bool en)
inline void ClearChanged()
generalChanged = false;
stream1Changed = false;
outputsChanged = false;
audioChanged = false;
videoChanged = false;
hotkeysChanged = false;
a11yChanged = false;
advancedChanged = false;
template<typename Widget, typename WidgetParent, typename... SignalArgs,
typename... SlotArgs>
void HookWidget(Widget *widget,
void (WidgetParent::*signal)(SignalArgs...),
void (OBSBasicSettings::*slot)(SlotArgs...))
QObject::connect(widget, signal, this, slot);
widget->setProperty("changed", QVariant(false));
bool QueryChanges();
bool QueryAllowedToClose();
void ResetEncoders(bool streamOnly = false);
void LoadColorRanges();
void LoadColorSpaces();
void LoadColorFormats();
void LoadFormats();
void ReloadCodecs(const FFmpegFormat &format);
void UpdateColorFormatSpaceWarning();
void LoadGeneralSettings();
void LoadStream1Settings();
void LoadOutputSettings();
void LoadAudioSettings();
void LoadVideoSettings();
LoadHotkeySettings(obs_hotkey_id ignoreKey = OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_ID);
void LoadA11ySettings(bool presetChange = false);
void LoadAdvancedSettings();
void LoadSettings(bool changedOnly);
OBSPropertiesView *CreateEncoderPropertyView(const char *encoder,
const char *path,
bool changed = false);
/* general */
void LoadLanguageList();
void LoadThemeList();
void LoadBranchesList();
/* stream */
void InitStreamPage();
inline bool IsCustomService() const;
inline bool IsWHIP() const;
void LoadServices(bool showAll);
void OnOAuthStreamKeyConnected();
void OnAuthConnected();
QString lastService;
QString protocol;
QString lastCustomServer;
int prevLangIndex;
bool prevBrowserAccel;
void ServiceChanged();
QString FindProtocol();
void UpdateServerList();
void UpdateKeyLink();
void UpdateVodTrackSetting();
void UpdateServiceRecommendations();
void UpdateMoreInfoLink();
void UpdateAdvNetworkGroup();
private slots:
void RecreateOutputResolutionWidget();
bool UpdateResFPSLimits();
void DisplayEnforceWarning(bool checked);
void on_show_clicked();
void on_authPwShow_clicked();
void on_connectAccount_clicked();
void on_disconnectAccount_clicked();
void on_useStreamKey_clicked();
void on_useAuth_toggled();
void on_hotkeyFilterReset_clicked();
void on_hotkeyFilterSearch_textChanged(const QString text);
void on_hotkeyFilterInput_KeyChanged(obs_key_combination_t combo);
/* output */
void LoadSimpleOutputSettings();
void LoadAdvOutputStreamingSettings();
void LoadAdvOutputStreamingEncoderProperties();
void LoadAdvOutputRecordingSettings();
void LoadAdvOutputRecordingEncoderProperties();
void LoadAdvOutputFFmpegSettings();
void LoadAdvOutputAudioSettings();
void SetAdvOutputFFmpegEnablement(FFmpegCodecType encoderType,
bool enabled,
bool enableEncode = false);
/* audio */
void LoadListValues(QComboBox *widget, obs_property_t *prop, int index);
void LoadAudioDevices();
void LoadAudioSources();
/* video */
void LoadRendererList();
void ResetDownscales(uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy,
bool ignoreAllSignals = false);
void LoadDownscaleFilters();
void LoadResolutionLists();
void LoadFPSData();
/* a11y */
void UpdateA11yColors();
void SetDefaultColors();
void ResetDefaultColors();
QColor GetColor(uint32_t colorVal, QString label);
uint32_t preset = 0;
uint32_t selectRed = 0x0000FF;
uint32_t selectGreen = 0x00FF00;
uint32_t selectBlue = 0xFF7F00;
uint32_t mixerGreen = 0x267f26;
uint32_t mixerYellow = 0x267f7f;
uint32_t mixerRed = 0x26267f;
uint32_t mixerGreenActive = 0x4cff4c;
uint32_t mixerYellowActive = 0x4cffff;
uint32_t mixerRedActive = 0x4c4cff;
void SaveGeneralSettings();
void SaveStream1Settings();
void SaveOutputSettings();
void SaveAudioSettings();
void SaveVideoSettings();
void SaveHotkeySettings();
void SaveA11ySettings();
void SaveAdvancedSettings();
void SaveSettings();
void SearchHotkeys(const QString &text,
obs_key_combination_t filterCombo);
void UpdateSimpleOutStreamDelayEstimate();
void UpdateAdvOutStreamDelayEstimate();
void FillSimpleRecordingValues();
void FillAudioMonitoringDevices();
void RecalcOutputResPixels(const char *resText);
bool AskIfCanCloseSettings();
void UpdateYouTubeAppDockSettings();
QIcon generalIcon;
QIcon streamIcon;
QIcon outputIcon;
QIcon audioIcon;
QIcon videoIcon;
QIcon hotkeysIcon;
QIcon accessibilityIcon;
QIcon advancedIcon;
QIcon GetGeneralIcon() const;
QIcon GetStreamIcon() const;
QIcon GetOutputIcon() const;
QIcon GetAudioIcon() const;
QIcon GetVideoIcon() const;
QIcon GetHotkeysIcon() const;
QIcon GetAccessibilityIcon() const;
QIcon GetAdvancedIcon() const;
int CurrentFLVTrack();
int SimpleOutGetSelectedAudioTracks();
int AdvOutGetSelectedAudioTracks();
OBSService GetStream1Service();
bool ServiceAndVCodecCompatible();
bool ServiceAndACodecCompatible();
bool ServiceSupportsCodecCheck();
private slots:
void on_theme_activated(int idx);
void on_listWidget_itemSelectionChanged();
void on_buttonBox_clicked(QAbstractButton *button);
void on_service_currentIndexChanged(int idx);
void on_customServer_textChanged(const QString &text);
void on_simpleOutputBrowse_clicked();
void on_advOutRecPathBrowse_clicked();
void on_advOutFFPathBrowse_clicked();
void on_advOutEncoder_currentIndexChanged();
void on_advOutRecEncoder_currentIndexChanged(int idx);
void on_advOutFFIgnoreCompat_stateChanged(int state);
void on_advOutFFFormat_currentIndexChanged(int idx);
void on_advOutFFAEncoder_currentIndexChanged(int idx);
void on_advOutFFVEncoder_currentIndexChanged(int idx);
void on_advOutFFType_currentIndexChanged(int idx);
void on_colorFormat_currentIndexChanged(int idx);
void on_colorSpace_currentIndexChanged(int idx);
void on_filenameFormatting_textEdited(const QString &text);
void on_outputResolution_editTextChanged(const QString &text);
void on_baseResolution_editTextChanged(const QString &text);
void on_disableOSXVSync_clicked();
void on_choose1_clicked();
void on_choose2_clicked();
void on_choose3_clicked();
void on_choose4_clicked();
void on_choose5_clicked();
void on_choose6_clicked();
void on_choose7_clicked();
void on_choose8_clicked();
void on_choose9_clicked();
void on_colorPreset_currentIndexChanged(int idx);
void GeneralChanged();
void HideOBSWindowWarning(int state);
void AudioChanged();
void AudioChangedRestart();
void ReloadAudioSources();
void SurroundWarning(int idx);
void SpeakerLayoutChanged(int idx);
void LowLatencyBufferingChanged(bool checked);
void UpdateAudioWarnings();
void OutputsChanged();
void Stream1Changed();
void VideoChanged();
void VideoChangedResolution();
void HotkeysChanged();
bool ScanDuplicateHotkeys(QFormLayout *layout);
void ReloadHotkeys(obs_hotkey_id ignoreKey = OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_ID);
void A11yChanged();
void AdvancedChanged();
void AdvancedChangedRestart();
void UpdateStreamDelayEstimate();
void UpdateAutomaticReplayBufferCheckboxes();
void AdvOutSplitFileChanged();
void AdvOutRecCheckWarnings();
void AdvOutRecCheckCodecs();
void SimpleRecordingQualityChanged();
void SimpleRecordingEncoderChanged();
void SimpleRecordingQualityLosslessWarning(int idx);
void SimpleReplayBufferChanged();
void AdvReplayBufferChanged();
void SimpleStreamingEncoderChanged();
OBSService SpawnTempService();
void SetGeneralIcon(const QIcon &icon);
void SetStreamIcon(const QIcon &icon);
void SetOutputIcon(const QIcon &icon);
void SetAudioIcon(const QIcon &icon);
void SetVideoIcon(const QIcon &icon);
void SetHotkeysIcon(const QIcon &icon);
void SetAccessibilityIcon(const QIcon &icon);
void SetAdvancedIcon(const QIcon &icon);
void UseStreamKeyAdvClicked();
void SimpleStreamAudioEncoderChanged();
void AdvAudioEncodersChanged();
virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) override;
void reject() override;
OBSBasicSettings(QWidget *parent);
inline const QIcon &GetHotkeyConflictIcon() const
return hotkeyConflictIcon;