pkv 79232c3cec obs-filters: Update NVIDIA Effects SDK versions
We need to check for new versions of the NVIDIA Effects redistributables
because mismatched versions of the AUDIO and VIDEO sdk can have
different CUDA versions of the deps, which has caused crashes in obs.
It'd be way better that NVIDIA either ships a single installer with both
audio and video effects or that they auto-install with the drivers.
But meanwhile, we provide a warning to users which requires us to keep
in sync with what's released.

Signed-off-by: pkv <pkv@obsproject.com>
2023-08-17 03:37:30 -07:00

846 lines
35 KiB

#pragma once
#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <util/platform.h>
#include <dxgitype.h>
#include <util/windows/win-version.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // ___cplusplus
#ifndef NvVFX_API
#ifdef _WIN32
#define NvVFX_API __declspec(dllexport) __cdecl
#define NvVFX_API
#else //if linux
#define NvVFX_API // TODO: Linux code goes here
#endif // _WIN32 or linux
#endif //NvVFX_API
#ifndef NvCV_API
#ifdef _WIN32
#define NvCV_API __declspec(dllexport) __cdecl
#define NvCV_API
#else //if linux
#define NvCV_API // TODO: Linux code goes here
#endif // _WIN32 or linux
#endif //NvCV_API
#define MIN_VFX_SDK_VERSION (0 << 24 | 7 << 16 | 2 << 8 | 0 << 0)
static HMODULE nv_videofx = NULL;
static HMODULE nv_cvimage = NULL;
static HMODULE nv_cudart = NULL;
static HMODULE nv_cuda = NULL;
//! Status codes returned from APIs.
typedef enum NvCV_Status {
NVCV_SUCCESS = 0, //!< The procedure returned successfully.
NVCV_ERR_GENERAL = -1, //!< An otherwise unspecified error has occurred.
-2, //!< The requested feature is not yet implemented.
-3, //!< There is not enough memory for the requested operation.
NVCV_ERR_EFFECT = -4, //!< An invalid effect handle has been supplied.
-5, //!< The given parameter selector is not valid in this effect filter.
NVCV_ERR_BUFFER = -6, //!< An image buffer has not been specified.
-7, //!< An invalid parameter value has been supplied for this effect+selector.
-8, //!< Some parameters are not appropriately matched.
-9, //!< The specified pixel format is not accommodated.
NVCV_ERR_MODEL = -10, //!< Error while loading the TRT model.
NVCV_ERR_LIBRARY = -11, //!< Error loading the dynamic library.
-12, //!< The effect has not been properly initialized.
NVCV_ERR_FILE = -13, //!< The file could not be found.
NVCV_ERR_FEATURENOTFOUND = -14, //!< The requested feature was not found
NVCV_ERR_MISSINGINPUT = -15, //!< A required parameter was not set
-16, //!< The specified image resolution is not supported.
NVCV_ERR_UNSUPPORTEDGPU = -17, //!< The GPU is not supported
NVCV_ERR_WRONGGPU = -18, //!< The current GPU is not the one selected.
-19, //!< The currently installed graphics driver is not supported
-20, //!< There is no model with dependencies that match this system
-21, //!< There has been a parsing or syntax error while reading a file
-22, //!< The specified model does not exist and has been substituted.
NVCV_ERR_READ = -23, //!< An error occurred while reading a file.
NVCV_ERR_WRITE = -24, //!< An error occurred while writing a file.
NVCV_ERR_PARAMREADONLY = -25, //!< The selected parameter is read-only.
NVCV_ERR_TRT_ENQUEUE = -26, //!< TensorRT enqueue failed.
NVCV_ERR_TRT_BINDINGS = -27, //!< Unexpected TensorRT bindings.
-28, //!< An error occurred while creating a TensorRT context.
-29, ///< The was a problem creating the inference engine.
-30, ///< There was a problem deserializing the inference runtime engine.
NVCV_ERR_NPP = -31, //!< An error has occurred in the NPP library.
-32, //!< No suitable model exists for the specified parameter configuration.
NVCV_ERR_DIRECT3D = -99, //!< A Direct3D error has occurred.
NVCV_ERR_CUDA_BASE = -100, //!< CUDA errors are offset from this value.
-101, //!< A CUDA parameter is not within the acceptable range.
-102, //!< There is not enough CUDA memory for the requested operation.
-112, //!< A CUDA pitch is not within the acceptable range.
-127, //!< The CUDA driver and runtime could not be initialized.
NVCV_ERR_CUDA_LAUNCH = -819, //!< The CUDA kernel launch has failed.
-309, //!< No suitable kernel image is available for the device.
-135, //!< The installed NVIDIA CUDA driver is older than the CUDA runtime library.
-901, //!< The CUDA operation is not supported on the current system or device.
-800, //!< CUDA tried to load or store on an invalid memory address.
-1099, //!< An otherwise unspecified CUDA error has been reported.
} NvCV_Status;
/** Filter selectors */
#define NVVFX_FX_TRANSFER "Transfer"
#define NVVFX_FX_GREEN_SCREEN "GreenScreen" // Green Screen
#define NVVFX_FX_BGBLUR "BackgroundBlur" // Background blur
#define NVVFX_FX_ARTIFACT_REDUCTION "ArtifactReduction" // Artifact Reduction
#define NVVFX_FX_SUPER_RES "SuperRes" // Super Res
#define NVVFX_FX_SR_UPSCALE "Upscale" // Super Res Upscale
#define NVVFX_FX_DENOISING "Denoising" // Denoising
/** Parameter selectors */
#define NVVFX_INPUT_IMAGE_0 "SrcImage0"
#define NVVFX_INPUT_IMAGE_1 "SrcImage1"
#define NVVFX_OUTPUT_IMAGE_0 "DstImage0"
#define NVVFX_CUDA_STREAM "CudaStream" //!< The CUDA stream to use
#define NVVFX_CUDA_GRAPH "CudaGraph" //!< Enable CUDA graph to use
#define NVVFX_INFO "Info" //!< Get info about the effects
"MaxInputWidth" //!< Maximum width of the input supported
"MaxInputHeight" //!< Maximum height of the input supported
"MaxNumberStreams" //!< Maximum number of concurrent input streams
#define NVVFX_SCALE "Scale" //!< Scale factor
#define NVVFX_STRENGTH "Strength" //!< Strength for different filters
#define NVVFX_STRENGTH_LEVELS "StrengthLevels" //!< Number of strength levels
#define NVVFX_MODE "Mode" //!< Mode for different filters
#define NVVFX_TEMPORAL "Temporal" //!< Temporal mode: 0=image, 1=video
#define NVVFX_GPU "GPU" //!< Preferred GPU (optional)
#define NVVFX_BATCH_SIZE "BatchSize" //!< Batch Size (default 1)
#define NVVFX_MODEL_BATCH "ModelBatch"
#define NVVFX_STATE "State" //!< State variable
#define NVVFX_STATE_SIZE "StateSize" //!< Number of bytes needed to store state
"NumStateObjects" //!< Number of active state object handles
//! The format of pixels in an image.
typedef enum NvCVImage_PixelFormat {
NVCV_FORMAT_UNKNOWN = 0, //!< Unknown pixel format.
NVCV_Y = 1, //!< Luminance (gray).
NVCV_A = 2, //!< Alpha (opacity)
NVCV_YA = 3, //!< { Luminance, Alpha }
NVCV_RGB = 4, //!< { Red, Green, Blue }
NVCV_BGR = 5, //!< { Red, Green, Blue }
NVCV_RGBA = 6, //!< { Red, Green, Blue, Alpha }
NVCV_BGRA = 7, //!< { Red, Green, Blue, Alpha }
NVCV_ARGB = 8, //!< { Red, Green, Blue, Alpha }
NVCV_ABGR = 9, //!< { Red, Green, Blue, Alpha }
10, //!< Luminance and subsampled Chrominance { Y, Cb, Cr }
11, //!< Luminance and subsampled Chrominance { Y, Cb, Cr }
12, //!< Luminance and full bandwidth Chrominance { Y, Cb, Cr }
} NvCVImage_PixelFormat;
//! The data type used to represent each component of an image.
typedef enum NvCVImage_ComponentType {
NVCV_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, //!< Unknown type of component.
NVCV_U8 = 1, //!< Unsigned 8-bit integer.
NVCV_U16 = 2, //!< Unsigned 16-bit integer.
NVCV_S16 = 3, //!< Signed 16-bit integer.
NVCV_F16 = 4, //!< 16-bit floating-point.
NVCV_U32 = 5, //!< Unsigned 32-bit integer.
NVCV_S32 = 6, //!< Signed 32-bit integer.
NVCV_F32 = 7, //!< 32-bit floating-point (float).
NVCV_U64 = 8, //!< Unsigned 64-bit integer.
NVCV_S64 = 9, //!< Signed 64-bit integer.
NVCV_F64 = 10, //!< 64-bit floating-point (double).
} NvCVImage_ComponentType;
//! Value for the planar field or layout argument. Two values are currently accommodated for RGB:
//! Interleaved or chunky storage locates all components of a pixel adjacent in memory,
//! e.g. RGBRGBRGB... (denoted [RGB]).
//! Planar storage locates the same component of all pixels adjacent in memory,
//! e.g. RRRRR...GGGGG...BBBBB... (denoted [R][G][B])
//! YUV has many more variants.
//! 4:2:2 can be chunky, planar or semi-planar, with different orderings.
//! 4:2:0 can be planar or semi-planar, with different orderings.
//! Aliases are provided for FOURCCs defined at fourcc.org.
//! Note: the LSB can be used to distinguish between chunky and planar formats.
0 //!< All components of pixel(x,y) are adjacent (same as chunky) (default for non-YUV).
#define NVCV_CHUNKY \
0 //!< All components of pixel(x,y) are adjacent (same as interleaved).
#define NVCV_PLANAR 1 //!< The same component of all pixels are adjacent.
#define NVCV_UYVY 2 //!< [UYVY] Chunky 4:2:2 (default for 4:2:2)
#define NVCV_VYUY 4 //!< [VYUY] Chunky 4:2:2
#define NVCV_YUYV 6 //!< [YUYV] Chunky 4:2:2
#define NVCV_YVYU 8 //!< [YVYU] Chunky 4:2:2
#define NVCV_CYUV 10 //!< [YUV] Chunky 4:4:4
#define NVCV_CYVU 12 //!< [YVU] Chunky 4:4:4
#define NVCV_YUV 3 //!< [Y][U][V] Planar 4:2:2 or 4:2:0 or 4:4:4
#define NVCV_YVU 5 //!< [Y][V][U] Planar 4:2:2 or 4:2:0 or 4:4:4
#define NVCV_YCUV \
7 //!< [Y][UV] Semi-planar 4:2:2 or 4:2:0 (default for 4:2:0)
#define NVCV_YCVU 9 //!< [Y][VU] Semi-planar 4:2:2 or 4:2:0
//! The following are FOURCC aliases for specific layouts. Note that it is still required to specify the format as well
//! as the layout, e.g. NVCV_YUV420 and NVCV_NV12, even though the NV12 layout is only associated with YUV420 sampling.
#define NVCV_I420 NVCV_YUV //!< [Y][U][V] Planar 4:2:0
#define NVCV_IYUV NVCV_YUV //!< [Y][U][V] Planar 4:2:0
#define NVCV_YV12 NVCV_YVU //!< [Y][V][U] Planar 4:2:0
#define NVCV_NV12 NVCV_YCUV //!< [Y][UV] Semi-planar 4:2:0 (default for 4:2:0)
#define NVCV_NV21 NVCV_YCVU //!< [Y][VU] Semi-planar 4:2:0
#define NVCV_YUY2 NVCV_YUYV //!< [YUYV] Chunky 4:2:2
#define NVCV_I444 NVCV_YUV //!< [Y][U][V] Planar 4:4:4
#define NVCV_YM24 NVCV_YUV //!< [Y][U][V] Planar 4:4:4
#define NVCV_YM42 NVCV_YVU //!< [Y][V][U] Planar 4:4:4
#define NVCV_NV24 NVCV_YCUV //!< [Y][UV] Semi-planar 4:4:4
#define NVCV_NV42 NVCV_YCVU //!< [Y][VU] Semi-planar 4:4:4
//! The following are ORed together for the colorspace field for YUV.
//! NVCV_601 and NVCV_709 describe the color axes of YUV.
//! NVCV_VIDEO_RANGE and NVCV_VIDEO_RANGE describe the range, [16, 235] or [0, 255], respectively.
//! NVCV_CHROMA_COSITED and NVCV_CHROMA_INTSTITIAL describe the location of the chroma samples.
#define NVCV_601 0x00 //!< The Rec.601 YUV colorspace, typically used for SD.
#define NVCV_709 0x01 //!< The Rec.709 YUV colorspace, typically used for HD.
#define NVCV_2020 0x02 //!< The Rec.2020 YUV colorspace.
#define NVCV_VIDEO_RANGE 0x00 //!< The video range is [16, 235].
#define NVCV_FULL_RANGE 0x04 //!< The video range is [ 0, 255].
0x00 //!< The chroma is sampled at the same location as the luma samples horizontally.
0x08 //!< The chroma is sampled between luma samples horizontally.
0x10 //!< The chroma is sampled at the same location as the luma samples horizontally and vertically.
#define NVCV_CHROMA_MPEG2 NVCV_CHROMA_COSITED //!< As is most video.
//! This is the value for the gpuMem field or the memSpace argument.
#define NVCV_CPU 0 //!< The buffer is stored in CPU memory.
#define NVCV_GPU 1 //!< The buffer is stored in CUDA memory.
#define NVCV_CUDA 1 //!< The buffer is stored in CUDA memory.
#define NVCV_CPU_PINNED 2 //!< The buffer is stored in pinned CPU memory.
#define NVCV_CUDA_ARRAY 3 //!< A CUDA array is used for storage.
/** Parameter selectors */
#define NVVFX_INPUT_IMAGE_0 "SrcImage0"
#define NVVFX_INPUT_IMAGE_1 "SrcImage1"
#define NVVFX_OUTPUT_IMAGE_0 "DstImage0"
#define NVVFX_CUDA_STREAM "CudaStream" //!< The CUDA stream to use
#define NVVFX_CUDA_GRAPH "CudaGraph" //!< Enable CUDA graph to use
#define NVVFX_INFO "Info" //!< Get info about the effects
#define NVVFX_SCALE "Scale" //!< Scale factor
#define NVVFX_STRENGTH "Strength" //!< Strength for different filters
#define NVVFX_STRENGTH_LEVELS "StrengthLevels" //!< Number of strength levels
#define NVVFX_MODE "Mode" //!< Mode for different filters
#define NVVFX_TEMPORAL "Temporal" //!< Temporal mode: 0=image, 1=video
#define NVVFX_GPU "GPU" //!< Preferred GPU (optional)
#define NVVFX_BATCH_SIZE "BatchSize" //!< Batch Size (default 1)
#define NVVFX_MODEL_BATCH "ModelBatch"
#define NVVFX_STATE "State" //!< State variable
#define NVVFX_STATE_SIZE "StateSize" //!< Number of bytes needed to store state
//! Image descriptor.
typedef struct
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#endif // _MSC_VER
NvCVImage {
unsigned int width; //!< The number of pixels horizontally in the image.
unsigned int height; //!< The number of pixels vertically in the image.
signed int pitch; //!< The byte stride between pixels vertically.
pixelFormat; //!< The format of the pixels in the image.
componentType; //!< The data type used to represent each component of the image.
unsigned char pixelBytes; //!< The number of bytes in a chunky pixel.
unsigned char
componentBytes; //!< The number of bytes in each pixel component.
unsigned char numComponents; //!< The number of components in each pixel.
unsigned char planar; //!< NVCV_CHUNKY, NVCV_PLANAR, NVCV_UYVY, ....
unsigned char gpuMem; //!< NVCV_CPU, NVCV_CPU_PINNED, NVCV_CUDA, NVCV_GPU
unsigned char
colorspace; //!< An OR of colorspace, range and chroma phase.
unsigned char reserved
[2]; //!< For structure padding and future expansion. Set to 0.
void *pixels; //!< Pointer to pixel(0,0) in the image.
void *deletePtr; //!< Buffer memory to be deleted (can be NULL).
void (*deleteProc)(
void *p); //!< Delete procedure to call rather than free().
unsigned long long
bufferBytes; //!< The maximum amount of memory available through pixels.
} NvCVImage;
//! Integer rectangle.
typedef struct NvCVRect2i {
int x; //!< The left edge of the rectangle.
int y; //!< The top edge of the rectangle.
int width; //!< The width of the rectangle.
int height; //!< The height of the rectangle.
} NvCVRect2i;
//! Integer point.
typedef struct NvCVPoint2i {
int x; //!< The horizontal coordinate.
int y; //!< The vertical coordinate
} NvCVPoint2i;
typedef struct CUstream_st *CUstream;
typedef const char *NvVFX_EffectSelector;
typedef const char *NvVFX_ParameterSelector;
typedef void *NvVFX_Handle;
/* requires sdk version >= 0.7.0 */
typedef void *NvVFX_StateObjectHandle;
/* nvvfx functions */
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_GetVersion_t)(unsigned int *version);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_CreateEffect_t)(NvVFX_EffectSelector code,
NvVFX_Handle *effect);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_DestroyEffect_t)(NvVFX_Handle effect);
typedef NvCV_Status
NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_SetU32_t)(NvVFX_Handle effect,
NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name,
unsigned int val);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_SetS32_t)(
NvVFX_Handle effect, NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name, int val);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_SetF32_t)(
NvVFX_Handle effect, NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name, float val);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_SetF64_t)(
NvVFX_Handle effect, NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name, double val);
typedef NvCV_Status
NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_SetU64_t)(NvVFX_Handle effect,
NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name,
unsigned long long val);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_SetObject_t)(
NvVFX_Handle effect, NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name, void *ptr);
/* requires sdk version >= 0.7.0 */
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_SetStateObjectHandleArray_t)(
NvVFX_Handle effect, NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name,
NvVFX_StateObjectHandle *handle);
/* ----------------------------- */
typedef NvCV_Status
NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_SetCudaStream_t)(NvVFX_Handle effect,
NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name,
CUstream stream);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_SetImage_t)(
NvVFX_Handle effect, NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name, NvCVImage *im);
typedef NvCV_Status
NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_SetString_t)(NvVFX_Handle effect,
NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name,
const char *str);
typedef NvCV_Status
NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_GetU32_t)(NvVFX_Handle effect,
NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name,
unsigned int *val);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_GetS32_t)(
NvVFX_Handle effect, NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name, int *val);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_GetF32_t)(
NvVFX_Handle effect, NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name, float *val);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_GetF64_t)(
NvVFX_Handle effect, NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name, double *val);
typedef NvCV_Status
NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_GetU64_t)(NvVFX_Handle effect,
NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name,
unsigned long long *val);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_GetObject_t)(
NvVFX_Handle effect, NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name, void **ptr);
typedef NvCV_Status
NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_GetCudaStream_t)(NvVFX_Handle effect,
NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name,
CUstream *stream);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_GetImage_t)(
NvVFX_Handle effect, NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name, NvCVImage *im);
typedef NvCV_Status
NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_GetString_t)(NvVFX_Handle effect,
NvVFX_ParameterSelector param_name,
const char **str);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_Run_t)(NvVFX_Handle effect, int async);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_Load_t)(NvVFX_Handle effect);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_CudaStreamCreate_t)(CUstream *stream);
typedef NvCV_Status NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_CudaStreamDestroy_t)(CUstream stream);
/* requires sdk version >= 0.7.0 */
typedef NvCV_Status
NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_AllocateState_t)(NvVFX_Handle effect,
NvVFX_StateObjectHandle *handle);
typedef NvCV_Status
NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_DeallocateState_t)(NvVFX_Handle effect,
NvVFX_StateObjectHandle handle);
typedef NvCV_Status
NvVFX_API (*NvVFX_ResetState_t)(NvVFX_Handle effect,
NvVFX_StateObjectHandle handle);
/* NvCVImage functions */
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_Init_t)(
NvCVImage *im, unsigned width, unsigned height, int pitch, void *pixels,
NvCVImage_PixelFormat format, NvCVImage_ComponentType type,
unsigned layout, unsigned memSpace);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_InitView_t)(NvCVImage *subImg,
NvCVImage *fullImg, int x,
int y, unsigned width,
unsigned height);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_Alloc_t)(
NvCVImage *im, unsigned width, unsigned height,
NvCVImage_PixelFormat format, NvCVImage_ComponentType type,
unsigned layout, unsigned memSpace, unsigned alignment);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_Realloc_t)(
NvCVImage *im, unsigned width, unsigned height,
NvCVImage_PixelFormat format, NvCVImage_ComponentType type,
unsigned layout, unsigned memSpace, unsigned alignment);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_Dealloc_t)(NvCVImage *im);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_Create_t)(
unsigned width, unsigned height, NvCVImage_PixelFormat format,
NvCVImage_ComponentType type, unsigned layout, unsigned memSpace,
unsigned alignment, NvCVImage **out);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_Destroy_t)(NvCVImage *im);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_ComponentOffsets_t)(
NvCVImage_PixelFormat format, int *rOff, int *gOff, int *bOff,
int *aOff, int *yOff);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_Transfer_t)(const NvCVImage *src,
NvCVImage *dst,
float scale,
struct CUstream_st *stream,
NvCVImage *tmp);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_TransferRect_t)(
const NvCVImage *src, const NvCVRect2i *srcRect, NvCVImage *dst,
const NvCVPoint2i *dstPt, float scale, struct CUstream_st *stream,
NvCVImage *tmp);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_TransferFromYUV_t)(
const void *y, int yPixBytes, int yPitch, const void *u, const void *v,
int uvPixBytes, int uvPitch, NvCVImage_PixelFormat yuvFormat,
NvCVImage_ComponentType yuvType, unsigned yuvColorSpace,
unsigned yuvMemSpace, NvCVImage *dst, const NvCVRect2i *dstRect,
float scale, struct CUstream_st *stream, NvCVImage *tmp);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_TransferToYUV_t)(
const NvCVImage *src, const NvCVRect2i *srcRect, const void *y,
int yPixBytes, int yPitch, const void *u, const void *v, int uvPixBytes,
int uvPitch, NvCVImage_PixelFormat yuvFormat,
NvCVImage_ComponentType yuvType, unsigned yuvColorSpace,
unsigned yuvMemSpace, float scale, struct CUstream_st *stream,
NvCVImage *tmp);
typedef NvCV_Status
NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_MapResource_t)(NvCVImage *im,
struct CUstream_st *stream);
typedef NvCV_Status
NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_UnmapResource_t)(NvCVImage *im,
struct CUstream_st *stream);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_Composite_t)(
const NvCVImage *fg, const NvCVImage *bg, const NvCVImage *mat,
NvCVImage *dst, struct CUstream_st *stream);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_CompositeRect_t)(
const NvCVImage *fg, const NvCVPoint2i *fgOrg, const NvCVImage *bg,
const NvCVPoint2i *bgOrg, const NvCVImage *mat, unsigned mode,
NvCVImage *dst, const NvCVPoint2i *dstOrg, struct CUstream_st *stream);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_CompositeOverConstant_t)(
const NvCVImage *src, const NvCVImage *mat, const void *bgColor,
NvCVImage *dst, struct CUstream_st *stream);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_FlipY_t)(const NvCVImage *src,
NvCVImage *dst);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_GetYUVPointers_t)(
NvCVImage *im, unsigned char **y, unsigned char **u, unsigned char **v,
int *yPixBytes, int *cPixBytes, int *yRowBytes, int *cRowBytes);
typedef const char *(*NvCV_GetErrorStringFromCode_t)(NvCV_Status code);
/* beware: this is experimental : D3D functions */
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_ToD3DFormat_t)(
NvCVImage_PixelFormat format, NvCVImage_ComponentType type,
unsigned layout, DXGI_FORMAT *d3dFormat);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_FromD3DFormat_t)(
DXGI_FORMAT d3dFormat, NvCVImage_PixelFormat *format,
NvCVImage_ComponentType *type, unsigned char *layout);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_ToD3DColorSpace_t)(
unsigned char nvcvColorSpace, DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE *pD3dColorSpace);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_FromD3DColorSpace_t)(
DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE d3dColorSpace, unsigned char *pNvcvColorSpace);
typedef NvCV_Status NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_InitFromD3D11Texture_t)(
NvCVImage *im, struct ID3D11Texture2D *tx);
typedef NvCV_Status
NvCV_API (*NvCVImage_InitFromD3DTexture_t)(NvCVImage *im,
struct ID3D11Texture2D *tx);
/* cuda runtime */
typedef enum cudaError {
cudaSuccess = 0,
cudaErrorInvalidValue = 1,
cudaErrorMemoryAllocation = 2,
cudaErrorInitializationError = 3,
cudaErrorCudartUnloading = 4,
cudaErrorProfilerDisabled = 5,
cudaErrorProfilerNotInitialized = 6,
cudaErrorProfilerAlreadyStarted = 7,
cudaErrorProfilerAlreadyStopped = 8,
cudaErrorInvalidConfiguration = 9,
cudaErrorInvalidPitchValue = 12,
cudaErrorInvalidSymbol = 13,
cudaErrorInvalidHostPointer = 16,
cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer = 17,
cudaErrorInvalidTexture = 18,
cudaErrorInvalidTextureBinding = 19,
cudaErrorInvalidChannelDescriptor = 20,
cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection = 21,
cudaErrorAddressOfConstant = 22,
cudaErrorTextureFetchFailed = 23,
cudaErrorTextureNotBound = 24,
cudaErrorSynchronizationError = 25,
cudaErrorInvalidFilterSetting = 26,
cudaErrorInvalidNormSetting = 27,
cudaErrorMixedDeviceExecution = 28,
cudaErrorNotYetImplemented = 31,
cudaErrorMemoryValueTooLarge = 32,
cudaErrorStubLibrary = 34,
cudaErrorInsufficientDriver = 35,
cudaErrorCallRequiresNewerDriver = 36,
cudaErrorInvalidSurface = 37,
cudaErrorDuplicateVariableName = 43,
cudaErrorDuplicateTextureName = 44,
cudaErrorDuplicateSurfaceName = 45,
cudaErrorDevicesUnavailable = 46,
cudaErrorIncompatibleDriverContext = 49,
cudaErrorMissingConfiguration = 52,
cudaErrorPriorLaunchFailure = 53,
cudaErrorLaunchMaxDepthExceeded = 65,
cudaErrorLaunchFileScopedTex = 66,
cudaErrorLaunchFileScopedSurf = 67,
cudaErrorSyncDepthExceeded = 68,
cudaErrorLaunchPendingCountExceeded = 69,
cudaErrorInvalidDeviceFunction = 98,
cudaErrorNoDevice = 100,
cudaErrorInvalidDevice = 101,
cudaErrorDeviceNotLicensed = 102,
cudaErrorSoftwareValidityNotEstablished = 103,
cudaErrorStartupFailure = 127,
cudaErrorInvalidKernelImage = 200,
cudaErrorDeviceUninitialized = 201,
cudaErrorMapBufferObjectFailed = 205,
cudaErrorUnmapBufferObjectFailed = 206,
cudaErrorArrayIsMapped = 207,
cudaErrorAlreadyMapped = 208,
cudaErrorNoKernelImageForDevice = 209,
cudaErrorAlreadyAcquired = 210,
cudaErrorNotMapped = 211,
cudaErrorNotMappedAsArray = 212,
cudaErrorNotMappedAsPointer = 213,
cudaErrorECCUncorrectable = 214,
cudaErrorUnsupportedLimit = 215,
cudaErrorDeviceAlreadyInUse = 216,
cudaErrorPeerAccessUnsupported = 217,
cudaErrorInvalidPtx = 218,
cudaErrorInvalidGraphicsContext = 219,
cudaErrorNvlinkUncorrectable = 220,
cudaErrorJitCompilerNotFound = 221,
cudaErrorUnsupportedPtxVersion = 222,
cudaErrorJitCompilationDisabled = 223,
cudaErrorInvalidSource = 300,
cudaErrorFileNotFound = 301,
cudaErrorSharedObjectSymbolNotFound = 302,
cudaErrorSharedObjectInitFailed = 303,
cudaErrorOperatingSystem = 304,
cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle = 400,
cudaErrorIllegalState = 401,
cudaErrorSymbolNotFound = 500,
cudaErrorNotReady = 600,
cudaErrorIllegalAddress = 700,
cudaErrorLaunchOutOfResources = 701,
cudaErrorLaunchTimeout = 702,
cudaErrorLaunchIncompatibleTexturing = 703,
cudaErrorPeerAccessAlreadyEnabled = 704,
cudaErrorPeerAccessNotEnabled = 705,
cudaErrorSetOnActiveProcess = 708,
cudaErrorContextIsDestroyed = 709,
cudaErrorAssert = 710,
cudaErrorTooManyPeers = 711,
cudaErrorHostMemoryAlreadyRegistered = 712,
cudaErrorHostMemoryNotRegistered = 713,
cudaErrorHardwareStackError = 714,
cudaErrorIllegalInstruction = 715,
cudaErrorMisalignedAddress = 716,
cudaErrorInvalidAddressSpace = 717,
cudaErrorInvalidPc = 718,
cudaErrorLaunchFailure = 719,
cudaErrorCooperativeLaunchTooLarge = 720,
cudaErrorNotPermitted = 800,
cudaErrorNotSupported = 801,
cudaErrorSystemNotReady = 802,
cudaErrorSystemDriverMismatch = 803,
cudaErrorCompatNotSupportedOnDevice = 804,
cudaErrorStreamCaptureUnsupported = 900,
cudaErrorStreamCaptureInvalidated = 901,
cudaErrorStreamCaptureMerge = 902,
cudaErrorStreamCaptureUnmatched = 903,
cudaErrorStreamCaptureUnjoined = 904,
cudaErrorStreamCaptureIsolation = 905,
cudaErrorStreamCaptureImplicit = 906,
cudaErrorCapturedEvent = 907,
cudaErrorStreamCaptureWrongThread = 908,
cudaErrorTimeout = 909,
cudaErrorGraphExecUpdateFailure = 910,
cudaErrorUnknown = 999,
cudaErrorApiFailureBase = 10000
} cudaError;
typedef enum cudaMemcpyKind {
cudaMemcpyHostToHost = 0, /**< Host -> Host */
cudaMemcpyHostToDevice = 1, /**< Host -> Device */
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost = 2, /**< Device -> Host */
cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice = 3, /**< Device -> Device */
cudaMemcpyDefault = 4
} cudaMemcpyKind;
typedef enum cudaError cudaError_t;
typedef cudaError_t CUDARTAPI (*cudaMalloc_t)(void **devPtr, size_t size);
typedef cudaError_t CUDARTAPI (*cudaStreamSynchronize_t)(CUstream stream);
typedef cudaError_t CUDARTAPI (*cudaFree_t)(void *devPtr);
typedef cudaError_t CUDARTAPI (*cudaMemsetAsync_t)(void *devPtr, int value,
size_t count,
CUstream stream);
typedef cudaError_t CUDARTAPI (*cudaMemcpy_t)(void *dst, const void *src,
size_t count,
enum cudaMemcpyKind kind);
/* nvvfx */
static NvVFX_GetVersion_t NvVFX_GetVersion = NULL;
static NvVFX_CreateEffect_t NvVFX_CreateEffect = NULL;
static NvVFX_DestroyEffect_t NvVFX_DestroyEffect = NULL;
static NvVFX_SetU32_t NvVFX_SetU32 = NULL;
static NvVFX_SetS32_t NvVFX_SetS32 = NULL;
static NvVFX_SetF32_t NvVFX_SetF32 = NULL;
static NvVFX_SetF64_t NvVFX_SetF64 = NULL;
static NvVFX_SetU64_t NvVFX_SetU64 = NULL;
static NvVFX_SetObject_t NvVFX_SetObject = NULL;
static NvVFX_SetCudaStream_t NvVFX_SetCudaStream = NULL;
static NvVFX_SetImage_t NvVFX_SetImage = NULL;
static NvVFX_SetString_t NvVFX_SetString = NULL;
static NvVFX_GetU32_t NvVFX_GetU32 = NULL;
static NvVFX_GetS32_t NvVFX_GetS32 = NULL;
static NvVFX_GetF32_t NvVFX_GetF32 = NULL;
static NvVFX_GetF64_t NvVFX_GetF64 = NULL;
static NvVFX_GetU64_t NvVFX_GetU64 = NULL;
static NvVFX_GetObject_t NvVFX_GetObject = NULL;
static NvVFX_GetCudaStream_t NvVFX_GetCudaStream = NULL;
static NvVFX_GetImage_t NvVFX_GetImage = NULL;
static NvVFX_GetString_t NvVFX_GetString = NULL;
static NvVFX_Run_t NvVFX_Run = NULL;
static NvVFX_Load_t NvVFX_Load = NULL;
static NvVFX_CudaStreamCreate_t NvVFX_CudaStreamCreate = NULL;
static NvVFX_CudaStreamDestroy_t NvVFX_CudaStreamDestroy = NULL;
/* nvvfx sdk >= 0.7.0 */
static NvVFX_SetStateObjectHandleArray_t NvVFX_SetStateObjectHandleArray = NULL;
static NvVFX_AllocateState_t NvVFX_AllocateState = NULL;
static NvVFX_DeallocateState_t NvVFX_DeallocateState = NULL;
static NvVFX_ResetState_t NvVFX_ResetState = NULL;
/*nvcvimage */
static NvCVImage_Init_t NvCVImage_Init = NULL;
static NvCVImage_InitView_t NvCVImage_InitView = NULL;
static NvCVImage_Alloc_t NvCVImage_Alloc = NULL;
static NvCVImage_Realloc_t NvCVImage_Realloc = NULL;
static NvCVImage_Dealloc_t NvCVImage_Dealloc = NULL;
static NvCVImage_Create_t NvCVImage_Create = NULL;
static NvCVImage_Destroy_t NvCVImage_Destroy = NULL;
static NvCVImage_ComponentOffsets_t NvCVImage_ComponentOffsets = NULL;
static NvCVImage_Transfer_t NvCVImage_Transfer = NULL;
static NvCVImage_TransferRect_t NvCVImage_TransferRect = NULL;
static NvCVImage_TransferFromYUV_t NvCVImage_TransferFromYUV = NULL;
static NvCVImage_TransferToYUV_t NvCVImage_TransferToYUV = NULL;
static NvCVImage_MapResource_t NvCVImage_MapResource = NULL;
static NvCVImage_UnmapResource_t NvCVImage_UnmapResource = NULL;
static NvCVImage_Composite_t NvCVImage_Composite = NULL;
static NvCVImage_CompositeRect_t NvCVImage_CompositeRect = NULL;
static NvCVImage_CompositeOverConstant_t NvCVImage_CompositeOverConstant = NULL;
static NvCVImage_FlipY_t NvCVImage_FlipY = NULL;
static NvCVImage_GetYUVPointers_t NvCVImage_GetYUVPointers = NULL;
/* nvcvimage D3D*/
static NvCVImage_ToD3DFormat_t NvCVImage_ToD3DFormat = NULL;
static NvCVImage_FromD3DFormat_t NvCVImage_FromD3DFormat = NULL;
static NvCVImage_ToD3DColorSpace_t NvCVImage_ToD3DColorSpace = NULL;
static NvCVImage_FromD3DColorSpace_t NvCVImage_FromD3DColorSpace = NULL;
static NvCVImage_InitFromD3D11Texture_t NvCVImage_InitFromD3D11Texture = NULL;
/* error codes */
static NvCV_GetErrorStringFromCode_t NvCV_GetErrorStringFromCode = NULL;
/* cuda runtime */
static cudaMalloc_t cudaMalloc = NULL;
static cudaStreamSynchronize_t cudaStreamSynchronize = NULL;
static cudaFree_t cudaFree = NULL;
static cudaMemcpy_t cudaMemcpy = NULL;
static cudaMemsetAsync_t cudaMemsetAsync = NULL;
static inline void release_nv_vfx()
NvVFX_CreateEffect = NULL;
NvVFX_CudaStreamCreate = NULL;
NvVFX_CudaStreamDestroy = NULL;
NvVFX_DestroyEffect = NULL;
NvVFX_GetCudaStream = NULL;
NvCV_GetErrorStringFromCode = NULL;
NvVFX_GetF32 = NULL;
NvVFX_GetF64 = NULL;
NvVFX_GetImage = NULL;
NvVFX_GetObject = NULL;
NvVFX_GetS32 = NULL;
NvVFX_GetString = NULL;
NvVFX_GetU32 = NULL;
NvVFX_GetU64 = NULL;
NvVFX_GetVersion = NULL;
NvVFX_Load = NULL;
NvVFX_SetCudaStream = NULL;
NvVFX_SetF32 = NULL;
NvVFX_SetF64 = NULL;
NvVFX_SetImage = NULL;
NvVFX_SetObject = NULL;
NvVFX_SetS32 = NULL;
NvVFX_SetString = NULL;
NvVFX_SetU32 = NULL;
NvVFX_SetU64 = NULL;
NvVFX_SetStateObjectHandleArray = NULL;
NvVFX_AllocateState = NULL;
NvVFX_DeallocateState = NULL;
NvVFX_ResetState = NULL;
if (nv_videofx) {
nv_videofx = NULL;
NvCVImage_Alloc = NULL;
NvCVImage_ComponentOffsets = NULL;
NvCVImage_Composite = NULL;
NvCVImage_CompositeRect = NULL;
NvCVImage_CompositeOverConstant = NULL;
NvCVImage_Create = NULL;
NvCVImage_Dealloc = NULL;
NvCVImage_Destroy = NULL;
NvCVImage_Init = NULL;
NvCVImage_InitView = NULL;
NvCVImage_Realloc = NULL;
NvCVImage_Transfer = NULL;
NvCVImage_TransferRect = NULL;
NvCVImage_TransferFromYUV = NULL;
NvCVImage_TransferToYUV = NULL;
NvCVImage_MapResource = NULL;
NvCVImage_UnmapResource = NULL;
NvCVImage_InitFromD3D11Texture = NULL;
NvCVImage_FlipY = NULL;
NvCVImage_GetYUVPointers = NULL;
NvCVImage_ToD3DFormat = NULL;
NvCVImage_FromD3DFormat = NULL;
NvCVImage_ToD3DColorSpace = NULL;
NvCVImage_FromD3DColorSpace = NULL;
if (nv_cvimage) {
nv_cvimage = NULL;
cudaMalloc = NULL;
cudaStreamSynchronize = NULL;
cudaFree = NULL;
cudaMemcpy = NULL;
cudaMemsetAsync = NULL;
if (nv_cudart) {
nv_cudart = NULL;
static inline void nvvfx_get_sdk_path(char *buffer, const size_t len)
DWORD ret = GetEnvironmentVariableA("NV_VIDEO_EFFECTS_PATH", buffer,
if (!ret || ret >= len - 1) {
char path[MAX_PATH];
GetEnvironmentVariableA("ProgramFiles", path, MAX_PATH);
size_t max_len = sizeof(path) / sizeof(char);
snprintf(buffer, max_len,
"%s\\NVIDIA Corporation\\NVIDIA Video Effects", path);
static inline bool load_nv_vfx_libs()
char fullPath[MAX_PATH];
nvvfx_get_sdk_path(fullPath, MAX_PATH);
nv_videofx = LoadLibrary(L"NVVideoEffects.dll");
nv_cvimage = LoadLibrary(L"NVCVImage.dll");
nv_cudart = LoadLibrary(L"cudart64_110.dll");
return !!nv_videofx && !!nv_cvimage && !!nv_cudart;
static unsigned int get_lib_version(void)
static unsigned int version = 0;
static bool version_checked = false;
if (version_checked)
return version;
version_checked = true;
char path[MAX_PATH];
nvvfx_get_sdk_path(path, sizeof(path));
struct win_version_info nto_ver = {0};
if (get_dll_ver(L"NVVideoEffects.dll", &nto_ver))
version = nto_ver.major << 24 | nto_ver.minor << 16 |
nto_ver.build << 8 | nto_ver.revis << 0;
return version;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __cplusplus