2023-03-27 13:39:03 +00:00

10 lines
1.7 KiB

AMFOpts.ToolTip="Use to specify custom AMF or FFmpeg options. For example, \"level=5.2 profile=main\". Check the AMF encoder docs for more details."
NVENC.LookAhead.ToolTip="Enables dynamic B-frames.\n\nIf disabled, the encoder will always use the number of B-frames specified in the 'Max B-frames' setting.\n\nIf enabled, it will increase visual quality by only using however many B-frames are necessary, up to the maximum,\nat the cost of increased GPU utilisation."
NVENC.PsychoVisualTuning.ToolTip="Enables encoder settings that optimise the use of bitrate for increased perceived visual quality,\nespecially in situations with high motion, at the cost of increased GPU utilisation."
ColorRange="YUV Colour Range"
AMF.GenericError="Try installing the latest <a href=\"https://obsproject.com/go/amd-drivers\">AMD driver</a> and closing other recording software that might be using the AMD encoder such as the Radeon Software or Windows Game DVR."
NVENC.GenericError="Try installing the latest <a href=\"https://obsproject.com/go/nvidia-drivers\">NVIDIA driver</a> and closing other recording software that might be using NVENC such as NVIDIA ShadowPlay or Windows Game DVR."
NVENC.OutdatedDriver="The installed NVIDIA driver does not support this NVENC version, try <a href=\"https://obsproject.com/go/nvidia-drivers\">updating the driver</a>."
NVENC.UnsupportedDevice="NVENC Error: Unsupported device. Check that your video card <a href=\"https://obsproject.com/go/nvenc-matrix\">supports NVENC</a> and try <a href=\"https://obsproject.com/go/nvidia-drivers\">updating the driver</a>."
NVENC.CheckDrivers="Try installing the latest <a href=\"https://obsproject.com/go/nvidia-drivers\">NVIDIA driver</a>."