2014-07-19 01:38:42 +02:00

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Compilation instructions! Temporary quick compilation instructions!
Will give better instructions later when things are in a more complete state.
- Use VS2013, as obs-studio uses C99 and C++11
- Download latest FFmpeg repositories and Qt5 release
- Create a windows environment variable FFmpegPath. Set it to your FFmpeg
repo path
- Create a windows environment variable QTDIR. Set it to your
Qt5 install path
- Compile FFmpeg and Qt5(Until they release a binary VS2013 version).
They should both be compiled with VS2013.
For compiling FFmpeg, see http://ffmpeg.org/platform.html#Windows
- Create two directories in FFmpeg directory, lib32 and lib64. Place the
lib files generated by FFmpeg into these directories for the respective
- If compiling FFmpeg with shared libraries (DLLs), place the DLLs into
build/bin/32bit and/or build/bin/64bit respectively
- Compile project with VS2013, and it should be good to go.
- NOTE: Direct3D 11 library may require D3Dcompiler_47.dll to be present
in both the obs-studio/build/bin/32bit and obs-studio/build/bin/64bit
- Use macports or homebrew and get FFmpeg, glew and cmake.
- In a terminal, go to the obs-studio directory create a cmbuild subdir
and change to it, then to build, type: cmake .. && make
- It builds in a modular structure similar to windows, where everything
necessary to run the program is compiled to cmbuild/rundir
- You can also use ccmake to create an app bundle, which makes it so you
don't have to use the terminal to execute it from the correct directory
- You need a fairly recent Linux distribution.
Ubuntu 14.04 or a similar recent Linux distribution works fine, but
anything that's up-to-date should work.
Ubuntu 13.10 or older will _not_ work because of the ancient
version of libav they use.
- Because Ubuntu and Debian come with libav instead of ffmpeg, you have
to get the original ffmpeg. Recommended:
For Ubuntu 14.04:
For Debian:
- There is also a ppa available in case you do not want to compile
yourself(Ubuntu 14.04 only):
- Build dependencies on Ubuntu 14.04 with ppa from above:
cmake libpulse-dev qtbase5-dev libqt5x11extras5-dev libavcodec-dev
libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libx264-dev libswresample-dev
libfdk-aac-dev libxinerama-dev libxcomposite-dev libxrandr-dev
- Building in portable mode(assuming you are in a terminal in the
obs-studio base dir):
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DUNIX_STRUCTURE=0 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${HOME}/obs-studio-portable" ..
make -j4 && make install
- After that you should have a portable install in ~/obs-studio-portable
Change to bin/64bit or bin/32bit and run ./obs to run it.
- If you want to install obs-studio into your system, it's recommended
to use checkinstall instead of a plain make install. It allows for a
clean uninstall and allows the package manager to keep track of the
installed files:
sudo apt-get install checkinstall
mkdir build && cd build
make -j4
sudo checkinstall