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synced 2025-03-06 16:58:28 +00:00
Merge pull request #2262 from bcambl/additional_tests
additonal test coverage for installer
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 748 additions and 154 deletions
@ -3,6 +3,11 @@
# Created by https://www.gitignore.io/api/jetbrains+iml
@ -7,4 +7,6 @@ python:
- pip install -r requirements.txt
script: py.test -vv
# tox.ini handles setup, ordering of docker build first, and then run tests
- tox
@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ pytest
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
from setuptools import setup
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Recommended way to run tests
Make sure you have Docker and Python w/pip package manager.
From command line all you need to do is:
- `pip install tox`
- `tox`
Tox handles setting up a virtual environment for python dependancies, installing dependancies, building the docker images used by tests, and finally running tests. It's an easy way to have travis-ci like build behavior locally.
## Alternative py.test method of running tests
You're responsible for setting up your virtual env and dependancies in this situation.
py.test -vv -n auto -m "build_stage"
py.test -vv -n auto -m "not build_stage"
The build_stage tests have to run first to create the docker images, followed by the actual tests which utilize said images. Unless you're changing your dockerfiles you shouldn't have to run the build_stage every time - but it's a good idea to rebuild at least once a day in case the base Docker images or packages change.
# How do I debug python?
Highly recommended: Setup PyCharm on a **Docker enabled** machine. Having a python debugger like PyCharm changes your life if you've never used it :)
@ -1,14 +1,30 @@
import pytest
import testinfra
from textwrap import dedent
check_output = testinfra.get_backend(
'IPV6_ADDRESS': 'FE80::240:D0FF:FE48:4672',
'PIHOLE_DNS_1': '',
'PIHOLE_DNS_2': ''
tick_box = "[\x1b[1;32m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[0m]".decode("utf-8")
cross_box = "[\x1b[1;31m\xe2\x9c\x97\x1b[0m]".decode("utf-8")
info_box = "[i]".decode("utf-8")
def Pihole(Docker):
''' used to contain some script stubbing, now pretty much an alias.
Also provides bash as the default run function shell '''
used to contain some script stubbing, now pretty much an alias.
Also provides bash as the default run function shell
def run_bash(self, command, *args, **kwargs):
cmd = self.get_command(command, *args)
if self.user is not None:
@ -22,12 +38,18 @@ def Pihole(Docker):
return out
funcType = type(Docker.run)
Docker.run = funcType(run_bash, Docker, testinfra.backend.docker.DockerBackend)
Docker.run = funcType(run_bash,
return Docker
def Docker(request, args, image, cmd):
''' combine our fixtures into a docker run command and setup finalizer to cleanup '''
combine our fixtures into a docker run command and setup finalizer to
assert 'docker' in check_output('id'), "Are you in the docker group?"
docker_run = "docker run {} {} {}".format(args, image, cmd)
docker_id = check_output(docker_run)
@ -40,22 +62,95 @@ def Docker(request, args, image, cmd):
docker_container.id = docker_id
return docker_container
def args(request):
''' -t became required when tput began being used '''
-t became required when tput began being used
return '-t -d'
@pytest.fixture(params=['debian', 'centos'])
@pytest.fixture(params=['debian', 'centos', 'fedora'])
def tag(request):
''' consumed by image to make the test matrix '''
consumed by image to make the test matrix
return request.param
def image(request, tag):
''' built by test_000_build_containers.py '''
built by test_000_build_containers.py
return 'pytest_pihole:{}'.format(tag)
def cmd(request):
''' default to doing nothing by tailing null, but don't exit '''
default to doing nothing by tailing null, but don't exit
return 'tail -f /dev/null'
# Helper functions
def mock_command(script, args, container):
Allows for setup of commands we don't really want to have to run for real
in unit tests
full_script_path = '/usr/local/bin/{}'.format(script)
mock_script = dedent('''\
#!/bin/bash -e
echo "\$0 \$@" >> /var/log/{script}
case "\$1" in'''.format(script=script))
for k, v in args.iteritems():
case = dedent('''
echo {res}
exit {retcode}
;;'''.format(arg=k, res=v[0], retcode=v[1]))
mock_script += case
mock_script += dedent('''
cat <<EOF> {script}\n{content}\nEOF
chmod +x {script}
rm -f /var/log/{scriptlog}'''.format(script=full_script_path,
def mock_command_2(script, args, container):
Allows for setup of commands we don't really want to have to run for real
in unit tests
full_script_path = '/usr/local/bin/{}'.format(script)
mock_script = dedent('''\
#!/bin/bash -e
echo "\$0 \$@" >> /var/log/{script}
case "\$1 \$2" in'''.format(script=script))
for k, v in args.iteritems():
case = dedent('''
echo \"{res}\"
exit {retcode}
;;'''.format(arg=k, res=v[0], retcode=v[1]))
mock_script += case
mock_script += dedent('''
cat <<EOF> {script}\n{content}\nEOF
chmod +x {script}
rm -f /var/log/{scriptlog}'''.format(script=full_script_path,
def run_script(Pihole, script):
result = Pihole.run(script)
assert result.rc == 0
return result
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
FROM fedora:latest
ENV GITDIR /etc/.pihole
ENV SCRIPTDIR /opt/pihole
RUN mkdir -p $GITDIR $SCRIPTDIR /etc/pihole
RUN cp $GITDIR/advanced/Scripts/*.sh $GITDIR/gravity.sh $GITDIR/pihole $GITDIR/automated\ install/*.sh $SCRIPTDIR/
ENV PATH /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:$SCRIPTDIR
RUN true && \
chmod +x $SCRIPTDIR/*
#sed '/# Start the installer/Q' /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh > /opt/pihole/stub_basic-install.sh && \
@ -6,10 +6,15 @@ run_local = testinfra.get_backend(
@pytest.mark.parametrize("image,tag", [
( 'test/debian.Dockerfile', 'pytest_pihole:debian' ),
( 'test/centos.Dockerfile', 'pytest_pihole:centos' ),
('test/debian.Dockerfile', 'pytest_pihole:debian'),
('test/centos.Dockerfile', 'pytest_pihole:centos'),
('test/fedora.Dockerfile', 'pytest_pihole:fedora'),
# mark as 'build_stage' so we can ensure images are build first when tests
# are executed in parallel. (not required when tests are executed serially)
def test_build_pihole_image(image, tag):
build_cmd = run_local('docker build -f {} -t {} .'.format(image, tag))
if build_cmd.rc != 0:
@ -1,24 +1,40 @@
import pytest
from textwrap import dedent
import re
from conftest import (
'IPV4_ADDRESS' : '',
'IPV6_ADDRESS' : 'FE80::240:D0FF:FE48:4672',
'PIHOLE_DNS_1' : '',
'PIHOLE_DNS_2' : ''
def test_supported_operating_system(Pihole):
confirm installer exists on unsupported distribution
# break supported package managers to emulate an unsupported distribution
Pihole.run('rm -rf /usr/bin/apt-get')
Pihole.run('rm -rf /usr/bin/rpm')
distro_check = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
expected_stdout = cross_box + ' OS distribution not supported'
assert expected_stdout in distro_check.stdout
# assert distro_check.rc == 1
def test_setupVars_are_sourced_to_global_scope(Pihole):
''' currently update_dialogs sources setupVars with a dot,
currently update_dialogs sources setupVars with a dot,
then various other functions use the variables.
This confirms the sourced variables are in scope between functions '''
This confirms the sourced variables are in scope between functions
setup_var_file = 'cat <<EOF> /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf\n'
for k,v in SETUPVARS.iteritems():
for k, v in SETUPVARS.iteritems():
setup_var_file += "{}={}\n".format(k, v)
setup_var_file += "EOF\n"
@ -43,13 +59,17 @@ def test_setupVars_are_sourced_to_global_scope(Pihole):
output = run_script(Pihole, script).stdout
for k,v in SETUPVARS.iteritems():
for k, v in SETUPVARS.iteritems():
assert "{}={}".format(k, v) in output
def test_setupVars_saved_to_file(Pihole):
''' confirm saved settings are written to a file for future updates to re-use '''
set_setup_vars = '\n' # dedent works better with this and padding matching script below
for k,v in SETUPVARS.iteritems():
confirm saved settings are written to a file for future updates to re-use
# dedent works better with this and padding matching script below
set_setup_vars = '\n'
for k, v in SETUPVARS.iteritems():
set_setup_vars += " {}={}\n".format(k, v)
@ -67,15 +87,18 @@ def test_setupVars_saved_to_file(Pihole):
output = run_script(Pihole, script).stdout
for k,v in SETUPVARS.iteritems():
for k, v in SETUPVARS.iteritems():
assert "{}={}".format(k, v) in output
def test_configureFirewall_firewalld_running_no_errors(Pihole):
''' confirms firewalld rules are applied when firewallD is running '''
confirms firewalld rules are applied when firewallD is running
# firewallD returns 'running' as status
mock_command('firewall-cmd', {'*':('running', 0)}, Pihole)
mock_command('firewall-cmd', {'*': ('running', 0)}, Pihole)
# Whiptail dialog returns Ok for user prompt
mock_command('whiptail', {'*':('', 0)}, Pihole)
mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', 0)}, Pihole)
configureFirewall = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -84,26 +107,37 @@ def test_configureFirewall_firewalld_running_no_errors(Pihole):
assert expected_stdout in configureFirewall.stdout
firewall_calls = Pihole.run('cat /var/log/firewall-cmd').stdout
assert 'firewall-cmd --state' in firewall_calls
assert 'firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http --add-service=dns' in firewall_calls
assert ('firewall-cmd '
'--permanent '
'--add-service=http '
'--add-service=dns') in firewall_calls
assert 'firewall-cmd --reload' in firewall_calls
def test_configureFirewall_firewalld_disabled_no_errors(Pihole):
''' confirms firewalld rules are not applied when firewallD is not running '''
confirms firewalld rules are not applied when firewallD is not running
# firewallD returns non-running status
mock_command('firewall-cmd', {'*':('not running', '1')}, Pihole)
mock_command('firewall-cmd', {'*': ('not running', '1')}, Pihole)
configureFirewall = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
expected_stdout = 'No active firewall detected.. skipping firewall configuration'
expected_stdout = ('No active firewall detected.. '
'skipping firewall configuration')
assert expected_stdout in configureFirewall.stdout
def test_configureFirewall_firewalld_enabled_declined_no_errors(Pihole):
''' confirms firewalld rules are not applied when firewallD is running, user declines ruleset '''
confirms firewalld rules are not applied when firewallD is running, user
declines ruleset
# firewallD returns running status
mock_command('firewall-cmd', {'*':('running', 0)}, Pihole)
mock_command('firewall-cmd', {'*': ('running', 0)}, Pihole)
# Whiptail dialog returns Cancel for user prompt
mock_command('whiptail', {'*':('', 1)}, Pihole)
mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', 1)}, Pihole)
configureFirewall = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -111,6 +145,7 @@ def test_configureFirewall_firewalld_enabled_declined_no_errors(Pihole):
expected_stdout = 'Not installing firewall rulesets.'
assert expected_stdout in configureFirewall.stdout
def test_configureFirewall_no_firewall(Pihole):
''' confirms firewall skipped no daemon is running '''
configureFirewall = Pihole.run('''
@ -120,14 +155,18 @@ def test_configureFirewall_no_firewall(Pihole):
expected_stdout = 'No active firewall detected'
assert expected_stdout in configureFirewall.stdout
def test_configureFirewall_IPTables_enabled_declined_no_errors(Pihole):
''' confirms IPTables rules are not applied when IPTables is running, user declines ruleset '''
confirms IPTables rules are not applied when IPTables is running, user
declines ruleset
# iptables command exists
mock_command('iptables', {'*':('', '0')}, Pihole)
mock_command('iptables', {'*': ('', '0')}, Pihole)
# modinfo returns always true (ip_tables module check)
mock_command('modinfo', {'*':('', '0')}, Pihole)
mock_command('modinfo', {'*': ('', '0')}, Pihole)
# Whiptail dialog returns Cancel for user prompt
mock_command('whiptail', {'*':('', '1')}, Pihole)
mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '1')}, Pihole)
configureFirewall = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -135,14 +174,19 @@ def test_configureFirewall_IPTables_enabled_declined_no_errors(Pihole):
expected_stdout = 'Not installing firewall rulesets.'
assert expected_stdout in configureFirewall.stdout
def test_configureFirewall_IPTables_enabled_rules_exist_no_errors(Pihole):
''' confirms IPTables rules are not applied when IPTables is running and rules exist '''
# iptables command exists and returns 0 on calls (should return 0 on iptables -C)
mock_command('iptables', {'-S':('-P INPUT DENY', '0')}, Pihole)
confirms IPTables rules are not applied when IPTables is running and rules
# iptables command exists and returns 0 on calls
# (should return 0 on iptables -C)
mock_command('iptables', {'-S': ('-P INPUT DENY', '0')}, Pihole)
# modinfo returns always true (ip_tables module check)
mock_command('modinfo', {'*':('', '0')}, Pihole)
mock_command('modinfo', {'*': ('', '0')}, Pihole)
# Whiptail dialog returns Cancel for user prompt
mock_command('whiptail', {'*':('', '0')}, Pihole)
mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '0')}, Pihole)
configureFirewall = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -150,18 +194,46 @@ def test_configureFirewall_IPTables_enabled_rules_exist_no_errors(Pihole):
expected_stdout = 'Installing new IPTables firewall rulesets'
assert expected_stdout in configureFirewall.stdout
firewall_calls = Pihole.run('cat /var/log/iptables').stdout
assert 'iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT' not in firewall_calls
assert 'iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT' not in firewall_calls
assert 'iptables -I INPUT 1 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT' not in firewall_calls
# General call type occurances
assert len(re.findall(r'iptables -S', firewall_calls)) == 1
assert len(re.findall(r'iptables -C', firewall_calls)) == 4
assert len(re.findall(r'iptables -I', firewall_calls)) == 0
# Specific port call occurances
assert len(re.findall(r'tcp --dport 80', firewall_calls)) == 1
assert len(re.findall(r'tcp --dport 53', firewall_calls)) == 1
assert len(re.findall(r'udp --dport 53', firewall_calls)) == 1
assert len(re.findall(r'tcp --dport 4711:4720', firewall_calls)) == 1
def test_configureFirewall_IPTables_enabled_not_exist_no_errors(Pihole):
''' confirms IPTables rules are applied when IPTables is running and rules do not exist '''
confirms IPTables rules are applied when IPTables is running and rules do
not exist
# iptables command and returns 0 on calls (should return 1 on iptables -C)
mock_command('iptables', {'-S':('-P INPUT DENY', '0'), '-C':('', 1), '-I':('', 0)}, Pihole)
'-S': (
'-C': (
'-I': (
# modinfo returns always true (ip_tables module check)
mock_command('modinfo', {'*':('', '0')}, Pihole)
mock_command('modinfo', {'*': ('', '0')}, Pihole)
# Whiptail dialog returns Cancel for user prompt
mock_command('whiptail', {'*':('', '0')}, Pihole)
mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '0')}, Pihole)
configureFirewall = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -169,52 +241,160 @@ def test_configureFirewall_IPTables_enabled_not_exist_no_errors(Pihole):
expected_stdout = 'Installing new IPTables firewall rulesets'
assert expected_stdout in configureFirewall.stdout
firewall_calls = Pihole.run('cat /var/log/iptables').stdout
assert 'iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT' in firewall_calls
assert 'iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT' in firewall_calls
assert 'iptables -I INPUT 1 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT' in firewall_calls
# General call type occurances
assert len(re.findall(r'iptables -S', firewall_calls)) == 1
assert len(re.findall(r'iptables -C', firewall_calls)) == 4
assert len(re.findall(r'iptables -I', firewall_calls)) == 4
# Specific port call occurances
assert len(re.findall(r'tcp --dport 80', firewall_calls)) == 2
assert len(re.findall(r'tcp --dport 53', firewall_calls)) == 2
assert len(re.findall(r'udp --dport 53', firewall_calls)) == 2
assert len(re.findall(r'tcp --dport 4711:4720', firewall_calls)) == 2
def test_selinux_enforcing_default_exit(Pihole):
confirms installer prompts to exit when SELinux is Enforcing by default
# getenforce returns the running state of SELinux
mock_command('getenforce', {'*': ('Enforcing', '0')}, Pihole)
# Whiptail dialog returns Cancel for user prompt
mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '1')}, Pihole)
check_selinux = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
expected_stdout = info_box + ' SELinux mode detected: Enforcing'
assert expected_stdout in check_selinux.stdout
expected_stdout = 'SELinux Enforcing detected, exiting installer'
assert expected_stdout in check_selinux.stdout
assert check_selinux.rc == 1
def test_selinux_enforcing_continue(Pihole):
confirms installer prompts to continue with custom policy warning
# getenforce returns the running state of SELinux
mock_command('getenforce', {'*': ('Enforcing', '0')}, Pihole)
# Whiptail dialog returns Continue for user prompt
mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '0')}, Pihole)
check_selinux = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
expected_stdout = info_box + ' SELinux mode detected: Enforcing'
assert expected_stdout in check_selinux.stdout
expected_stdout = info_box + (' Continuing installation with SELinux '
assert expected_stdout in check_selinux.stdout
expected_stdout = info_box + (' Please refer to official SELinux '
'documentation to create a custom policy')
assert expected_stdout in check_selinux.stdout
assert check_selinux.rc == 0
def test_selinux_permissive(Pihole):
confirms installer continues when SELinux is Permissive
# getenforce returns the running state of SELinux
mock_command('getenforce', {'*': ('Permissive', '0')}, Pihole)
check_selinux = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
expected_stdout = info_box + ' SELinux mode detected: Permissive'
assert expected_stdout in check_selinux.stdout
assert check_selinux.rc == 0
def test_selinux_disabled(Pihole):
confirms installer continues when SELinux is Disabled
mock_command('getenforce', {'*': ('Disabled', '0')}, Pihole)
check_selinux = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
expected_stdout = info_box + ' SELinux mode detected: Disabled'
assert expected_stdout in check_selinux.stdout
assert check_selinux.rc == 0
def test_installPiholeWeb_fresh_install_no_errors(Pihole):
''' confirms all web page assets from Core repo are installed on a fresh build '''
confirms all web page assets from Core repo are installed on a fresh build
installWeb = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
assert info_box + ' Installing blocking page...' in installWeb.stdout
assert tick_box + ' Creating directory for blocking page, and copying files' in installWeb.stdout
assert cross_box + ' Backing up index.lighttpd.html' in installWeb.stdout
assert 'No default index.lighttpd.html file found... not backing up' in installWeb.stdout
assert tick_box + ' Installing sudoer file' in installWeb.stdout
expected_stdout = info_box + ' Installing blocking page...'
assert expected_stdout in installWeb.stdout
expected_stdout = tick_box + (' Creating directory for blocking page, '
'and copying files')
assert expected_stdout in installWeb.stdout
expected_stdout = cross_box + ' Backing up index.lighttpd.html'
assert expected_stdout in installWeb.stdout
expected_stdout = ('No default index.lighttpd.html file found... '
'not backing up')
assert expected_stdout in installWeb.stdout
expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Installing sudoer file'
assert expected_stdout in installWeb.stdout
web_directory = Pihole.run('ls -r /var/www/html/pihole').stdout
assert 'index.php' in web_directory
assert 'blockingpage.css' in web_directory
def test_update_package_cache_success_no_errors(Pihole):
''' confirms package cache was updated without any errors'''
confirms package cache was updated without any errors
updateCache = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
assert tick_box + ' Update local cache of available packages' in updateCache.stdout
assert 'Error: Unable to update package cache.' not in updateCache.stdout
expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Update local cache of available packages'
assert expected_stdout in updateCache.stdout
assert 'error' not in updateCache.stdout.lower()
def test_update_package_cache_failure_no_errors(Pihole):
''' confirms package cache was not updated'''
mock_command('apt-get', {'update':('', '1')}, Pihole)
confirms package cache was not updated
mock_command('apt-get', {'update': ('', '1')}, Pihole)
updateCache = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
assert cross_box + ' Update local cache of available packages' in updateCache.stdout
expected_stdout = cross_box + ' Update local cache of available packages'
assert expected_stdout in updateCache.stdout
assert 'Error: Unable to update package cache.' in updateCache.stdout
def test_FTL_detect_aarch64_no_errors(Pihole):
''' confirms only aarch64 package is downloaded for FTL engine '''
confirms only aarch64 package is downloaded for FTL engine
# mock uname to return aarch64 platform
mock_command('uname', {'-m':('aarch64', '0')}, Pihole)
mock_command('uname', {'-m': ('aarch64', '0')}, Pihole)
# mock ldd to respond with aarch64 shared library
mock_command('ldd', {'/bin/ls':('/lib/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1', '0')}, Pihole)
'/bin/ls': (
detectPlatform = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -226,29 +406,36 @@ def test_FTL_detect_aarch64_no_errors(Pihole):
expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Downloading and Installing FTL'
assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout
def test_FTL_detect_armv6l_no_errors(Pihole):
''' confirms only armv6l package is downloaded for FTL engine '''
confirms only armv6l package is downloaded for FTL engine
# mock uname to return armv6l platform
mock_command('uname', {'-m':('armv6l', '0')}, Pihole)
mock_command('uname', {'-m': ('armv6l', '0')}, Pihole)
# mock ldd to respond with aarch64 shared library
mock_command('ldd', {'/bin/ls':('/lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3', '0')}, Pihole)
mock_command('ldd', {'/bin/ls': ('/lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3', '0')}, Pihole)
detectPlatform = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
expected_stdout = info_box + ' FTL Checks...'
assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout
expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Detected ARM-hf architecture (armv6 or lower)'
expected_stdout = tick_box + (' Detected ARM-hf architecture '
'(armv6 or lower)')
assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout
expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Downloading and Installing FTL'
assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout
def test_FTL_detect_armv7l_no_errors(Pihole):
''' confirms only armv7l package is downloaded for FTL engine '''
confirms only armv7l package is downloaded for FTL engine
# mock uname to return armv7l platform
mock_command('uname', {'-m':('armv7l', '0')}, Pihole)
mock_command('uname', {'-m': ('armv7l', '0')}, Pihole)
# mock ldd to respond with aarch64 shared library
mock_command('ldd', {'/bin/ls':('/lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3', '0')}, Pihole)
mock_command('ldd', {'/bin/ls': ('/lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3', '0')}, Pihole)
detectPlatform = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -260,8 +447,11 @@ def test_FTL_detect_armv7l_no_errors(Pihole):
expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Downloading and Installing FTL'
assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout
def test_FTL_detect_x86_64_no_errors(Pihole):
''' confirms only x86_64 package is downloaded for FTL engine '''
confirms only x86_64 package is downloaded for FTL engine
detectPlatform = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -273,10 +463,11 @@ def test_FTL_detect_x86_64_no_errors(Pihole):
expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Downloading and Installing FTL'
assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout
def test_FTL_detect_unknown_no_errors(Pihole):
''' confirms only generic package is downloaded for FTL engine '''
# mock uname to return generic platform
mock_command('uname', {'-m':('mips', '0')}, Pihole)
mock_command('uname', {'-m': ('mips', '0')}, Pihole)
detectPlatform = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -284,8 +475,11 @@ def test_FTL_detect_unknown_no_errors(Pihole):
expected_stdout = 'Not able to detect architecture (unknown: mips)'
assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout
def test_FTL_download_aarch64_no_errors(Pihole):
''' confirms only aarch64 package is downloaded for FTL engine '''
confirms only aarch64 package is downloaded for FTL engine
# mock uname to return generic platform
download_binary = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -293,13 +487,13 @@ def test_FTL_download_aarch64_no_errors(Pihole):
expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Downloading and Installing FTL'
assert expected_stdout in download_binary.stdout
error = 'Error: Download of binary from Github failed'
assert error not in download_binary.stdout
error = 'Error: URL not found'
assert error not in download_binary.stdout
assert 'error' not in download_binary.stdout.lower()
def test_FTL_download_unknown_fails_no_errors(Pihole):
''' confirms unknown binary is not downloaded for FTL engine '''
confirms unknown binary is not downloaded for FTL engine
# mock uname to return generic platform
download_binary = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -310,8 +504,11 @@ def test_FTL_download_unknown_fails_no_errors(Pihole):
error = 'Error: URL not found'
assert error in download_binary.stdout
def test_FTL_binary_installed_and_responsive_no_errors(Pihole):
''' confirms FTL binary is copied and functional in installed location '''
confirms FTL binary is copied and functional in installed location
installed_binary = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -320,8 +517,11 @@ def test_FTL_binary_installed_and_responsive_no_errors(Pihole):
expected_stdout = 'v'
assert expected_stdout in installed_binary.stdout
# def test_FTL_support_files_installed(Pihole):
# ''' confirms FTL support files are installed '''
# '''
# confirms FTL support files are installed
# '''
# support_files = Pihole.run('''
# source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
# FTLdetect
@ -334,21 +534,46 @@ def test_FTL_binary_installed_and_responsive_no_errors(Pihole):
# assert '644 /run/pihole-FTL.pid' in support_files.stdout
# assert '644 /var/log/pihole-FTL.log' in support_files.stdout
def test_IPv6_only_link_local(Pihole):
''' confirms IPv6 blocking is disabled for Link-local address '''
confirms IPv6 blocking is disabled for Link-local address
# mock ip -6 address to return Link-local address
mock_command_2('ip', {'-6 address':('inet6 fe80::d210:52fa:fe00:7ad7/64 scope link', '0')}, Pihole)
'-6 address': (
'inet6 fe80::d210:52fa:fe00:7ad7/64 scope link',
detectPlatform = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
expected_stdout = 'Unable to find IPv6 ULA/GUA address, IPv6 adblocking will not be enabled'
expected_stdout = ('Unable to find IPv6 ULA/GUA address, '
'IPv6 adblocking will not be enabled')
assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout
def test_IPv6_only_ULA(Pihole):
''' confirms IPv6 blocking is enabled for ULA addresses '''
confirms IPv6 blocking is enabled for ULA addresses
# mock ip -6 address to return ULA address
mock_command_2('ip', {'-6 address':('inet6 fda2:2001:5555:0:d210:52fa:fe00:7ad7/64 scope global', '0')}, Pihole)
'-6 address': (
'inet6 fda2:2001:5555:0:d210:52fa:fe00:7ad7/64 scope global',
detectPlatform = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -356,10 +581,22 @@ def test_IPv6_only_ULA(Pihole):
expected_stdout = 'Found IPv6 ULA address, using it for blocking IPv6 ads'
assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout
def test_IPv6_only_GUA(Pihole):
''' confirms IPv6 blocking is enabled for GUA addresses '''
confirms IPv6 blocking is enabled for GUA addresses
# mock ip -6 address to return GUA address
mock_command_2('ip', {'-6 address':('inet6 2003:12:1e43:301:d210:52fa:fe00:7ad7/64 scope global', '0')}, Pihole)
'-6 address': (
'inet6 2003:12:1e43:301:d210:52fa:fe00:7ad7/64 scope global',
detectPlatform = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -367,10 +604,23 @@ def test_IPv6_only_GUA(Pihole):
expected_stdout = 'Found IPv6 GUA address, using it for blocking IPv6 ads'
assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout
def test_IPv6_GUA_ULA_test(Pihole):
''' confirms IPv6 blocking is enabled for GUA and ULA addresses '''
confirms IPv6 blocking is enabled for GUA and ULA addresses
# mock ip -6 address to return GUA and ULA addresses
mock_command_2('ip', {'-6 address':('inet6 2003:12:1e43:301:d210:52fa:fe00:7ad7/64 scope global\ninet6 fda2:2001:5555:0:d210:52fa:fe00:7ad7/64 scope global', '0')}, Pihole)
'-6 address': (
'inet6 2003:12:1e43:301:d210:52fa:fe00:7ad7/64 scope global\n'
'inet6 fda2:2001:5555:0:d210:52fa:fe00:7ad7/64 scope global',
detectPlatform = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
@ -378,61 +628,26 @@ def test_IPv6_GUA_ULA_test(Pihole):
expected_stdout = 'Found IPv6 ULA address, using it for blocking IPv6 ads'
assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout
def test_IPv6_ULA_GUA_test(Pihole):
''' confirms IPv6 blocking is enabled for GUA and ULA addresses '''
confirms IPv6 blocking is enabled for GUA and ULA addresses
# mock ip -6 address to return ULA and GUA addresses
mock_command_2('ip', {'-6 address':('inet6 fda2:2001:5555:0:d210:52fa:fe00:7ad7/64 scope global\ninet6 2003:12:1e43:301:d210:52fa:fe00:7ad7/64 scope global', '0')}, Pihole)
'-6 address': (
'inet6 fda2:2001:5555:0:d210:52fa:fe00:7ad7/64 scope global\n'
'inet6 2003:12:1e43:301:d210:52fa:fe00:7ad7/64 scope global',
detectPlatform = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
expected_stdout = 'Found IPv6 ULA address, using it for blocking IPv6 ads'
assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout
# Helper functions
def mock_command(script, args, container):
''' Allows for setup of commands we don't really want to have to run for real in unit tests '''
full_script_path = '/usr/local/bin/{}'.format(script)
mock_script = dedent('''\
#!/bin/bash -e
echo "\$0 \$@" >> /var/log/{script}
case "\$1" in'''.format(script=script))
for k, v in args.iteritems():
case = dedent('''
echo {res}
exit {retcode}
;;'''.format(arg=k, res=v[0], retcode=v[1]))
mock_script += case
mock_script += dedent('''
cat <<EOF> {script}\n{content}\nEOF
chmod +x {script}
rm -f /var/log/{scriptlog}'''.format(script=full_script_path, content=mock_script, scriptlog=script))
def mock_command_2(script, args, container):
''' Allows for setup of commands we don't really want to have to run for real in unit tests '''
full_script_path = '/usr/local/bin/{}'.format(script)
mock_script = dedent('''\
#!/bin/bash -e
echo "\$0 \$@" >> /var/log/{script}
case "\$1 \$2" in'''.format(script=script))
for k, v in args.iteritems():
case = dedent('''
echo \"{res}\"
exit {retcode}
;;'''.format(arg=k, res=v[0], retcode=v[1]))
mock_script += case
mock_script += dedent('''
cat <<EOF> {script}\n{content}\nEOF
chmod +x {script}
rm -f /var/log/{scriptlog}'''.format(script=full_script_path, content=mock_script, scriptlog=script))
def run_script(Pihole, script):
result = Pihole.run(script)
assert result.rc == 0
return result
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
import pytest
from conftest import (
@pytest.mark.parametrize("tag", [('fedora'), ])
def test_epel_and_remi_not_installed_fedora(Pihole):
confirms installer does not attempt to install EPEL/REMI repositories
on Fedora
distro_check = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
assert distro_check.stdout == ''
epel_package = Pihole.package('epel-release')
assert not epel_package.is_installed
remi_package = Pihole.package('remi-release')
assert not remi_package.is_installed
@pytest.mark.parametrize("tag", [('centos'), ])
def test_release_supported_version_check_centos(Pihole):
confirms installer exits on unsupported releases of CentOS
# mock CentOS release < 7 (unsupported)
{"-q --queryformat '%{VERSION}' centos-release'": (
distro_check = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
expected_stdout = cross_box + (' CentOS is not suported.')
assert expected_stdout in distro_check.stdout
expected_stdout = 'Please update to CentOS release 7 or later'
assert expected_stdout in distro_check.stdout
@pytest.mark.parametrize("tag", [('centos'), ])
def test_enable_epel_repository_centos(Pihole):
confirms the EPEL package repository is enabled when installed on CentOS
distro_check = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
expected_stdout = info_box + (' Enabling EPEL package repository '
assert expected_stdout in distro_check.stdout
expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Installed epel-release'
assert expected_stdout in distro_check.stdout
epel_package = Pihole.package('epel-release')
assert epel_package.is_installed
@pytest.mark.parametrize("tag", [('centos'), ])
def test_php_upgrade_default_optout_centos(Pihole):
confirms the default behavior to opt-out of installing PHP7 from REMI
distro_check = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
expected_stdout = info_box + (' User opt-out of PHP 7 upgrade on CentOS. '
'Deprecated PHP may be in use.')
assert expected_stdout in distro_check.stdout
remi_package = Pihole.package('remi-release')
assert not remi_package.is_installed
@pytest.mark.parametrize("tag", [('centos'), ])
def test_php_upgrade_user_optout_centos(Pihole):
confirms installer behavior when user opt-out of installing PHP7 from REMI
(php not currently installed)
# Whiptail dialog returns Cancel for user prompt
mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '1')}, Pihole)
distro_check = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
expected_stdout = info_box + (' User opt-out of PHP 7 upgrade on CentOS. '
'Deprecated PHP may be in use.')
assert expected_stdout in distro_check.stdout
remi_package = Pihole.package('remi-release')
assert not remi_package.is_installed
@pytest.mark.parametrize("tag", [('centos'), ])
def test_php_upgrade_user_optin_centos(Pihole):
confirms installer behavior when user opt-in to installing PHP7 from REMI
(php not currently installed)
# Whiptail dialog returns Continue for user prompt
mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '0')}, Pihole)
distro_check = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
assert 'opt-out' not in distro_check.stdout
expected_stdout = info_box + (' Enabling Remi\'s RPM repository '
assert expected_stdout in distro_check.stdout
expected_stdout = tick_box + (' Remi\'s RPM repository has '
'been enabled for PHP7')
assert expected_stdout in distro_check.stdout
remi_package = Pihole.package('remi-release')
assert remi_package.is_installed
@pytest.mark.parametrize("tag", [('centos'), ])
def test_php_version_lt_7_detected_upgrade_default_optout_centos(Pihole):
confirms the default behavior to opt-out of upgrading to PHP7 from REMI
# first we will install the default php version to test installer behavior
php_install = Pihole.run('yum install -y php')
assert php_install.rc == 0
php_package = Pihole.package('php')
default_centos_php_version = php_package.version.split('.')[0]
if int(default_centos_php_version) >= 7: # PHP7 is supported/recommended
pytest.skip("Test deprecated . Detected default PHP version >= 7")
distro_check = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
expected_stdout = info_box + (' User opt-out of PHP 7 upgrade on CentOS. '
'Deprecated PHP may be in use.')
assert expected_stdout in distro_check.stdout
remi_package = Pihole.package('remi-release')
assert not remi_package.is_installed
@pytest.mark.parametrize("tag", [('centos'), ])
def test_php_version_lt_7_detected_upgrade_user_optout_centos(Pihole):
confirms installer behavior when user opt-out to upgrade to PHP7 via REMI
# first we will install the default php version to test installer behavior
php_install = Pihole.run('yum install -y php')
assert php_install.rc == 0
php_package = Pihole.package('php')
default_centos_php_version = php_package.version.split('.')[0]
if int(default_centos_php_version) >= 7: # PHP7 is supported/recommended
pytest.skip("Test deprecated . Detected default PHP version >= 7")
# Whiptail dialog returns Cancel for user prompt
mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '1')}, Pihole)
distro_check = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
expected_stdout = info_box + (' User opt-out of PHP 7 upgrade on CentOS. '
'Deprecated PHP may be in use.')
assert expected_stdout in distro_check.stdout
remi_package = Pihole.package('remi-release')
assert not remi_package.is_installed
@pytest.mark.parametrize("tag", [('centos'), ])
def test_php_version_lt_7_detected_upgrade_user_optin_centos(Pihole):
confirms installer behavior when user opt-in to upgrade to PHP7 via REMI
# first we will install the default php version to test installer behavior
php_install = Pihole.run('yum install -y php')
assert php_install.rc == 0
php_package = Pihole.package('php')
default_centos_php_version = php_package.version.split('.')[0]
if int(default_centos_php_version) >= 7: # PHP7 is supported/recommended
pytest.skip("Test deprecated . Detected default PHP version >= 7")
# Whiptail dialog returns Continue for user prompt
mock_command('whiptail', {'*': ('', '0')}, Pihole)
distro_check = Pihole.run('''
source /opt/pihole/basic-install.sh
install_dependent_packages PIHOLE_WEB_DEPS[@]
expected_stdout = info_box + (' User opt-out of PHP 7 upgrade on CentOS. '
'Deprecated PHP may be in use.')
assert expected_stdout not in distro_check.stdout
expected_stdout = info_box + (' Enabling Remi\'s RPM repository '
assert expected_stdout in distro_check.stdout
expected_stdout = tick_box + (' Remi\'s RPM repository has '
'been enabled for PHP7')
assert expected_stdout in distro_check.stdout
remi_package = Pihole.package('remi-release')
assert remi_package.is_installed
updated_php_package = Pihole.package('php')
updated_php_version = updated_php_package.version.split('.')[0]
assert int(updated_php_version) == 7
@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
import pytest
import testinfra
run_local = testinfra.get_backend(
def test_scripts_pass_shellcheck():
''' Make sure shellcheck does not find anything wrong with our shell scripts '''
shellcheck = "find . -type f -name 'update.sh' | while read file; do shellcheck -x \"$file\" -e SC1090,SC1091; done;"
Make sure shellcheck does not find anything wrong with our shell scripts
shellcheck = ("find . -type f -name 'update.sh' "
"| while read file; do "
"shellcheck -x \"$file\" -e SC1090,SC1091; "
results = run_local(shellcheck)
print results.stdout
assert '' == results.stdout
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
envlist = py27
whitelist_externals = docker
deps = -rrequirements.txt
commands = docker build -f test/debian.Dockerfile -t pytest_pihole:debian .
docker build -f test/centos.Dockerfile -t pytest_pihole:centos .
docker build -f test/fedora.Dockerfile -t pytest_pihole:fedora .
pytest {posargs:-vv -n auto} -m "not build_stage" ./test/
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