mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 04:08:34 +00:00
more comments to help understand the script
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 53 additions and 25 deletions
# We can loop through the array at any time to see if it matches a value
SUPPORTED_OS=("Raspbian" "Ubuntu" "Fedora" "Debian" "CentOS")
# In a similar fashion, these are the folders Pi-hole needs
# https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/what-files-does-pi-hole-use/1684
# Store Pi-hole's processes in an array for easy use and parsing
PIHOLE_PROCESSES=( dnsmasq lighttpd pihole-FTL )
# Store the required directories in an array so it can be parsed through
@ -126,8 +128,7 @@ ${HTML_DIRECTORY}
# These are the files Pi-hole needs--also stored in array for parsing through
# https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/what-files-does-pi-hole-use/1684
# Store the required directories in an array so it can be parsed through
@ -167,12 +168,13 @@ source_setup_variables() {
make_temporary_log() {
# Create temporary file for log
# Create a random temporary file for the log
TEMPLOG=$(mktemp /tmp/pihole_temp.XXXXXX)
# Open handle 3 for templog
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18460186/writing-outputs-to-log-file-and-console
exec 3>"$TEMPLOG"
# Delete templog, but allow for addressing via file handle.
# Delete templog, but allow for addressing via file handle
# This lets us write to the log without having a temporary file on the drive
@ -254,6 +256,7 @@ compare_local_version_to_git_version() {
# We need to search for "Pi-hole" when using pihole -v
local search_term="Pi-hole"
elif [[ "${pihole_component}" == "Web" ]]; then
# We need to search for "AdminLTE" so store it in a variable as well
local search_term="AdminLTE"
# Display what we are checking
@ -332,8 +335,10 @@ check_component_versions() {
get_program_version() {
local program_name="${1}"
# Create a loval variable so this function can be safely reused
local program_version
echo_current_diagnostic "${program_name} version"
# Evalutate the program we are checking, if it is any of the ones below, show the version
case "${program_name}" in
"lighttpd") program_version="$(${program_name} -v |& head -n1 | cut -d '/' -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f1)"
@ -341,9 +346,10 @@ get_program_version() {
"php") program_version="$(${program_name} -v |& head -n1 | cut -d '-' -f1 | cut -d ' ' -f2)"
# If a match is not found, show an error
*) echo "Unrecognized program";
# If the Web server does not have a version (the variable is empty)
# If the program does not have a version (the variable is empty)
if [[ -z "${program_version}" ]]; then
# Display and error
log_write "${CROSS} ${COL_LIGHT_RED}${program_name} version could not be detected.${COL_NC}"
@ -364,13 +370,17 @@ check_critical_program_versions() {
is_os_supported() {
local os_to_check="${1}"
# Strip just the base name of the system using sed
the_os=$(echo ${os_to_check} | sed 's/ .*//')
# If the variable is one of our supported OSes,
case "${the_os}" in
# Print it in green
"Raspbian") log_write "${TICK} ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}${os_to_check}${COL_NC}";;
"Ubuntu") log_write "${TICK} ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}${os_to_check}${COL_NC}";;
"Fedora") log_write "${TICK} ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}${os_to_check}${COL_NC}";;
"Debian") log_write "${TICK} ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}${os_to_check}${COL_NC}";;
"CentOS") log_write "${TICK} ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}${os_to_check}${COL_NC}";;
# If not, show it in red and link to our software requirements page
*) log_write "${CROSS} ${COL_LIGHT_RED}${os_to_check}${COL_NC} (${FAQ_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENTS})";
@ -447,8 +457,11 @@ processor_check() {
parse_setup_vars() {
echo_current_diagnostic "Setup variables"
# If the file exists,
if_file_exists "${PIHOLE_SETUP_VARS_FILE}" && \
# parse it
parse_file "${PIHOLE_SETUP_VARS_FILE}" || \
# If not, show an error
log_write "${CROSS} ${COL_LIGHT_RED}Could not read ${PIHOLE_SETUP_VARS_FILE}.${COL_NC}"
@ -461,7 +474,7 @@ does_ip_match_setup_vars() {
local setup_vars_ip=$(cat ${PIHOLE_SETUP_VARS_FILE} | grep IPV${protocol}_ADDRESS | cut -d '=' -f2)
# If it's an IPv6 address
if [[ "${protocol}" == "6" ]]; then
# Strip off the /
# Strip off the / (CIDR notation)
if [[ "${ip_address%/*}" == "${setup_vars_ip}" ]]; then
# if it matches, show it in green
log_write " ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}${ip_address%/*}${COL_NC} matches the IP found in ${PIHOLE_SETUP_VARS_FILE}"
@ -501,8 +514,8 @@ detect_ip_addresses() {
for i in "${!ip_addr_list[@]}"; do
# For each one in the list, print it out
does_ip_match_setup_vars "${protocol}" "${ip_addr_list[$i]}"
# log_write " ${ip_addr_list[$i]}"
# Print a blank line just for formatting
log_write ""
# If there are no IPs detected, explain that the protocol is not configured
@ -568,6 +581,7 @@ ping_gateway() {
ping_internet() {
local protocol="${1}"
# Ping a public address using the protocol passed as an argument
ping_ipv4_or_ipv6 "${protocol}"
log_write "* Checking Internet connectivity via IPv${protocol}..."
# Try to ping the address 3 times
@ -584,6 +598,7 @@ ping_internet() {
compare_port_to_service_assigned() {
local service_name="${1}"
# The programs we use may change at some point, so they are in a varible here
local resolver="dnsmasq"
local web_server="lighttpd"
local ftl="pihole-FT"
@ -624,6 +639,7 @@ check_required_ports() {
4711) compare_port_to_service_assigned "${ftl}"
# If it's not a default port that Pi-hole needs, just print it out for the user to see
*) log_write "[${port_number}] is in use by ${service_name}";
@ -679,6 +695,7 @@ dig_at() {
local IP="${2}"
echo_current_diagnostic "Name resolution (IPv${protocol}) using a random blocked domain and a known ad-serving domain"
# Set more local variables
# We need to test name resolution locally, via Pi-hole, and via a public resolver
local url
local local_dig
local pihole_dig
@ -745,13 +762,11 @@ dig_at() {
# Check to make sure Pi-hole's services are running and active
echo_current_diagnostic "Pi-hole processes"
# Store them in an array for easy use
PROCESSES=( dnsmasq lighttpd pihole-FTL )
# Local iterator
local i
# For each process,
for i in "${PROCESSES[@]}"; do
# get its status
for i in "${PIHOLE_PROCESSES=[@]}"; do
# get its status via systemctl
local status_of_process=$(systemctl is-active "${i}")
# and print it out to the user
if [[ "${status_of_process}" == "active" ]]; then
@ -766,6 +781,7 @@ process_status(){
make_array_from_file() {
local filename="${1}"
# Set the array to be empty so we can start fresh when the function is used
local file_content=()
# If the file is a directory
if [[ -d "${filename}" ]]; then
@ -785,7 +801,10 @@ make_array_from_file() {
done < "${filename}"
# Now the we have made an array of the file's content
for each_line in "${file_content[@]}"; do
# Print each line
# At some point, we may want to check the file line-by-line, so that's the reason for an array
log_write " ${each_line}"
@ -862,6 +881,7 @@ list_files_in_dir() {
# and parse the file into an array in case we ever need to analyze it line-by-line
make_array_from_file "${dir_to_parse}/${each_file}"
# Otherwise, do nothing since it's not a file needed for Pi-hole so we don't care about it
@ -879,14 +899,10 @@ show_content_of_files_in_dir() {
show_content_of_pihole_files() {
# Show the content of the files in /etc/dnsmasq.d
# Show the content of the files in each of Pi-hole's folders
show_content_of_files_in_dir "${DNSMASQ_D_DIRECTORY}"
# Show the content of the files in /etc/lighttpd
show_content_of_files_in_dir "/etc/lighttpd"
# Show the content of the files in /etc/lighttpd
show_content_of_files_in_dir "/etc/cron.d"
# Show the content of the files in /var/www/html
# show_content_of_files_in_dir "${WEB_GIT_DIRECTORY}"
show_content_of_files_in_dir "${WEB_SERVER_CONFIG_DIRECTORY}"
show_content_of_files_in_dir "${CRON_D_DIRECTORY}"
analyze_gravity_list() {
@ -910,17 +926,19 @@ tricorder_use_nc_or_ssl() {
# use net cat
log_write "${INFO} Using ${COL_YELLOW}netcat${COL_NC} for transmission."
# Save the token returned by our server in a variable
tricorder_token=$(cat ${PIHOLE_DEBUG_LOG} | nc tricorder.pi-hole.net ${TRICORDER_NC_PORT_NUMBER})
upload_to_tricorder() {
local username="pihole"
# Set the permissions and owner
chmod 644 ${PIHOLE_DEBUG_LOG}
chown "$USER":pihole ${PIHOLE_DEBUG_LOG}
chown "$USER":"${username}" ${PIHOLE_DEBUG_LOG}
# Let the user know debugging is complete
# Let the user know debugging is complete with something strikingly visual
log_write ""
log_write "${COL_LIGHT_PURPLE}********************************************${COL_NC}"
log_write "${COL_LIGHT_PURPLE}********************************************${COL_NC}"
@ -936,16 +954,21 @@ upload_to_tricorder() {
log_write "${INFO} Debug script running in automated mode"
# and then decide again which tool to use to submit it
if command -v openssl &> /dev/null; then
# If openssl is available, use it
log_write "${INFO} Using ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}openssl${COL_NC} for transmission."
# Save the token returned by our server in a variable
tricorder_token=$(openssl s_client -quiet -connect tricorder.pi-hole.net:${TRICORDER_SSL_PORT_NUMBER} 2> /dev/null < /dev/stdin)
# Otherwise, fallback to netcat
log_write "${INFO} Using ${COL_YELLOW}netcat${COL_NC} for transmission."
# Save the token returned by our server in a variable
tricorder_token=$(nc tricorder.pi-hole.net ${TRICORDER_NC_PORT_NUMBER} < /dev/stdin)
# If we're not running in automated mode,
echo ""
# Give the user a choice of uploading it or not
# Users can review the log file locally and try to self-diagnose their problem
# give the user a choice of uploading it or not
# Users can review the log file locally (or the output of the script since they are the same) and try to self-diagnose their problem
read -r -p "[?] Would you like to upload the log? [y/N] " response
case ${response} in
# If they say yes, run our function for uploading the log
@ -957,6 +980,8 @@ upload_to_tricorder() {
# Check if tricorder.pi-hole.net is reachable and provide token
# along with some additional useful information
if [[ -n "${tricorder_token}" ]]; then
# Again, try to make this visually striking so the user realizes they need to do something with this information
# Namely, provide the Pi-hole devs with the token
log_write ""
log_write "${COL_LIGHT_PURPLE}***********************************${COL_NC}"
log_write "${COL_LIGHT_PURPLE}***********************************${COL_NC}"
@ -967,10 +992,13 @@ upload_to_tricorder() {
log_write " * Provide the token above to the Pi-hole team for assistance at"
log_write " * ${FORUMS_URL}"
log_write " * Your log will self-destruct on our server after ${COL_LIGHT_RED}48 hours${COL_NC}."
# If no token was generated
# Show an error and some help instructions
log_write "${CROSS} ${COL_LIGHT_RED}There was an error uploading your debug log.${COL_NC}"
log_write " * Please try again or contact the Pi-hole team for assistance."
# Finally, show where the log file is no matter the outcome of the function so users can look at it
log_write " * A local copy of the debug log can be found at: ${COL_CYAN}${PIHOLE_DEBUG_LOG}${COL_NC}\n"
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