diff --git a/automated install/basic-install.sh b/automated install/basic-install.sh index 4bc932e6..aed3acd2 100755 --- a/automated install/basic-install.sh +++ b/automated install/basic-install.sh @@ -2086,8 +2086,13 @@ checkSelinux() { if [[ "${SELINUX_ENFORCING}" -eq 1 ]] && [[ -z "${PIHOLE_SELINUX}" ]]; then printf " Pi-hole does not provide an SELinux policy as the required changes modify the security of your system.\\n" printf " Please refer to https://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/SELinux if SELinux is required for your deployment.\\n" + printf " This check can be skipped by setting the environment variable %bPIHOLE_SELINUX%b to %btrue%b\\n" "${COL_LIGHT_RED}" "${COL_NC}" "${COL_LIGHT_RED}" "${COL_NC}" + printf " e.g: export PIHOLE_SELINUX=true\\n" + printf " By setting this variable to true you acknowledge there may be issues with Pi-hole during or after the install\\n" printf "\\n %bSELinux Enforcing detected, exiting installer%b\\n" "${COL_LIGHT_RED}" "${COL_NC}"; exit 1; + elif [[ "${SELINUX_ENFORCING}" -eq 1 ]] && [[ -n "${PIHOLE_SELINUX}" ]]; then + printf " %b %bSELinux Enforcing detected%b. PIHOLE_SELINUX env variable set - installer will continue\\n" "${INFO}" "${COL_LIGHT_RED}" "${COL_NC}" fi }