Merge pull request #459 from pi-hole/BugFix409

remove all mentions of spinner
This commit is contained in:
Adam Warner 2016-04-11 12:41:42 +01:00
commit 76899c9ac5

View file

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
# Run this script as root or under sudo
echo ":::"
if [[ $EUID -eq 0 ]];then
echo "::: You are root."
@ -71,20 +72,6 @@ if [[ -r $piholeDir/pihole.conf ]];then
. $piholeDir/pihole.conf
spinner() {
local pid=$1
local delay=0.50
local spinstr='/-|'
while [ "$(ps a | awk '{print $1}' | grep "$pid")" ]; do
local temp=${spinstr#?}
printf " [%c] " "$spinstr"
local spinstr=$temp${spinstr%"$temp"}
sleep $delay
printf "\b\b\b\b\b\b"
printf " \b\b\b\b"
# collapse - begin formation of pihole
function gravity_collapse() {
@ -214,7 +201,7 @@ function gravity_Schwarzchild() {
echo "::: "
# Find all active domains and compile them into one file and remove CRs
echo -n "::: Aggregating list of domains..."
truncate -s 0 $piholeDir/$matterandlight & spinner $!
truncate -s 0 $piholeDir/$matterandlight
for i in "${activeDomains[@]}"
cat "$i" | tr -d '\r' >> $piholeDir/$matterandlight
@ -225,7 +212,7 @@ function gravity_Schwarzchild() {
function gravity_Blacklist(){
# Append blacklist entries if they exist
echo -n "::: Running blacklist script to update HOSTS file...."
$blacklistScript -f -nr -q > /dev/null & spinner $!
$blacklistScript -f -nr -q > /dev/null
numBlacklisted=$(wc -l < "/etc/pihole/blacklist.txt")
plural=; [[ "$numBlacklisted" != "1" ]] && plural=s
@ -247,7 +234,7 @@ function gravity_Whitelist() {
echo " done!"
echo -n "::: Running whitelist script to update HOSTS file...."
$whitelistScript -f -nr -q "${urls[@]}" > /dev/null & spinner $!
$whitelistScript -f -nr -q "${urls[@]}" > /dev/null
numWhitelisted=$(wc -l < "/etc/pihole/whitelist.txt")
plural=; [[ "$numWhitelisted" != "1" ]] && plural=s
echo " $numWhitelisted domain${plural} whitelisted!"
@ -256,7 +243,7 @@ function gravity_Whitelist() {
function gravity_unique() {
# Sort and remove duplicates
echo -n "::: Removing duplicate domains...."
sort -u $piholeDir/$supernova > $piholeDir/$eventHorizon & spinner $!
sort -u $piholeDir/$supernova > $piholeDir/$eventHorizon
echo " done!"
numberOf=$(wc -l < $piholeDir/$eventHorizon)
echo "::: $numberOf unique domains trapped in the event horizon."
@ -302,7 +289,7 @@ function gravity_advanced() {
# This helps with that and makes it easier to read
# It also helps with debugging so each stage of the script can be researched more in depth
echo -n "::: Formatting list of domains to remove comments...."
awk '($1 !~ /^#/) { if (NF>1) {print $2} else {print $1}}' $piholeDir/$matterandlight | sed -nr -e 's/\.{2,}/./g' -e '/\./p' > $piholeDir/$supernova & spinner $!
awk '($1 !~ /^#/) { if (NF>1) {print $2} else {print $1}}' $piholeDir/$matterandlight | sed -nr -e 's/\.{2,}/./g' -e '/\./p' > $piholeDir/$supernova
echo " done!"
numberOf=$(wc -l < $piholeDir/$supernova)
@ -329,14 +316,14 @@ function gravity_reload() {
$SUDO sed -i "s/^addn-hosts.*/addn-hosts=$adList/" /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf
dnsmasqPid=$(pidof dnsmasq)
find "$piholeDir" -type f -exec $SUDO chmod 666 {} \; & spinner $!
find "$piholeDir" -type f -exec $SUDO chmod 666 {} \;
if [[ $dnsmasqPid ]]; then
# service already running - reload config
$SUDO kill -HUP "$dnsmasqPid" & spinner $!
$SUDO kill -HUP "$dnsmasqPid"
# service not running, start it up
$SUDO service dnsmasq start & spinner $!
$SUDO service dnsmasq start
echo " done!"