mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 04:08:34 +00:00
more comments, fixed automated tricorder, variablizing echos, verify FTL version
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 118 additions and 78 deletions
@ -36,6 +36,10 @@ WHITELISTMATCHES="/tmp/whitelistmatches.list"
readonly FTLLOG="/var/log/pihole-FTL.log"
# These provide the colors we need for making the log more readable
if [[ -f ${coltable} ]]; then
source ${coltable}
@ -87,7 +91,8 @@ echo_succes_or_fail() {
initiate_debug() {
# Clear the screen so the debug log is readable
log_write "${COL_LIGHT_PURPLE}*** [ INITIALIZING ]${COL_NC}" 2>&1 | tee "${DEBUG_LOG}"
# Display that the debug process is beginning
# Timestamp the start of the log
log_write " ${INFO} $(date "+%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M:%S") debug log has been initiated."
@ -97,6 +102,7 @@ initiate_debug() {
# Colors do not show in the dasboard, but the icons do: [i], [✓], and [✗]
echo_current_diagnostic() {
# Colors are used for visually distinguishing each test in the output
# These colors do not show in the GUI, but the formatting will
log_write "\n${COL_LIGHT_PURPLE}*** [ DIAGNOSING ]:${COL_NC} ${1}"
@ -126,9 +132,9 @@ if_directory_exists() {
# Checks the core version of the Pi-hole codebase
check_core_version() {
# Checks the core version of the Pi-hole codebase
echo_current_diagnostic "Pi-hole Versions"
echo_current_diagnostic "Pi-hole versions"
# Store the error message in a variable in case we want to change and/or reuse it
local error_msg="git status failed"
# If the pihole git directory exists,
@ -152,15 +158,21 @@ check_core_version() {
log_write " ${TICK} Core: ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}${PI_HOLE_VERSION}${COL_NC}"
# If not,
# pring the current version in yellow
log_write " ${INFO} Core: ${COL_YELLOW}${PI_HOLE_VERSION:-Untagged}${COL_NC} (${COL_CYAN}https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/how-do-i-update-pi-hole/249${COL_NC})"
# echo the current version in yellow, signifying it's something to take a look at, but not a critical error
# Also add a URL to an FAQ
log_write " ${INFO} Core: ${COL_YELLOW}${PI_HOLE_VERSION:-Untagged}${COL_NC} (${COL_CYAN}${FAQ_UPDATE_PI_HOLE}${COL_NC})"
# If the repo is on the master branch, they are on the stable codebase
if [[ "${PI_HOLE_BRANCH}" == "master" ]]; then
# so the color of the text is green
log_write " ${INFO} Branch: ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}${PI_HOLE_BRANCH}${COL_NC}"
# If it is any other branch, they are in a developement branch
log_write " ${INFO} Branch: ${COL_YELLOW}${PI_HOLE_BRANCH:-Detached}${COL_NC} (${COL_CYAN}https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/the-pihole-command-with-examples/738#checkout${COL_NC})"
# So show that in yellow, signifying it's something to take a look at, but not a critical error
log_write " ${INFO} Branch: ${COL_YELLOW}${PI_HOLE_BRANCH:-Detached}${COL_NC} (${COL_CYAN}${FAQ_CHECKOUT_COMMAND}${COL_NC})"
# echo the current commit
log_write " ${INFO} Commit: ${PI_HOLE_COMMIT}"
# If git status failed,
@ -189,18 +201,27 @@ check_web_version() {
WEB_BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD);
# The commit they are on
WEB_COMMIT=$(git describe --long --dirty --tags --always)
# echo this information out to the user in a nice format
# If the Web version reported by pihole -v matches the current version
if [[ "${WEB_VERSION}" == "$(pihole -v | awk '/AdminLTE/ {print $6}' | cut -d ')' -f1)" ]]; then
# echo it in green
log_write " ${TICK} Web: ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}${WEB_VERSION}${COL_NC}"
# Otherwise,
log_write " ${INFO} Web: ${COL_YELLOW}${WEB_VERSION:-Untagged}${COL_NC} (${COL_CYAN}https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/how-do-i-update-pi-hole/249${COL_NC})"
# Show it in yellow with a link to update Pi-hole
log_write " ${INFO} Web: ${COL_YELLOW}${WEB_VERSION:-Untagged}${COL_NC} (${COL_CYAN}${FAQ_UPDATE_PI_HOLE}${COL_NC})"
# If the repo is on the master branch, they are on the stable codebase
if [[ "${WEB_BRANCH}" == "master" ]]; then
# so the color of the text is green
log_write " ${TICK} Branch: ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}${WEB_BRANCH}${COL_NC}"
log_write " ${INFO} Branch: ${COL_YELLOW}${WEB_BRANCH:-Detached}${COL_NC} (${COL_CYAN}https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/the-pihole-command-with-examples/738#checkout${COL_NC})"
# If it is any other branch, they are in a developement branch
# So show that in yellow, signifying it's something to take a look at, but not a critical error
log_write " ${INFO} Branch: ${COL_YELLOW}${WEB_BRANCH:-Detached}${COL_NC} (${COL_CYAN}${FAQ_CHECKOUT_COMMAND}${COL_NC})"
# echo the current commit
log_write " ${INFO} Commit: ${WEB_COMMIT}"
# If git status failed,
@ -214,8 +235,14 @@ check_web_version() {
check_ftl_version() {
# Use the built in command to check FTL's version
FTL_VERSION=$(pihole-FTL version)
# and display it to the user
log_write " ${INFO} FTL: ${FTL_VERSION}"
# Compare the current FTL version to the remote version
if [[ "${FTL_VERSION}" == "$(pihole -v | awk '/FTL/ {print $6}' | cut -d ')' -f1)" ]]; then
# If they are the same, FTL is up-to-date
# If not, show it in yellow, signifying there is an update
log_write " ${TICK} FTL: ${COL_YELLOW}${FTL_VERSION}${COL_NC}"
# Check the current version of the Web server
@ -227,10 +254,9 @@ check_web_server_version() {
# If the Web server does not have a version (the variable is empty)
if [[ -z "${WEB_SERVER_VERSON}" ]]; then
# Display and error
log_write " ${CROSS} ${WEB_SERVER} version could not be detected."
# Otherwise,
log_write " ${CROSS} ${COL_LIGHT_RED}${WEB_SERVER} version could not be detected.${COL_NC}"
# display the version
# Otherwise, display the version
log_write " ${TICK} ${WEB_SERVER}: ${WEB_SERVER_VERSON}"
@ -244,10 +270,9 @@ check_resolver_server_version() {
# If the DNS server does not have a version (the variable is empty)
if [[ -z "${RESOVLER_VERSON}" ]]; then
# Display and error
log_write " ${CROSS} ${RESOLVER} version could not be detected."
# Otherwise,
log_write " ${CROSS} ${COL_LIGHT_RED}${RESOLVER} version could not be detected.${COL_NC}"
# display the version
# Otherwise, display the version
log_write " ${TICK} ${RESOLVER}: ${RESOVLER_VERSON}"
@ -258,19 +283,18 @@ check_php_version() {
# If no version is detected,
if [[ -z "${PHP_VERSION}" ]]; then
# show an error
log_write " ${CROSS} PHP version could not be detected."
# otherwise,
log_write " ${CROSS} ${COL_LIGHT_RED}PHP version could not be detected.${COL_NC}"
# Show the version
# Otherwise, show the version
log_write " ${TICK} PHP: ${PHP_VERSION}"
# These are the most critical dependencies of Pi-hole, so we check for them
# and their versions, using the functions above.
check_critical_dependencies() {
echo_current_diagnostic "Versions of critical dependencies"
# Use the function created earlier and bundle them into one function that checks all the version numbers
@ -287,14 +311,16 @@ get_distro_attributes() {
local distro_attribute
# For each line found in an /etc/*release file,
for distro_attribute in "${distro_info[@]}"; do
# display the information with the ${INFO} icon
pretty_name_key=$(echo "${distro_attribute}" | grep "PRETTY_NAME" | cut -d '=' -f1)
# we need just the OS PRETTY_NAME, so print it when we find it
# store the key in a variable
local pretty_name_key=$(echo "${distro_attribute}" | grep "PRETTY_NAME" | cut -d '=' -f1)
# we need just the OS PRETTY_NAME,
if [[ "${pretty_name_key}" == "PRETTY_NAME" ]]; then
PRETTY_NAME=$(echo "${distro_attribute}" | grep "PRETTY_NAME" | cut -d '=' -f2- | tr -d '"')
log_write " ${INFO} ${PRETTY_NAME}"
# Otherwise, do nothing
# so print it when we find it
PRETTY_NAME_VALUE=$(echo "${distro_attribute}" | grep "PRETTY_NAME" | cut -d '=' -f2- | tr -d '"')
# and then echoed out to the screen
log_write " ${INFO} ${PRETTY_NAME_VALUE}"
# Since we only need the pretty name, we can just skip over anything that is not a match
@ -304,7 +330,7 @@ get_distro_attributes() {
diagnose_operating_system() {
# local variable for system requirements
local faq_url="https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/hardware-software-requirements/273"
# error message in a variable so we can easily modify it later (or re-use it)
local error_msg="Distribution unknown -- most likely you are on an unsupported platform and may run into issues."
# Display the current test that is running
@ -315,8 +341,7 @@ diagnose_operating_system() {
# display the attributes to the user from the function made earlier
get_distro_attributes || \
# If it doesn't exist, it's not a system we currently support and link to FAQ
log_write " ${CROSS} ${COL_LIGHT_RED}${error_msg}${COL_NC}
${INFO} ${COL_LIGHT_RED}Please see${COL_NC}: ${COL_CYAN}${faq_url}${COL_NC}"
processor_check() {
@ -326,10 +351,9 @@ processor_check() {
# If it does not contain a value,
if [[ -z "${PROCESSOR}" ]]; then
# we couldn't detect it, so show an error
log_write " ${CROSS} Processor could not be identified."
# Otherwise,
log_write " ${CROSS} ${COL_LIGHT_RED}Processor could not be identified.${COL_NC}"
# Show the processor type
# Otherwise, show the processor type
log_write " ${INFO} ${PROCESSOR}"
@ -353,10 +377,9 @@ detect_ip_addresses() {
# For each one in the list, print it out using the iterator as a numbered list
log_write " [$i] ${ip_addr_list[$i]}"
# Othwerwise,
# explain that the protocol is not configured
log_write " ${CROSS} No IPv${protocol} found on ${PIHOLE_INTERFACE}"
# If there are no IPs detected, explain that the protocol is not configured
log_write " ${CROSS} ${COL_LIGHT_RED}No IPv${protocol} found on ${PIHOLE_INTERFACE}${COL_NC}"
return 1
@ -371,9 +394,8 @@ ping_gateway() {
local cmd="ping6"
# and Google's public IPv6 address
local public_address="2001:4860:4860::8888"
# Otherwise,
# use ping
# Otherwise, just use ping
local cmd="ping"
# and Google's public IPv4 address
local public_address=""
@ -406,7 +428,7 @@ ping_gateway() {
ping_internet() {
# Give the first argument a readable name
# Give the first argument a readable name (a 4 or a six should be the argument)
local protocol="${1}"
# If the protocol is 6,
if [[ ${protocol} == "6" ]]; then
@ -414,9 +436,8 @@ ping_internet() {
local cmd="ping6"
# and Google's public IPv6 address
local public_address="2001:4860:4860::8888"
# Otherwise,
# use ping
# Otherwise, just use ping
local cmd="ping"
# and Google's public IPv4 address
local public_address=""
@ -425,12 +446,11 @@ ping_internet() {
# Try to ping the address 3 times
if ! ping_inet="$(${cmd} -q -W 3 -c 3 -n ${public_address} -I ${PIHOLE_INTERFACE} | tail -n 3)"; then
# if it's unsuccessful, show an error
log_write " ${CROSS} Cannot reach the Internet"
log_write " ${CROSS} ${COL_LIGHT_RED}Cannot reach the Internet.${COL_NC}"
return 1
# Otherwise,
# show success
log_write " ${TICK} Query responded."
# Otherwise, show success
log_write " ${TICK} ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}Query responded.${COL_NC}"
return 0
@ -448,8 +468,10 @@ check_required_ports() {
# Now that we have the values stored,
for i in ${!ports_in_use[@]}; do
# loop through them and assign some local variables
local port_number="$(echo "${ports_in_use[$i]}" | awk '{print $1}')"
local service_name=$(echo "${ports_in_use[$i]}" | awk '{print $2}')
# Use a case statement to determine if the right services are using the right ports
case "${port_number}" in
53) if [[ "${service_name}" == "dnsmasq" ]]; then
# if port 53 is dnsmasq, show it in green as it's standard
@ -512,23 +534,24 @@ check_x_headers() {
if [[ $block_page == $block_page_working ]]; then
# display a success message
log_write " $TICK ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}${block_page}${COL_NC}"
# Otherwise,
# show an error
# Otherwise, show an error
log_write " $CROSS ${COL_LIGHT_RED}X-Header does not match or could not be retrieved.${COL_NC}"
# Same logic applies to the dashbord as above
# Same logic applies to the dashbord as above, if the X-Header matches what a working system shoud have,
if [[ $dashboard == $dashboard_working ]]; then
# then we can show a success
log_write " $TICK ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}${dashboard}${COL_NC}"
# Othewise, it's a failure since the X-Headers either don't exist or have been modified in some way
log_write " $CROSS ${COL_LIGHT_RED}X-Header does not match or could not be retrieved.${COL_NC}"
dig_at() {
# We need to test if Pi-hole can properly resolve domain names as it is an
# essential piece of the software that needs to work
# We need to test if Pi-hole can properly resolve domain names
# as it is an essential piece of the software
# Store the arguments as variables with names
local protocol="${1}"
@ -540,6 +563,7 @@ dig_at() {
local pihole_dig
local remote_dig
# Use a static domain that we know has IPv4 and IPv6 to avoid false positives
# Sometimes the randomly chosen domains don't use IPv6, or something else is wrong with them
local remote_url="doubleclick.com"
# If the protocol (4 or 6) is 6,
@ -559,32 +583,40 @@ dig_at() {
# Find a random blocked url that has not been whitelisted.
# This helps emulate queries to different domains that a user might query
# It will also give extra assurance that Pi-hole is correctly resolving and blocking domains
local random_url=$(shuf -n 1 "${GRAVITYFILE}" | awk -F ' ' '{ print $2 }')
# First do a dig on localhost, to see if Pi-hole can use itself to block a domain
# First, do a dig on localhost to see if Pi-hole can use itself to block a domain
if local_dig=$(dig +tries=1 +time=2 -"${protocol}" "${random_url}" @${local_address} +short "${record_type}"); then
# If it can, show sucess
log_write " ${TICK} ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}${random_url} is ${local_dig}${COL_NC} via localhost (${local_address})"
# Otherwise,
# show a failure
# Otherwise, show a failure
log_write " ${CROSS} ${COL_LIGHT_RED}Failed to resolve${COL_NC} ${random_url} ${COL_LIGHT_RED}via localhost${COL_NC} (${local_address})"
# Next we need to check if Pi-hole can resolve a domain when the query is sent to it's IP address
# This better emulates how clients will interact with Pi-hole as opposed to above where Pi-hole is
# just asing itself locally
# The default timeouts and tries are reduced in case the DNS server isn't working, so the user isn't waiting for too long
# If Pi-hole can dig itself from it's IP (not the loopback address)
if pihole_dig=$(dig +tries=1 +time=2 -"${protocol}" "${random_url}" @${pihole_address} +short "${record_type}"); then
# show a success
log_write " ${TICK} ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}${random_url} is ${pihole_dig}${COL_NC} via Pi-hole (${pihole_address})"
# Othewise, show a failure
log_write " ${CROSS} ${COL_LIGHT_RED}Failed to resolve${COL_NC} ${random_url} ${COL_LIGHT_RED}via Pi-hole${COL_NC} (${pihole_address})"
# Finally, we need to make sure legitimate sites can out if using an external, public DNS server
# Finally, we need to make sure legitimate queries can out to the Internet using an external, public DNS server
# We are using the static remote_url here instead of a random one because we know it works with IPv4 and IPv6
if remote_dig=$(dig +tries=1 +time=2 -"${protocol}" "${remote_url}" @${remote_address} +short "${record_type}" | head -n1); then
# If successful, the real IP of the domain will be returned instead of Pi-hole's IP
log_write " ${TICK} ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}${remote_url} is ${remote_dig}${COL_NC} via a remote, public DNS server (${remote_address})"
# Otherwise, show an error
log_write " ${CROSS} ${COL_LIGHT_RED}Failed to resolve${COL_NC} ${remote_url} ${COL_LIGHT_RED}via a remote, public DNS server${COL_NC} (${remote_address})"
@ -594,22 +626,25 @@ process_status(){
echo_current_diagnostic "Pi-hole processes"
# Store them in an array for easy use
PROCESSES=( dnsmasq lighttpd pihole-FTL )
# Local iterator
local i
# For each process,
for i in "${PROCESSES[@]}"; do
# get it's status
# get its status
local status_of_process=$(systemctl is-active "${i}")
# and print it out to the user
if [[ "${status_of_process}" == "active" ]]; then
# If it's active, show it in green
log_write " ${TICK} ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}${i}${COL_NC} daemon is ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}${status_of_process}${COL_NC}"
# If it's not, show it in red
log_write " ${CROSS} ${COL_LIGHT_RED}${i}${COL_NC} daemon is ${COL_LIGHT_RED}${status_of_process}${COL_NC}"
parse_file() {
# Set the first argument passed to tihs function as a named variable for better readability
# Set the first argument passed to this function as a named variable for better readability
local filename="${1}"
# Put the current Internal Field Separator into another variable so it can be restored later
@ -618,7 +653,7 @@ parse_file() {
# Set a named variable for better readability
local file_lines
# For each lin in the file,
# For each line in the file,
for file_lines in "${file_info[@]}"; do
# display the information with the ${INFO} icon
log_write " ${INFO} ${file_lines}"
@ -633,13 +668,13 @@ diagnose_setup_variables() {
# If the variable file exists,
file_exists "${VARSFILE}" && \
log_write " * Sourcing ${VARSFILE}...";
# source it
source ${VARSFILE};
log_write " ${INFO} Sourcing ${VARSFILE}...";
# and display a green check mark with ${DONE}
echo_succes_or_fail "${VARSFILE} is readable and has been sourced." || \
echo_succes_or_fail "${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}${VARSFILE}${COL_NC} is readable and ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}has been sourced.${COL_NC}" || \
# Othwerwise, error out
echo_succes_or_fail "${VARSFILE} is not readable.
echo_succes_or_fail "${VARSFILE} ${COL_LIGHT_RED}is not readable.${COL_NC}
${INFO} $(ls -l ${VARSFILE} 2>/dev/null)";
parse_file "${VARSFILE}"
@ -648,8 +683,9 @@ check_name_resolution() {
# Check name resoltion from localhost, Pi-hole's IP, and Google's name severs
# using the function we created earlier
dig_at 4 "${IPV4_ADDRESS%/*}"
# If IPv6 enabled, check resolution
# If IPv6 enabled,
if [[ "${IPV6_ADDRESS}" ]]; then
# check resolution
dig_at 6 "${IPV6_ADDRESS%/*}"
@ -668,7 +704,7 @@ dir_check() {
# show a success message
echo_succes_or_fail "Files detected" || \
# Otherwise, show an error
echo_succes_or_fail "directory does not exist"
echo_succes_or_fail "${COL_LIGHT_RED}irectory does not exist.${COL_NC}"
@ -683,7 +719,6 @@ list_files_in_dir() {
# Also print the permissions and the user/group
log_write " ${INFO} $(ls -ld ${dir_to_parse}/${each_file})"
check_dnsmasq_d() {
@ -723,26 +758,28 @@ check_http_directory() {
analyze_gravity_list() {
echo_current_diagnostic "Gravity list"
# It's helpful to know how big a user's gravity file is
gravity_length=$(grep -c ^ "${GRAVITYFILE}") && \
log_write " ${INFO} ${GRAVITYFILE} is ${gravity_length} lines long." || \
log_write " ${INFO} ${GRAVITYFILE} is ${gravity_length} lines long.";
parse_file ${GRAVITYFILE} || \
# If the previous command failed, something is wrong with the file
log_write " ${CROSS} ${GRAVITYFILE} not found!"
log_write " ${CROSS} ${COL_LIGHT_RED}${GRAVITYFILE} not found!${COL_NC}"
tricorder_nc_or_ssl() {
# Users can submit their debug logs using nc (unencrypted) or opensll (enrypted) if available
# Check fist for openssl since encryption is a good thing
tricorder_use_nc_or_ssl() {
# Users can submit their debug logs using nc (unencrypted) or openssl (enrypted) if available
# Check for openssl first since encryption is a good thing
if command -v openssl &> /dev/null; then
# If successful
# If the command exists,
log_write " * Using ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}openssl${COL_NC} for transmission."
# transmit the log and store the token returned in the tricorder variable
tricorder=$(cat /var/log/pihole_debug.log | openssl s_client -quiet -connect tricorder.pi-hole.net:9998 2> /dev/null)
# encrypt and transmit the log and store the token returned in a variable
tricorder_token=$(cat ${DEBUG_LOG} | openssl s_client -quiet -connect tricorder.pi-hole.net:9998 2> /dev/null)
# Otherwise,
# use net cat
log_write " ${INFO} Using ${COL_YELLOW}netcat${COL_NC} for transmission."
tricorder=$(cat /var/log/pihole_debug.log | nc tricorder.pi-hole.net 9999)
tricorder_token=$(cat ${DEBUG_LOG} | nc tricorder.pi-hole.net 9999)
@ -768,10 +805,10 @@ upload_to_tricorder() {
# and then decide again which tool to use to submit it
if command -v openssl &> /dev/null; then
log_write " ${INFO} Using ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}openssl${COL_NC} for transmission."
openssl s_client -quiet -connect tricorder.pi-hole.net:9998 2> /dev/null < /dev/stdin
tricorder_token=$(openssl s_client -quiet -connect tricorder.pi-hole.net:9998 2> /dev/null < /dev/stdin)
log_write " ${INFO} Using ${COL_YELLOW}netcat${COL_NC} for transmission."
nc tricorder.pi-hole.net 9999 < /dev/stdin
tricorder_token=$(nc tricorder.pi-hole.net 9999 < /dev/stdin)
echo ""
@ -780,22 +817,24 @@ upload_to_tricorder() {
read -r -p "[?] Would you like to upload the log? [y/N] " response
case ${response} in
# If they say yes, run our function for uploading the log
[yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) tricorder_nc_or_ssl;;
[yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) tricorder_use_nc_or_ssl;;
# If they choose no, just exit out of the script
*) log_write " * Log will NOT be uploaded to tricorder.";exit;
*) log_write " * Log will ${COL_LIGHT_GREE}NOT${COL_NC} be uploaded to tricorder.";exit;
# Check if tricorder.pi-hole.net is reachable and provide token
# along with some additional useful information
if [[ -n "${tricorder}" ]]; then
if [[ -n "${tricorder_token}" ]]; then
echo ""
log_write "${COL_LIGHT_PURPLE}***********************************${COL_NC}"
log_write "${TICK} Your debug token is: ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}${tricorder}${COL_NC}"
log_write "${TICK} Your debug token is: ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}${tricorder_token}${COL_NC}"
log_write "${COL_LIGHT_PURPLE}***********************************${COL_NC}"
log_write ""
log_write " Provide this token to the Pi-hole team for assistance:"
echo ""
log_write " https://discourse.pi-hole.net"
echo ""
log_write " Your log will self-destruct after 48 hours."
log_write " ${CROSS} There was an error uploading your debug log."
log_write " Please try again or contact the Pi-hole team for assistance."
@ -821,6 +860,7 @@ check_name_resolution
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