If there is a match in Whitelist/Blacklist/Wildcards, `[ ! -t 1 ]` will cause the search to end if the terminal is closed when the script is called. This has the intended effect of allowing a user to search for a W/B/W domain (as well as all the adlists it's found in) using `pihole -q` via Terminal, but the script will stop searching after a W/B/W match when called by the block page.
While testing to make sure `pihole -v` would output `pihole-FTL version`, I noticed some options didn't work how I expected them to. For example, if I use `pihole -v -p`, I would expect to see the version output of Pi-hole Core. Instead, I'm informed that it's an invalid option.
I've had the following things in mind while rewriting this:
* I'm operating under the assumption that FTL is only installed if the Admin Console is (Line 113 exit 0)
* I have modified the help text to only output with `pihole -v --help`
* I have modified all output to be more similar to the output style of `grep` and `curl` (Ditching ":::")
Testing output:
w3k@MCT:~$ pihole -v
Pi-hole version is v3.0.1-14-ga928cd3 (Latest: v3.0.1)
Admin Console version is v3.0-9-g3760482 (Latest: v3.0.1)
FTL version is v2.6.2 (Latest: v2.6.2)
w3k@MCT:~$ pihole -v -c
Current Pi-hole version is v3.0.1-14-ga928cd3
Current Admin Console version is v3.0-9-g3760482
Current FTL version is v2.6.2
w3k@MCT:~$ pihole -v -l
Latest Pi-hole version is v3.0.1
Latest Admin Console version is v3.0.1
Latest FTL version is v2.6.2
w3k@MCT:~$ pihole -v -p --hash
Current Pi-hole hash is a928cd3
w3k@MCT:~$ pihole -v -a --hash
Current Admin Console hash is 3760482
w3k@MCT:~$ pihole -v --help
Usage: pihole -v [REPO | OPTION] [OPTION]
Show Pi-hole, Web Admin & FTL versions
<Shows all Repositories and Options>
w3k@MCT:~$ pihole -v -foo
Invalid Option!
* Disable `include-conf-enabled.pl`, as blindly enabling HTTPS (as Let's Encrypt does by having a file in that folder) creates Block Page inefficiencies
* Make Block page handle JS request rewrite, allowing users to better utilise their `lighttpd` service
* Make Block page handle debugging Pi-hole header
* Make Block page redirect users from `pi.hole` to `http://pi.hole/admin`