Simplified the command -v syntax, and added a sleep 3 timer to the first execution of the log rotation. The second execution was being issued while the first was still running, thus it would fail and you would have to issue the "Flush Logs" command a second time.
Since Pi-hole redirects ad domains to itself, accessing the script via is the same as pi.hole in this case. The fix should be as simple as adding a / before admin on this line.
* Provide remote hashes for comparison
* Use double braces for all conditions (for consistency)
* Suppress potential "cd" error output
* Provide "not applicable" output upon any hash request for FTL
While testing to make sure `pihole -v` would output `pihole-FTL version`, I noticed some options didn't work how I expected them to. For example, if I use `pihole -v -p`, I would expect to see the version output of Pi-hole Core. Instead, I'm informed that it's an invalid option.
I've had the following things in mind while rewriting this:
* I'm operating under the assumption that FTL is only installed if the Admin Console is (Line 113 exit 0)
* I have modified the help text to only output with `pihole -v --help`
* I have modified all output to be more similar to the output style of `grep` and `curl` (Ditching ":::")
Testing output:
w3k@MCT:~$ pihole -v
Pi-hole version is v3.0.1-14-ga928cd3 (Latest: v3.0.1)
Admin Console version is v3.0-9-g3760482 (Latest: v3.0.1)
FTL version is v2.6.2 (Latest: v2.6.2)
w3k@MCT:~$ pihole -v -c
Current Pi-hole version is v3.0.1-14-ga928cd3
Current Admin Console version is v3.0-9-g3760482
Current FTL version is v2.6.2
w3k@MCT:~$ pihole -v -l
Latest Pi-hole version is v3.0.1
Latest Admin Console version is v3.0.1
Latest FTL version is v2.6.2
w3k@MCT:~$ pihole -v -p --hash
Current Pi-hole hash is a928cd3
w3k@MCT:~$ pihole -v -a --hash
Current Admin Console hash is 3760482
w3k@MCT:~$ pihole -v --help
Usage: pihole -v [REPO | OPTION] [OPTION]
Show Pi-hole, Web Admin & FTL versions
<Shows all Repositories and Options>
w3k@MCT:~$ pihole -v -foo
Invalid Option!
* An "About Pi-hole" link on the block page provides an ELI5 explanation to those not familiar with Pi-hole
* An email contact link on the block page provides users of your Pi-hole with a means to easily get in touch with you
* Browsing to your Pi-hole's address will show a simple "landing page", which can be replaced by adding "landing.php" within "/var/www/html"
* Users manually browsing to file/image based content (i.e: non HTML based content) on blocked sites will be greeted with a small "Blocked by Pi-hole" image
* Sites that are manually blacklisted will display a notice of this on the block page
* Sites that aren't directly blocked, but have a CNAME record, will show a notification on the block page (e.g: If is not blocked, but is)
* On the block page, "Back to Safety" now directs the user to "about:home" if Javascript is disabled
* Whitelisting is disabled for installs without a password, or if a client does not have Javascript
* Known issues:
* Admin Console needs a text field under "Web User Interface" where the admin can enter a preferred contact email when a site needs to be whitelisted, to be saved to setupVars.conf with the key "ADMIN_EMAIL"
* Admin Console needs a text field under "Networking" where the admin can enter their Pi-hole's externally contactable FQDN, allowing access to their landing page when browsing to, to be saved to setupVars.conf with the key "FQDN"
* I am not aware of expected output of `$_SERVER["VIRTUAL_HOST"]`, so I have assumed it should be filtered as if it's a domain
* Block page UI overhaul to replicate the style of the Admin Console
* Block page UI is now mobile friendly
* Users can safely customise text in order to make the block page more friendly for their household