.TH "Pi-hole" "8" "Pi-hole" "Pi-hole" "May 2018"

Pi-hole : A black-hole for internet advertisements

\fBpihole\fR (\fB-w\fR|\fB-b\fR|\fB--wild\fR|\fB--regex\fR) [options] domain(s)
\fBpihole -a\fR \fB-p\fR password
\fBpihole -a\fR (\fB-c|-f|-k\fR)
\fBpihole -a\fR [\fB-r\fR hostrecord]
\fBpihole -a -e\fR email
\fBpihole -a -i\fR interface
\fBpihole -a -l\fR privacylevel
\fBpihole -c\fR [-j|-r|-e]
\fBpihole\fR \fB-d\fR [-a]
\fBpihole -f
pihole -r
pihole -t
pihole -g\fR
\fBpihole\fR -\fBq\fR [options]
\fBpihole\fR \fB-l\fR (\fBon|off|off noflush\fR)
\fBpihole -up \fR[--checkonly]
\fBpihole -v\fR [-p|-a|-f] [-c|-l|-hash]
\fBpihole uninstall
pihole status
pihole restartdns\fR
\fBpihole\fR (\fBenable\fR|\fBdisable\fR [time])
\fBpihole\fR \fBcheckout\fR repo [branch]
\fBpihole\fR \fBhelp\fR

Available commands and options:

\fB-w, whitelist\fR [options] [<domain1> <domain2 ...>]
    Adds or removes specified domain or domains tho the Whitelist

\fB-b, blacklist\fR [options] [<domain1> <domain2 ...>]
    Adds or removes specified domain or domains to the blacklist

\fB--wild, wildcard\fR [options] [<domain1> <domain2 ...>]
    Add or removes specified domain to the wildcard blacklist

\fB--regex, regex\fR [options] [<regex1> <regex2 ...>]
    Add or removes specified regex filter to the regex blacklist

    (Whitelist/Blacklist manipulation options):
      -d, --delmode     Remove domain(s) from the list
      -nr, --noreload   Update list without refreshing dnsmasq
      -q, --quiet       Make output less verbose
      -l, --list        Display all your listed domains
      --nuke            Removes all entries in a list

\fB-d, debug\fR [-a]
    Start a debugging session

      -a                Enable automated debugging

\fB-f, flush\fR
    Flush the Pi-hole log

\fB-r, reconfigure\fR
    Reconfigure or Repair Pi-hole subsystems

\fB-t, tail\fR
    View the live output of the Pi-hole log

\fB-a, admin\fR [options]

    (Admin options):
      -p, password      Set Web Interface password
      -c, celsius       Set Celsius as preferred temperature unit
      -f, fahrenheit    Set Fahrenheit as preferred temperature unit
      -k, kelvin        Set Kelvin as preferred temperature unit
      -r, hostrecord    Add a name to the DNS associated to an
                        IPv4/IPv6 address
      -e, email         Set an administrative contact address for the
                        Block Page
      -i, interface     Specify dnsmasq's interface listening behavior
      -l, privacylevel  <level> Set privacy level
                        (0 = lowest, 4 = highest)

\fB-c, chronometer\fR	[options]
    Calculates stats and displays to an LCD

    (Chronometer Options):
      -j, --json        Output stats as JSON formatted string
      -r, --refresh     Set update frequency (in seconds)
      -e, --exit        Output stats and exit witout refreshing

\fB-g, updateGravity\fR
    Update the list of ad-serving domains

\fB-q, query\fR [option]
    Query the adlists for a specified domain

    (Query options):
      -adlist           Print the name of the block list URL
      -exact            Search the block lists for exact domain matches
      -all              Return all query matches within a block list

\fB-h, --help, help\fR
    Show a help dialog

\fB-l, logging\fR [on|off|off noflush]
    Specify whether the Pi-hole log should be used

	(Logging options):
      on                Enable the Pi-hole log at /var/log/pihole.log
      off               Disable and flush the Pi-hole log at
      off noflush       Disable the Pi-hole log at /var/log/pihole.log

\fB-up, updatePihole\fR [--check-only]
    Update Pi-hole subsystems

      --check-only      Exit script before update is performed.

\fB-v, version\fR [repo] [options]
    Show installed versions of Pi-hole, Web Interface &amp; FTL

    (repo options):
      -p, --pihole      Only retrieve info regarding Pi-hole repository
      -a, --admin       Only retrieve info regarding AdminLTE
      -f, --ftl         Only retrieve info regarding FTL repository
    (version options):
      -c, --current     Return the current version
      -l, --latest      Return the latest version
      --hash            Return the Github hash from your local

    Uninstall Pi-hole from your system

    Display the running status of Pi-hole subsystems

    Enable Pi-hole subsystems

\fBdisable\fR [time]
    Disable Pi-hole subsystems, optionally for a set duration

    (time options):
      #s                Disable Pi-hole functionality for # second(s)
      #m                Disable Pi-hole functionality for # minute(s)

    Restart Pi-hole subsystems

\fBcheckout\fR [repo] [branch]
    Switch Pi-hole subsystems to a different Github branch

    (repo options):
      core              Change the branch of Pi-hole's core subsystem
      web               Change the branch of Admin Console subsystem
      ftl               Change the branch of Pi-hole's FTL subsystem
    (branch options):
      master            Update subsystems to the latest stable release
      dev               Update subsystems to the latest development
      branchname        Update subsystems to the specified branchname

Some usage examples

Whitelist/blacklist manipulation

\fBpihole -w iloveads.example.com\fR
    Adds "iloveads.example.com" to whitelist

\fBpihole -b -d noads.example.com\fR
    Removes "noads.example.com" from blacklist

\fBpihole --wild example.com\fR
    Adds example.com as a wildcard - would block all subdomains of
    example.com, including example.com itself.

\fBpihole --regex "ad.*\\.example\\.com$"\fR
    Adds "ad.*\\.example\\.com$" to the regex blacklist.
    Would block all subdomains of example.com which start with "ad"

Changing the Web Interface password

\fBpihole -a -p ExamplePassword\fR
    Change the password to "ExamplePassword"

Updating lists from internet sources

\fBpihole -g\fR
    Update the list of ad-serving domains

Displaying version information

\fBpihole -v -a -c\fR
    Display the current version of AdminLTE

Temporarily disabling Pi-hole

\fBpihole disable 5m\fR
    Disable Pi-hole functionality for five minutes

Switching Pi-hole subsystem branches

\fBpihole checkout master\fR
    Switch to master branch

\fBpihole checkout core dev\fR
    Switch to core development branch

\fBlighttpd\fR(8), \fBpihole-FTL\fR(8)

Get sucked into the latest news and community activity by entering Pi-hole's orbit. Information about Pi-hole, and the latest version of the software can be found at https://pi-hole.net.