#!/usr/bin/env bash # shellcheck disable=SC1090 # Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements # (c) 2017 Pi-hole, LLC (https://pi-hole.net) # Network-wide ad blocking via your own hardware. # # Usage: "pihole -g" # Compiles a list of ad-serving domains by downloading them from multiple sources # # This file is copyright under the latest version of the EUPL. # Please see LICENSE file for your rights under this license. export LC_ALL=C coltable="/opt/pihole/COL_TABLE" source "${coltable}" # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source "/etc/.pihole/advanced/Scripts/database_migration/gravity-db.sh" basename="pihole" PIHOLE_COMMAND="/usr/local/bin/${basename}" piholeDir="/etc/${basename}" # Legacy (pre v5.0) list file locations whitelistFile="${piholeDir}/whitelist.txt" blacklistFile="${piholeDir}/blacklist.txt" regexFile="${piholeDir}/regex.list" adListFile="${piholeDir}/adlists.list" localList="${piholeDir}/local.list" VPNList="/etc/openvpn/ipp.txt" piholeGitDir="/etc/.pihole" gravityDBfile_default="${piholeDir}/gravity.db" # GRAVITYDB may be overwritten by source pihole-FTL.conf below GRAVITYDB="${gravityDBfile_default}" gravityDBschema="${piholeGitDir}/advanced/Templates/gravity.db.sql" gravityDBcopy="${piholeGitDir}/advanced/Templates/gravity_copy.sql" domainsExtension="domains" curl_connect_timeout=10 # Source setupVars from install script setupVars="${piholeDir}/setupVars.conf" if [[ -f "${setupVars}" ]];then source "${setupVars}" else echo -e " ${COL_LIGHT_RED}Installation Failure: ${setupVars} does not exist! ${COL_NC} Please run 'pihole -r', and choose the 'reconfigure' option to fix." exit 1 fi # Source pihole-FTL from install script pihole_FTL="${piholeDir}/pihole-FTL.conf" if [[ -f "${pihole_FTL}" ]]; then source "${pihole_FTL}" fi # Set this only after sourcing pihole-FTL.conf as the gravity database path may # have changed gravityDBfile="${GRAVITYDB}" gravityTEMPfile="${GRAVITYDB}_temp" gravityDIR="$(dirname -- "${gravityDBfile}")" gravityOLDfile="${gravityDIR}/gravity_old.db" if [[ -z "${BLOCKINGMODE}" ]] ; then BLOCKINGMODE="NULL" fi # Determine if superseded pihole.conf exists if [[ -r "${piholeDir}/pihole.conf" ]]; then echo -e " ${COL_LIGHT_RED}Ignoring overrides specified within pihole.conf! ${COL_NC}" fi # Generate new SQLite3 file from schema template generate_gravity_database() { if ! pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" < "${gravityDBschema}"; then echo -e " ${CROSS} Unable to create ${gravityDBfile}" return 1 fi chown pihole:pihole "${gravityDBfile}" chmod g+w "${piholeDir}" "${gravityDBfile}" } # Copy data from old to new database file and swap them gravity_swap_databases() { local str copyGravity oldAvail str="Building tree" echo -ne " ${INFO} ${str}..." # The index is intentionally not UNIQUE as poor quality adlists may contain domains more than once output=$( { pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityTEMPfile}" "CREATE INDEX idx_gravity ON gravity (domain, adlist_id);"; } 2>&1 ) status="$?" if [[ "${status}" -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "\\n ${CROSS} Unable to build gravity tree in ${gravityTEMPfile}\\n ${output}" return 1 fi echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} ${str}" str="Swapping databases" echo -ne " ${INFO} ${str}..." # Swap databases and remove or conditionally rename old database # Number of available blocks on disk availableBlocks=$(stat -f --format "%a" "${gravityDIR}") # Number of blocks, used by gravity.db gravityBlocks=$(stat --format "%b" ${gravityDBfile}) # Only keep the old database if available disk space is at least twice the size of the existing gravity.db. # Better be safe than sorry... oldAvail=false if [ "${availableBlocks}" -gt "$((gravityBlocks * 2))" ] && [ -f "${gravityDBfile}" ]; then oldAvail=true mv "${gravityDBfile}" "${gravityOLDfile}" else rm "${gravityDBfile}" fi mv "${gravityTEMPfile}" "${gravityDBfile}" echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} ${str}" if $oldAvail; then echo -e " ${TICK} The old database remains available." fi } # Update timestamp when the gravity table was last updated successfully update_gravity_timestamp() { output=$( { printf ".timeout 30000\\nINSERT OR REPLACE INTO info (property,value) values ('updated',cast(strftime('%%s', 'now') as int));" | pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}"; } 2>&1 ) status="$?" if [[ "${status}" -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "\\n ${CROSS} Unable to update gravity timestamp in database ${gravityDBfile}\\n ${output}" return 1 fi return 0 } # Update timestamp when the gravity table was last updated successfully set_abp_info() { pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO info (property,value) VALUES ('abp_domains',${abp_domains});" status="$?" if [[ "${status}" -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "\\n ${CROSS} Unable to update ABP domain status in database ${gravityDBfile}\\n ${output}" return 1 fi return 0 } # Import domains from file and store them in the specified database table database_table_from_file() { # Define locals local table src backup_path backup_file tmpFile list_type table="${1}" src="${2}" backup_path="${piholeDir}/migration_backup" backup_file="${backup_path}/$(basename "${2}")" tmpFile="$(mktemp -p "/tmp" --suffix=".gravity")" local timestamp timestamp="$(date --utc +'%s')" local rowid declare -i rowid rowid=1 # Special handling for domains to be imported into the common domainlist table if [[ "${table}" == "whitelist" ]]; then list_type="0" table="domainlist" elif [[ "${table}" == "blacklist" ]]; then list_type="1" table="domainlist" elif [[ "${table}" == "regex" ]]; then list_type="3" table="domainlist" fi # Get MAX(id) from domainlist when INSERTing into this table if [[ "${table}" == "domainlist" ]]; then rowid="$(pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "SELECT MAX(id) FROM domainlist;")" if [[ -z "$rowid" ]]; then rowid=0 fi rowid+=1 fi # Loop over all domains in ${src} file # Read file line by line grep -v '^ *#' < "${src}" | while IFS= read -r domain do # Only add non-empty lines if [[ -n "${domain}" ]]; then if [[ "${table}" == "domain_audit" ]]; then # domain_audit table format (no enable or modified fields) echo "${rowid},\"${domain}\",${timestamp}" >> "${tmpFile}" elif [[ "${table}" == "adlist" ]]; then # Adlist table format echo "${rowid},\"${domain}\",1,${timestamp},${timestamp},\"Migrated from ${src}\",,0,0,0" >> "${tmpFile}" else # White-, black-, and regexlist table format echo "${rowid},${list_type},\"${domain}\",1,${timestamp},${timestamp},\"Migrated from ${src}\"" >> "${tmpFile}" fi rowid+=1 fi done # Store domains in database table specified by ${table} # Use printf as .mode and .import need to be on separate lines # see https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/445615/83260 output=$( { printf ".timeout 30000\\n.mode csv\\n.import \"%s\" %s\\n" "${tmpFile}" "${table}" | pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}"; } 2>&1 ) status="$?" if [[ "${status}" -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "\\n ${CROSS} Unable to fill table ${table}${list_type} in database ${gravityDBfile}\\n ${output}" gravity_Cleanup "error" fi # Move source file to backup directory, create directory if not existing mkdir -p "${backup_path}" mv "${src}" "${backup_file}" 2> /dev/null || \ echo -e " ${CROSS} Unable to backup ${src} to ${backup_path}" # Delete tmpFile rm "${tmpFile}" > /dev/null 2>&1 || \ echo -e " ${CROSS} Unable to remove ${tmpFile}" } # Update timestamp of last update of this list. We store this in the "old" database as all values in the new database will later be overwritten database_adlist_updated() { output=$( { printf ".timeout 30000\\nUPDATE adlist SET date_updated = (cast(strftime('%%s', 'now') as int)) WHERE id = %i;\\n" "${1}" | pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}"; } 2>&1 ) status="$?" if [[ "${status}" -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "\\n ${CROSS} Unable to update timestamp of adlist with ID ${1} in database ${gravityDBfile}\\n ${output}" gravity_Cleanup "error" fi } # Check if a column with name ${2} exists in gravity table with name ${1} gravity_column_exists() { output=$( { printf ".timeout 30000\\nSELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM pragma_table_info('%s') WHERE name='%s');\\n" "${1}" "${2}" | pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}"; } 2>&1 ) if [[ "${output}" == "1" ]]; then return 0 # Bash 0 is success fi return 1 # Bash non-0 is failure } # Update number of domain on this list. We store this in the "old" database as all values in the new database will later be overwritten database_adlist_number() { # Only try to set number of domains when this field exists in the gravity database if ! gravity_column_exists "adlist" "number"; then return; fi output=$( { printf ".timeout 30000\\nUPDATE adlist SET number = %i, invalid_domains = %i WHERE id = %i;\\n" "${num_domains}" "${num_non_domains}" "${1}" | pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}"; } 2>&1 ) status="$?" if [[ "${status}" -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "\\n ${CROSS} Unable to update number of domains in adlist with ID ${1} in database ${gravityDBfile}\\n ${output}" gravity_Cleanup "error" fi } # Update status of this list. We store this in the "old" database as all values in the new database will later be overwritten database_adlist_status() { # Only try to set the status when this field exists in the gravity database if ! gravity_column_exists "adlist" "status"; then return; fi output=$( { printf ".timeout 30000\\nUPDATE adlist SET status = %i WHERE id = %i;\\n" "${2}" "${1}" | pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}"; } 2>&1 ) status="$?" if [[ "${status}" -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "\\n ${CROSS} Unable to update status of adlist with ID ${1} in database ${gravityDBfile}\\n ${output}" gravity_Cleanup "error" fi } # Migrate pre-v5.0 list files to database-based Pi-hole versions migrate_to_database() { # Create database file only if not present if [ ! -e "${gravityDBfile}" ]; then # Create new database file - note that this will be created in version 1 echo -e " ${INFO} Creating new gravity database" if ! generate_gravity_database; then echo -e " ${CROSS} Error creating new gravity database. Please contact support." return 1 fi # Check if gravity database needs to be updated upgrade_gravityDB "${gravityDBfile}" "${piholeDir}" # Migrate list files to new database if [ -e "${adListFile}" ]; then # Store adlist domains in database echo -e " ${INFO} Migrating content of ${adListFile} into new database" database_table_from_file "adlist" "${adListFile}" fi if [ -e "${blacklistFile}" ]; then # Store blacklisted domains in database echo -e " ${INFO} Migrating content of ${blacklistFile} into new database" database_table_from_file "blacklist" "${blacklistFile}" fi if [ -e "${whitelistFile}" ]; then # Store whitelisted domains in database echo -e " ${INFO} Migrating content of ${whitelistFile} into new database" database_table_from_file "whitelist" "${whitelistFile}" fi if [ -e "${regexFile}" ]; then # Store regex domains in database # Important note: We need to add the domains to the "regex" table # as it will only later be renamed to "regex_blacklist"! echo -e " ${INFO} Migrating content of ${regexFile} into new database" database_table_from_file "regex" "${regexFile}" fi fi # Check if gravity database needs to be updated upgrade_gravityDB "${gravityDBfile}" "${piholeDir}" } # Determine if DNS resolution is available before proceeding gravity_CheckDNSResolutionAvailable() { local lookupDomain="pi.hole" # Determine if $localList does not exist, and ensure it is not empty if [[ ! -e "${localList}" ]] || [[ -s "${localList}" ]]; then lookupDomain="raw.githubusercontent.com" fi # Determine if $lookupDomain is resolvable if timeout 4 getent hosts "${lookupDomain}" &> /dev/null; then # Print confirmation of resolvability if it had previously failed if [[ -n "${secs:-}" ]]; then echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} DNS resolution is now available\\n" fi return 0 elif [[ -n "${secs:-}" ]]; then echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} DNS resolution is not available" exit 1 fi # If the /etc/resolv.conf contains resolvers other than then the local dnsmasq will not be queried and pi.hole is NXDOMAIN. # This means that even though name resolution is working, the getent hosts check fails and the holddown timer keeps ticking and eventually fails # So we check the output of the last command and if it failed, attempt to use dig +short as a fallback if timeout 4 dig +short "${lookupDomain}" &> /dev/null; then if [[ -n "${secs:-}" ]]; then echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} DNS resolution is now available\\n" fi return 0 elif [[ -n "${secs:-}" ]]; then echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} DNS resolution is not available" exit 1 fi # Determine error output message if pgrep pihole-FTL &> /dev/null; then echo -e " ${CROSS} DNS resolution is currently unavailable" else echo -e " ${CROSS} DNS service is not running" "${PIHOLE_COMMAND}" restartdns fi # Ensure DNS server is given time to be resolvable secs="120" echo -ne " ${INFO} Time until retry: ${secs}" until timeout 1 getent hosts "${lookupDomain}" &> /dev/null; do [[ "${secs:-}" -eq 0 ]] && break echo -ne "${OVER} ${INFO} Time until retry: ${secs}" : $((secs--)) sleep 1 done # Try again gravity_CheckDNSResolutionAvailable } # Retrieve blocklist URLs and parse domains from adlist.list gravity_DownloadBlocklists() { echo -e " ${INFO} ${COL_BOLD}Neutrino emissions detected${COL_NC}..." if [[ "${gravityDBfile}" != "${gravityDBfile_default}" ]]; then echo -e " ${INFO} Storing gravity database in ${COL_BOLD}${gravityDBfile}${COL_NC}" fi # Retrieve source URLs from gravity database # We source only enabled adlists, SQLite3 stores boolean values as 0 (false) or 1 (true) mapfile -t sources <<< "$(pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "SELECT address FROM vw_adlist;" 2> /dev/null)" mapfile -t sourceIDs <<< "$(pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "SELECT id FROM vw_adlist;" 2> /dev/null)" # Parse source domains from $sources mapfile -t sourceDomains <<< "$( # Logic: Split by folder/port awk -F '[/:]' '{ # Remove URL protocol & optional username:password@ gsub(/(.*:\/\/|.*:.*@)/, "", $0) if(length($1)>0){print $1} else {print "local"} }' <<< "$(printf '%s\n' "${sources[@]}")" 2> /dev/null )" local str="Pulling blocklist source list into range" echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} ${str}" if [[ -z "${sources[*]}" ]] || [[ -z "${sourceDomains[*]}" ]]; then echo -e " ${INFO} No source list found, or it is empty" echo "" unset sources fi local url domain agent cmd_ext str target compression echo "" # Prepare new gravity database str="Preparing new gravity database" echo -ne " ${INFO} ${str}..." rm "${gravityTEMPfile}" > /dev/null 2>&1 output=$( { pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityTEMPfile}" < "${gravityDBschema}"; } 2>&1 ) status="$?" if [[ "${status}" -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "\\n ${CROSS} Unable to create new database ${gravityTEMPfile}\\n ${output}" gravity_Cleanup "error" else echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} ${str}" fi target="$(mktemp -p "/tmp" --suffix=".gravity")" # Use compression to reduce the amount of data that is transferred # between the Pi-hole and the ad list provider. Use this feature # only if it is supported by the locally available version of curl if curl -V | grep -q "Features:.* libz"; then compression="--compressed" echo -e " ${INFO} Using libz compression\n" else compression="" echo -e " ${INFO} Libz compression not available\n" fi # Loop through $sources and download each one for ((i = 0; i < "${#sources[@]}"; i++)); do url="${sources[$i]}" domain="${sourceDomains[$i]}" id="${sourceIDs[$i]}" # Save the file as list.#.domain saveLocation="${piholeDir}/list.${id}.${domain}.${domainsExtension}" activeDomains[$i]="${saveLocation}" # Default user-agent (for Cloudflare's Browser Integrity Check: https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200170086-What-does-the-Browser-Integrity-Check-do-) agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36" # Provide special commands for blocklists which may need them case "${domain}" in "pgl.yoyo.org") cmd_ext="-d mimetype=plaintext -d hostformat=hosts";; *) cmd_ext="";; esac echo -e " ${INFO} Target: ${url}" local regex check_url # Check for characters NOT allowed in URLs regex="[^a-zA-Z0-9:/?&%=~._()-;]" # this will remove first @ that is after schema and before domain # \1 is optional schema, \2 is userinfo check_url="$( sed -re 's#([^:/]*://)?([^/]+)@#\1\2#' <<< "$url" )" if [[ "${check_url}" =~ ${regex} ]]; then echo -e " ${CROSS} Invalid Target" else gravity_DownloadBlocklistFromUrl "${url}" "${cmd_ext}" "${agent}" "${sourceIDs[$i]}" "${saveLocation}" "${target}" "${compression}" fi echo "" done str="Creating new gravity databases" echo -ne " ${INFO} ${str}..." # Gravity copying SQL script copyGravity="$(cat "${gravityDBcopy}")" if [[ "${gravityDBfile}" != "${gravityDBfile_default}" ]]; then # Replace default gravity script location by custom location copyGravity="${copyGravity//"${gravityDBfile_default}"/"${gravityDBfile}"}" fi output=$( { pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityTEMPfile}" <<< "${copyGravity}"; } 2>&1 ) status="$?" if [[ "${status}" -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "\\n ${CROSS} Unable to copy data from ${gravityDBfile} to ${gravityTEMPfile}\\n ${output}" return 1 fi echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} ${str}" str="Storing downloaded domains in new gravity database" echo -ne " ${INFO} ${str}..." output=$( { printf ".timeout 30000\\n.mode csv\\n.import \"%s\" gravity\\n" "${target}" | pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityTEMPfile}"; } 2>&1 ) status="$?" if [[ "${status}" -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "\\n ${CROSS} Unable to fill gravity table in database ${gravityTEMPfile}\\n ${output}" gravity_Cleanup "error" else echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} ${str}" fi if [[ "${status}" -eq 0 && -n "${output}" ]]; then echo -e " Encountered non-critical SQL warnings. Please check the suitability of the lists you're using!\\n\\n SQL warnings:" local warning file line lineno while IFS= read -r line; do echo " - ${line}" warning="$(grep -oh "^[^:]*:[0-9]*" <<< "${line}")" file="${warning%:*}" lineno="${warning#*:}" if [[ -n "${file}" && -n "${lineno}" ]]; then echo -n " Line contains: " awk "NR==${lineno}" < "${file}" fi done <<< "${output}" echo "" fi rm "${target}" > /dev/null 2>&1 || \ echo -e " ${CROSS} Unable to remove ${target}" gravity_Blackbody=true } # global variable to indicate if we found ABP style domains during the gravity run # is saved in gravtiy's info table to signal FTL if such domains are available abp_domains=0 parseList() { local adlistID="${1}" src="${2}" target="${3}" temp_file temp_file_base non_domains sample_non_domains valid_domain_pattern abp_domain_pattern # Create a temporary file for the sed magic instead of using "${target}" directly # this allows to split the sed commands to improve readability # we use a file handle here and remove the temporary file immediately so the content will be deleted in any case # when the script stops temp_file_base="$(mktemp -p "/tmp" --suffix=".gravity")" exec 3>"$temp_file_base" rm "${temp_file_base}" temp_file="/proc/$$/fd/3" # define valid domain patterns # no need to include uppercase letters, as we convert to lowercase in gravity_ParseFileIntoDomains() already # adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/30007882 # supported ABP style: ||subdomain.domain.tlp^ valid_domain_pattern="([a-z0-9]([a-z0-9_-]{0,61}[a-z0-9]){0,1}\.)+[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9]" abp_domain_pattern="\|\|${valid_domain_pattern}\^" # 1. Add all valid domains sed -r "/^${valid_domain_pattern}$/!d" "${src}" > "${temp_file}" # 2. Add valid ABP style domains if there is at least one such domain if grep -E "^${abp_domain_pattern}$" -m 1 -q "${src}"; then echo " ${INFO} List contained AdBlock Plus style domains" abp_domains=1 sed -r "/^${abp_domain_pattern}$/!d" "${src}" >> "${temp_file}" fi # Find lines containing no domains or with invalid characters (not matching regex above) # This is simply everything that is not in $temp_file compared to $src # Remove duplicates from the list mapfile -t non_domains < <(grep -Fvf "${temp_file}" "${src}" | sort -u ) # 3. Remove trailing period (see https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/issues/4701) # 4. Append ,adlistID to every line # 5. Ensures there is a newline on the last line # and write everything to the target file sed "s/\.$//;s/$/,${adlistID}/;/.$/a\\" "${temp_file}" >> "${target}" # A list of items of common local hostnames not to report as unusable # Some lists (i.e StevenBlack's) contain these as they are supposed to be used as HOST files # but flagging them as unusable causes more confusion than it's worth - so we suppress them from the output false_positives="localhost|localhost.localdomain|local|broadcasthost|localhost|ip6-localhost|ip6-loopback|lo0 localhost|ip6-localnet|ip6-mcastprefix|ip6-allnodes|ip6-allrouters|ip6-allhosts" # if there are any non-domains, filter the array for false-positives # Credit: https://stackoverflow.com/a/40264051 if [[ "${#non_domains[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then mapfile -d $'\0' -t non_domains < <(printf '%s\0' "${non_domains[@]}" | grep -Ezv "^${false_positives}") fi # Get a sample of non-domain entries, limited to 5 (the list should already have been de-duplicated) IFS=" " read -r -a sample_non_domains <<< "$(tr ' ' '\n' <<< "${non_domains[@]}" | head -n 5 | tr '\n' ' ')" # Get the number of domains added num_domains="$(grep -c "^" "${temp_file}")" # Get the number of non_domains (this is the number of entries left after stripping the source of comments/duplicates/false positives/domains) num_non_domains="${#non_domains[@]}" # If there are unusable lines, we display some information about them. This is not error or major cause for concern. if [[ "${num_non_domains}" -ne 0 ]]; then echo " ${INFO} Imported ${num_domains} domains, ignoring ${num_non_domains} non-domain entries" echo " Sample of non-domain entries:" for each in "${sample_non_domains[@]}" do echo " - ${each}" done else echo " ${INFO} Imported ${num_domains} domains" fi # close file handle exec 3<&- } compareLists() { local adlistID="${1}" target="${2}" # Verify checksum when an older checksum exists if [[ -s "${target}.sha1" ]]; then if ! sha1sum --check --status --strict "${target}.sha1"; then # The list changed upstream, we need to update the checksum sha1sum "${target}" > "${target}.sha1" echo " ${INFO} List has been updated" database_adlist_status "${adlistID}" "1" database_adlist_updated "${adlistID}" else echo " ${INFO} List stayed unchanged" database_adlist_status "${adlistID}" "2" fi else # No checksum available, create one for comparing on the next run sha1sum "${target}" > "${target}.sha1" # We assume here it was changed upstream database_adlist_status "${adlistID}" "1" database_adlist_updated "${adlistID}" fi } # Download specified URL and perform checks on HTTP status and file content gravity_DownloadBlocklistFromUrl() { local url="${1}" cmd_ext="${2}" agent="${3}" adlistID="${4}" saveLocation="${5}" target="${6}" compression="${7}" local heisenbergCompensator="" patternBuffer str httpCode success="" ip # Create temp file to store content on disk instead of RAM patternBuffer=$(mktemp -p "/tmp" --suffix=".phgpb") # Determine if $saveLocation has read permission if [[ -r "${saveLocation}" && $url != "file"* ]]; then # Have curl determine if a remote file has been modified since last retrieval # Uses "Last-Modified" header, which certain web servers do not provide (e.g: raw github urls) # Note: Don't do this for local files, always download them heisenbergCompensator="-z ${saveLocation}" fi str="Status:" echo -ne " ${INFO} ${str} Pending..." blocked=false case $BLOCKINGMODE in "IP-NODATA-AAAA"|"IP") # Get IP address of this domain ip="$(dig "${domain}" +short)" # Check if this IP matches any IP of the system if [[ -n "${ip}" && $(grep -Ec "inet(|6) ${ip}" <<< "$(ip a)") -gt 0 ]]; then blocked=true fi;; "NXDOMAIN") if [[ $(dig "${domain}" | grep "NXDOMAIN" -c) -ge 1 ]]; then blocked=true fi;; "NODATA") if [[ $(dig "${domain}" | grep "NOERROR" -c) -ge 1 ]] && [[ -z $(dig +short "${domain}") ]]; then blocked=true fi;; "NULL"|*) if [[ $(dig "${domain}" +short | grep "" -c) -ge 1 ]]; then blocked=true fi;; esac if [[ "${blocked}" == true ]]; then printf -v ip_addr "%s" "${PIHOLE_DNS_1%#*}" if [[ ${PIHOLE_DNS_1} != *"#"* ]]; then port=53 else printf -v port "%s" "${PIHOLE_DNS_1#*#}" fi ip=$(dig "@${ip_addr}" -p "${port}" +short "${domain}" | tail -1) if [[ $(echo "${url}" | awk -F '://' '{print $1}') = "https" ]]; then port=443; else port=80 fi bad_list=$(pihole -q -adlist "${domain}" | head -n1 | awk -F 'Match found in ' '{print $2}') echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} ${str} ${domain} is blocked by ${bad_list%:}. Using DNS on ${PIHOLE_DNS_1} to download ${url}"; echo -ne " ${INFO} ${str} Pending..." cmd_ext="--resolve $domain:$port:$ip $cmd_ext" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 httpCode=$(curl --connect-timeout ${curl_connect_timeout} -s -L ${compression} ${cmd_ext} ${heisenbergCompensator} -w "%{http_code}" -A "${agent}" "${url}" -o "${patternBuffer}" 2> /dev/null) case $url in # Did we "download" a local file? "file"*) if [[ -s "${patternBuffer}" ]]; then echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} ${str} Retrieval successful"; success=true else echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} ${str} Not found / empty list" fi;; # Did we "download" a remote file? *) # Determine "Status:" output based on HTTP response case "${httpCode}" in "200") echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} ${str} Retrieval successful"; success=true;; "304") echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} ${str} No changes detected"; success=true;; "000") echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} ${str} Connection Refused";; "403") echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} ${str} Forbidden";; "404") echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} ${str} Not found";; "408") echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} ${str} Time-out";; "451") echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} ${str} Unavailable For Legal Reasons";; "500") echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} ${str} Internal Server Error";; "504") echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} ${str} Connection Timed Out (Gateway)";; "521") echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} ${str} Web Server Is Down (Cloudflare)";; "522") echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} ${str} Connection Timed Out (Cloudflare)";; * ) echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} ${str} ${url} (${httpCode})";; esac;; esac local done="false" # Determine if the blocklist was downloaded and saved correctly if [[ "${success}" == true ]]; then if [[ "${httpCode}" == "304" ]]; then # Add domains to database table file parseList "${adlistID}" "${saveLocation}" "${target}" database_adlist_status "${adlistID}" "2" database_adlist_number "${adlistID}" done="true" # Check if $patternbuffer is a non-zero length file elif [[ -s "${patternBuffer}" ]]; then # Determine if blocklist is non-standard and parse as appropriate gravity_ParseFileIntoDomains "${patternBuffer}" "${saveLocation}" # Add domains to database table file parseList "${adlistID}" "${saveLocation}" "${target}" # Compare lists, are they identical? compareLists "${adlistID}" "${saveLocation}" # Update gravity database table (status and updated timestamp are set in # compareLists) database_adlist_number "${adlistID}" done="true" else # Fall back to previously cached list if $patternBuffer is empty echo -e " ${INFO} Received empty file" fi fi # Do we need to fall back to a cached list (if available)? if [[ "${done}" != "true" ]]; then # Determine if cached list has read permission if [[ -r "${saveLocation}" ]]; then echo -e " ${CROSS} List download failed: ${COL_LIGHT_GREEN}using previously cached list${COL_NC}" # Add domains to database table file parseList "${adlistID}" "${saveLocation}" "${target}" database_adlist_number "${adlistID}" database_adlist_status "${adlistID}" "3" else echo -e " ${CROSS} List download failed: ${COL_LIGHT_RED}no cached list available${COL_NC}" # Manually reset these two numbers because we do not call parseList here num_domains=0 num_non_domains=0 database_adlist_number "${adlistID}" database_adlist_status "${adlistID}" "4" fi fi } # Parse source files into domains format gravity_ParseFileIntoDomains() { local src="${1}" destination="${2}" # Remove comments and print only the domain name # Most of the lists downloaded are already in hosts file format but the spacing/formatting is not contiguous # This helps with that and makes it easier to read # It also helps with debugging so each stage of the script can be researched more in depth # 1) Convert all characters to lowercase tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' < "${src}" > "${destination}" # 2) Remove carriage returns sed -i 's/\r$//' "${destination}" # 3a) Remove comments (text starting with "#", include possible spaces before the hash sign) sed -i 's/\s*#.*//g' "${destination}" # 3b) Remove lines starting with ! (ABP Comments) sed -i 's/\s*!.*//g' "${destination}" # 3c) Remove lines starting with [ (ABP Header) sed -i 's/\s*\[.*//g' "${destination}" # 4) Remove lines containing "/" sed -i -r '/(\/).*$/d' "${destination}" # 5) Remove leading tabs, spaces, etc. (Also removes leading IP addresses) sed -i -r 's/^.*\s+//g' "${destination}" # 6) Remove empty lines sed -i '/^$/d' "${destination}" chmod 644 "${destination}" } # Report number of entries in a table gravity_Table_Count() { local table="${1}" local str="${2}" local num num="$(pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ${table};")" if [[ "${table}" == "vw_gravity" ]]; then local unique unique="$(pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT domain) FROM ${table};")" echo -e " ${INFO} Number of ${str}: ${num} (${COL_BOLD}${unique} unique domains${COL_NC})" pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO info (property,value) VALUES ('gravity_count',${unique});" else echo -e " ${INFO} Number of ${str}: ${num}" fi } # Output count of blacklisted domains and regex filters gravity_ShowCount() { gravity_Table_Count "vw_gravity" "gravity domains" "" gravity_Table_Count "vw_blacklist" "exact blacklisted domains" gravity_Table_Count "vw_regex_blacklist" "regex blacklist filters" gravity_Table_Count "vw_whitelist" "exact whitelisted domains" gravity_Table_Count "vw_regex_whitelist" "regex whitelist filters" } # Create "localhost" entries into hosts format gravity_generateLocalList() { # Empty $localList if it already exists, otherwise, create it echo "### Do not modify this file, it will be overwritten by pihole -g" > "${localList}" chmod 644 "${localList}" # Add additional LAN hosts provided by OpenVPN (if available) if [[ -f "${VPNList}" ]]; then awk -F, '{printf $2"\t"$1".vpn\n"}' "${VPNList}" >> "${localList}" fi } # Trap Ctrl-C gravity_Trap() { trap '{ echo -e "\\n\\n ${INFO} ${COL_LIGHT_RED}User-abort detected${COL_NC}"; gravity_Cleanup "error"; }' INT } # Clean up after Gravity upon exit or cancellation gravity_Cleanup() { local error="${1:-}" str="Cleaning up stray matter" echo -ne " ${INFO} ${str}..." # Delete tmp content generated by Gravity rm ${piholeDir}/pihole.*.txt 2> /dev/null rm ${piholeDir}/*.tmp 2> /dev/null rm /tmp/*.phgpb 2> /dev/null # Ensure this function only runs when gravity_SetDownloadOptions() has completed if [[ "${gravity_Blackbody:-}" == true ]]; then # Remove any unused .domains files for file in "${piholeDir}"/*."${domainsExtension}"; do # If list is not in active array, then remove it if [[ ! "${activeDomains[*]}" == *"${file}"* ]]; then rm -f "${file}" 2> /dev/null || \ echo -e " ${CROSS} Failed to remove ${file##*/}" fi done fi echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} ${str}" # Only restart DNS service if offline if ! pgrep pihole-FTL &> /dev/null; then "${PIHOLE_COMMAND}" restartdns dnsWasOffline=true fi # Print Pi-hole status if an error occurred if [[ -n "${error}" ]]; then "${PIHOLE_COMMAND}" status exit 1 fi } database_recovery() { local result local str="Checking integrity of existing gravity database (this can take a while)" local option="${1}" echo -ne " ${INFO} ${str}..." result="$(pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "PRAGMA integrity_check" 2>&1)" if [[ ${result} = "ok" ]]; then echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} ${str} - no errors found" str="Checking foreign keys of existing gravity database (this can take a while)" echo -ne " ${INFO} ${str}..." unset result result="$(pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "PRAGMA foreign_key_check" 2>&1)" if [[ -z ${result} ]]; then echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} ${str} - no errors found" if [[ "${option}" != "force" ]]; then return fi else echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} ${str} - errors found:" while IFS= read -r line ; do echo " - $line"; done <<< "$result" fi else echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} ${str} - errors found:" while IFS= read -r line ; do echo " - $line"; done <<< "$result" fi str="Trying to recover existing gravity database" echo -ne " ${INFO} ${str}..." # We have to remove any possibly existing recovery database or this will fail rm -f "${gravityDBfile}.recovered" > /dev/null 2>&1 if result="$(pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" ".recover" | pihole-FTL sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}.recovered" 2>&1)"; then echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} ${str} - success" mv "${gravityDBfile}" "${gravityDBfile}.old" mv "${gravityDBfile}.recovered" "${gravityDBfile}" echo -ne " ${INFO} ${gravityDBfile} has been recovered" echo -ne " ${INFO} The old ${gravityDBfile} has been moved to ${gravityDBfile}.old" else echo -e "${OVER} ${CROSS} ${str} - the following errors happened:" while IFS= read -r line ; do echo " - $line"; done <<< "$result" echo -e " ${CROSS} Recovery failed. Try \"pihole -r recreate\" instead." exit 1 fi echo "" } helpFunc() { echo "Usage: pihole -g Update domains from blocklists specified in adlists.list Options: -f, --force Force the download of all specified blocklists -h, --help Show this help dialog" exit 0 } repairSelector() { case "$1" in "recover") recover_database=true;; "recreate") recreate_database=true;; *) echo "Usage: pihole -g -r {recover,recreate} Attempt to repair gravity database Available options: pihole -g -r recover Try to recover a damaged gravity database file. Pi-hole tries to restore as much as possible from a corrupted gravity database. pihole -g -r recover force Pi-hole will run the recovery process even when no damage is detected. This option is meant to be a last resort. Recovery is a fragile task consuming a lot of resources and shouldn't be performed unnecessarily. pihole -g -r recreate Create a new gravity database file from scratch. This will remove your existing gravity database and create a new file from scratch. If you still have the migration backup created when migrating to Pi-hole v5.0, Pi-hole will import these files." exit 0;; esac } for var in "$@"; do case "${var}" in "-f" | "--force" ) forceDelete=true;; "-r" | "--repair" ) repairSelector "$3";; "-h" | "--help" ) helpFunc;; esac done # Remove OLD (backup) gravity file, if it exists if [[ -f "${gravityOLDfile}" ]]; then rm "${gravityOLDfile}" fi # Trap Ctrl-C gravity_Trap if [[ "${recreate_database:-}" == true ]]; then str="Recreating gravity database from migration backup" echo -ne "${INFO} ${str}..." rm "${gravityDBfile}" pushd "${piholeDir}" > /dev/null || exit cp migration_backup/* . popd > /dev/null || exit echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} ${str}" fi if [[ "${recover_database:-}" == true ]]; then database_recovery "$4" fi # Move possibly existing legacy files to the gravity database if ! migrate_to_database; then echo -e " ${CROSS} Unable to migrate to database. Please contact support." exit 1 fi if [[ "${forceDelete:-}" == true ]]; then str="Deleting existing list cache" echo -ne "${INFO} ${str}..." rm /etc/pihole/list.* 2> /dev/null || true echo -e "${OVER} ${TICK} ${str}" fi # Gravity downloads blocklists next if ! gravity_CheckDNSResolutionAvailable; then echo -e " ${CROSS} Can not complete gravity update, no DNS is available. Please contact support." exit 1 fi gravity_DownloadBlocklists # Create local.list gravity_generateLocalList # Migrate rest of the data from old to new database if ! gravity_swap_databases; then echo -e " ${CROSS} Unable to create database. Please contact support." exit 1 fi # Update gravity timestamp update_gravity_timestamp # Set abp_domain info field set_abp_info # Ensure proper permissions are set for the database chown pihole:pihole "${gravityDBfile}" chmod g+w "${piholeDir}" "${gravityDBfile}" # Compute numbers to be displayed gravity_ShowCount # Determine if DNS has been restarted by this instance of gravity if [[ -z "${dnsWasOffline:-}" ]]; then "${PIHOLE_COMMAND}" restartdns reload fi gravity_Cleanup echo "" "${PIHOLE_COMMAND}" status