import pytest from textwrap import dedent import re from .conftest import ( SETUPVARS, tick_box, info_box, cross_box, mock_command, mock_command_run, mock_command_2, mock_command_passthrough, run_script ) def test_supported_package_manager(host): ''' confirm installer exits when no supported package manager found ''' # break supported package managers'rm -rf /usr/bin/apt-get')'rm -rf /usr/bin/rpm') package_manager_detect =''' source /opt/pihole/ package_manager_detect ''') expected_stdout = cross_box + ' No supported package manager found' assert expected_stdout in package_manager_detect.stdout # assert package_manager_detect.rc == 1 def test_setupVars_are_sourced_to_global_scope(host): ''' currently update_dialogs sources setupVars with a dot, then various other functions use the variables. This confirms the sourced variables are in scope between functions ''' setup_var_file = 'cat <<EOF> /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf\n' for k, v in SETUPVARS.items(): setup_var_file += "{}={}\n".format(k, v) setup_var_file += "EOF\n" script = dedent('''\ set -e printSetupVars() { # Currently debug test function only echo "Outputting sourced variables" echo "PIHOLE_INTERFACE=${PIHOLE_INTERFACE}" echo "PIHOLE_DNS_1=${PIHOLE_DNS_1}" echo "PIHOLE_DNS_2=${PIHOLE_DNS_2}" } update_dialogs() { . /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf } update_dialogs printSetupVars ''') output = run_script(host, script).stdout for k, v in SETUPVARS.items(): assert "{}={}".format(k, v) in output def test_setupVars_saved_to_file(host): ''' confirm saved settings are written to a file for future updates to re-use ''' # dedent works better with this and padding matching script below set_setup_vars = '\n' for k, v in SETUPVARS.items(): set_setup_vars += " {}={}\n".format(k, v) script = dedent('''\ set -e echo start TERM=xterm source /opt/pihole/ {} mkdir -p /etc/dnsmasq.d version_check_dnsmasq echo "" > /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.conf finalExports cat /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf '''.format(set_setup_vars)) output = run_script(host, script).stdout for k, v in SETUPVARS.items(): assert "{}={}".format(k, v) in output def test_selinux_not_detected(host): ''' confirms installer continues when SELinux configuration file does not exist ''' check_selinux =''' rm -f /etc/selinux/config source /opt/pihole/ checkSelinux ''') expected_stdout = info_box + ' SELinux not detected' assert expected_stdout in check_selinux.stdout assert check_selinux.rc == 0 def test_installPiholeWeb_fresh_install_no_errors(host): ''' confirms all web page assets from Core repo are installed on a fresh build ''' installWeb =''' umask 0027 source /opt/pihole/ installPiholeWeb ''') expected_stdout = info_box + ' Installing blocking page...' assert expected_stdout in installWeb.stdout expected_stdout = tick_box + (' Creating directory for blocking page, ' 'and copying files') assert expected_stdout in installWeb.stdout expected_stdout = info_box + ' Backing up index.lighttpd.html' assert expected_stdout in installWeb.stdout expected_stdout = ('No default index.lighttpd.html file found... ' 'not backing up') assert expected_stdout in installWeb.stdout expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Installing sudoer file' assert expected_stdout in installWeb.stdout web_directory ='ls -r /var/www/html/pihole').stdout assert 'index.php' in web_directory assert 'blockingpage.css' in web_directory def get_directories_recursive(host, directory): if directory is None: return directory ls ='ls -d {}'.format(directory + '/*/')) directories = list(filter(bool, ls.stdout.splitlines())) dirs = directories for dirval in directories: dir_rec = get_directories_recursive(host, dirval) if isinstance(dir_rec, str): dirs.extend([dir_rec]) else: dirs.extend(dir_rec) return dirs def test_installPihole_fresh_install_readableFiles(host): ''' confirms all necessary files are readable by pihole user ''' # dialog returns Cancel for user prompt mock_command('dialog', {'*': ('', '0')}, host) # mock git pull mock_command_passthrough('git', {'pull': ('', '0')}, host) # mock systemctl to not start lighttpd and FTL mock_command_2( 'systemctl', { 'enable lighttpd': ( '', '0' ), 'restart lighttpd': ( '', '0' ), 'start lighttpd': ( '', '0' ), 'enable pihole-FTL': ( '', '0' ), 'restart pihole-FTL': ( '', '0' ), 'start pihole-FTL': ( '', '0' ), '*': ( 'echo "systemctl call with $@"', '0' ), }, host ) # try to install man'command -v apt-get > /dev/null && apt-get install -qq man')'command -v dnf > /dev/null && dnf install -y man')'command -v yum > /dev/null && yum install -y man') # create configuration file setup_var_file = 'cat <<EOF> /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf\n' for k, v in SETUPVARS.items(): setup_var_file += "{}={}\n".format(k, v) setup_var_file += "INSTALL_WEB_SERVER=true\n" setup_var_file += "INSTALL_WEB_INTERFACE=true\n" setup_var_file += "EOF\n" install =''' export TERM=xterm export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive umask 0027 runUnattended=true useUpdateVars=true source /opt/pihole/ > /dev/null runUnattended=true useUpdateVars=true main ''') assert 0 == install.rc maninstalled = True if (info_box + ' man not installed') in install.stdout: maninstalled = False piholeuser = 'pihole' exit_status_success = 0 test_cmd = 'su --shell /bin/bash --command "test -{0} {1}" -p {2}' # check files in /etc/pihole for read, write and execute permission check_etc = test_cmd.format('r', '/etc/pihole', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc check_etc = test_cmd.format('x', '/etc/pihole', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc # readable and writable dhcp.leases check_leases = test_cmd.format('r', '/etc/pihole/dhcp.leases', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc check_leases = test_cmd.format('w', '/etc/pihole/dhcp.leases', piholeuser) actual_rc = # readable dns-servers.conf assert exit_status_success == actual_rc check_servers = test_cmd.format( 'r', '/etc/pihole/dns-servers.conf', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc # readable GitHubVersions check_version = test_cmd.format( 'r', '/etc/pihole/GitHubVersions', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc # readable install.log check_install = test_cmd.format( 'r', '/etc/pihole/install.log', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc # readable localbranches check_localbranch = test_cmd.format( 'r', '/etc/pihole/localbranches', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc # readable localversions check_localversion = test_cmd.format( 'r', '/etc/pihole/localversions', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc # readable logrotate check_logrotate = test_cmd.format( 'r', '/etc/pihole/logrotate', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc # readable macvendor.db check_macvendor = test_cmd.format( 'r', '/etc/pihole/macvendor.db', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc # readable and writeable pihole-FTL.conf check_FTLconf = test_cmd.format( 'r', '/etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.conf', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc check_FTLconf = test_cmd.format( 'w', '/etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.conf', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc # readable setupVars.conf check_setup = test_cmd.format( 'r', '/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc # check dnsmasq files # readable /etc/dnsmasq.conf check_dnsmasqconf = test_cmd.format( 'r', '/etc/dnsmasq.conf', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc # readable /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf check_dnsmasqconf = test_cmd.format( 'r', '/etc/dnsmasq.d', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc check_dnsmasqconf = test_cmd.format( 'x', '/etc/dnsmasq.d', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc check_dnsmasqconf = test_cmd.format( 'r', '/etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc # check readable and executable /etc/init.d/pihole-FTL check_init = test_cmd.format( 'x', '/etc/init.d/pihole-FTL', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc check_init = test_cmd.format( 'r', '/etc/init.d/pihole-FTL', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc # check readable /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf check_lighttpd = test_cmd.format( 'r', '/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc # check readable and executable manpages if maninstalled is True: check_man = test_cmd.format( 'x', '/usr/local/share/man', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc check_man = test_cmd.format( 'r', '/usr/local/share/man', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc check_man = test_cmd.format( 'x', '/usr/local/share/man/man8', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc check_man = test_cmd.format( 'r', '/usr/local/share/man/man8', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc check_man = test_cmd.format( 'x', '/usr/local/share/man/man5', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc check_man = test_cmd.format( 'r', '/usr/local/share/man/man5', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc check_man = test_cmd.format( 'r', '/usr/local/share/man/man8/pihole.8', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc check_man = test_cmd.format( 'r', '/usr/local/share/man/man8/pihole-FTL.8', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc # check not readable sudoers file check_sudo = test_cmd.format( 'r', '/etc/sudoers.d/pihole', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success != actual_rc # check not readable cron file check_sudo = test_cmd.format( 'x', '/etc/cron.d/', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc check_sudo = test_cmd.format( 'r', '/etc/cron.d/', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc check_sudo = test_cmd.format( 'r', '/etc/cron.d/pihole', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc directories = get_directories_recursive(host, '/etc/.pihole/') for directory in directories: check_pihole = test_cmd.format('r', directory, piholeuser) actual_rc = check_pihole = test_cmd.format('x', directory, piholeuser) actual_rc = findfiles = 'find "{}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec echo {{}} \\;;' filelist = files = list(filter(bool, filelist.stdout.splitlines())) for file in files: check_pihole = test_cmd.format('r', file, piholeuser) actual_rc = @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_webpage", [True]) def test_installPihole_fresh_install_readableBlockpage(host, test_webpage): ''' confirms all web page assets from Core repo are readable by $LIGHTTPD_USER on a fresh build ''' piholeWebpage = [ "", # "pi.hole" ] # dialog returns Cancel for user prompt mock_command('dialog', {'*': ('', '0')}, host) # mock git pull mock_command_passthrough('git', {'pull': ('', '0')}, host) # mock systemctl to start lighttpd and FTL ligthttpdcommand = dedent(r'''\"\" echo 'starting lighttpd with {}' if [ command -v "apt-get" >/dev/null 2>&1 ]; then LIGHTTPD_USER="www-data" LIGHTTPD_GROUP="www-data" else LIGHTTPD_USER="lighttpd" LIGHTTPD_GROUP="lighttpd" fi mkdir -p "{run}" chown {usergroup} "{run}" mkdir -p "{cache}" chown {usergroup} "/var/cache" chown {usergroup} "{cache}" mkdir -p "{compress}" chown {usergroup} "{compress}" mkdir -p "{uploads}" chown {usergroup} "{uploads}" chmod 0777 /var chmod 0777 /var/cache chmod 0777 "{cache}" find "{run}" -type d -exec chmod 0777 {chmodarg} \;; find "{run}" -type f -exec chmod 0666 {chmodarg} \;; find "{compress}" -type d -exec chmod 0777 {chmodarg} \;; find "{compress}" -type f -exec chmod 0666 {chmodarg} \;; find "{uploads}" -type d -exec chmod 0777 {chmodarg} \;; find "{uploads}" -type f -exec chmod 0666 {chmodarg} \;; /usr/sbin/lighttpd -tt -f '{config}' /usr/sbin/lighttpd -f '{config}' echo \"\"'''.format( '{}', usergroup='${{LIGHTTPD_USER}}:${{LIGHTTPD_GROUP}}', chmodarg='{{}}', config='/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf', run='/var/run/lighttpd', cache='/var/cache/lighttpd', uploads='/var/cache/lighttpd/uploads', compress='/var/cache/lighttpd/compress' ) ) FTLcommand = dedent('''\"\" set -x /etc/init.d/pihole-FTL restart echo \"\"''') mock_command_run( 'systemctl', { 'enable lighttpd': ( '', '0' ), 'restart lighttpd': ( ligthttpdcommand.format('restart'), '0' ), 'start lighttpd': ( ligthttpdcommand.format('start'), '0' ), 'enable pihole-FTL': ( '', '0' ), 'restart pihole-FTL': ( FTLcommand, '0' ), 'start pihole-FTL': ( FTLcommand, '0' ), '*': ( 'echo "systemctl call with $@"', '0' ), }, host ) # create configuration file setup_var_file = 'cat <<EOF> /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf\n' for k, v in SETUPVARS.items(): setup_var_file += "{}={}\n".format(k, v) setup_var_file += "INSTALL_WEB_SERVER=true\n" setup_var_file += "INSTALL_WEB_INTERFACE=true\n" setup_var_file += "EOF\n" installWeb =''' export TERM=xterm export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive umask 0027 runUnattended=true useUpdateVars=true source /opt/pihole/ > /dev/null runUnattended=true useUpdateVars=true main echo "LIGHTTPD_USER=${LIGHTTPD_USER}" echo "webroot=${webroot}" echo "INSTALL_WEB_INTERFACE=${INSTALL_WEB_INTERFACE}" echo "INSTALL_WEB_SERVER=${INSTALL_WEB_SERVER}" ''') assert 0 == installWeb.rc piholeuser = 'pihole' webuser = '' user = re.findall( r"^\s*LIGHTTPD_USER=.*$", installWeb.stdout, re.MULTILINE) for match in user: webuser = match.replace('LIGHTTPD_USER=', '').strip() webroot = '' user = re.findall( r"^\s*webroot=.*$", installWeb.stdout, re.MULTILINE) for match in user: webroot = match.replace('webroot=', '').strip() if not webroot.strip(): webroot = '/var/www/html' installWebInterface = True interface = re.findall( r"^\s*INSTALL_WEB_INTERFACE=.*$", installWeb.stdout, re.MULTILINE) for match in interface: testvalue = match.replace('INSTALL_WEB_INTERFACE=', '').strip().lower() if not testvalue.strip(): installWebInterface = testvalue == "true" installWebServer = True server = re.findall( r"^\s*INSTALL_WEB_SERVER=.*$", installWeb.stdout, re.MULTILINE) for match in server: testvalue = match.replace('INSTALL_WEB_SERVER=', '').strip().lower() if not testvalue.strip(): installWebServer = testvalue == "true" # if webserver install was not requested # at least pihole must be able to read files if installWebServer is False: webuser = piholeuser exit_status_success = 0 test_cmd = 'su --shell /bin/bash --command "test -{0} {1}" -p {2}' # check files that need a running FTL to be created # readable and writeable pihole-FTL.db check_FTLconf = test_cmd.format( 'r', '/etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc check_FTLconf = test_cmd.format( 'w', '/etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db', piholeuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc # check directories above $webroot for read and execute permission check_var = test_cmd.format('r', '/var', webuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc check_var = test_cmd.format('x', '/var', webuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc check_www = test_cmd.format('r', '/var/www', webuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc check_www = test_cmd.format('x', '/var/www', webuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc check_html = test_cmd.format('r', '/var/www/html', webuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc check_html = test_cmd.format('x', '/var/www/html', webuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc # check directories below $webroot for read and execute permission check_admin = test_cmd.format('r', webroot + '/admin', webuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc check_admin = test_cmd.format('x', webroot + '/admin', webuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc directories = get_directories_recursive(host, webroot + '/admin/*/') for directory in directories: check_pihole = test_cmd.format('r', directory, webuser) actual_rc = check_pihole = test_cmd.format('x', directory, webuser) actual_rc = findfiles = 'find "{}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec echo {{}} \\;;' filelist = files = list(filter(bool, filelist.stdout.splitlines())) for file in files: check_pihole = test_cmd.format('r', file, webuser) actual_rc = # check web interface files # change nameserver to pi-hole # setting nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf to pi-hole does # not work here because of the way docker uses this file ns = r"sed -i 's/nameserver.*/nameserver' /etc/resolv.conf") pihole_is_ns = ns.rc == 0 def is_ip(address): m = re.match(r"(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})", address) return bool(m) if installWebInterface is True: check_pihole = test_cmd.format('r', webroot + '/pihole', webuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc check_pihole = test_cmd.format('x', webroot + '/pihole', webuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc # check most important files in $webroot for read permission check_index = test_cmd.format( 'r', webroot + '/pihole/index.php', webuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc check_blockpage = test_cmd.format( 'r', webroot + '/pihole/blockingpage.css', webuser) actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc if test_webpage is True: # check webpage for unreadable files noPHPfopen = re.compile( (r"PHP Error(%d+):\s+fopen([^)]+):\s+" + r"failed to open stream: " + r"Permission denied in"), re.I) # using cURL option --dns-servers is not possible status = ( 'curl -s --head "{}" | ' + 'head -n 1 | ' + 'grep "HTTP/1.[01] [23].." > /dev/null') digcommand = r"dig A +short {} @ | head -n 1" pagecontent = 'curl --verbose -L "{}"' for page in piholeWebpage: testpage = "http://" + page + "/admin/" resolvesuccess = True if is_ip(page) is False: dig = testpage = "http://" + dig.stdout.strip() + "/admin/" resolvesuccess = dig.rc == 0 if resolvesuccess or pihole_is_ns: # check HTTP status of blockpage actual_rc = assert exit_status_success == actual_rc.rc # check for PHP error actual_output = assert noPHPfopen.match(actual_output.stdout) is None def test_update_package_cache_success_no_errors(host): ''' confirms package cache was updated without any errors ''' updateCache =''' source /opt/pihole/ package_manager_detect update_package_cache ''') expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Update local cache of available packages' assert expected_stdout in updateCache.stdout assert 'error' not in updateCache.stdout.lower() def test_update_package_cache_failure_no_errors(host): ''' confirms package cache was not updated ''' mock_command('apt-get', {'update': ('', '1')}, host) updateCache =''' source /opt/pihole/ package_manager_detect update_package_cache ''') expected_stdout = cross_box + ' Update local cache of available packages' assert expected_stdout in updateCache.stdout assert 'Error: Unable to update package cache.' in updateCache.stdout def test_FTL_detect_aarch64_no_errors(host): ''' confirms only aarch64 package is downloaded for FTL engine ''' # mock uname to return aarch64 platform mock_command('uname', {'-m': ('aarch64', '0')}, host) # mock `which sh` to return `/bin/sh` mock_command('which', {'sh': ('/bin/sh', '0')}, host) # mock ldd to respond with aarch64 shared library mock_command('ldd', {'/bin/sh': ('/lib/', '0')}, host) detectPlatform =''' source /opt/pihole/ create_pihole_user funcOutput=$(get_binary_name) binary="pihole-FTL${funcOutput##*pihole-FTL}" theRest="${funcOutput%pihole-FTL*}" FTLdetect "${binary}" "${theRest}" ''') expected_stdout = info_box + ' FTL Checks...' assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Detected AArch64 (64 Bit ARM) processor' assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Downloading and Installing FTL' assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout def test_FTL_detect_armv4t_no_errors(host): ''' confirms only armv4t package is downloaded for FTL engine ''' # mock uname to return armv4t platform mock_command('uname', {'-m': ('armv4t', '0')}, host) # mock `which sh` to return `/bin/sh` mock_command('which', {'sh': ('/bin/sh', '0')}, host) # mock ldd to respond with armv4t shared library mock_command('ldd', {'/bin/sh': ('/lib/', '0')}, host) detectPlatform =''' source /opt/pihole/ create_pihole_user funcOutput=$(get_binary_name) binary="pihole-FTL${funcOutput##*pihole-FTL}" theRest="${funcOutput%pihole-FTL*}" FTLdetect "${binary}" "${theRest}" ''') expected_stdout = info_box + ' FTL Checks...' assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout expected_stdout = tick_box + (' Detected ARMv4 processor') assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Downloading and Installing FTL' assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout def test_FTL_detect_armv5te_no_errors(host): ''' confirms only armv5te package is downloaded for FTL engine ''' # mock uname to return armv5te platform mock_command('uname', {'-m': ('armv5te', '0')}, host) # mock `which sh` to return `/bin/sh` mock_command('which', {'sh': ('/bin/sh', '0')}, host) # mock ldd to respond with ld-linux shared library mock_command('ldd', {'/bin/sh': ('/lib/', '0')}, host) detectPlatform =''' source /opt/pihole/ create_pihole_user funcOutput=$(get_binary_name) binary="pihole-FTL${funcOutput##*pihole-FTL}" theRest="${funcOutput%pihole-FTL*}" FTLdetect "${binary}" "${theRest}" ''') expected_stdout = info_box + ' FTL Checks...' assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout expected_stdout = tick_box + (' Detected ARMv5 (or newer) processor') assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Downloading and Installing FTL' assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout def test_FTL_detect_armv6l_no_errors(host): ''' confirms only armv6l package is downloaded for FTL engine ''' # mock uname to return armv6l platform mock_command('uname', {'-m': ('armv6l', '0')}, host) # mock ldd to respond with ld-linux-armhf shared library # mock `which sh` to return `/bin/sh` mock_command('which', {'sh': ('/bin/sh', '0')}, host) mock_command('ldd', {'/bin/sh': ('/lib/', '0')}, host) detectPlatform =''' source /opt/pihole/ create_pihole_user funcOutput=$(get_binary_name) binary="pihole-FTL${funcOutput##*pihole-FTL}" theRest="${funcOutput%pihole-FTL*}" FTLdetect "${binary}" "${theRest}" ''') expected_stdout = info_box + ' FTL Checks...' assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout expected_stdout = tick_box + (' Detected ARMv6 processor ' '(with hard-float support)') assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Downloading and Installing FTL' assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout def test_FTL_detect_armv7l_no_errors(host): ''' confirms only armv7l package is downloaded for FTL engine ''' # mock uname to return armv7l platform mock_command('uname', {'-m': ('armv7l', '0')}, host) # mock ldd to respond with ld-linux-armhf shared library # mock `which sh` to return `/bin/sh` mock_command('which', {'sh': ('/bin/sh', '0')}, host) mock_command('ldd', {'/bin/sh': ('/lib/', '0')}, host) detectPlatform =''' source /opt/pihole/ create_pihole_user funcOutput=$(get_binary_name) binary="pihole-FTL${funcOutput##*pihole-FTL}" theRest="${funcOutput%pihole-FTL*}" FTLdetect "${binary}" "${theRest}" ''') expected_stdout = info_box + ' FTL Checks...' assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout expected_stdout = tick_box + (' Detected ARMv7 processor ' '(with hard-float support)') assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Downloading and Installing FTL' assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout def test_FTL_detect_armv8a_no_errors(host): ''' confirms only armv8a package is downloaded for FTL engine ''' # mock uname to return armv8a platform mock_command('uname', {'-m': ('armv8a', '0')}, host) # mock `which sh` to return `/bin/sh` mock_command('which', {'sh': ('/bin/sh', '0')}, host) # mock ldd to respond with ld-linux-armhf shared library mock_command('ldd', {'/bin/sh': ('/lib/', '0')}, host) detectPlatform =''' source /opt/pihole/ create_pihole_user funcOutput=$(get_binary_name) binary="pihole-FTL${funcOutput##*pihole-FTL}" theRest="${funcOutput%pihole-FTL*}" FTLdetect "${binary}" "${theRest}" ''') expected_stdout = info_box + ' FTL Checks...' assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Detected ARMv8 (or newer) processor' assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Downloading and Installing FTL' assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout def test_FTL_detect_x86_64_no_errors(host): ''' confirms only x86_64 package is downloaded for FTL engine ''' # mock `which sh` to return `/bin/sh` mock_command('which', {'sh': ('/bin/sh', '0')}, host) detectPlatform =''' source /opt/pihole/ create_pihole_user funcOutput=$(get_binary_name) binary="pihole-FTL${funcOutput##*pihole-FTL}" theRest="${funcOutput%pihole-FTL*}" FTLdetect "${binary}" "${theRest}" ''') expected_stdout = info_box + ' FTL Checks...' assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Detected x86_64 processor' assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Downloading and Installing FTL' assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout def test_FTL_detect_unknown_no_errors(host): ''' confirms only generic package is downloaded for FTL engine ''' # mock uname to return generic platform mock_command('uname', {'-m': ('mips', '0')}, host) # mock `which sh` to return `/bin/sh` mock_command('which', {'sh': ('/bin/sh', '0')}, host) detectPlatform =''' source /opt/pihole/ create_pihole_user funcOutput=$(get_binary_name) binary="pihole-FTL${funcOutput##*pihole-FTL}" theRest="${funcOutput%pihole-FTL*}" FTLdetect "${binary}" "${theRest}" ''') expected_stdout = 'Not able to detect processor (unknown: mips)' assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout def test_FTL_download_aarch64_no_errors(host): ''' confirms only aarch64 package is downloaded for FTL engine ''' # mock dialog answers and ensure installer dependencies mock_command('dialog', {'*': ('', '0')}, host)''' source /opt/pihole/ package_manager_detect install_dependent_packages ${INSTALLER_DEPS[@]} ''') download_binary =''' source /opt/pihole/ create_pihole_user FTLinstall "pihole-FTL-aarch64-linux-gnu" ''') expected_stdout = tick_box + ' Downloading and Installing FTL' assert expected_stdout in download_binary.stdout assert 'error' not in download_binary.stdout.lower() def test_FTL_binary_installed_and_responsive_no_errors(host): ''' confirms FTL binary is copied and functional in installed location ''' installed_binary =''' source /opt/pihole/ create_pihole_user funcOutput=$(get_binary_name) binary="pihole-FTL${funcOutput##*pihole-FTL}" theRest="${funcOutput%pihole-FTL*}" FTLdetect "${binary}" "${theRest}" pihole-FTL version ''') expected_stdout = 'v' assert expected_stdout in installed_binary.stdout def test_IPv6_only_link_local(host): ''' confirms IPv6 blocking is disabled for Link-local address ''' # mock ip -6 address to return Link-local address mock_command_2( 'ip', { '-6 address': ( 'inet6 fe80::d210:52fa:fe00:7ad7/64 scope link', '0' ) }, host ) detectPlatform =''' source /opt/pihole/ find_IPv6_information ''') expected_stdout = ('Unable to find IPv6 ULA/GUA address') assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout def test_IPv6_only_ULA(host): ''' confirms IPv6 blocking is enabled for ULA addresses ''' # mock ip -6 address to return ULA address mock_command_2( 'ip', { '-6 address': ( 'inet6 fda2:2001:5555:0:d210:52fa:fe00:7ad7/64 scope global', '0' ) }, host ) detectPlatform =''' source /opt/pihole/ find_IPv6_information ''') expected_stdout = 'Found IPv6 ULA address' assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout def test_IPv6_only_GUA(host): ''' confirms IPv6 blocking is enabled for GUA addresses ''' # mock ip -6 address to return GUA address mock_command_2( 'ip', { '-6 address': ( 'inet6 2003:12:1e43:301:d210:52fa:fe00:7ad7/64 scope global', '0' ) }, host ) detectPlatform =''' source /opt/pihole/ find_IPv6_information ''') expected_stdout = 'Found IPv6 GUA address' assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout def test_IPv6_GUA_ULA_test(host): ''' confirms IPv6 blocking is enabled for GUA and ULA addresses ''' # mock ip -6 address to return GUA and ULA addresses mock_command_2( 'ip', { '-6 address': ( 'inet6 2003:12:1e43:301:d210:52fa:fe00:7ad7/64 scope global\n' 'inet6 fda2:2001:5555:0:d210:52fa:fe00:7ad7/64 scope global', '0' ) }, host ) detectPlatform =''' source /opt/pihole/ find_IPv6_information ''') expected_stdout = 'Found IPv6 ULA address' assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout def test_IPv6_ULA_GUA_test(host): ''' confirms IPv6 blocking is enabled for GUA and ULA addresses ''' # mock ip -6 address to return ULA and GUA addresses mock_command_2( 'ip', { '-6 address': ( 'inet6 fda2:2001:5555:0:d210:52fa:fe00:7ad7/64 scope global\n' 'inet6 2003:12:1e43:301:d210:52fa:fe00:7ad7/64 scope global', '0' ) }, host ) detectPlatform =''' source /opt/pihole/ find_IPv6_information ''') expected_stdout = 'Found IPv6 ULA address' assert expected_stdout in detectPlatform.stdout def test_validate_ip(host): ''' Tests valid_ip for various IP addresses ''' def test_address(addr, success=True): output =''' source /opt/pihole/ valid_ip "{addr}" '''.format(addr=addr)) assert output.rc == 0 if success else 1 test_address('') test_address('') test_address('') test_address('', False) test_address('', False) test_address('', False) test_address('', False) test_address('1092.168.1.1', False) test_address('not an IP', False) test_address('', False) test_address('') test_address('') test_address('') test_address('') test_address('') test_address('') test_address('', False) test_address('', False) test_address('', False) test_address('', False) test_address('', False) test_address('', False) test_address('', False) test_address('', False) test_address('', False) test_address('', False) def test_os_check_fails(host): ''' Confirms install fails on unsupported OS '''''' source /opt/pihole/ package_manager_detect install_dependent_packages ${OS_CHECK_DEPS[@]} install_dependent_packages ${INSTALLER_DEPS[@]} cat <<EOT > /etc/os-release ID=UnsupportedOS VERSION_ID="2" EOT ''') detectOS ='''t source /opt/pihole/ os_check ''') expected_stdout = 'Unsupported OS detected: UnsupportedOS' assert expected_stdout in detectOS.stdout def test_os_check_passes(host): ''' Confirms OS meets the requirements '''''' source /opt/pihole/ package_manager_detect install_dependent_packages ${OS_CHECK_DEPS[@]} install_dependent_packages ${INSTALLER_DEPS[@]} ''') detectOS =''' source /opt/pihole/ os_check ''') expected_stdout = 'Supported OS detected' assert expected_stdout in detectOS.stdout def test_package_manager_has_installer_deps(host): ''' Confirms OS is able to install the required packages for the installer''' mock_command('dialog', {'*': ('', '0')}, host) output =''' source /opt/pihole/ package_manager_detect install_dependent_packages ${INSTALLER_DEPS[@]} ''') assert 'No package' not in output.stdout # centos7 still exits 0... assert output.rc == 0 def test_package_manager_has_pihole_deps(host): ''' Confirms OS is able to install the required packages for Pi-hole ''' mock_command('dialog', {'*': ('', '0')}, host) output =''' source /opt/pihole/ package_manager_detect select_rpm_php install_dependent_packages ${PIHOLE_DEPS[@]} ''') assert 'No package' not in output.stdout # centos7 still exits 0... assert output.rc == 0 def test_package_manager_has_web_deps(host): ''' Confirms OS is able to install the required packages for web ''' mock_command('dialog', {'*': ('', '0')}, host) output =''' source /opt/pihole/ package_manager_detect select_rpm_php install_dependent_packages ${PIHOLE_WEB_DEPS[@]} ''') assert 'No package' not in output.stdout # centos7 still exits 0... assert output.rc == 0