#!/usr/bin/env bash # Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements # (c) 2015, 2016 by Jacob Salmela # Network-wide ad blocking via your Raspberry Pi # http://pi-hole.net # Calculates stats and displays to an LCD # # Pi-hole is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. #Functions############################################################################################################## piLog="/var/log/pihole.log" gravity="/etc/pihole/gravity.list" today=$(date "+%b %e") CalcBlockedDomains() { CheckIPv6 if [ -e "${gravity}" ]; then #Are we IPV6 or IPV4? if [[ -n ${piholeIPv6} ]]; then #We are IPV6 blockedDomainsTotal=$(wc -l /etc/pihole/gravity.list | awk '{print $1/2}') else #We are IPV4 blockedDomainsTotal=$(wc -l /etc/pihole/gravity.list | awk '{print $1}') fi else blockedDomainsTotal="Err." fi } CalcQueriesToday() { if [ -e "${piLog}" ]; then queriesToday=$(cat "${piLog}" | grep "${today}" | awk '/query/ {print $6}' | wc -l) else queriesToday="Err." fi } CalcblockedToday() { if [ -e "${piLog}" ] && [ -e "${gravity}" ];then blockedToday=$(cat ${piLog} | awk '/\/etc\/pihole\/gravity.list/ && !/address/ {print $6}' | wc -l) else blockedToday="Err." fi } CalcPercentBlockedToday() { if [ "${queriesToday}" != "Err." ] && [ "${blockedToday}" != "Err." ]; then if [ "${queriesToday}" != 0 ]; then #Fixes divide by zero error :) #scale 2 rounds the number down, so we'll do scale 4 and then trim the last 2 zeros percentBlockedToday=$(echo "scale=4; ${blockedToday}/${queriesToday}*100" | bc) percentBlockedToday=$(sed 's/.\{2\}$//' <<< "${percentBlockedToday}") else percentBlockedToday=0 fi fi } CheckIPv6() { piholeIPv6file="/etc/pihole/.useIPv6" if [[ -f ${piholeIPv6file} ]];then # If the file exists, then the user previously chose to use IPv6 in the automated installer piholeIPv6=$(ip -6 route get 2001:4860:4860::8888 | awk -F " " '{ for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i == "src") print $(i+1) }') fi } outputJSON() { CalcQueriesToday CalcblockedToday CalcPercentBlockedToday CalcBlockedDomains printf '{"domains_being_blocked":"%s","dns_queries_today":"%s","ads_blocked_today":"%s","ads_percentage_today":"%s"}\n' "$blockedDomainsTotal" "$queriesToday" "$blockedToday" "$percentBlockedToday" } normalChrono() { for (( ; ; )); do clear # Displays a colorful Pi-hole logo echo " [0;1;35;95m_[0;1;31;91m__[0m [0;1;33;93m_[0m [0;1;34;94m_[0m [0;1;36;96m_[0m" echo "[0;1;31;91m|[0m [0;1;33;93m_[0m [0;1;32;92m(_[0;1;36;96m)_[0;1;34;94m__[0;1;35;95m|[0m [0;1;31;91m|_[0m [0;1;32;92m__[0;1;36;96m_|[0m [0;1;34;94m|[0;1;35;95m__[0;1;31;91m_[0m" echo "[0;1;33;93m|[0m [0;1;32;92m_[0;1;36;96m/[0m [0;1;34;94m|_[0;1;35;95m__[0;1;31;91m|[0m [0;1;33;93m'[0m [0;1;32;92m\/[0m [0;1;36;96m_[0m [0;1;34;94m\[0m [0;1;35;95m/[0m [0;1;31;91m-[0;1;33;93m_)[0m" echo "[0;1;32;92m|_[0;1;36;96m|[0m [0;1;34;94m|_[0;1;35;95m|[0m [0;1;33;93m|_[0;1;32;92m||[0;1;36;96m_\[0;1;34;94m__[0;1;35;95m_/[0;1;31;91m_\[0;1;33;93m__[0;1;32;92m_|[0m" echo "" echo " $(ifconfig eth0 | awk '/inet addr/ {print $2}' | cut -d':' -f2)" echo "" uptime | cut -d' ' -f11- #uptime -p #Doesn't work on all versions of uptime uptime | awk -F'( |,|:)+' '{if ($7=="min") m=$6; else {if ($7~/^day/) {d=$6;h=$8;m=$9} else {h=$6;m=$7}}} {print d+0,"days,",h+0,"hours,",m+0,"minutes."}' echo "-------------------------------" # Uncomment to continually read the log file and display the current domain being blocked #tail -f /var/log/pihole.log | awk '/\/etc\/pihole\/gravity.list/ {if ($7 != "address" && $7 != "name" && $7 != "/etc/pihole/gravity.list") print $7; else;}' #uncomment next 4 lines to use original query count calculation #today=$(date "+%b %e") #todaysQueryCount=$(cat /var/log/pihole.log | grep "$today" | awk '/query/ {print $7}' | wc -l) #todaysQueryCountV4=$(cat /var/log/pihole.log | grep "$today" | awk '/query/ && /\[A\]/ {print $7}' | wc -l) #todaysQueryCountV6=$(cat /var/log/pihole.log | grep "$today" | awk '/query/ && /\[AAAA\]/ {print $7}' | wc -l) CalcQueriesToday CalcblockedToday CalcPercentBlockedToday CalcBlockedDomains echo "Blocking: ${blockedDomainsTotal}" #below commented line does not add up to todaysQueryCount #echo "Queries: $todaysQueryCountV4 / $todaysQueryCountV6" echo "Queries: ${queriesToday}" #same total calculation as dashboard echo "Pi-holed: ${blockedToday} (${percentBlockedToday}%)" sleep 5 done } displayHelp() { cat << EOM ::: Displays stats about your piHole! ::: ::: Usage: sudo pihole -c [optional:-j] ::: Note: If no option is passed, then stats are displayed on screen, updated every 5 seconds ::: ::: Options: ::: -j, --json output stats as JSON formatted string ::: -h, --help display this help text EOM exit 1 } if [[ $# = 0 ]]; then normalChrono fi for var in "$@"; do case "$var" in "-j" | "--json" ) outputJSON;; "-h" | "--help" ) displayHelp;; * ) exit 1;; esac done