#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements
# (c) 2017 Pi-hole, LLC (https://pi-hole.net)
# Network-wide ad blocking via your own hardware.
# Generates pihole_debug.log to be used for troubleshooting.
# This file is copyright under the latest version of the EUPL.
# Please see LICENSE file for your rights under this license.

# -e option instructs bash to immediately exit if any command [1] has a non-zero exit status
# -u a reference to any variable you haven't previously defined
# with the exceptions of $* and $@ - is an error, and causes the program to immediately exit
# -o pipefail prevents errors in a pipeline from being masked. If any command in a pipeline fails,
# that return code will be used as the return code of the whole pipeline. By default, the
# pipeline's return code is that of the last command - even if it succeeds
set -o pipefail

######## GLOBAL VARS ########
# These variables would normally be next to the other files
# but we need them to be first in order to get the colors needed for the script output

# These provide the colors we need for making the log more readable
if [[ -f ${PIHOLE_COLTABLE_FILE} ]]; then
  COL_NC='\e[0m' # No Color


# FAQ URLs for use in showing the debug log

# Other URLs we may use

# Port numbers used for uploading the debug log

# Directories required by Pi-hole
# https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/what-files-does-pi-hole-use/1684

# Files required by Pi-hole
# https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/what-files-does-pi-hole-use/1684








# An array of operating system "pretty names" that we officialy support
# We can loop through the array at any time to see if it matches a value
SUPPORTED_OS=("Raspbian" "Ubuntu" "Fedora" "Debian" "CentOS")

# Store Pi-hole's processes in an array for easy use and parsing
PIHOLE_PROCESSES=( "dnsmasq" "lighttpd" "pihole-FTL" )

# Store the required directories in an array so it can be parsed through

# Store the required directories in an array so it can be parsed through
mapfile -t array <<< "$var"

DISCLAIMER="This process collects information from your Pi-hole, and optionally uploads it to a unique and random directory on tricorder.pi-hole.net.

The intent of this script is to allow users to self-diagnose their installations.  This is accomplished by running tests against our software and providing the user with links to FAQ articles when a problem is detected.  Since we are a small team and Pi-hole has been growing steadily, it is our hope that this will help us spend more time on development.

NOTE: All log files auto-delete after 48 hours and ONLY the Pi-hole developers can access your data via the given token. We have taken these extra steps to secure your data and will work to further reduce any personal information gathered.

  log_write "${DISCLAIMER}"

source_setup_variables() {
  # Display the current test that is running
  log_write "\n${COL_PURPLE}*** [ INITIALIZING ]${COL_NC} Sourcing setup variables"
  # If the variable file exists,
  if ls "${PIHOLE_SETUP_VARS_FILE}" 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
    log_write "${INFO} Sourcing ${PIHOLE_SETUP_VARS_FILE}...";
    # source it
    # If it can't, show an error
    log_write "${PIHOLE_SETUP_VARS_FILE} ${COL_RED}does not exist or cannot be read.${COL_NC}"

make_temporary_log() {
  # Create a random temporary file for the log
  TEMPLOG=$(mktemp /tmp/pihole_temp.XXXXXX)
  # Open handle 3 for templog
  # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18460186/writing-outputs-to-log-file-and-console
  exec 3>"$TEMPLOG"
  # Delete templog, but allow for addressing via file handle
  # This lets us write to the log without having a temporary file on the drive, which
  # is meant to be a security measure so there is not a lingering file on the drive during the debug process
  rm "$TEMPLOG"

log_write() {
  # echo arguments to both the log and the console
  echo -e "${@}" | tee -a /proc/$$/fd/3

copy_to_debug_log() {
  # Copy the contents of file descriptor 3 into the debug log
  cat /proc/$$/fd/3 > "${PIHOLE_DEBUG_LOG}"
  # Since we use color codes such as '\e[1;33m', they should be removed before being
  # uploaded to our server, since it can't properly display in color
  # This is accomplished by use sed to remove characters matching that patter
  # The entire file is then copied over to a sanitized version of the log
  sed 's/\[[0-9;]\{1,5\}m//g' > "${PIHOLE_DEBUG_LOG_SANITIZED}" <<< cat "${PIHOLE_DEBUG_LOG}"

initialize_debug() {
  # Clear the screen so the debug log is readable
  # Display that the debug process is beginning
  log_write "${COL_PURPLE}*** [ INITIALIZING ]${COL_NC}"
  # Timestamp the start of the log
  log_write "${INFO} $(date "+%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M:%S") debug log has been initialized."

# This is a function for visually displaying the curent test that is being run.
# Accepts one variable: the name of what is being diagnosed
# Colors do not show in the dasboard, but the icons do: [i], [✓], and [✗]
echo_current_diagnostic() {
  # Colors are used for visually distinguishing each test in the output
  # These colors do not show in the GUI, but the formatting will
  log_write "\n${COL_PURPLE}*** [ DIAGNOSING ]:${COL_NC} ${1}"

compare_local_version_to_git_version() {
  # The git directory to check
  local git_dir="${1}"
  # The named component of the project (Core or Web)
  local pihole_component="${2}"
  # If we are checking the Core versions,
  if [[ "${pihole_component}" == "Core" ]]; then
    # We need to search for "Pi-hole" when using pihole -v
    local search_term="Pi-hole"
  elif [[ "${pihole_component}" == "Web" ]]; then
    # We need to search for "AdminLTE" so store it in a variable as well
    local search_term="AdminLTE"
  # Display what we are checking
  echo_current_diagnostic "${pihole_component} version"
  # Store the error message in a variable in case we want to change and/or reuse it
  local error_msg="git status failed"
  # If the pihole git directory exists,
  if [[ -d "${git_dir}" ]]; then
    # move into it
    cd "${git_dir}" || \
    # If not, show an error
    log_write "${COL_RED}Could not cd into ${git_dir}$COL_NC"
    if git status &> /dev/null; then
      # The current version the user is on
      local remote_version
      remote_version=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0);
      # What branch they are on
      local remote_branch
      remote_branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD);
      # The commit they are on
      local remote_commit
      remote_commit=$(git describe --long --dirty --tags --always)
      # echo this information out to the user in a nice format
      # If the current version matches what pihole -v produces, the user is up-to-date
      if [[ "${remote_version}" == "$(pihole -v | awk '/${search_term}/ {print $6}' | cut -d ')' -f1)" ]]; then
        log_write "${TICK} ${pihole_component}: ${COL_GREEN}${remote_version}${COL_NC}"
      # If not,
        # echo the current version in yellow, signifying it's something to take a look at, but not a critical error
        # Also add a URL to an FAQ
        log_write "${INFO} ${pihole_component}: ${COL_YELLOW}${remote_version:-Untagged}${COL_NC} (${FAQ_UPDATE_PI_HOLE})"

      # If the repo is on the master branch, they are on the stable codebase
      if [[ "${remote_branch}" == "master" ]]; then
        # so the color of the text is green
        log_write "${INFO} Branch: ${COL_GREEN}${remote_branch}${COL_NC}"
      # If it is any other branch, they are in a developement branch
        # So show that in yellow, signifying it's something to take a look at, but not a critical error
        log_write "${INFO} Branch: ${COL_YELLOW}${remote_branch:-Detached}${COL_NC} (${FAQ_CHECKOUT_COMMAND})"
        # echo the current commit
        log_write "${INFO} Commit: ${remote_commit}"
    # If git status failed,
      # Return an error message
      log_write "${error_msg}"
      # and exit with a non zero code
      return 1

check_ftl_version() {
  local ftl_name="FTL"
  echo_current_diagnostic "${ftl_name} version"
  # Use the built in command to check FTL's version
  FTL_VERSION=$(pihole-FTL version)
  # Compare the current FTL version to the remote version
  if [[ "${FTL_VERSION}" == "$(pihole -v | awk '/FTL/ {print $6}' | cut -d ')' -f1)" ]]; then
    # If they are the same, FTL is up-to-date
    log_write "${TICK} ${ftl_name}: ${COL_GREEN}${FTL_VERSION}${COL_NC}"
    # If not, show it in yellow, signifying there is an update
    log_write "${TICK} ${ftl_name}: ${COL_YELLOW}${FTL_VERSION}${COL_NC} (${FAQ_UPDATE_PI_HOLE})"

# Checks the core version of the Pi-hole codebase
check_component_versions() {
  # Check the Web version, branch, and commit
  compare_local_version_to_git_version "${CORE_GIT_DIRECTORY}" "Core"
  # Check the Web version, branch, and commit
  compare_local_version_to_git_version "${WEB_GIT_DIRECTORY}" "Web"
  # Check the FTL version

get_program_version() {
  local program_name="${1}"
  # Create a loval variable so this function can be safely reused
  local program_version
  echo_current_diagnostic "${program_name} version"
  # Evalutate the program we are checking, if it is any of the ones below, show the version
  case "${program_name}" in
    "lighttpd") program_version="$(${program_name} -v |& head -n1 | cut -d '/' -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f1)"
    "dnsmasq") program_version="$(${program_name} -v |& head -n1 | awk '{print $3}')"
    "php") program_version="$(${program_name} -v |& head -n1 | cut -d '-' -f1 | cut -d ' ' -f2)"
    # If a match is not found, show an error
    *) echo "Unrecognized program";
  # If the program does not have a version (the variable is empty)
  if [[ -z "${program_version}" ]]; then
    # Display and error
    log_write "${CROSS} ${COL_RED}${program_name} version could not be detected.${COL_NC}"
    # Otherwise, display the version
    log_write "${INFO} ${program_version}"

# These are the most critical dependencies of Pi-hole, so we check for them
# and their versions, using the functions above.
check_critical_program_versions() {
  # Use the function created earlier and bundle them into one function that checks all the version numbers
  get_program_version "dnsmasq"
  get_program_version "lighttpd"
  get_program_version "php"

is_os_supported() {
  local os_to_check="${1}"
  # Strip just the base name of the system using sed
  the_os=$(echo ${os_to_check} | sed 's/ .*//')
  # If the variable is one of our supported OSes,
  case "${the_os}" in
    # Print it in green
    "Raspbian") log_write "${TICK} ${COL_GREEN}${os_to_check}${COL_NC}";;
    "Ubuntu") log_write "${TICK} ${COL_GREEN}${os_to_check}${COL_NC}";;
    "Fedora") log_write "${TICK} ${COL_GREEN}${os_to_check}${COL_NC}";;
    "Debian") log_write "${TICK} ${COL_GREEN}${os_to_check}${COL_NC}";;
    "CentOS") log_write "${TICK} ${COL_GREEN}${os_to_check}${COL_NC}";;
      # If not, show it in red and link to our software requirements page
      *) log_write "${CROSS} ${COL_RED}${os_to_check}${COL_NC} (${FAQ_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENTS})";

get_distro_attributes() {
  # Put the current Internal Field Separator into another variable so it can be restored later
  # Store the distro info in an array and make it global since the OS won't change,
  # but we'll keep it within the function for better unit testing
  IFS=$'\r\n' command eval 'distro_info=( $(cat /etc/*release) )'

  # Set a named variable for better readability
  local distro_attribute
  # For each line found in an /etc/*release file,
  for distro_attribute in "${distro_info[@]}"; do
    # store the key in a variable
    local pretty_name_key=$(echo "${distro_attribute}" | grep "PRETTY_NAME" | cut -d '=' -f1)
    # we need just the OS PRETTY_NAME,
    if [[ "${pretty_name_key}" == "PRETTY_NAME" ]]; then
      # so save in in a variable when we find it
      PRETTY_NAME_VALUE=$(echo "${distro_attribute}" | grep "PRETTY_NAME" | cut -d '=' -f2- | tr -d '"')
      # then pass it as an argument that checks if the OS is supported
      is_os_supported "${PRETTY_NAME_VALUE}"
      # Since we only need the pretty name, we can just skip over anything that is not a match
  # Set the IFS back to what it was

diagnose_operating_system() {
  # error message in a variable so we can easily modify it later (or re-use it)
  local error_msg="Distribution unknown -- most likely you are on an unsupported platform and may run into issues."
  # Display the current test that is running
  echo_current_diagnostic "Operating system"

  # If there is a /etc/*release file, it's probably a supported operating system, so we can
  if ls /etc/*release 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
    # display the attributes to the user from the function made earlier
    # If it doesn't exist, it's not a system we currently support and link to FAQ
    log_write "${CROSS} ${COL_RED}${error_msg}${COL_NC} (${FAQ_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENTS})"

check_selinux() {
  # SELinux is not supported by the Pi-hole
  echo_current_diagnostic "SELinux"
  # Check if a SELinux configuration file exists
  if [[ -f /etc/selinux/config ]]; then
    # If a SELinux configuration file was found, check the default SELinux mode.
    DEFAULT_SELINUX=$(awk -F= '/^SELINUX=/ {print $2}' /etc/selinux/config)
    case "${DEFAULT_SELINUX,,}" in
        log_write "${CROSS} ${COL_RED}Default SELinux: $DEFAULT_SELINUX${COL_NC}"
      *)  # 'permissive' and 'disabled'
        log_write "${TICK} ${COL_GREEN}Default SELinux: $DEFAULT_SELINUX${COL_NC}";
    # Check the current state of SELinux
    case "${CURRENT_SELINUX,,}" in
        log_write "${CROSS} ${COL_RED}Current SELinux: $CURRENT_SELINUX${COL_NC}"
      *)  # 'permissive' and 'disabled'
        log_write "${TICK} ${COL_GREEN}Current SELinux: $CURRENT_SELINUX${COL_NC}";
    log_write "${INFO} ${COL_GREEN}SELinux not detected${COL_NC}";

processor_check() {
  echo_current_diagnostic "Processor"
  # Store the processor type in a variable
  PROCESSOR=$(uname -m)
  # If it does not contain a value,
  if [[ -z "${PROCESSOR}" ]]; then
    # we couldn't detect it, so show an error
    PROCESSOR=$(lscpu | awk '/Architecture/ {print $2}')
    log_write "${CROSS} ${COL_RED}${PROCESSOR}${COL_NC} has not been tested with FTL, but may still work: (${FAQ_FTL_COMPATIBILITY})"
    # Check if the architecture is currently supported for FTL
    case "${PROCESSOR}" in
      "amd64") "${TICK} ${COL_GREEN}${PROCESSOR}${COL_NC}"
      "armv6l") "${TICK} ${COL_GREEN}${PROCESSOR}${COL_NC}"
      "armv6") "${TICK} ${COL_GREEN}${PROCESSOR}${COL_NC}"
      "armv7l") "${TICK} ${COL_GREEN}${PROCESSOR}${COL_NC}"
      "aarch64") "${TICK} ${COL_GREEN}${PROCESSOR}${COL_NC}"
    # Otherwise, show the processor type
    *) log_write "${INFO} ${PROCESSOR}";

parse_setup_vars() {
  echo_current_diagnostic "Setup variables"
  # If the file exists,
  if [[ -r "${PIHOLE_SETUP_VARS_FILE}" ]]; then
    # parse it
    parse_file "${PIHOLE_SETUP_VARS_FILE}"
    # If not, show an error
    log_write "${CROSS} ${COL_RED}Could not read ${PIHOLE_SETUP_VARS_FILE}.${COL_NC}"

does_ip_match_setup_vars() {
  # Check for IPv4 or 6
  local protocol="${1}"
  # IP address to check for
  local ip_address="${2}"
  # See what IP is in the setupVars.conf file
  local setup_vars_ip=$(< ${PIHOLE_SETUP_VARS_FILE} grep IPV${protocol}_ADDRESS | cut -d '=' -f2)
  # If it's an IPv6 address
  if [[ "${protocol}" == "6" ]]; then
    # Strip off the / (CIDR notation)
    if [[ "${ip_address%/*}" == "${setup_vars_ip%/*}" ]]; then
      # if it matches, show it in green
      log_write "   ${COL_GREEN}${ip_address%/*}${COL_NC} matches the IP found in ${PIHOLE_SETUP_VARS_FILE}"
      # otherwise show it in red with an FAQ URL
      log_write "   ${COL_RED}${ip_address%/*}${COL_NC} does not match the IP found in ${PIHOLE_SETUP_VARS_FILE} (${FAQ_ULA})"

    # if the protocol isn't 6, it's 4 so no need to strip the CIDR notation
    # since it exists in the setupVars.conf that way
    if [[ "${ip_address}" == "${setup_vars_ip}" ]]; then
      # show in green if it matches
      log_write "   ${COL_GREEN}${ip_address}${COL_NC} matches the IP found in ${PIHOLE_SETUP_VARS_FILE}"
      # otherwise show it in red
      log_write "   ${COL_RED}${ip_address}${COL_NC} does not match the IP found in ${PIHOLE_SETUP_VARS_FILE} (${FAQ_ULA})"

detect_ip_addresses() {
  # First argument should be a 4 or a 6
  local protocol=${1}
  # Use ip to show the addresses for the chosen protocol
  # Store the values in an arry so they can be looped through
  # Get the lines that are in the file(s) and store them in an array for parsing later
  declare -a ip_addr_list=( $(ip -${protocol} addr show dev ${PIHOLE_INTERFACE} | awk -F ' ' '{ for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i ~ '/^inet/') print $(i+1) }') )

  # If there is something in the IP address list,
  if [[ -n ${ip_addr_list} ]]; then
    # Local iterator
    local i
    # Display the protocol and interface
    log_write "${TICK} IPv${protocol} address(es) bound to the ${PIHOLE_INTERFACE} interface:"
    # Since there may be more than one IP address, store them in an array
    for i in "${!ip_addr_list[@]}"; do
      # For each one in the list, print it out
      does_ip_match_setup_vars "${protocol}" "${ip_addr_list[$i]}"
    # Print a blank line just for formatting
    log_write ""
    # If there are no IPs detected, explain that the protocol is not configured
    log_write "${CROSS} ${COL_RED}No IPv${protocol} address(es) found on the ${PIHOLE_INTERFACE}${COL_NC} interace.\n"
    return 1
  # If the protocol is v6
  if [[ "${protocol}" == "6" ]]; then
    # let the user know that as long as there is one green address, things should be ok
    log_write "   ^ Please note that you may have more than one IP address listed."
    log_write "   As long as one of them is green, and it matches what is in ${PIHOLE_SETUP_VARS_FILE}, there is no need for concern.\n"
    log_write "   The link to the FAQ is for an issue that sometimes occurs when the IPv6 address changes, which is why we check for it.\n"

ping_ipv4_or_ipv6() {
  # Give the first argument a readable name (a 4 or a six should be the argument)
  local protocol="${1}"
  # If the protocol is 6,
  if [[ ${protocol} == "6" ]]; then
    # use ping6
    # and Google's public IPv6 address
    # Otherwise, just use ping
    # and Google's public IPv4 address

ping_gateway() {
  local protocol="${1}"
  ping_ipv4_or_ipv6 "${protocol}"
  # Check if we are using IPv4 or IPv6
  # Find the default gateway using IPv4 or IPv6
  local gateway
  gateway="$(ip -${protocol} route | grep default | cut -d ' ' -f 3)"

  # If the gateway variable has a value (meaning a gateway was found),
  if [[ -n "${gateway}" ]]; then
    log_write "${INFO} Default IPv${protocol} gateway: ${gateway}"
    # Let the user know we will ping the gateway for a response
    log_write "   * Pinging ${gateway}..."
    # Try to quietly ping the gateway 3 times, with a timeout of 3 seconds, using numeric output only,
    # on the pihole interface, and tail the last three lines of the output
    # If pinging the gateway is not successful,
    if ! ${cmd} -c 3 -W 2 -n ${gateway} -I ${PIHOLE_INTERFACE} >/dev/null; then
      # let the user know
      log_write "${CROSS} ${COL_RED}Gateway did not respond.${COL_NC} ($FAQ_GATEWAY)\n"
      # and return an error code
      return 1
    # Otherwise,
      # show a success
      log_write "${TICK} ${COL_GREEN}Gateway responded.${COL_NC}"
      # and return a success code
      return 0

ping_internet() {
  local protocol="${1}"
  # Ping a public address using the protocol passed as an argument
  ping_ipv4_or_ipv6 "${protocol}"
  log_write "* Checking Internet connectivity via IPv${protocol}..."
  # Try to ping the address 3 times
  if ! ${cmd} -W 2 -c 3 -n ${public_address} -I ${PIHOLE_INTERFACE} >/dev/null; then
    # if it's unsuccessful, show an error
    log_write "${CROSS} ${COL_RED}Cannot reach the Internet.${COL_NC}\n"
    return 1
    # Otherwise, show success
    log_write "${TICK} ${COL_GREEN}Query responded.${COL_NC}\n"
    return 0

compare_port_to_service_assigned() {
  local service_name="${1}"
  # The programs we use may change at some point, so they are in a varible here
  local resolver="dnsmasq"
  local web_server="lighttpd"
  local ftl="pihole-FTL"
  if [[ "${service_name}" == "${resolver}" ]] || [[ "${service_name}" == "${web_server}" ]] || [[ "${service_name}" == "${ftl}" ]]; then
        # if port 53 is dnsmasq, show it in green as it's standard
        log_write "[${COL_GREEN}${port_number}${COL_NC}] is in use by ${COL_GREEN}${service_name}${COL_NC}"
      # Otherwise,
        # Show the service name in red since it's non-standard
        log_write "[${COL_RED}${port_number}${COL_NC}] is in use by ${COL_RED}${service_name}${COL_NC} (${FAQ_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENTS_PORTS})"

check_required_ports() {
  echo_current_diagnostic "Ports in use"
  # Since Pi-hole needs 53, 80, and 4711, check what they are being used by
  # so we can detect any issues
  local resolver="dnsmasq"
  local web_server="lighttpd"
  local ftl="pihole-FTL"
  # Create an array for these ports in use
  # Sort the addresses and remove duplicates
  while IFS= read -r line; do
      ports_in_use+=( "$line" )
  done < <( lsof -i -P -n | awk -F' ' '/LISTEN/ {print $9, $1}' | sort -n | uniq | cut -d':' -f2 )

  # Now that we have the values stored,
  for i in "${!ports_in_use[@]}"; do
    # loop through them and assign some local variables
    local port_number
    port_number="$(echo "${ports_in_use[$i]}" | awk '{print $1}')"
    local service_name
    service_name=$(echo "${ports_in_use[$i]}" | awk '{print $2}')
    # Use a case statement to determine if the right services are using the right ports
    case "${port_number}" in
      53) compare_port_to_service_assigned  "${resolver}"
      80) compare_port_to_service_assigned  "${web_server}"
      4711) compare_port_to_service_assigned  "${ftl}"
      # If it's not a default port that Pi-hole needs, just print it out for the user to see
      *) log_write "[${port_number}] is in use by ${service_name}";

check_networking() {
  # Runs through several of the functions made earlier; we just clump them
  # together since they are all related to the networking aspect of things
  echo_current_diagnostic "Networking"
  detect_ip_addresses "4"
  detect_ip_addresses "6"
  ping_gateway "4"
  ping_gateway "6"

check_x_headers() {
  # The X-Headers allow us to determine from the command line if the Web
  # lighttpd.conf has a directive to show "X-Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements."
  # in the header of any Pi-holed domain
  # Similarly, it will show "X-Pi-hole: The Pi-hole Web interface is working!" if you view the header returned
  # when accessing the dashboard (i.e curl -I pi.hole/admin/)
  # server is operating correctly
  echo_current_diagnostic "Dashboard and block page"
  # Use curl -I to get the header and parse out just the X-Pi-hole one
  local block_page
  block_page=$(curl -Is localhost | awk '/X-Pi-hole/' | tr -d '\r')
  # Do it for the dashboard as well, as the header is different than above
  local dashboard
  dashboard=$(curl -Is localhost/admin/ | awk '/X-Pi-hole/' | tr -d '\r')
  # Store what the X-Header shoud be in variables for comparision later
  local block_page_working
  block_page_working="X-Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements."
  local dashboard_working
  dashboard_working="X-Pi-hole: The Pi-hole Web interface is working!"
  local full_curl_output_block_page
  full_curl_output_block_page="$(curl -Is localhost)"
  local full_curl_output_dashboard
  full_curl_output_dashboard="$(curl -Is localhost/admin/)"
  # If the X-header found by curl matches what is should be,
  if [[ $block_page == "$block_page_working" ]]; then
    # display a success message
    log_write "$TICK ${COL_GREEN}${block_page}${COL_NC}"
    # Otherwise, show an error
    log_write "$CROSS ${COL_RED}X-Header does not match or could not be retrieved.${COL_NC}"
    log_write "${COL_RED}${full_curl_output_block_page}${COL_NC}"

  # Same logic applies to the dashbord as above, if the X-Header matches what a working system shoud have,
  if [[ $dashboard == "$dashboard_working" ]]; then
    # then we can show a success
    log_write "$TICK ${COL_GREEN}${dashboard}${COL_NC}"
    # Othewise, it's a failure since the X-Headers either don't exist or have been modified in some way
    log_write "$CROSS ${COL_RED}X-Header does not match or could not be retrieved.${COL_NC}"
    log_write "${COL_RED}${full_curl_output_dashboard}${COL_NC}"

dig_at() {
  # We need to test if Pi-hole can properly resolve domain names
  # as it is an essential piece of the software

  # Store the arguments as variables with names
  local protocol="${1}"
  local IP="${2}"
  echo_current_diagnostic "Name resolution (IPv${protocol}) using a random blocked domain and a known ad-serving domain"
  # Set more local variables
  # We need to test name resolution locally, via Pi-hole, and via a public resolver
  local local_dig
  local pihole_dig
  local remote_dig
  # Use a static domain that we know has IPv4 and IPv6 to avoid false positives
  # Sometimes the randomly chosen domains don't use IPv6, or something else is wrong with them
  local remote_url="doubleclick.com"

  # If the protocol (4 or 6) is 6,
  if [[ ${protocol} == "6" ]]; then
    # Set the IPv6 variables and record type
    local local_address="::1"
    local pihole_address="${IPV6_ADDRESS%/*}"
    local remote_address="2001:4860:4860::8888"
    local record_type="AAAA"
  # Othwerwise, it should be 4
    # so use the IPv4 values
    local local_address=""
    local pihole_address="${IPV4_ADDRESS%/*}"
    local remote_address=""
    local record_type="A"

  # Find a random blocked url that has not been whitelisted.
  # This helps emulate queries to different domains that a user might query
  # It will also give extra assurance that Pi-hole is correctly resolving and blocking domains
  local random_url=$(shuf -n 1 "${PIHOLE_BLOCKLIST_FILE}" | awk -F ' ' '{ print $2 }')

  # First, do a dig on localhost to see if Pi-hole can use itself to block a domain
  if local_dig=$(dig +tries=1 +time=2 -"${protocol}" "${random_url}" @${local_address} +short "${record_type}"); then
    # If it can, show sucess
    log_write "${TICK} ${random_url} ${COL_GREEN}is ${local_dig}${COL_NC} via ${COL_CYAN}localhost$COL_NC (${local_address})"
    # Otherwise, show a failure
    log_write "${CROSS} ${COL_RED}Failed to resolve${COL_NC} ${random_url} via ${COL_RED}localhost${COL_NC} (${local_address})"

  # Next we need to check if Pi-hole can resolve a domain when the query is sent to it's IP address
  # This better emulates how clients will interact with Pi-hole as opposed to above where Pi-hole is
  # just asing itself locally
  # The default timeouts and tries are reduced in case the DNS server isn't working, so the user isn't waiting for too long

  # If Pi-hole can dig itself from it's IP (not the loopback address)
  if pihole_dig=$(dig +tries=1 +time=2 -"${protocol}" "${random_url}" @${pihole_address} +short "${record_type}"); then
    # show a success
    log_write "${TICK} ${random_url} ${COL_GREEN}is ${pihole_dig}${COL_NC} via ${COL_CYAN}Pi-hole${COL_NC} (${pihole_address})"
    # Othewise, show a failure
    log_write "${CROSS} ${COL_RED}Failed to resolve${COL_NC} ${random_url} via ${COL_RED}Pi-hole${COL_NC} (${pihole_address})"

  # Finally, we need to make sure legitimate queries can out to the Internet using an external, public DNS server
  # We are using the static remote_url here instead of a random one because we know it works with IPv4 and IPv6
  if remote_dig=$(dig +tries=1 +time=2 -"${protocol}" "${remote_url}" @${remote_address} +short "${record_type}" | head -n1); then
    # If successful, the real IP of the domain will be returned instead of Pi-hole's IP
    log_write "${TICK} ${remote_url} ${COL_GREEN}is ${remote_dig}${COL_NC} via ${COL_CYAN}a remote, public DNS server${COL_NC} (${remote_address})"
    # Otherwise, show an error
    log_write "${CROSS} ${COL_RED}Failed to resolve${COL_NC} ${remote_url} via ${COL_RED}a remote, public DNS server${COL_NC} (${remote_address})"

  # Check to make sure Pi-hole's services are running and active
  echo_current_diagnostic "Pi-hole processes"
  # Local iterator
  local i
  # For each process,
  for i in "${PIHOLE_PROCESSES[@]}"; do
    # If systemd
    if command -v systemctl &> /dev/null; then
      # get its status via systemctl
      local status_of_process=$(systemctl is-active "${i}")
      # Otherwise, use the service command
      local status_of_process=$(service "${i}" status | awk '/Active:/ {print $2}') &> /dev/null
    # and print it out to the user
    if [[ "${status_of_process}" == "active" ]]; then
      # If it's active, show it in green
      log_write "${TICK} ${COL_GREEN}${i}${COL_NC} daemon is ${COL_GREEN}${status_of_process}${COL_NC}"
      # If it's not, show it in red
      log_write "${CROSS} ${COL_RED}${i}${COL_NC} daemon is ${COL_RED}${status_of_process}${COL_NC}"

make_array_from_file() {
  local filename="${1}"
  # The second argument can put a limit on how many line should be read from the file
  # Since some of the files are so large, this is helpful to limit the output
  local limit=${2}
  # A local iterator for testing if we are at the limit above
  local i=0
  # Set the array to be empty so we can start fresh when the function is used
  local file_content=()
  # If the file is a directory
  if [[ -d "${filename}" ]]; then
    # do nothing since it cannot be parsed
    # Otherwise, read the file line by line
    while IFS= read -r line;do
      # Othwerise, strip out comments and blank lines
      new_line=$(echo "${line}" | sed -e 's/#.*$//' -e '/^$/d')
      # If the line still has content (a non-zero value)
      if [[ -n "${new_line}" ]]; then
        # Put it into the array
        # Otherwise, it's a blank line or comment, so do nothing
      # Increment the iterator +1
      # but if the limit of lines we want to see is exceeded
      if [[ -z ${limit} ]]; then
        # do nothing
      elif [[ $i -eq ${limit} ]]; then
    done < "${filename}"
      # Now the we have made an array of the file's content
      for each_line in "${file_content[@]}"; do
        # Print each line
        # At some point, we may want to check the file line-by-line, so that's the reason for an array
        log_write "   ${each_line}"

parse_file() {
  # Set the first argument passed to this function as a named variable for better readability
  local filename="${1}"
  # Put the current Internal Field Separator into another variable so it can be restored later
  # Get the lines that are in the file(s) and store them in an array for parsing later
  IFS=$'\r\n' command eval 'file_info=( $(cat "${filename}") )'

  # Set a named variable for better readability
  local file_lines
  # For each line in the file,
  for file_lines in "${file_info[@]}"; do
    if [[ ! -z "${file_lines}" ]]; then
      # don't include the Web password hash
      [[ "${file_linesline}" =~ ^\#.*$  || ! "${file_lines}" || "${file_lines}" == "WEBPASSWORD="* ]] && continue
      # otherwise, display the lines of the file
      log_write "    ${file_lines}"
  # Set the IFS back to what it was

check_name_resolution() {
  # Check name resoltion from localhost, Pi-hole's IP, and Google's name severs
  # using the function we created earlier
  dig_at 4 "${IPV4_ADDRESS%/*}"
  # If IPv6 enabled,
  if [[ "${IPV6_ADDRESS}" ]]; then
    # check resolution
    dig_at 6 "${IPV6_ADDRESS%/*}"

# This function can check a directory exists
# Pi-hole has files in several places, so we will reuse this function
dir_check() {
  # Set the first argument passed to tihs function as a named variable for better readability
  local directory="${1}"
  # Display the current test that is running
  echo_current_diagnostic "contents of ${COL_CYAN}${directory}${COL_NC}"
  # For each file in the directory,
  for filename in ${directory}; do
    # check if exists first; if it does,
    if ls "${filename}" 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
      # do nothing
      # Otherwise, show an error
      log_write "${COL_RED}${directory} does not exist.${COL_NC}"

list_files_in_dir() {
  # Set the first argument passed to tihs function as a named variable for better readability
  local dir_to_parse="${1}"
  # Store the files found in an array
  local files_found=( $(ls "${dir_to_parse}") )
  # For each file in the array,
  for each_file in "${files_found[@]}"; do
    if [[ -d "${dir_to_parse}/${each_file}" ]]; then
      # If it's a directoy, do nothing
    elif [[ "${dir_to_parse}/${each_file}" == "${PIHOLE_BLOCKLIST_FILE}" ]] || \
         [[ "${dir_to_parse}/${each_file}" == "${PIHOLE_DEBUG_LOG}" ]] || \
         [[ ${dir_to_parse}/${each_file} == ${PIHOLE_RAW_BLOCKLIST_FILES} ]] || \
         [[ "${dir_to_parse}/${each_file}" == "${PIHOLE_INSTALL_LOG_FILE}" ]] || \
         [[ "${dir_to_parse}/${each_file}" == "${PIHOLE_SETUP_VARS_FILE}" ]] || \
         [[ "${dir_to_parse}/${each_file}" == "${PIHOLE_LOG}" ]] || \
         [[ "${dir_to_parse}/${each_file}" == "${PIHOLE_WEB_SERVER_ACCESS_LOG_FILE}" ]] || \
         [[ ${dir_to_parse}/${each_file} == ${PIHOLE_LOG_GZIPS} ]]; then
      # Then, parse the file's content into an array so each line can be analyzed if need be
      for i in "${!REQUIRED_FILES[@]}"; do
        if [[ "${dir_to_parse}/${each_file}" == ${REQUIRED_FILES[$i]} ]]; then
          # display the filename
          log_write "\n${COL_GREEN}$(ls -ld ${dir_to_parse}/${each_file})${COL_NC}"
          # Check if the file we want to view has a limit (because sometimes we just need a little bit of info from the file, not the entire thing)
          case "${dir_to_parse}/${each_file}" in
            # If it's Web server error log, just give the first 25 lines
            "${PIHOLE_WEB_SERVER_ERROR_LOG_FILE}") make_array_from_file "${dir_to_parse}/${each_file}" 25
            # Same for the FTL log
            "${PIHOLE_FTL_LOG}") make_array_from_file "${dir_to_parse}/${each_file}" 25
            # parse the file into an array in case we ever need to analyze it line-by-line
            *) make_array_from_file "${dir_to_parse}/${each_file}";
          # Otherwise, do nothing since it's not a file needed for Pi-hole so we don't care about it

show_content_of_files_in_dir() {
  # Set a local variable for better readability
  local directory="${1}"
  # Check if the directory exists
  dir_check "${directory}"
  # if it does, list the files in it
  list_files_in_dir "${directory}"

show_content_of_pihole_files() {
  # Show the content of the files in each of Pi-hole's folders
  show_content_of_files_in_dir "${PIHOLE_DIRECTORY}"
  show_content_of_files_in_dir "${DNSMASQ_D_DIRECTORY}"
  show_content_of_files_in_dir "${WEB_SERVER_CONFIG_DIRECTORY}"
  show_content_of_files_in_dir "${CRON_D_DIRECTORY}"
  show_content_of_files_in_dir "${WEB_SERVER_LOG_DIRECTORY}"
  show_content_of_files_in_dir "${LOG_DIRECTORY}"

analyze_gravity_list() {
  echo_current_diagnostic "Gravity list"
  local head_line
  local tail_line
  # Put the current Internal Field Separator into another variable so it can be restored later
  # Get the lines that are in the file(s) and store them in an array for parsing later
  local gravity_permissions=$(ls -ld "${PIHOLE_BLOCKLIST_FILE}")
  log_write "${COL_GREEN}${gravity_permissions}${COL_NC}"
  local gravity_head=()
  gravity_head=( $(head -n 4 ${PIHOLE_BLOCKLIST_FILE}) )
  log_write "   ${COL_CYAN}-----head of $(basename ${PIHOLE_BLOCKLIST_FILE})------${COL_NC}"
  for head_line in "${gravity_head[@]}"; do
    log_write "   ${head_line}"
  log_write ""
  local gravity_tail=()
  gravity_tail=( $(tail -n 4 ${PIHOLE_BLOCKLIST_FILE}) )
  log_write "   ${COL_CYAN}-----tail of $(basename ${PIHOLE_BLOCKLIST_FILE})------${COL_NC}"
  for tail_line in "${gravity_tail[@]}"; do
    log_write "   ${tail_line}"
  # Set the IFS back to what it was

analyze_pihole_log() {
  echo_current_diagnostic "Pi-hole log"
  local head_line
  # Put the current Internal Field Separator into another variable so it can be restored later
  # Get the lines that are in the file(s) and store them in an array for parsing later
  local pihole_log_permissions=$(ls -ld "${PIHOLE_LOG}")
  log_write "${COL_GREEN}${pihole_log_permissions}${COL_NC}"
  local pihole_log_head=()
  pihole_log_head=( $(head -n 20 ${PIHOLE_LOG}) )
  log_write "   ${COL_CYAN}-----head of $(basename ${PIHOLE_LOG})------${COL_NC}"
  local error_to_check_for
  local line_to_obfuscate
  local obfuscated_line
  for head_line in "${pihole_log_head[@]}"; do
    # A common error in the pihole.log is when there is a non-hosts formatted file
    # that the DNS server is attempting to read.  Since it's not formatted
    # correctly, there will be an entry for "bad address at line n"
    # So we can check for that here and highlight it in red so the user can see it easily
    error_to_check_for=$(echo ${head_line} | grep 'bad address at')
    # Some users may not want to have the domains they visit sent to us
    # To that end, we check for lines in the log that would contain a domain name
    line_to_obfuscate=$(echo ${head_line} | grep ': query\|: forwarded\|: reply')
    # If the variable contains a value, it found an error in the log
    if [[ -n ${error_to_check_for} ]]; then
      # So we can print it in red to make it visible to the user
      log_write "   ${CROSS} ${COL_RED}${head_line}${COL_NC} (${FAQ_BAD_ADDRESS})"
      # If the variable does not a value (the current default behavior), so do not obfuscate anything
      if [[ -z ${OBFUSCATE} ]]; then
        log_write "   ${head_line}"
      # Othwerise, a flag was passed to this command to obfuscate domains in the log
        # So first check if there are domains in the log that should be obfuscated
        if [[ -n ${line_to_obfuscate} ]]; then
          # If there are, we need to use awk to replace only the domain name (the 6th field in the log)
          # so we substitue the domain for the placeholder value
          obfuscated_line=$(echo ${line_to_obfuscate} | awk -v placeholder="${OBFUSCATED_PLACEHOLDER}" '{sub($6,placeholder); print $0}')
          log_write "   ${obfuscated_line}"
          log_write "   ${head_line}"
  log_write ""
  # Set the IFS back to what it was

tricorder_use_nc_or_ssl() {
  # Users can submit their debug logs using nc (unencrypted) or openssl (enrypted) if available
  # Check for openssl first since encryption is a good thing
  if command -v openssl &> /dev/null; then
    # If the command exists,
    log_write "    * Using ${COL_GREEN}openssl${COL_NC} for transmission."
    # encrypt and transmit the log and store the token returned in a variable
    tricorder_token=$(< ${PIHOLE_DEBUG_LOG_SANITIZED} openssl s_client -quiet -connect tricorder.pi-hole.net:${TRICORDER_SSL_PORT_NUMBER} 2> /dev/null)
  # Otherwise,
    # use net cat
    log_write "${INFO} Using ${COL_YELLOW}netcat${COL_NC} for transmission."
    # Save the token returned by our server in a variable
    tricorder_token=$(< ${PIHOLE_DEBUG_LOG_SANITIZED} nc tricorder.pi-hole.net ${TRICORDER_NC_PORT_NUMBER})

upload_to_tricorder() {
  local username="pihole"
  # Set the permissions and owner
  chmod 644 ${PIHOLE_DEBUG_LOG}
  chown "$USER":"${username}" ${PIHOLE_DEBUG_LOG}

  # Let the user know debugging is complete with something strikingly visual
  log_write ""
  log_write "${COL_PURPLE}********************************************${COL_NC}"
  log_write "${COL_PURPLE}********************************************${COL_NC}"
	log_write "${TICK} ${COL_GREEN}** FINISHED DEBUGGING! **${COL_NC}\n"

  # Provide information on what they should do with their token
	log_write "    * The debug log can be uploaded to tricorder.pi-hole.net for sharing with developers only."
  log_write "    * For more information, see: ${TRICORDER_CONTEST}"
  log_write "    * If available, we'll use openssl to upload the log, otherwise it will fall back to netcat."
  # If pihole -d is running automatically (usually throught the dashboard)
	if [[ "${AUTOMATED}" ]]; then
    # let the user know
    log_write "${INFO} Debug script running in automated mode"
    # and then decide again which tool to use to submit it
  # If we're not running in automated mode,
    echo ""
    # give the user a choice of uploading it or not
    # Users can review the log file locally (or the output of the script since they are the same) and try to self-diagnose their problem
	  read -r -p "[?] Would you like to upload the log? [y/N] " response
	  case ${response} in
      # If they say yes, run our function for uploading the log
		  [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) tricorder_use_nc_or_ssl;;
      # If they choose no, just exit out of the script
		  *) log_write "    * Log will ${COL_GREEN}NOT${COL_NC} be uploaded to tricorder.";exit;
	# Check if tricorder.pi-hole.net is reachable and provide token
  # along with some additional useful information
	if [[ -n "${tricorder_token}" ]]; then
    # Again, try to make this visually striking so the user realizes they need to do something with this information
    # Namely, provide the Pi-hole devs with the token
    log_write ""
    log_write "${COL_PURPLE}***********************************${COL_NC}"
    log_write "${COL_PURPLE}***********************************${COL_NC}"
		log_write "${TICK} Your debug token is: ${COL_GREEN}${tricorder_token}${COL_NC}"
    log_write "${COL_PURPLE}***********************************${COL_NC}"
    log_write "${COL_PURPLE}***********************************${COL_NC}"
    log_write ""
		log_write "   * Provide the token above to the Pi-hole team for assistance at"
		log_write "   * ${FORUMS_URL}"
    log_write "   * Your log will self-destruct on our server after ${COL_RED}48 hours${COL_NC}."
  # If no token was generated
    # Show an error and some help instructions
		log_write "${CROSS}  ${COL_RED}There was an error uploading your debug log.${COL_NC}"
		log_write "   * Please try again or contact the Pi-hole team for assistance."
    # Finally, show where the log file is no matter the outcome of the function so users can look at it
		log_write "   * A local copy of the debug log can be found at: ${COL_CYAN}${PIHOLE_DEBUG_LOG_SANITIZED}${COL_NC}\n"

# Run through all the functions we made
# setupVars.conf needs to be sourced before the networking so the values are
# available to the other functions