#!/usr/bin/env bash IPv4dev=$(/sbin/ip route get | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i~/dev/)print $(i+1)}') piholeIPCIDR=$(/sbin/ip -o -f inet addr show dev $IPv4dev | awk '{print $4}' | awk 'END {print}') piholeIP=${piholeIPCIDR%/*} adList=/etc/pihole/gravity.list blackList=/etc/pihole/blacklist.txt whiteList=/etc/pihole/whitelist.txt goodListNames="google-public-dns-a.google.com google-public-dns-b.google.com" # Function to resolve hostname and determine if IP is RFC1918, pi-hole, or internet address for the host. # Accepts 1 argument which is a host to resolve. verifyHostAddress() { status="" ip=`nslookup $1 | grep ^"Address:" | tail -1 | cut -d: -f2 | sed 's/ //g'` if [[ $ip == $piholeIP ]]; then status="pi-hole IP" elif [[ $ip =~ (^127\.)|(^10\.)|(^172\.1[6-9]\.)|(^172\.2[0-9]\.)|(^172\.3[0-1]\.)|(^192\.168\.) ]]; then status="RFC1918" elif [[ "$ip" == "" ]]; then status="empty" else status=$ip fi } if [[ -r $adList ]];then adListNames="" numberOf=$(cat $adList | sed '/^\s*$/d' | wc -l) for n in `shuf -i 1-$numberOf -n 2` do adListNames="$adListNames `sed -n ${n}p $adList | cut -d\ -f2`" done fi if [[ -r $blackList ]];then blackListNames="" numberOf=$(cat $blackList | sed '/^\s*$/d' | wc -l) for n in `shuf -i 1-$numberOf -n 2` do blackListNames="$blackListNames `sed -n ${n}p $blackList`" done fi if [[ -r $whiteList ]];then whiteListNames="" numberOf=$(cat $whiteList | sed '/^\s*$/d' | wc -l) for n in `shuf -i 1-$numberOf -n 2` do whiteListNames="$whiteListNames `sed -n ${n}p $whiteList`" done fi echo -e "\nTesting known good websites." for name in $goodListNames do verifyHostAddress "$name" if [[ "$status" == "pi-hole IP" ]]; then echo -e "\tFailed - $name resolves to your pi-hole ($piholeIP)" elif [[ "$status" == "RFC1918" ]]; then echo -e "\tFailed - $name resolves to a non-routable address ($ip)" elif [[ "$status" == "empty" ]]; then echo -e"\tFailed - $name could not be resolved ($ip)" else echo -e "\tSuccess - $name resolves to a public IP address ($ip)" fi done echo -e "\nTesting websites from your $whiteList file." for name in $whiteListNames do verifyHostAddress "$name" if [[ "$status" == "pi-hole IP" ]]; then echo -e "\tFailed - $name resolves to your pi-hole ($piholeIP)" elif [[ "$status" == "RFC1918" ]]; then echo -e "\tFailed - $name resolves to a non-routable address ($ip)" elif [[ "$status" == "empty" ]]; then echo -e"\tFailed - $name could not be resolved ($ip)" else echo -e "\tSuccess - $name resolves to a public IP address ($ip)" fi done echo -e "\nTesting websites from your $adList file." for name in $adListNames do verifyHostAddress "$name" if [[ "$status" == "pi-hole IP" ]]; then echo -e "\tSuccess - $name resolves to your pi-hole ($ip)" elif [[ "$status" == "RFC1918" ]]; then echo -e "\tVerify - $name resolves to a non-routable address that is not your pi-hole server ($ip)" elif [[ "$status" == "empty" ]]; then echo -e"\tFailed - $name could not be resolved ($ip)" else echo -e "\tFailed - $name resolves to a public IP address ($ip)" fi done echo -e "\nTesting websites from your $blackList file." for name in $blackListNames do verifyHostAddress "$name" if [[ "$status" == "pi-hole IP" ]]; then echo -e "\tSuccess - $name resolves to your pi-hole ($ip)" elif [[ "$status" == "RFC1918" ]]; then echo -e "\tVerify - $name resolves to a non-routable address that is not your pi-hole server ($ip)" else echo -e "\tFailed - $name resolves to a public IP address ($ip)" fi done