jacobsalmela 739027a27d scripts to long-term stats
These scripts will be necessary for parsing pihole.log before it is
flushed and then saving the information into a DB.  This information
can then be displayed in the Web GUI.

mysql-server and php5-mysql will need to be installed.

you can then setup the database with this command:

mysql -u root -p"raspberry" < /usr/local/bin/setupPiholeStats.sql

Once that is done, run sudo php /usr/local/bin/lrs.php
2016-01-20 19:40:12 -06:00

22 lines
1.1 KiB

-- instal with this command: mysql -u root -p"raspberry" < /usr/local/bin/setupPiholeStats.sql
USE charts;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pie_chart_stats`;
CREATE TABLE `pie_chart_stats` (
`insert_date` DATE NOT NULL COMMENT 'date when values were captured',
`query_cnt` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'query count appreaprence',
`adver_cnt` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'advertiser count apperance',
PRIMARY KEY (`insert_date`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT 'table to store stats for pie (queries vs advertisers) chart';
-- this row would be updated to store SUM values
-- needs to be added within a table creation
INSERT INTO `pie_chart_stats` VALUES ('0000-00-00', 0, 0);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `top_chart_stats`;
CREATE TABLE `top_chart_stats` (
`insert_date` DATE NOT NULL COMMENT 'date when values were captured',
`adver_name` VARCHAR (60) NOT NULL COMMENT 'advertiser domain name',
`cnt` MEDIUMINT(7) NOT NULL COMMENT 'advertiser count apperance',
PRIMARY KEY (`insert_date`, `adver_name`)