pvogt09 fec1595183 add docker containers for debian 9 and 10, ubuntu 16 and 18, fedora 28 and 29
Signed-off-by: pvogt09 <50047961+pvogt09@users.noreply.github.com>
2020-10-27 11:34:27 +01:00

17 lines
952 B

envlist = py37
whitelist_externals = docker
deps = -rrequirements.txt
commands = docker build -f test/debian.Dockerfile -t pytest_pihole:debian .
docker build -f test/debian_9.Dockerfile -t pytest_pihole:debian_9 .
docker build -f test/debian_10.Dockerfile -t pytest_pihole:debian_10 .
docker build -f test/centos7.Dockerfile -t pytest_pihole:centos7 .
docker build -f test/centos.Dockerfile -t pytest_pihole:centos .
docker build -f test/fedora.Dockerfile -t pytest_pihole:fedora .
docker build -f test/fedora_28.Dockerfile -t pytest_pihole:fedora_28 .
docker build -f test/fedora_29.Dockerfile -t pytest_pihole:fedora_29 .
docker build -f test/ubuntu_16.Dockerfile -t pytest_pihole:ubuntu_16 .
docker build -f test/ubuntu_18.Dockerfile -t pytest_pihole:ubuntu_18 .
pytest {posargs:-vv -n auto} -m "not build_stage" ./test/