diff --git a/DNSCrypt-2.0.md b/DNSCrypt-2.0.md
index 7723bc5..c07a153 100644
--- a/DNSCrypt-2.0.md
+++ b/DNSCrypt-2.0.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ This can probably replace the DNSCrypt page, but leaving it for archive purposes
 ## Step 1: Install DNSCrypt-Proxy
 * `cd /opt`: Move to /opt directory. This is where we will place the dnscrypt-proxy files.
-* Download the [latest](https://github.com/jedisct1/dnscrypt-proxy/releases/latest) pre-built binary. I'm using Pi-Hole on Linux x86_64 architecture, so I'll use `linux_x86_64`. Replace with your system architecture, you can check which you use by running `uname -sm`.
+* Download the [latest](https://github.com/jedisct1/dnscrypt-proxy/releases/latest) pre-built binary. I'm using Pi-Hole on Linux x86_64 architecture, so I'll use `linux_x86_64`. Replace with your system architecture, you can check which you use by running `uname -sm`. If you are using Pi-Hole 3, you'll use Linux arm (NOT x64) instead.
 * `tar -xf dnscrypt-proxy-linux_x86_64-2.0.10.tar.gz`: Extract prebuilt binary
 * `mv linux-x86_64 dnscrypt-proxy`: Rename the extracted folder
 * `rm dnscrypt-proxy-linux_x86_64-2.0.10.tar.gz`: Remove the archive