added the functionality to send your OVPN file to your Bitwarden vault

This commit is contained in:
Akvile 2019-08-20 11:36:05 -05:00
parent 18b7e16694
commit 9d66688341

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@ -328,6 +328,24 @@ if [ ! -d "/home/$INSTALL_USER/ovpns" ]; then
chmod 0777 -R "/home/$INSTALL_USER/ovpns"
# If user is using Bitwarden, have them login again to submit their .ovpn file to their vault
printf "Would you like to export your .ovpn file to your Bitwarden vault? (y or n)"
read -r RESPONSE
if [ $RESPONSE == "y" ] || [ $RESPONSE == "Y" ]; then
$OVPN_FILE="$(< "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/$NAME$FILEEXT")"
# Login to Bitwarden
printf "****Bitwarden Login****"
printf "\n"
SESSION_KEY=`bw login --raw`
printf "Successfully Logged in!"
printf "\n"
# Create a Bitwarden secure note to export the .ovpn file
bw get template item | jq '.name = "PiVPN OVPN File"' | jq '.type = 2' | jq -r --arg VAL "$OVPN_FILE" '.notes = $VAL' | jq ".secureNote = $(bw get template item.secureNote)" | bw encode | bw create item
bw logout
# Copy the .ovpn profile to the home directory for convenient remote access
cp "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/$NAME$FILEEXT" "/home/$INSTALL_USER/ovpns/$NAME$FILEEXT"