diff --git a/auto_install/install.sh b/auto_install/install.sh
index 7b61241..57284b9 100755
--- a/auto_install/install.sh
+++ b/auto_install/install.sh
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 # curl -L https://install.pivpn.io | bash
 # Make sure you have `curl` installed
-# timestamp 2020/5/24 15:53BST
 ######## VARIABLES #########
diff --git a/scripts/wireguard/bash-completion b/scripts/wireguard/bash-completion
index a971696..ae57b41 100644
--- a/scripts/wireguard/bash-completion
+++ b/scripts/wireguard/bash-completion
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ _pivpn()
-    dashopts="-a -c -d -l -qr -r -h -u -up -bk"
-    opts="add clients debug list qrcode remove help uninstall update backup"
+    dashopts="-a -c -d -l -qr -r -h -u -up -bk -off -on"
+    opts="add clients debug list qrcode remove help uninstall update backup (temp) off (temp) on"
     if [ "${#COMP_WORDS[@]}" -eq 2 ]
         if [[ ${cur} == -* ]] ; then
diff --git a/scripts/wireguard/clientSTAT.sh b/scripts/wireguard/clientSTAT.sh
index 166085f..0df3664 100755
--- a/scripts/wireguard/clientSTAT.sh
+++ b/scripts/wireguard/clientSTAT.sh
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 # PiVPN: client status script
 if [ ! -s "$CLIENTS_FILE" ]; then
     echo "::: There are no clients to list"
@@ -36,33 +37,37 @@ listClients(){
     printf "\e[4mName\e[0m  \t  \e[4mRemote IP\e[0m  \t  \e[4mVirtual IP\e[0m  \t  \e[4mBytes Received\e[0m  \t  \e[4mBytes Sent\e[0m  \t  \e[4mLast Seen\e[0m\n"
     while IFS= read -r LINE; do
-        PUBLIC_KEY="$(awk '{ print $1 }' <<< "$LINE")"
-        REMOTE_IP="$(awk '{ print $3 }' <<< "$LINE")"
-        VIRTUAL_IP="$(awk '{ print $4 }' <<< "$LINE")"
-        BYTES_RECEIVED="$(awk '{ print $6 }' <<< "$LINE")"
-        BYTES_SENT="$(awk '{ print $7 }' <<< "$LINE")"
-        LAST_SEEN="$(awk '{ print $5 }' <<< "$LINE")"
-        CLIENT_NAME="$(grep "$PUBLIC_KEY" "$CLIENTS_FILE" | awk '{ print $1 }')"
-        if [ "$HR" = 1 ]; then
-            if [ "$LAST_SEEN" -ne 0 ]; then
-                printf "%s  \t  %s  \t  %s  \t  %s  \t  %s  \t  %s\n" "$CLIENT_NAME" "$REMOTE_IP" "${VIRTUAL_IP/\/32/}" "$(hr "$BYTES_RECEIVED")" "$(hr "$BYTES_SENT")" "$(date -d @"$LAST_SEEN" '+%b %d %Y - %T')"
+        if [ -n "${LINE}" ]; then
+            PUBLIC_KEY="$(awk '{ print $1 }' <<< "$LINE")"
+            REMOTE_IP="$(awk '{ print $3 }' <<< "$LINE")"
+            VIRTUAL_IP="$(awk '{ print $4 }' <<< "$LINE")"
+            BYTES_RECEIVED="$(awk '{ print $6 }' <<< "$LINE")"
+            BYTES_SENT="$(awk '{ print $7 }' <<< "$LINE")"
+            LAST_SEEN="$(awk '{ print $5 }' <<< "$LINE")"
+            CLIENT_NAME="$(grep "$PUBLIC_KEY" "$CLIENTS_FILE" | awk '{ print $1 }')"
+            if [ "$HR" = 1 ]; then
+                if [ "$LAST_SEEN" -ne 0 ]; then
+                    printf "%s  \t  %s  \t  %s  \t  %s  \t  %s  \t  %s\n" "$CLIENT_NAME" "$REMOTE_IP" "${VIRTUAL_IP/\/32/}" "$(hr "$BYTES_RECEIVED")" "$(hr "$BYTES_SENT")" "$(date -d @"$LAST_SEEN" '+%b %d %Y - %T')"
+                else
+                    printf "%s  \t  %s  \t  %s  \t  %s  \t  %s  \t  %s\n" "$CLIENT_NAME" "$REMOTE_IP" "${VIRTUAL_IP/\/32/}" "$(hr "$BYTES_RECEIVED")" "$(hr "$BYTES_SENT")" "(not yet)"
+                fi
-                printf "%s  \t  %s  \t  %s  \t  %s  \t  %s  \t  %s\n" "$CLIENT_NAME" "$REMOTE_IP" "${VIRTUAL_IP/\/32/}" "$(hr "$BYTES_RECEIVED")" "$(hr "$BYTES_SENT")" "(not yet)"
-            fi
-        else
-            if [ "$LAST_SEEN" -ne 0 ]; then
-                printf "%s  \t  %s  \t  %s  \t  %'d  \t  %'d  \t  %s\n" "$CLIENT_NAME" "$REMOTE_IP" "${VIRTUAL_IP/\/32/}" "$BYTES_RECEIVED" "$BYTES_SENT" "$(date -d @"$LAST_SEEN" '+%b %d %Y - %T')"
-            else
-                printf "%s  \t  %s  \t  %s  \t  %'d  \t  %'d  \t  %s\n" "$CLIENT_NAME" "$REMOTE_IP" "${VIRTUAL_IP/\/32/}" "$BYTES_RECEIVED" "$BYTES_SENT" "(not yet)"
+                if [ "$LAST_SEEN" -ne 0 ]; then
+                    printf "%s  \t  %s  \t  %s  \t  %'d  \t  %'d  \t  %s\n" "$CLIENT_NAME" "$REMOTE_IP" "${VIRTUAL_IP/\/32/}" "$BYTES_RECEIVED" "$BYTES_SENT" "$(date -d @"$LAST_SEEN" '+%b %d %Y - %T')"
+                else
+                    printf "%s  \t  %s  \t  %s  \t  %'d  \t  %'d  \t  %s\n" "$CLIENT_NAME" "$REMOTE_IP" "${VIRTUAL_IP/\/32/}" "$BYTES_RECEIVED" "$BYTES_SENT" "(not yet)"
+                fi
     done <<< "$DUMP"
     printf "\n"
     } | column -t -s $'\t'
+    cd /etc/wireguard || return
+    echo "::: Disabled clients :::"
+    grep '\[disabled\] ### begin' wg0.conf | sed 's/#//g; s/begin//'
 if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
diff --git a/scripts/wireguard/disableCONF.sh b/scripts/wireguard/disableCONF.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7d3d682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/wireguard/disableCONF.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+if [ ! -f "${setupVars}" ]; then
+    echo "::: Missing setup vars file!"
+    exit 1
+source "${setupVars}"
+    echo "::: Disable client conf profiles"
+    echo ":::"
+    echo "::: Usage: pivpn <-off|off> [-h|--help] [-v] [<client-1> ... [<client-2>] ...] "
+    echo ":::"
+    echo "::: Commands:"
+    echo ":::  [none]               Interactive mode"
+    echo ":::  <client>             Client"
+    echo ":::  -y,--yes             Disable client(s) without confirmation"
+    echo ":::  -v                   Show disabled clients only"
+    echo ":::  -h,--help            Show this help dialog"
+# Parse input arguments
+while test $# -gt 0
+    _key="$1"
+    case "$_key" in
+        -h|--help)
+            helpFunc
+            exit 0
+            ;;
+        -y|--yes)
+            CONFIRM=true
+            ;;
+        -v)
+            DISPLAY_DISABLED=true
+            ;;
+	*)
+            CLIENTS_TO_CHANGE+=("$1")
+            ;;
+    esac
+    shift
+cd /etc/wireguard
+if [ ! -s configs/clients.txt ]; then
+    echo "::: There are no clients to change"
+    exit 1
+if [ "$DISPLAY_DISABLED" ]; then
+    grep '\[disabled\] ### begin' wg0.conf | sed 's/#//g; s/begin//'
+    exit 1
+LIST=($(awk '{print $1}' configs/clients.txt))
+if [ "${#CLIENTS_TO_CHANGE[@]}" -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "::\e[4m  Client list  \e[0m::"
+    len=${#LIST[@]}
+    COUNTER=1
+    while [ $COUNTER -le ${len} ]; do
+        printf "%0${#len}s) %s\r\n" ${COUNTER} ${LIST[(($COUNTER-1))]}
+        ((COUNTER++))
+    done
+    read -r -p "Please enter the Index/Name of the Client to be removed from the list above: " CLIENTS_TO_CHANGE
+    if [ -z "${CLIENTS_TO_CHANGE}" ]; then
+        echo "::: You can not leave this blank!"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    re='^[0-9]+$'
+    if [[ ${CLIENT_NAME} =~ $re ]] ; then
+        CLIENT_NAME=${LIST[$(($CLIENT_NAME -1))]}
+    fi
+    if ! grep -q "^${CLIENT_NAME} " configs/clients.txt; then
+        echo -e "::: \e[1m${CLIENT_NAME}\e[0m does not exist"
+    elif grep -q "#\[disabled\] ### begin ${CLIENT_NAME}" wg0.conf; then
+        echo -e "::: \e[1m${CLIENT_NAME}\e[0m is already disabled"
+    else
+        if [ -n "$CONFIRM" ]; then
+            REPLY="y"
+        else
+            read -r -p "Confirm you want to disable $CLIENT_NAME? [Y/n] "
+        fi
+        if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
+            # Disable the peer section from the server config
+	    echo "${CLIENT_NAME}"
+            sed -e "/### begin ${CLIENT_NAME}/,/end ${CLIENT_NAME}/ s/^/#\[disabled\] /" -i wg0.conf
+            echo "::: Updated server config"
+            ((CHANGED_COUNT++))
+            echo "::: Successfully disabled ${CLIENT_NAME}"
+        fi
+    fi
+# Restart WireGuard only if some clients were actually deleted
+if [ "${CHANGED_COUNT}" -gt 0 ]; then
+    if systemctl reload wg-quick@wg0; then
+        echo "::: WireGuard reloaded"
+    else
+        echo "::: Failed to reload WireGuard"
+    fi
diff --git a/scripts/wireguard/enableCONF.sh b/scripts/wireguard/enableCONF.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4ce0cf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/wireguard/enableCONF.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+if [ ! -f "${setupVars}" ]; then
+    echo "::: Missing setup vars file!"
+    exit 1
+source "${setupVars}"
+    echo "::: Enables client conf profiles"
+    echo ":::"
+    echo "::: Usage: pivpn <-on|on> [-h|--help] [-v] [<client-1> ... [<client-2>] ...] "
+    echo ":::"
+    echo "::: Commands:"
+    echo ":::  [none]               Interactive mode"
+    echo ":::  <client>             Client"
+    echo ":::  -y,--yes             Enable client(s) without confirmation"
+    echo ":::  -v                   Show disabled clients only"
+    echo ":::  -h,--help            Show this help dialog"
+# Parse input arguments
+while test $# -gt 0
+    _key="$1"
+    case "$_key" in
+        -h|--help)
+            helpFunc
+            exit 0
+            ;;
+        -y|--yes)
+            CONFIRM=true
+            ;;
+        -v)
+            DISPLAY_DISABLED=true
+            ;;
+	*)
+            CLIENTS_TO_CHANGE+=("$1")
+            ;;
+    esac
+    shift
+cd /etc/wireguard
+if [ ! -s configs/clients.txt ]; then
+    echo "::: There are no clients to change"
+    exit 1
+if [ "$DISPLAY_DISABLED" ]; then
+    grep '\[disabled\] ### begin' wg0.conf | sed 's/#//g; s/begin//'
+    exit 1
+LIST=($(awk '{print $1}' configs/clients.txt))
+if [ "${#CLIENTS_TO_CHANGE[@]}" -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "::\e[4m  Client list  \e[0m::"
+    len=${#LIST[@]}
+    COUNTER=1
+    while [ $COUNTER -le ${len} ]; do
+        printf "%0${#len}s) %s\r\n" ${COUNTER} ${LIST[(($COUNTER-1))]}
+        ((COUNTER++))
+    done
+    read -r -p "Please enter the Index/Name of the Client to be enabled from the list above: " CLIENTS_TO_CHANGE
+    if [ -z "${CLIENTS_TO_CHANGE}" ]; then
+        echo "::: You can not leave this blank!"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    re='^[0-9]+$'
+    if [[ ${CLIENT_NAME} =~ $re ]] ; then
+        CLIENT_NAME=${LIST[$(($CLIENT_NAME -1))]}
+    fi
+    if ! grep -q "^${CLIENT_NAME} " configs/clients.txt; then
+        echo -e "::: \e[1m${CLIENT_NAME}\e[0m does not exist"
+    else
+        if [ -n "$CONFIRM" ]; then
+            REPLY="y"
+        else
+            read -r -p "Confirm you want to enable $CLIENT_NAME? [Y/n] "
+        fi
+        if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
+            # Enable the peer section from the server config
+	    echo "${CLIENT_NAME}" 
+            sed -e "/begin ${CLIENT_NAME}/,/end ${CLIENT_NAME}/ s/#\[disabled\] //" -i wg0.conf
+            echo "::: Updated server config"
+            ((CHANGED_COUNT++))
+            echo "::: Successfully enabled ${CLIENT_NAME}"
+        fi
+    fi
+# Restart WireGuard only if some clients were actually deleted
+if [ "${CHANGED_COUNT}" -gt 0 ]; then
+    if systemctl reload wg-quick@wg0; then
+        echo "::: WireGuard reloaded"
+    else
+        echo "::: Failed to reload WireGuard"
+    fi
diff --git a/scripts/wireguard/listCONF.sh b/scripts/wireguard/listCONF.sh
index 6f8e198..150eb5a 100755
--- a/scripts/wireguard/listCONF.sh
+++ b/scripts/wireguard/listCONF.sh
@@ -25,4 +25,9 @@ while read -r LINE; do
     echo -e "$CLIENT_NAME  \t  $PUBLIC_KEY  \t  $CD_FORMAT"
 done < clients.txt
-} | column -t -s $'\t'
\ No newline at end of file
+} | column -t -s $'\t'
+cd /etc/wireguard || return
+echo "::: Disabled clients :::"
+grep '\[disabled\] ### begin' wg0.conf | sed 's/#//g; s/begin//'
diff --git a/scripts/wireguard/pivpn.sh b/scripts/wireguard/pivpn.sh
index ad4b0e7..4679e13 100755
--- a/scripts/wireguard/pivpn.sh
+++ b/scripts/wireguard/pivpn.sh
@@ -52,6 +52,18 @@ removeClient(){
     exit 0
+    shift
+    $SUDO ${scriptdir}/${vpn}/disableCONF.sh "$@"
+    exit 0
+    shift
+    $SUDO ${scriptdir}/${vpn}/enableCONF.sh "$@"
+    exit 0
     $SUDO ${scriptdir}/uninstall.sh "${vpn}"
     exit 0
@@ -74,16 +86,18 @@ showHelp(){
     echo "::: Usage: pivpn <command> [option]"
     echo ":::"
     echo "::: Commands:"
-    echo ":::  -a,  add              Create a client conf profile"
-    echo ":::  -c,  clients          List any connected clients to the server"
-    echo ":::  -d,  debug            Start a debugging session if having trouble"
-    echo ":::  -l,  list             List all clients"
-    echo ":::  -qr, qrcode           Show the qrcode of a client for use with the mobile app"
-    echo ":::  -r,  remove           Remove a client"
-    echo ":::  -h,  help             Show this help dialog"
-    echo ":::  -u,  uninstall        Uninstall pivpn from your system!"
-    echo ":::  -up, update           Updates PiVPN Scripts"
-    echo ":::  -bk, backup           Backup VPN configs and user profiles"
+    echo ":::    -a, add              Create a client conf profile"
+    echo ":::    -c, clients          List any connected clients to the server"
+    echo ":::    -d, debug            Start a debugging session if having trouble"
+    echo ":::    -l, list             List all clients"
+    echo ":::   -qr, qrcode           Show the qrcode of a client for use with the mobile app"
+    echo ":::    -r, remove           Remove a client"
+    echo ":::  -off, off              Disable a user"
+    echo ":::   -on, on               Enable a user"
+    echo ":::    -h, help             Show this help dialog"
+    echo ":::    -u, uninstall        Uninstall pivpn from your system!"
+    echo ":::   -up, update           Updates PiVPN Scripts"
+    echo ":::   -bk, backup           Backup VPN configs and user profiles"
     exit 0
@@ -93,15 +107,17 @@ fi
 # Handle redirecting to specific functions based on arguments
 case "$1" in
-"-a"  | "add"                ) makeConf "$@";;
-"-c"  | "clients"            ) listConnected "$@";;
-"-d"  | "debug"              ) debug;;
-"-l"  | "list"               ) listClients;;
-"-qr" | "qrcode"             ) showQrcode "$@";;
-"-r"  | "remove"             ) removeClient "$@";;
-"-h"  | "help"               ) showHelp;;
-"-u"  | "uninstall"          ) uninstallServer;;
-"-up" | "update"             ) updateScripts "$@" ;;
-"-bk" | "backup"             ) backup ;;
-*                            ) showHelp;;
+"-a"   | "add"                ) makeConf "$@";;
+"-c"   | "clients"            ) listConnected "$@";;
+"-d"   | "debug"              ) debug;;
+"-l"   | "list"               ) listClients;;
+"-qr"  | "qrcode"             ) showQrcode "$@";;
+"-r"   | "remove"             ) removeClient "$@";;
+"-off" | "off"                ) disableClient "$@";;
+"-on"  | "on"                 ) enableClient "$@";;
+"-h"   | "help"               ) showHelp;;
+"-u"   | "uninstall"          ) uninstallServer;;
+"-up"  | "update"             ) updateScripts "$@" ;;
+"-bk"  | "backup"             ) backup ;;
+*                             ) showHelp;;