Added new step to create an .ovpn12 file that can be stored on iOS keychain
This step is more secure method and does not require the end-user to keep entering passwords, or storing the client private cert where it can be easily tampered based on documentation located:
Someone can improve upon this by adding a parameter (possibly -i|--iOS) and then generating the original .ovpn file to not contain the client private certificate.
As @fyellin There is some chatter on other groups that some
OpenVPN implementations cannot handle client keys that are
encrypted with RSA.
If the client key is encrypted, we might re-encrypting the
current client key using 3DES.
This commit will convert user client key to 3DES in command
`pivpn -a`
P/S: All credits to @fyellin. Many thanks to him.
::: Create a client ovpn profile, optional nopass
::: Usage: pivpn <-a|add> [-n|--name <arg>] [-p|--password
<arg>]|[nopass] [-h|--help]
::: Commands:
::: nopass Create a client without a password
::: -n,--name Name for the Client (default: 'raspberrypi')
::: -p,--password Password for the Client (no default)
::: -h,--help Show this help dialog