#!/usr/bin/env bash # PiVPN: revoke client script setupVars="/etc/pivpn/openvpn/setupVars.conf" INDEX="/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/index.txt" if [ ! -f "${setupVars}" ]; then echo "::: Missing setup vars file!" exit 1 fi source "${setupVars}" helpFunc() { echo "::: Revoke a client ovpn profile" echo ":::" echo "::: Usage: pivpn <-r|revoke> [-y|--yes] [-h|--help] [] ... [] ..." echo ":::" echo "::: Commands:" echo "::: [none] Interactive mode" echo "::: Client(s) to to revoke" echo "::: -y,--yes Remove Client(s) without confirmation" echo "::: -h,--help Show this help dialog" } # Parse input arguments while test $# -gt 0 do _key="$1" case "$_key" in -h|--help) helpFunc exit 0 ;; -y|--yes) CONFIRM=true ;; *) CERTS_TO_REVOKE+=("$1") ;; esac shift done if [ ! -f "${INDEX}" ]; then printf "The file: %s was not found\n" "$INDEX" exit 1 fi if [[ -z "${CERTS_TO_REVOKE}" ]]; then printf "\n" printf " ::\e[4m Certificate List \e[0m:: \n" i=0 while read -r line || [ -n "$line" ]; do STATUS=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $1}') if [[ "${STATUS}" = "V" ]]; then NAME=$(echo "$line" | sed -e 's:.*/CN=::') if [ "$i" != 0 ]; then # Prevent printing "server" certificate CERTS[$i]=$(echo -e "${NAME}") fi ((i++)) fi done <${INDEX} i=1 len=${#CERTS[@]} while [ $i -le ${len} ]; do printf "%0${#len}s) %s\r\n" ${i} ${CERTS[(($i))]} ((i++)) done printf "\n" echo -n "::: Please enter the Index/Name of the client to be revoked from the list above: " read -r NAME if [[ -z "${NAME}" ]]; then echo "You can not leave this blank!" exit 1 fi re='^[0-9]+$' if [[ ${NAME} =~ $re ]] ; then NAME=${CERTS[$((NAME))]} fi for((x=1;x<=i;++x)); do if [ "${CERTS[$x]}" = "${NAME}" ]; then VALID=1 fi done if [ -z "${VALID}" ]; then printf "You didn't enter a valid cert name!\n" exit 1 fi CERTS_TO_REVOKE=( "${NAME}" ) else i=0 while read -r line || [ -n "$line" ]; do STATUS=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $1}') if [[ "${STATUS}" = "V" ]]; then NAME=$(echo -e "$line" | sed -e 's:.*/CN=::') CERTS[$i]=${NAME} ((i++)) fi done <${INDEX} for (( ii = 0; ii < ${#CERTS_TO_REVOKE[@]}; ii++)); do VALID=0 for((x=1;x<=i;++x)); do if [ "${CERTS[$x]}" = "${CERTS_TO_REVOKE[ii]}" ]; then VALID=1 fi done if [ "${VALID}" != 1 ]; then printf "You passed an invalid cert name: '"%s"'!\n" "${CERTS_TO_REVOKE[ii]}" exit 1 fi done fi cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa || exit for (( ii = 0; ii < ${#CERTS_TO_REVOKE[@]}; ii++)); do if [ -n "$CONFIRM" ]; then REPLY="y" else read -r -p "Do you really want to revoke ${CERTS_TO_REVOKE[ii]}? [Y/n] " fi if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then printf "\n::: Revoking certificate '"%s"'.\n" "${CERTS_TO_REVOKE[ii]}" ./easyrsa --batch revoke "${CERTS_TO_REVOKE[ii]}" ./easyrsa gen-crl printf "\n::: Certificate revoked, and CRL file updated.\n" printf "::: Removing certs and client configuration for this profile.\n" rm -rf "pki/reqs/${CERTS_TO_REVOKE[ii]}.req" rm -rf "pki/private/${CERTS_TO_REVOKE[ii]}.key" rm -rf "pki/issued/${CERTS_TO_REVOKE[ii]}.crt" # Grab the client IP address NET_REDUCED="${pivpnNET::-2}" STATIC_IP=$(grep -v "^#" /etc/openvpn/ccd/"${CERTS_TO_REVOKE[ii]}" | grep -w ifconfig-push | grep -oE "${NET_REDUCED}\.[0-9]{1,3}") rm -rf /etc/openvpn/ccd/"${CERTS_TO_REVOKE[ii]}" rm -rf "${install_home}/ovpns/${CERTS_TO_REVOKE[ii]}.ovpn" rm -rf "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/${CERTS_TO_REVOKE[ii]}.ovpn" cp /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/crl.pem /etc/openvpn/crl.pem # If using Pi-hole, remove the client from the hosts file if [ -f /etc/pivpn/hosts.openvpn ]; then sed "\#${STATIC_IP} ${CERTS_TO_REVOKE[ii]}.pivpn#d" -i /etc/pivpn/hosts.openvpn if killall -SIGHUP pihole-FTL; then echo "::: Updated hosts file for Pi-hole" else echo "::: Failed to reload pihole-FTL configuration" fi fi fi done printf "::: Completed!\n"