#!/bin/bash # Create OVPN Client # Default Variable Declarations DEFAULT="Default.txt" FILEEXT=".ovpn" CRT=".crt" KEY=".key" CA="ca.crt" TA="ta.key" INDEX="/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/index.txt" INSTALL_USER=$(cat /etc/pivpn/INSTALL_USER) helpFunc() { echo "::: Create a client ovpn profile, optional nopass" echo ":::" echo "::: Usage: pivpn <-a|add> [-n|--name ] [-p|--password ]|[nopass] [-d|--days ] [-i|--iOS] [-h|--help]" echo ":::" echo "::: Commands:" echo "::: [none] Interactive mode" echo "::: nopass Create a client without a password" echo "::: -b,--bitwarden Create and save a client through Bitwarden" echo "::: -d,--days Expire the certificate after specified number of days (default: 1080)" echo "::: -n,--name Name for the Client (default: '"$(hostname)"')" echo "::: -p,--password Password for the Client (no default)" echo "::: -i,--iOS Generate a certificate that leverages iOS keychain" echo "::: -h,--help Show this help dialog" } # Parse input arguments while test $# -gt 0 do _key="$1" case "$_key" in -n|--name|--name=*) _val="${_key##--name=}" if test "$_val" = "$_key" then test $# -lt 2 && echo "Missing value for the optional argument '$_key'." && exit 1 _val="$2" shift fi NAME="$_val" ;; -p|--password|--password=*) _val="${_key##--password=}" if test "$_val" = "$_key" then test $# -lt 2 && echo "Missing value for the optional argument '$_key'." && exit 1 _val="$2" shift fi PASSWD="$_val" ;; -d|--days|--days=*) _val="${_key##--days=}" if test "$_val" = "$_key" then test $# -lt 2 && echo "Missing value for the optional argument '$_key'." && exit 1 _val="$2" shift fi DAYS="$_val" ;; -i|--iOS) iOS=1 ;; -h|--help) helpFunc exit 0 ;; nopass) NO_PASS="1" ;; -b|--bitwarden) BITWARDEN="2" ;; *) echo "Error: Got an unexpected argument '$1'" helpFunc exit 1 ;; esac shift done # Functions def function keynoPASS() { #Build the client key expect << EOF set timeout -1 set env(EASYRSA_CERT_EXPIRE) "${DAYS}" spawn ./easyrsa build-client-full "${NAME}" nopass expect eof EOF cd pki || exit } function useBitwarden() { # login and unlock vault printf "****Bitwarden Login****" printf "\n" SESSION_KEY=`bw login --raw` export BW_SESSION=$SESSION_KEY printf "Successfully Logged in!" printf "\n" # ask user for username printf "Enter the username: " read -r NAME # check name until [[ "$NAME" =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9.@_-]+$ && ${NAME::1} != "." && ${NAME::1} != "-" ]] do echo "Name can only contain alphanumeric characters and these characters (.-@_). The name also cannot start with a dot (.) or a dash (-). Please try again." # ask user for username again printf "Enter the username: " read -r NAME done # ask user for length of password printf "Please enter the length of characters you want your password to be (minimum 12): " read -r LENGTH # check length until [[ "$LENGTH" -gt 11 && "$LENGTH" -lt 129 ]] do echo "Password must be between from 12 to 128 characters, please try again." # ask user for length of password printf "Enter the length of characters you want your password to be (minimum 12): " read -r LENGTH done printf "Creating a PiVPN item for your vault..." printf "\n" # create a new item for your PiVPN Password PASSWD=`bw generate -usln --length $LENGTH` bw get template item | jq '.login.type = "1"'| jq '.name = "PiVPN"' | jq -r --arg NAME "$NAME" '.login.username = $NAME' | jq -r --arg PASSWD "$PASSWD" '.login.password = $PASSWD' | bw encode | bw create item bw logout } function keyPASS() { if [[ -z "${PASSWD}" ]]; then stty -echo while true do printf "Enter the password for the client: " read -r PASSWD printf "\n" printf "Enter the password again to verify: " read -r PASSWD2 printf "\n" [ "${PASSWD}" = "${PASSWD2}" ] && break printf "Passwords do not match! Please try again.\n" done stty echo if [[ -z "${PASSWD}" ]]; then echo "You left the password blank" echo "If you don't want a password, please run:" echo "pivpn add nopass" exit 1 fi fi if [ ${#PASSWD} -lt 4 ] || [ ${#PASSWD} -gt 1024 ] then echo "Password must be between from 4 to 1024 characters" exit 1 fi #Escape chars in PASSWD PASSWD=$(echo -n ${PASSWD} | sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/g' -e 's/\//\\\//g' -e 's/\$/\\\$/g' -e 's/!/\\!/g' -e 's/\./\\\./g' -e "s/'/\\\'/g" -e 's/"/\\"/g' -e 's/\*/\\\*/g' -e 's/\@/\\\@/g' -e 's/\#/\\\#/g' -e 's/£/\\£/g' -e 's/%/\\%/g' -e 's/\^/\\\^/g' -e 's/\&/\\\&/g' -e 's/(/\\(/g' -e 's/)/\\)/g' -e 's/-/\\-/g' -e 's/_/\\_/g' -e 's/\+/\\\+/g' -e 's/=/\\=/g' -e 's/\[/\\\[/g' -e 's/\]/\\\]/g' -e 's/;/\\;/g' -e 's/:/\\:/g' -e 's/|/\\|/g' -e 's//\\>/g' -e 's/,/\\,/g' -e 's/?/\\?/g' -e 's/~/\\~/g' -e 's/{/\\{/g' -e 's/}/\\}/g') #Build the client key and then encrypt the key expect << EOF set timeout -1 set env(EASYRSA_CERT_EXPIRE) "${DAYS}" spawn ./easyrsa build-client-full "${NAME}" expect "Enter PEM pass phrase" { send -- "${PASSWD}\r" } expect "Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase" { send -- "${PASSWD}\r" } expect eof EOF cd pki || exit } # bitWarden first if [[ "${BITWARDEN}" =~ "2" ]]; then useBitwarden fi if [ -z "${NAME}" ]; then printf "Enter a Name for the Client: " read -r NAME fi if [[ ${NAME::1} == "." ]] || [[ ${NAME::1} == "-" ]]; then echo "Names cannot start with a dot (.) or a dash (-)." exit 1 fi if [[ "${NAME}" =~ [^a-zA-Z0-9.@_-] ]]; then echo "Name can only contain alphanumeric characters and these characters (.-@_)." exit 1 fi if [[ -z "${NAME}" ]]; then echo "You cannot leave the name blank." exit 1 fi # Check if name is already in use while read -r line || [ -n "${line}" ]; do STATUS=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $1}') if [ "${STATUS}" == "V" ]; then CERT=$(echo "$line" | sed -e 's:.*/CN=::') if [ "${CERT}" == "${NAME}" ]; then INUSE="1" break fi fi done <${INDEX} if [ "${INUSE}" == "1" ]; then printf "\n!! This name is already in use by a Valid Certificate." printf "\nPlease choose another name or revoke this certificate first.\n" exit 1 fi # Check if name is reserved if [ "${NAME}" == "ta" ] || [ "${NAME}" == "server" ] || [ "${NAME}" == "ca" ]; then echo "Sorry, this is in use by the server and cannot be used by clients." exit 1 fi #As of EasyRSA 3.0.6, by default certificates last 1080 days, see https://github.com/OpenVPN/easy-rsa/blob/6b7b6bf1f0d3c9362b5618ad18c66677351cacd1/easyrsa3/vars.example if [ -z "${DAYS}" ]; then read -r -e -p "How many days should the certificate last? " -i 1080 DAYS fi if [[ ! "$DAYS" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || [ "$DAYS" -lt 1 ] || [ "$DAYS" -gt 3650 ]; then #The CRL lasts 3650 days so it doesn't make much sense that certificates would last longer echo "Please input a valid number of days, between 1 and 3650 inclusive." exit 1 fi cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa || exit if [[ "${NO_PASS}" =~ "1" ]]; then if [[ -n "${PASSWD}" ]]; then echo "Both nopass and password arguments passed to the script. Please use either one." exit 1 else keynoPASS fi else keyPASS fi #1st Verify that clients Public Key Exists if [ ! -f "issued/${NAME}${CRT}" ]; then echo "[ERROR]: Client Public Key Certificate not found: $NAME$CRT" exit fi echo "Client's cert found: $NAME$CRT" #Then, verify that there is a private key for that client if [ ! -f "private/${NAME}${KEY}" ]; then echo "[ERROR]: Client Private Key not found: $NAME$KEY" exit fi echo "Client's Private Key found: $NAME$KEY" #Confirm the CA public key exists if [ ! -f "${CA}" ]; then echo "[ERROR]: CA Public Key not found: $CA" exit fi echo "CA public Key found: $CA" #Confirm the tls key file exists if [ ! -f "${TA}" ]; then echo "[ERROR]: tls Private Key not found: $TA" exit fi echo "tls Private Key found: $TA" ## Added new step to create an .ovpn12 file that can be stored on iOS keychain ## This step is more secure method and does not require the end-user to keep entering passwords, or storing the client private cert where it can be easily tampered ## https://openvpn.net/faq/how-do-i-use-a-client-certificate-and-private-key-from-the-ios-keychain/ if [ "$iOS" = "1" ]; then #Generates the .ovpn file WITHOUT the client private key { # Start by populating with the default file cat "${DEFAULT}" #Now, append the CA Public Cert echo "" cat "${CA}" echo "" #Next append the client Public Cert echo "" sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' < "issued/${NAME}${CRT}" echo "" #Finally, append the TA Private Key if [ -f /etc/pivpn/TWO_POINT_FOUR ]; then echo "" cat "${TA}" echo "" else echo "" cat "${TA}" echo "" fi } > "${NAME}${FILEEXT}" # Copy the .ovpn profile to the home directory for convenient remote access printf "========================================================\n" printf "Generating an .ovpn12 file for use with iOS devices\n" printf "Please remember the export password\n" printf "as you will need this import the certificate on your iOS device\n" printf "========================================================\n" openssl pkcs12 -passin env:$PASSWD -export -in issued/${NAME}${CRT} -inkey private/${NAME}${KEY} -certfile ${CA} -name ${NAME} -out /home/$INSTALL_USER/ovpns/$NAME.ovpn12 chown "$INSTALL_USER" "/home/$INSTALL_USER/ovpns/$NAME.ovpn12" chmod 600 "/home/$INSTALL_USER/ovpns/$NAME.ovpn12" printf "========================================================\n" printf "\e[1mDone! %s successfully created!\e[0m \n" "$NAME.ovpn12" printf "You will need to transfer both the .ovpn and .ovpn12 files\n" printf "to your iOS device.\n" printf "========================================================\n\n" else #This is the standard non-iOS configuration #Ready to make a new .ovpn file { # Start by populating with the default file cat "${DEFAULT}" #Now, append the CA Public Cert echo "" cat "${CA}" echo "" #Next append the client Public Cert echo "" sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' < "issued/${NAME}${CRT}" echo "" #Then, append the client Private Key echo "" cat "private/${NAME}${KEY}" echo "" #Finally, append the tls Private Key if [ -f /etc/pivpn/TWO_POINT_FOUR ]; then echo "" cat "${TA}" echo "" else echo "" cat "${TA}" echo "" fi } > "${NAME}${FILEEXT}" fi if [ ! -d "/home/$INSTALL_USER/ovpns" ]; then mkdir "/home/$INSTALL_USER/ovpns" chmod 0777 -R "/home/$INSTALL_USER/ovpns" fi # If user is using Bitwarden, have them login again to submit their .ovpn file to their vault printf "Would you like to export your .ovpn file to your Bitwarden vault? (y or n)" read -r RESPONSE if [ $RESPONSE == "y" ] || [ $RESPONSE == "Y" ]; then $OVPN_FILE="$(< "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/$NAME$FILEEXT")" # Login to Bitwarden printf "****Bitwarden Login****" printf "\n" SESSION_KEY=`bw login --raw` export BW_SESSION=$SESSION_KEY printf "Successfully Logged in!" printf "\n" # Create a Bitwarden secure note to export the .ovpn file bw get template item | jq '.name = "PiVPN OVPN File"' | jq '.type = 2' | jq -r --arg VAL "$OVPN_FILE" '.notes = $VAL' | jq ".secureNote = $(bw get template item.secureNote)" | bw encode | bw create item bw logout exit fi # Copy the .ovpn profile to the home directory for convenient remote access cp "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/$NAME$FILEEXT" "/home/$INSTALL_USER/ovpns/$NAME$FILEEXT" chown "$INSTALL_USER" "/home/$INSTALL_USER/ovpns/$NAME$FILEEXT" chmod o-r "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/$NAME$FILEEXT" chmod o-r "/home/$INSTALL_USER/ovpns/$NAME$FILEEXT" printf "\n\n" printf "========================================================\n" printf "\e[1mDone! %s successfully created!\e[0m \n" "$NAME$FILEEXT" printf "%s was copied to:\n" "$NAME$FILEEXT" printf " /home/%s/ovpns\n" "$INSTALL_USER" printf "for easy transfer. Please use this profile only on one\n" printf "device and create additional profiles for other devices.\n" printf "========================================================\n\n"