<!-- Hi, you are about to open a new issue. --> # PiVPN Issue Template <!-- If the install failed: can you please copy-paste the console output after running `curl install.pivpn.io | bash` between the backticks --> ## Console output of `curl install.pivpn.io | bash` ``` ``` <!-- If the generation of an .ovpn file fails / the ovpns folder stays empty, please paste the output of `pivpn add` or `pivpn add nopass` between the backticks --> ## Console output of `pivpn add` or `pivpn add nopass` ``` ``` <!-- Please paste the output of `pivpn debug` between the backticks, don't forget to substitute your public IP address if you don't want the world to know it --> ## Console output of `pivpn debug` ``` ``` <!-- If something else fails, please state the command you used and it's output --> <!-- Please explain your issue. Feel free to format your text --> ## Issue