#!/bin/bash # PiVPN: client status script ### Constants CLIENTS_FILE="/etc/wireguard/configs/clients.txt" ### Functions err() { echo "[$(date +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z')]: $*" >&2 } scriptusage() { echo "::: List any connected clients to the server" echo ":::" echo "::: Usage: pivpn <-c|clients> [-b|bytes]" echo ":::" echo "::: Commands:" echo "::: [none] List clients with human readable format" echo "::: -b, bytes List clients with dotted decimal notation" echo "::: -h, help Show this usage dialog" } hr() { numfmt --to=iec-i --suffix=B "${1}" } listClients() { if DUMP="$(wg show wg0 dump)"; then DUMP="$(tail -n +2 <<< "${DUMP}")" else exit 1 fi printf "\e[1m::: Connected Clients List :::\e[0m\n" { printf "\e[4mName\e[0m \t \e[4mRemote IP\e[0m \t \e[4mVirtual IP\e[0m" printf "\t \e[4mBytes Received\e[0m \t \e[4mBytes Sent\e[0m " printf "\t \e[4mLast Seen\e[0m\n" while IFS= read -r LINE; do if [[ -n "${LINE}" ]]; then PUBLIC_KEY="$(awk '{ print $1 }' <<< "${LINE}")" REMOTE_IP="$(awk '{ print $3 }' <<< "${LINE}")" VIRTUAL_IP="$(awk '{ print $4 }' <<< "${LINE}")" BYTES_RECEIVED="$(awk '{ print $6 }' <<< "${LINE}")" BYTES_SENT="$(awk '{ print $7 }' <<< "${LINE}")" LAST_SEEN="$(awk '{ print $5 }' <<< "${LINE}")" CLIENT_NAME="$(grep "${PUBLIC_KEY}" "${CLIENTS_FILE}" \ | awk '{ print $1 }')" printf "%s \t %s \t %s \t " \ "${CLIENT_NAME}" \ "${REMOTE_IP}" \ "${VIRTUAL_IP/\/32/}" if [[ "${HR}" == 1 ]]; then printf "%s \t %s \t " \ "$(hr "${BYTES_RECEIVED}")" \ "$(hr "${BYTES_SENT}")" else printf "%s \t %s \t " "${BYTES_RECEIVED}" "${BYTES_SENT}" fi if [[ "${LAST_SEEN}" -ne 0 ]]; then printf "%s" "$(date -d @"${LAST_SEEN}" '+%b %d %Y - %T')" else printf "(not yet)" fi printf "\n" fi done <<< "${DUMP}" printf "\n" } | column -ts $'\t' cd /etc/wireguard || return echo "::: Disabled clients :::" grep '\[disabled\] ### begin' wg0.conf | sed 's/#//g; s/begin//' } ### Script if [[ ! -s "${CLIENTS_FILE}" ]]; then err "::: There are no clients to list" exit 0 fi if [[ "$#" -eq 0 ]]; then HR=1 listClients else while true; do case "${1}" in -b | bytes) HR=0 listClients exit 0 ;; -h | help) scriptusage exit 0 ;; *) HR=0 listClients exit 0 ;; esac done fi