#!/usr/bin/env bash # PiVPN: Trivial OpenVPN or WireGuard setup and configuration # Easiest setup and mangement of OpenVPN or WireGuard on Raspberry Pi # https://pivpn.io # Heavily adapted from the pi-hole.net project and... # https://github.com/StarshipEngineer/OpenVPN-Setup/ # # Install with this command (from your Pi): # # curl -L https://install.pivpn.io | bash # Make sure you have `curl` installed ######## VARIABLES ######### pivpnGitUrl="https://github.com/pivpn/pivpn.git" setupVars="/etc/pivpn/setupVars.conf" pivpnFilesDir="/etc/.pivpn" piholeSetupVars="/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf" dnsmasqConfig="/etc/dnsmasq.d/02-pivpn.conf" ### PKG Vars ### PKG_MANAGER="apt-get" PKG_CACHE="/var/lib/apt/lists/" ### FIXME: quoting UPDATE_PKG_CACHE and PKG_INSTALL hangs the script, shellcheck SC2086 UPDATE_PKG_CACHE="${PKG_MANAGER} update" PKG_INSTALL="${PKG_MANAGER} --yes --no-install-recommends install" PKG_COUNT="${PKG_MANAGER} -s -o Debug::NoLocking=true upgrade | grep -c ^Inst || true" # Dependencies that are required by the script, regardless of the VPN protocol chosen BASE_DEPS=(git tar wget curl grep dnsutils whiptail net-tools bsdmainutils) # Dependencies that where actually installed by the script. For example if the script requires # grep and dnsutils but dnsutils is already installed, we save grep here. This way when uninstalling # PiVPN we won't prompt to remove packages that may have been installed by the user for other reasons INSTALLED_PACKAGES=() easyrsaVer="3.0.6" easyrsaRel="https://github.com/OpenVPN/easy-rsa/releases/download/v${easyrsaVer}/EasyRSA-unix-v${easyrsaVer}.tgz" subnetClass="24" dhcpcdFile="/etc/dhcpcd.conf" debianOvpnUserGroup="openvpn:openvpn" # Raspbian's unattended-upgrades package downloads Debian's config, so this is the link for the proper config UNATTUPG_RELEASE="1.16" UNATTUPG_CONFIG="https://github.com/mvo5/unattended-upgrades/archive/${UNATTUPG_RELEASE}.tar.gz" # GPG fingerprints (you can look them up at https://keyserver.ubuntu.com) OPENVPN_REPO_KEY="0x30ebf4e73cce63eee124dd278e6da8b4e158c569" DEBIAN_STRETCH_KEY="0xe1cf20ddffe4b89e802658f1e0b11894f66aec98" DEBIAN_BUSTER_KEY="0x80d15823b7fd1561f9f7bcdddc30d7c23cbbabee" # Find the rows and columns. Will default to 80x24 if it can not be detected. screen_size=$(stty size 2>/dev/null || echo 24 80) rows=$(echo "$screen_size" | awk '{print $1}') columns=$(echo "$screen_size" | awk '{print $2}') ######## Undocumented Flags. Shhh ######## runUnattended=false skipSpaceCheck=false reconfigure=false # Divide by two so the dialogs take up half of the screen, which looks nice. r=$(( rows / 2 )) c=$(( columns / 2 )) # Unless the screen is tiny r=$(( r < 20 ? 20 : r )) c=$(( c < 70 ? 70 : c )) ######## SCRIPT ############ main(){ ######## FIRST CHECK ######## # Must be root to install echo ":::" if [[ $EUID -eq 0 ]];then echo "::: You are root." else echo "::: sudo will be used for the install." # Check if it is actually installed # If it isn't, exit because the install cannot complete if [[ $(dpkg-query -s sudo) ]];then export SUDO="sudo" export SUDOE="sudo -E" else echo "::: Please install sudo or run this as root." exit 1 fi fi # Check arguments for the undocumented flags for var in "$@"; do case "$var" in "--i_do_not_follow_recommendations" ) skipSpaceCheck=false;; "--unattended" ) runUnattended=true;; "--reconfigure" ) reconfigure=true;; esac done if [[ "${runUnattended}" == true ]]; then echo "::: --unattended passed to install script, no whiptail dialogs will be displayed" if [ -z "$2" ]; then echo "::: No configuration file passed, using default settings..." else if [ -r "$2" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC1090 source "$2" else echo "::: Can't open $2" exit 1 fi fi fi if [ -r "$setupVars" ]; then if [[ "${reconfigure}" == true ]]; then echo "::: --reconfigure passed to install script, will reinstall PiVPN overwriting existing settings" UpdateCmd="Reconfigure" elif [[ "${runUnattended}" == true ]]; then ### What should the script do when passing --unattended to an existing installation? UpdateCmd="Reconfigure" else askAboutExistingInstall fi fi if [ -z "$UpdateCmd" ] || [ "$UpdateCmd" = "Reconfigure" ]; then : elif [ "$UpdateCmd" = "Update" ]; then $SUDO /opt/pivpn/update.sh "$@" exit 0 elif [ "$UpdateCmd" = "Repair" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC1090 source "$setupVars" runUnattended=true fi # Check for supported distribution distroCheck # Checks for hostname Length checkHostname # Start the installer # Verify there is enough disk space for the install if [[ "${skipSpaceCheck}" == true ]]; then echo "::: --i_do_not_follow_recommendations passed to script, skipping free disk space verification!" else verifyFreeDiskSpace fi updatePackageCache # Notify user of package availability notifyPackageUpdatesAvailable # Install packages used by this installation script preconfigurePackages installDependentPackages BASE_DEPS[@] # Display welcome dialogs welcomeDialogs # Find interfaces and let the user choose one chooseInterface if [ "$PLAT" != "Raspbian" ]; then avoidStaticIPv4Ubuntu else getStaticIPv4Settings if [ -z "$dhcpReserv" ] || [ "$dhcpReserv" -ne 1 ]; then setStaticIPv4 fi fi # Choose the user for the ovpns chooseUser # Clone/Update the repos cloneOrUpdateRepos # Install if installPiVPN; then echo "::: Install Complete..." else exit 1 fi # Start services restartServices # Ask if unattended-upgrades will be enabled askUnattendedUpgrades if [ "$UNATTUPG" -eq 1 ]; then confUnattendedUpgrades fi # Save installation setting to the final location echo "INSTALLED_PACKAGES=(${INSTALLED_PACKAGES[*]})" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf $SUDO cp /tmp/setupVars.conf "$setupVars" installScripts # Ensure that cached writes reach persistent storage echo "::: Flushing writes to disk..." sync echo "::: done." displayFinalMessage echo ":::" } ####### FUNCTIONS ########## askAboutExistingInstall(){ opt1a="Update" opt1b="Get the latest PiVPN scripts" opt2a="Repair" opt2b="Reinstall PiVPN using existing settings" opt3a="Reconfigure" opt3b="Reinstall PiVPN with new settings" UpdateCmd=$(whiptail --title "Existing Install Detected!" --menu "\nWe have detected an existing install.\n\nPlease choose from the following options:" ${r} ${c} 3 \ "${opt1a}" "${opt1b}" \ "${opt2a}" "${opt2b}" \ "${opt3a}" "${opt3b}" 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3) || \ { echo "::: Cancel selected. Exiting"; exit 1; } echo "::: ${UpdateCmd} option selected." } # Compatibility, functions to check for supported OS # distroCheck, maybeOSSupport, noOSSupport distroCheck(){ # if lsb_release command is on their system if command -v lsb_release > /dev/null; then PLAT=$(lsb_release -si) OSCN=$(lsb_release -sc) else # else get info from os-release # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source /etc/os-release PLAT=$(awk '{print $1}' <<< "$NAME") VER="$VERSION_ID" declare -A VER_MAP=(["9"]="stretch" ["10"]="buster" ["16.04"]="xenial" ["18.04"]="bionic") OSCN=${VER_MAP["${VER}"]} fi case ${PLAT} in Debian|Raspbian|Ubuntu) case ${OSCN} in buster|xenial|bionic|stretch) : ;; *) maybeOSSupport ;; esac ;; *) noOSSupport ;; esac if [ "$PLAT" = "Raspbian" ]; then BASE_DEPS+=(dhcpcd5) fi echo "PLAT=${PLAT}" > /tmp/setupVars.conf echo "OSCN=${OSCN}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf } noOSSupport(){ if [ "${runUnattended}" = 'true' ]; then echo "::: Invalid OS detected" echo "::: We have not been able to detect a supported OS." echo "::: Currently this installer supports Raspbian, Debian and Ubuntu." exit 1 fi whiptail --msgbox --backtitle "INVALID OS DETECTED" --title "Invalid OS" "We have not been able to detect a supported OS. Currently this installer supports Raspbian, Debian and Ubuntu. For more details, check our documentation at https://github.com/pivpn/pivpn/wiki " ${r} ${c} exit 1 } maybeOSSupport(){ if [ "${runUnattended}" = 'true' ]; then echo "::: OS Not Supported" echo "::: You are on an OS that we have not tested but MAY work, continuing anyway..." return fi if (whiptail --backtitle "Untested OS" --title "Untested OS" --yesno "You are on an OS that we have not tested but MAY work. Currently this installer supports Raspbian, Debian and Ubuntu. For more details about supported OS please check our documentation at https://github.com/pivpn/pivpn/wiki Would you like to continue anyway?" ${r} ${c}) then echo "::: Did not detect perfectly supported OS but," echo "::: Continuing installation at user's own risk..." else echo "::: Exiting due to untested OS" exit 1 fi } checkHostname(){ ###Checks for hostname size host_name=$(hostname -s) if [[ ! ${#host_name} -le 28 ]]; then if [ "${runUnattended}" = 'true' ]; then echo "::: Your hostname is too long." echo "::: Use 'hostnamectl set-hostname YOURHOSTNAME' to set a new hostname" echo "::: It must be less then 28 characters long and it must not use special characters" exit 1 fi until [[ ${#host_name} -le 28 && $host_name =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,28}$ ]]; do host_name=$(whiptail --inputbox "Your hostname is too long.\\nEnter new hostname with less then 28 characters\\nNo special characters allowed." \ --title "Hostname too long" ${r} ${c} 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) $SUDO hostnamectl set-hostname "${host_name}" if [[ ${#host_name} -le 28 && $host_name =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,28}$ ]]; then echo "::: Hostname valid and length OK, proceeding..." fi done else echo "::: Hostname length OK" fi } spinner(){ local pid=$1 local delay=0.50 local spinstr='/-\|' while ps a | awk '{print $1}' | grep -q "$pid"; do local temp=${spinstr#?} printf " [%c] " "${spinstr}" local spinstr=${temp}${spinstr%"$temp"} sleep ${delay} printf "\\b\\b\\b\\b\\b\\b" done printf " \\b\\b\\b\\b" } verifyFreeDiskSpace(){ # If user installs unattended-upgrades we'd need about 60MB so will check for 75MB free echo "::: Verifying free disk space..." local required_free_kilobytes=76800 local existing_free_kilobytes existing_free_kilobytes=$(df -Pk | grep -m1 '\/$' | awk '{print $4}') # - Unknown free disk space , not a integer if ! [[ "${existing_free_kilobytes}" =~ ^([0-9])+$ ]]; then echo "::: Unknown free disk space!" echo "::: We were unable to determine available free disk space on this system." if [ "${runUnattended}" = 'true' ]; then exit 1 fi echo "::: You may continue with the installation, however, it is not recommended." read -r -p "::: If you are sure you want to continue, type YES and press enter :: " response case $response in [Y][E][S]) ;; *) echo "::: Confirmation not received, exiting..." exit 1 ;; esac # - Insufficient free disk space elif [[ ${existing_free_kilobytes} -lt ${required_free_kilobytes} ]]; then echo "::: Insufficient Disk Space!" echo "::: Your system appears to be low on disk space. PiVPN recommends a minimum of $required_free_kilobytes KiloBytes." echo "::: You only have ${existing_free_kilobytes} KiloBytes free." echo "::: If this is a new install on a Raspberry Pi you may need to expand your disk." echo "::: Try running 'sudo raspi-config', and choose the 'expand file system option'" echo "::: After rebooting, run this installation again. (curl -L https://install.pivpn.io | bash)" echo "Insufficient free space, exiting..." exit 1 fi } updatePackageCache(){ #Running apt-get update/upgrade with minimal output can cause some issues with #requiring user input #Check to see if apt-get update has already been run today #it needs to have been run at least once on new installs! timestamp=$(stat -c %Y ${PKG_CACHE}) timestampAsDate=$(date -d @"${timestamp}" "+%b %e") today=$(date "+%b %e") if [ ! "${today}" == "${timestampAsDate}" ]; then #update package lists echo ":::" echo -ne "::: ${PKG_MANAGER} update has not been run today. Running now...\\n" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 $SUDO ${UPDATE_PKG_CACHE} &> /dev/null & spinner $! echo " done!" fi } notifyPackageUpdatesAvailable(){ # Let user know if they have outdated packages on their system and # advise them to run a package update at soonest possible. echo ":::" echo -n "::: Checking ${PKG_MANAGER} for upgraded packages...." updatesToInstall=$(eval "${PKG_COUNT}") echo " done!" echo ":::" if [[ ${updatesToInstall} -eq "0" ]]; then echo "::: Your system is up to date! Continuing with PiVPN installation..." else echo "::: There are ${updatesToInstall} updates available for your system!" echo "::: We recommend you update your OS after installing PiVPN! " echo ":::" fi } preconfigurePackages(){ # Add support for https repositories that will be used later on if [[ -f /etc/apt/sources.list ]]; then # buster and bionic have apt >= 1.5 which has https support built in if [[ ${OSCN} != "buster" ]] && [[ ${OSCN} != "bionic" ]]; then BASE_DEPS+=("apt-transport-https") fi fi if [[ ${OSCN} == "buster" ]]; then $SUDO update-alternatives --set iptables /usr/sbin/iptables-legacy $SUDO update-alternatives --set ip6tables /usr/sbin/ip6tables-legacy fi # if ufw is enabled, configure that. # running as root because sometimes the executable is not in the user's $PATH if $SUDO bash -c 'command -v ufw' > /dev/null; then if LC_ALL=C $SUDO ufw status | grep -q inactive; then USING_UFW=0 else USING_UFW=1 fi else USING_UFW=0 fi if [ "$USING_UFW" -eq 0 ]; then BASE_DEPS+=(iptables-persistent) echo iptables-persistent iptables-persistent/autosave_v4 boolean true | $SUDO debconf-set-selections echo iptables-persistent iptables-persistent/autosave_v6 boolean false | $SUDO debconf-set-selections fi echo "USING_UFW=${USING_UFW}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf } installDependentPackages(){ declare -a TO_INSTALL=() # Install packages passed in via argument array # No spinner - conflicts with set -e declare -a argArray1=("${!1}") for i in "${argArray1[@]}"; do echo -n "::: Checking for $i..." if dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' "${i}" 2>/dev/null | grep -q "ok installed"; then echo " already installed!" else echo " not installed!" # Add this package to the list of packages in the argument array that need to be installed TO_INSTALL+=("${i}") fi done if command -v debconf-apt-progress > /dev/null; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 $SUDO debconf-apt-progress -- ${PKG_INSTALL} "${TO_INSTALL[@]}" else # shellcheck disable=SC2086 $SUDO ${PKG_INSTALL} "${TO_INSTALL[@]}" fi local FAILED=0 for i in "${TO_INSTALL[@]}"; do if dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' "${i}" 2>/dev/null | grep -q "ok installed"; then echo "::: Package $i successfully installed!" # Add this package to the total list of packages that were actually installed by the script INSTALLED_PACKAGES+=("${i}") else echo "::: Failed to install $i!" ((FAILED++)) fi done if [ "$FAILED" -gt 0 ]; then exit 1 fi } welcomeDialogs(){ if [ "${runUnattended}" = 'true' ]; then echo "::: PiVPN Automated Installer" echo "::: This installer will transform your ${PLAT} host into an OpenVPN or WireGuard server!" echo "::: Initiating network interface" return fi # Display the welcome dialog whiptail --msgbox --backtitle "Welcome" --title "PiVPN Automated Installer" "This installer will transform your Raspberry Pi into an OpenVPN or WireGuard server!" ${r} ${c} # Explain the need for a static address whiptail --msgbox --backtitle "Initiating network interface" --title "Static IP Needed" "The PiVPN is a SERVER so it needs a STATIC IP ADDRESS to function properly. In the next section, you can choose to use your current network settings (DHCP) or to manually edit them." ${r} ${c} } chooseInterface(){ # Turn the available interfaces into an array so it can be used with a whiptail dialog local interfacesArray=() # Number of available interfaces local interfaceCount # Whiptail variable storage local chooseInterfaceCmd # Temporary Whiptail options storage local chooseInterfaceOptions # Loop sentinel variable local firstloop=1 # Find network interfaces whose state is UP, so as to skip virtual interfaces and the loopback interface availableInterfaces=$(ip -o link | awk '/state UP/ {print $2}' | cut -d':' -f1 | cut -d'@' -f1) if [ -z "$availableInterfaces" ]; then echo "::: Could not find any active network interface, exiting" exit 1 else while read -r line; do mode="OFF" if [[ ${firstloop} -eq 1 ]]; then firstloop=0 mode="ON" fi interfacesArray+=("${line}" "available" "${mode}") ((interfaceCount++)) done <<< "${availableInterfaces}" fi if [ "${runUnattended}" = 'true' ]; then if [ -z "$IPv4dev" ]; then if [ $interfaceCount -eq 1 ]; then IPv4dev="${availableInterfaces}" echo "::: No interface specified, but only ${IPv4dev} is available, using it" else echo "::: No interface specified and failed to determine one" exit 1 fi else if ip -o link | grep -qw "${IPv4dev}"; then echo "::: Using interface: ${IPv4dev}" else echo "::: Interface ${IPv4dev} does not exist" exit 1 fi fi echo "IPv4dev=${IPv4dev}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf return else if [ "$interfaceCount" -eq 1 ]; then IPv4dev="${availableInterfaces}" echo "IPv4dev=${IPv4dev}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf return fi fi chooseInterfaceCmd=(whiptail --separate-output --radiolist "Choose An interface (press space to select):" "${r}" "${c}" "${interfaceCount}") if chooseInterfaceOptions=$("${chooseInterfaceCmd[@]}" "${interfacesArray[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) ; then for desiredInterface in ${chooseInterfaceOptions}; do IPv4dev=${desiredInterface} echo "::: Using interface: $IPv4dev" echo "IPv4dev=${IPv4dev}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf done else echo "::: Cancel selected, exiting...." exit 1 fi } avoidStaticIPv4Ubuntu() { if [ "${runUnattended}" = 'true' ]; then echo "::: Since we think you are not using Raspbian, we will not configure a static IP for you." return fi # If we are in Ubuntu then they need to have previously set their network, so just use what you have. whiptail --msgbox --backtitle "IP Information" --title "IP Information" "Since we think you are not using Raspbian, we will not configure a static IP for you. If you are in Amazon then you can not configure a static IP anyway. Just ensure before this installer started you had set an elastic IP on your instance." ${r} ${c} } validIP(){ local ip=$1 local stat=1 if [[ $ip =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then OIFS=$IFS IFS='.' read -r -a ip <<< "$ip" IFS=$OIFS [[ ${ip[0]} -le 255 && ${ip[1]} -le 255 \ && ${ip[2]} -le 255 && ${ip[3]} -le 255 ]] stat=$? fi return $stat } validIPAndNetmask(){ local ip=$1 local stat=1 ip="${ip/\//.}" if [[ $ip =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,2}$ ]]; then OIFS=$IFS IFS='.' read -r -a ip <<< "$ip" IFS=$OIFS [[ ${ip[0]} -le 255 && ${ip[1]} -le 255 \ && ${ip[2]} -le 255 && ${ip[3]} -le 255 \ && ${ip[4]} -le 32 ]] stat=$? fi return $stat } getStaticIPv4Settings() { # Find the gateway IP used to route to outside world CurrentIPv4gw="$(ip -o route get | grep -oE '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | awk 'NR==2')" # Find the IP address (and netmask) of the desidered interface CurrentIPv4addr="$(ip -o -f inet address show dev "${IPv4dev}" | grep -oE '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\/[0-9]{1,2}')" # Grab their current DNS servers IPv4dns=$(grep -v "^#" /etc/resolv.conf | grep -w nameserver | grep -oE '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | xargs) if [ "${runUnattended}" = 'true' ]; then if [ -z "$dhcpReserv" ] || [ "$dhcpReserv" -ne 1 ]; then local MISSING_STATIC_IPV4_SETTINGS=0 if [ -z "$IPv4addr" ]; then echo "::: Missing static IP address" ((MISSING_STATIC_IPV4_SETTINGS++)) fi if [ -z "$IPv4gw" ]; then echo "::: Missing static IP gateway" ((MISSING_STATIC_IPV4_SETTINGS++)) fi if [ "$MISSING_STATIC_IPV4_SETTINGS" -eq 0 ]; then # If both settings are not empty, check if they are valid and proceed if validIPAndNetmask "${IPv4addr}"; then echo "::: Your static IPv4 address: ${IPv4addr}" else echo "::: ${IPv4addr} is not a valid IP address" exit 1 fi if validIP "${IPv4gw}"; then echo "::: Your static IPv4 gateway: ${IPv4gw}" else echo "::: ${IPv4gw} is not a valid IP address" exit 1 fi elif [ "$MISSING_STATIC_IPV4_SETTINGS" -eq 1 ]; then # If either of the settings is missing, consider the input inconsistent echo "::: Incomplete static IP settings" exit 1 elif [ "$MISSING_STATIC_IPV4_SETTINGS" -eq 2 ]; then # If both of the settings are missing, assume the user wants to use current settings IPv4addr="${CurrentIPv4addr}" IPv4gw="${CurrentIPv4gw}" echo "::: No static IP settings, using current settings" echo "::: Your static IPv4 address: ${IPv4addr}" echo "::: Your static IPv4 gateway: ${IPv4gw}" fi else echo "::: Skipping setting static IP address" fi echo "dhcpReserv=${dhcpReserv}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf echo "IPv4addr=${IPv4addr}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf echo "IPv4gw=${IPv4gw}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf return fi local ipSettingsCorrect local IPv4AddrValid local IPv4gwValid # Some users reserve IP addresses on another DHCP Server or on their routers, # Lets ask them if they want to make any changes to their interfaces. if (whiptail --backtitle "Calibrating network interface" --title "DHCP Reservation" --yesno --defaultno \ "Are you Using DHCP Reservation on your Router/DHCP Server? These are your current Network Settings: IP address: ${CurrentIPv4addr} Gateway: ${CurrentIPv4gw} Yes: Keep using DHCP reservation No: Setup static IP address Don't know what DHCP Reservation is? Answer No." ${r} ${c}); then dhcpReserv=1 # shellcheck disable=SC2129 echo "dhcpReserv=${dhcpReserv}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf # We don't really need to save them as we won't set a static IP but they might be useful for debugging echo "IPv4addr=${CurrentIPv4addr}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf echo "IPv4gw=${CurrentIPv4gw}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf else # Ask if the user wants to use DHCP settings as their static IP if (whiptail --backtitle "Calibrating network interface" --title "Static IP Address" --yesno "Do you want to use your current network settings as a static address? IP address: ${CurrentIPv4addr} Gateway: ${CurrentIPv4gw}" ${r} ${c}); then IPv4addr=${CurrentIPv4addr} IPv4gw=${CurrentIPv4gw} echo "IPv4addr=${IPv4addr}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf echo "IPv4gw=${IPv4gw}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf # If they choose yes, let the user know that the IP address will not be available via DHCP and may cause a conflict. whiptail --msgbox --backtitle "IP information" --title "FYI: IP Conflict" "It is possible your router could still try to assign this IP to a device, which would cause a conflict. But in most cases the router is smart enough to not do that. If you are worried, either manually set the address, or modify the DHCP reservation pool so it does not include the IP you want. It is also possible to use a DHCP reservation, but if you are going to do that, you might as well set a static address." ${r} ${c} # Nothing else to do since the variables are already set above else # Otherwise, we need to ask the user to input their desired settings. # Start by getting the IPv4 address (pre-filling it with info gathered from DHCP) # Start a loop to let the user enter their information with the chance to go back and edit it if necessary until [[ ${ipSettingsCorrect} = True ]]; do until [[ ${IPv4AddrValid} = True ]]; do # Ask for the IPv4 address if IPv4addr=$(whiptail --backtitle "Calibrating network interface" --title "IPv4 address" --inputbox "Enter your desired IPv4 address" ${r} ${c} "${CurrentIPv4addr}" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) ; then if validIPAndNetmask "${IPv4addr}"; then echo "::: Your static IPv4 address: ${IPv4addr}" IPv4AddrValid=True else whiptail --msgbox --backtitle "Calibrating network interface" --title "IPv4 address" "You've entered an invalid IP address: ${IPv4addr}\\n\\nPlease enter an IP address in the CIDR notation, example:\\n\\nIf you are not sure, please just keep the default." ${r} ${c} echo "::: Invalid IPv4 address: ${IPv4addr}" IPv4AddrValid=False fi else # Cancelling IPv4 settings window echo "::: Cancel selected. Exiting..." exit 1 fi done until [[ ${IPv4gwValid} = True ]]; do # Ask for the gateway if IPv4gw=$(whiptail --backtitle "Calibrating network interface" --title "IPv4 gateway (router)" --inputbox "Enter your desired IPv4 default gateway" ${r} ${c} "${CurrentIPv4gw}" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) ; then if validIP "${IPv4gw}"; then echo "::: Your static IPv4 gateway: ${IPv4gw}" IPv4gwValid=True else whiptail --msgbox --backtitle "Calibrating network interface" --title "IPv4 gateway (router)" "You've entered an invalid gateway IP: ${IPv4gw}\\n\\nPlease enter the IP address of your gateway (router), example:\\n\\nIf you are not sure, please just keep the default." ${r} ${c} echo "::: Invalid IPv4 gateway: ${IPv4gw}" IPv4gwValid=False fi else # Cancelling gateway settings window echo "::: Cancel selected. Exiting..." exit 1 fi done # Give the user a chance to review their settings before moving on if (whiptail --backtitle "Calibrating network interface" --title "Static IP Address" --yesno "Are these settings correct? IP address: ${IPv4addr} Gateway: ${IPv4gw}" ${r} ${c}); then # If the settings are correct, then we need to set the pivpnIP echo "IPv4addr=${IPv4addr}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf echo "IPv4gw=${IPv4gw}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf # After that's done, the loop ends and we move on ipSettingsCorrect=True else # If the settings are wrong, the loop continues ipSettingsCorrect=False IPv4AddrValid=False IPv4gwValid=False fi done # End the if statement for DHCP vs. static fi # End of If Statement for DCHCP Reservation fi } setDHCPCD(){ # Append these lines to dhcpcd.conf to enable a static IP echo "interface ${IPv4dev} static ip_address=${IPv4addr} static routers=${IPv4gw} static domain_name_servers=${IPv4dns}" | $SUDO tee -a ${dhcpcdFile} >/dev/null } setStaticIPv4(){ # Tries to set the IPv4 address if [[ -f /etc/dhcpcd.conf ]]; then if grep -q "${IPv4addr}" ${dhcpcdFile}; then echo "::: Static IP already configured." else setDHCPCD $SUDO ip addr replace dev "${IPv4dev}" "${IPv4addr}" echo ":::" echo "::: Setting IP to ${IPv4addr}. You may need to restart after the install is complete." echo ":::" fi else echo "::: Critical: Unable to locate configuration file to set static IPv4 address!" exit 1 fi } chooseUser(){ if [ "${runUnattended}" = 'true' ]; then if [ -z "$install_user" ]; then if [ "$(awk -F':' 'BEGIN {count=0} $3>=1000 && $3<=60000 { count++ } END{ print count }' /etc/passwd)" -eq 1 ]; then install_user="$(awk -F':' '$3>=1000 && $3<=60000 {print $1}' /etc/passwd)" echo "::: No user specified, but only ${install_user} is available, using it" else echo "::: No user specified" exit 1 fi else if awk -F':' '$3>=1000 && $3<=60000 {print $1}' /etc/passwd | grep -qw "${install_user}"; then echo "::: ${install_user} will hold your ovpn configurations." else echo "::: User ${install_user} does not exist, creating..." $SUDO useradd -m -s /bin/bash "${install_user}" echo "::: User created without a password, please do sudo passwd $install_user to create one" fi fi install_home=$(grep -m1 "^${install_user}:" /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f6) install_home=${install_home%/} echo "install_user=${install_user}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf echo "install_home=${install_home}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf return fi # Explain the local user whiptail --msgbox --backtitle "Parsing User List" --title "Local Users" "Choose a local user that will hold your ovpn configurations." ${r} ${c} # First, let's check if there is a user available. numUsers=$(awk -F':' 'BEGIN {count=0} $3>=1000 && $3<=60000 { count++ } END{ print count }' /etc/passwd) if [ "$numUsers" -eq 0 ] then # We don't have a user, let's ask to add one. if userToAdd=$(whiptail --title "Choose A User" --inputbox "No non-root user account was found. Please type a new username." ${r} ${c} 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) then # See https://askubuntu.com/a/667842/459815 PASSWORD=$(whiptail --title "password dialog" --passwordbox "Please enter the new user password" ${r} ${c} 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) CRYPT=$(perl -e 'printf("%s\n", crypt($ARGV[0], "password"))' "${PASSWORD}") if $SUDO useradd -m -p "${CRYPT}" -s /bin/bash "${userToAdd}" ; then echo "Succeeded" ((numUsers+=1)) else exit 1 fi else exit 1 fi fi availableUsers=$(awk -F':' '$3>=1000 && $3<=60000 {print $1}' /etc/passwd) local userArray=() local firstloop=1 while read -r line do mode="OFF" if [[ $firstloop -eq 1 ]]; then firstloop=0 mode="ON" fi userArray+=("${line}" "" "${mode}") done <<< "${availableUsers}" chooseUserCmd=(whiptail --title "Choose A User" --separate-output --radiolist "Choose (press space to select):" "${r}" "${c}" "${numUsers}") if chooseUserOptions=$("${chooseUserCmd[@]}" "${userArray[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) ; then for desiredUser in ${chooseUserOptions}; do install_user=${desiredUser} echo "::: Using User: $install_user" install_home=$(grep -m1 "^${install_user}:" /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f6) install_home=${install_home%/} # remove possible trailing slash echo "install_user=${install_user}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf echo "install_home=${install_home}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf done else echo "::: Cancel selected, exiting...." exit 1 fi } isRepo(){ # If the directory does not have a .git folder it is not a repo echo -n "::: Checking $1 is a repo..." cd "${1}" &> /dev/null || return 1 $SUDO git status &> /dev/null && echo " OK!"; return 0 || echo " not found!"; return 1 } updateRepo(){ if [ "${UpdateCmd}" = "Repair" ]; then echo "::: Repairing an existing installation, not downloading/updating local repos" else # Pull the latest commits echo -n "::: Updating repo in $1..." ### FIXME: Never call rm -rf with a plain variable. Never again as SU! #$SUDO rm -rf "${1}" if test -n "$1"; then $SUDO rm -rf "$(dirname "$1")/.pivpn" fi # Go back to /etc otherwise git will complain when the current working # directory has just been deleted (/etc/.pivpn). cd /etc && \ $SUDO git clone -q --depth 1 --no-single-branch "${2}" "${1}" > /dev/null & spinner $! cd "${1}" || exit 1 if [ -z "${TESTING+x}" ]; then : else ${SUDOE} git checkout test fi echo " done!" fi } makeRepo(){ # Remove the non-repos interface and clone the interface echo -n "::: Cloning $2 into $1..." ### FIXME: Never call rm -rf with a plain variable. Never again as SU! #$SUDO rm -rf "${1}" if test -n "$1"; then $SUDO rm -rf "$(dirname "$1")/.pivpn" fi # Go back to /etc otherwhise git will complain when the current working # directory has just been deleted (/etc/.pivpn). cd /etc && \ $SUDO git clone -q --depth 1 --no-single-branch "${2}" "${1}" > /dev/null & spinner $! cd "${1}" || exit 1 if [ -z "${TESTING+x}" ]; then : else ${SUDOE} git checkout test fi echo " done!" } getGitFiles(){ # Setup git repos for base files echo ":::" echo "::: Checking for existing base files..." if isRepo "${1}"; then updateRepo "${1}" "${2}" else makeRepo "${1}" "${2}" fi } cloneOrUpdateRepos(){ # Get Git files getGitFiles ${pivpnFilesDir} ${pivpnGitUrl} || \ { echo "!!! Unable to clone ${pivpnGitUrl} into ${pivpnFilesDir}, unable to continue."; \ exit 1; \ } } installPiVPN(){ $SUDO mkdir -p /etc/pivpn/ askWhichVPN if [ "$VPN" = "openvpn" ]; then installOpenVPN askCustomProto askCustomPort askClientDNS askCustomDomain askPublicIPOrDNS askEncryption confOpenVPN confOVPN confNetwork confLogging elif [ "$VPN" = "wireguard" ]; then installWireGuard askCustomPort askClientDNS askPublicIPOrDNS confWireGuard confNetwork fi } askWhichVPN(){ if [ "${runUnattended}" = 'true' ]; then if [ -z "$VPN" ]; then echo ":: No VPN protocol specified, using WireGuard" VPN="wireguard" else VPN="${VPN,,}" if [ "$VPN" = "wireguard" ]; then echo "::: WireGuard will be installed" elif [ "$VPN" = "openvpn" ]; then echo "::: OpenVPN will be installed" else echo ":: $VPN is not a supported VPN protocol, please specify 'wireguard' or 'openvpn'" exit 1 fi fi else chooseVPNCmd=(whiptail --backtitle "Setup PiVPN" --title "Installation mode" --separate-output --radiolist "WireGuard is a new kind of VPN that provides near-istantaneous connection speed, high performance, modern cryptography.\\n\\nIt's the recommended choice expecially if you use mobile devices where WireGuard is easier on battery than OpenVPN.\\n\\nOpenVPN is still available if you need the traditional, flexible, trusted VPN protocol. Or if you need features like TCP and custom search domain.\\n\\nChoose a VPN (press space to select):" "${r}" "${c}" 2) VPNChooseOptions=(WireGuard "" on OpenVPN "" off) if VPN=$("${chooseVPNCmd[@]}" "${VPNChooseOptions[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) ; then echo "::: Using VPN: $VPN" VPN="${VPN,,}" else echo "::: Cancel selected, exiting...." exit 1 fi fi if [ "$VPN" = "wireguard" ]; then # Since WireGuard only uses UDP, askCustomProto() is never called so we # set the protocol here (it's not actually required to save the value, but # it might be useful for the user when port forwarding). pivpnPROTO="udp" echo "pivpnPROTO=${pivpnPROTO}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf pivpnDEV="wg0" pivpnNET="" elif [ "$VPN" = "openvpn" ]; then pivpnDEV="tun0" pivpnNET="" fi vpnGw="${pivpnNET/.0.0/.0.1}" echo "VPN=${VPN}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf echo "pivpnDEV=${pivpnDEV}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf echo "pivpnNET=${pivpnNET}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf echo "subnetClass=${subnetClass}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf } installOpenVPN(){ local PIVPN_DEPS echo "::: Installing OpenVPN from Debian package... " # Use x86-only OpenVPN APT repo on x86 Debian/Ubuntu systems if [ "$PLAT" = "Debian" ] || [ "$PLAT" = "Ubuntu" ]; then local DPKG_ARCH="$(dpkg --print-architecture)" if [ "$DPKG_ARCH" = "amd64" ] || [ "$DPKG_ARCH" = "i386" ]; then # gnupg is used by apt-key to import the openvpn GPG key into the # APT keyring PIVPN_DEPS=(gnupg) installDependentPackages PIVPN_DEPS[@] # We will download the repository key regardless of whether the user # has already enabled the openvpn repository or not, just to make sure # we have the right key echo "::: Adding repository key..." if ! $SUDO apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys "$OPENVPN_REPO_KEY"; then echo "::: Failed to import OpenVPN GPG key" exit 1 fi if ! grep -qR "deb http.\?://build.openvpn.net/debian/openvpn/stable.\? $OSCN main" /etc/apt/sources.list*; then echo "::: Adding OpenVPN repository... " echo "deb https://build.openvpn.net/debian/openvpn/stable $OSCN main" | $SUDO tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pivpn-openvpn-repo.list > /dev/null fi echo "::: Updating package cache..." # shellcheck disable=SC2086 $SUDO ${UPDATE_PKG_CACHE} &> /dev/null & spinner $! fi fi # grepcidr is used to redact IPs in the debug log whereas expect is used # to feed easy-rsa with passwords PIVPN_DEPS=(openvpn grepcidr expect) installDependentPackages PIVPN_DEPS[@] } installWireGuard(){ local PIVPN_DEPS if [ "$PLAT" = "Raspbian" ]; then # If the running kernel is older than the kernel from the repo, dkms will # install the module for the newer kernel therefore WireGuard will not start. # Telling the user to update the whole system is probably the easiest way to # handle this situation. # This issue is very common for users that flash Raspbian and install PiVPN # straight, so it's also a good suggestion in such case because they will have # a lot of outdated packages. INSTALLED_KERNEL="$(apt-cache policy raspberrypi-kernel | grep 'Installed:' | awk '{print $2}')" CANDIDATE_KERNEL="$(apt-cache policy raspberrypi-kernel | grep 'Candidate:' | awk '{print $2}')" if dpkg --compare-versions "${CANDIDATE_KERNEL}" gt "${INSTALLED_KERNEL}"; then if [ "${runUnattended}" = 'true' ]; then echo "::: Installing WireGuard requires the latest kernel. Please upgrade all packages, reboot and run the script again." echo "::: Commands:" echo "::: sudo apt-get upgrade -y" echo "::: sudo shutdown -r now" echo "::: curl -L https://install.pivpn.io | bash" exit 1 else if (whiptail --title "Install WireGuard" --yesno "Your Raspberry Pi is running kernel $(uname -r), which is not the latest.\n\nInstalling WireGuard requires the latest kernel, so to continue, first you need to upgrade all packages, then reboot, and then run the script again.\n\nProceed to the upgrade?" ${r} ${c}); then if command -v debconf-apt-progress &> /dev/null; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 $SUDO debconf-apt-progress -- ${PKG_MANAGER} upgrade -y else $SUDO ${PKG_MANAGER} upgrade -y fi if (whiptail --title "Reboot" --yesno "You need to reboot after upgrading to run the new kernel.\n\nWould you like to reboot now?" ${r} ${c}); then whiptail --title "Rebooting" --msgbox "The system will now reboot.\n\nWhen you come back, just run the installation command again:\n\n curl -L https://install.pivpn.io | bash" ${r} ${c} printf "\\nRebooting system...\\n" $SUDO sleep 3 $SUDO shutdown -r now else exit 1 fi else echo "::: Can't continue without upgrading the system first, exiting..." exit 1 fi fi fi # If this Raspberry Pi uses armv7l we can use the package from the repo # https://lists.zx2c4.com/pipermail/wireguard/2017-November/001885.html # Otherwhise compile and build the kernel module via DKMS (so it will # be recompiled on kernel upgrades) if [ "$(uname -m)" = "armv7l" ]; then echo "::: Installing WireGuard from Debian package... " # dirmngr is used by apt-key to import the debian GPG keys for the unstable # repo into the APT keyring. PIVPN_DEPS=(dirmngr) installDependentPackages PIVPN_DEPS[@] echo "::: Adding repository keys..." if ! $SUDO apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys "$DEBIAN_STRETCH_KEY" "$DEBIAN_BUSTER_KEY"; then echo "::: Failed to import Debian GPG keys" exit 1 fi # This regular expression should match combinations like http[s]://mirror.example.com/debian[/] unstable main if ! grep -qR 'deb http.\?://.*/debian.\? unstable main' /etc/apt/sources.list*; then echo "::: Adding Debian repository... " echo "deb https://deb.debian.org/debian/ unstable main" | $SUDO tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pivpn-unstable.list > /dev/null fi # Do not upgrade packages from the unstable repository except for wireguard printf 'Package: *\nPin: release a=unstable\nPin-Priority: 1\n\nPackage: wireguard wireguard-dkms wireguard-tools\nPin: release a=unstable\nPin-Priority: 500\n' | $SUDO tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/pivpn-limit-unstable > /dev/null echo "::: Updating package cache..." # shellcheck disable=SC2086 $SUDO ${UPDATE_PKG_CACHE} &> /dev/null & spinner $! # qrencode is used to generate qrcodes from config file, for use with mobile clients PIVPN_DEPS=(raspberrypi-kernel-headers wireguard wireguard-tools wireguard-dkms qrencode) installDependentPackages PIVPN_DEPS[@] elif [ "$(uname -m)" = "armv6l" ]; then echo "::: Installing WireGuard from source... " PIVPN_DEPS=(checkinstall dkms libelf-dev raspberrypi-kernel-headers build-essential pkg-config qrencode jq) installDependentPackages PIVPN_DEPS[@] # Delete any leftover code $SUDO rm -rf /usr/src/wireguard-* WG_TOOLS_SNAPSHOT="$(curl -s https://build.wireguard.com/distros.json | jq -r '."upstream-tools"."version"')" WG_TOOLS_SOURCE="https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-tools/snapshot/wireguard-tools-${WG_TOOLS_SNAPSHOT}.tar.xz" echo "::: Downloading wireguard-tools source code... " wget -qO- "${WG_TOOLS_SOURCE}" | $SUDO tar xJ --directory /usr/src echo "done!" ## || exits if cd fails. cd /usr/src/wireguard-tools-"${WG_TOOLS_SNAPSHOT}/src" || exit 1 # We install the userspace tools manually since DKMS only compiles and # installs the kernel module echo "::: Compiling WireGuard tools... " if $SUDO make; then echo "done!" else echo "failed!" exit 1 fi # Use checkinstall to install userspace tools so if the user wants to uninstall # PiVPN we can just do apt remove wireguard-tools, instead of manually removing # files from the file system echo "::: Installing WireGuard tools... " if $SUDO checkinstall --pkgname wireguard-tools --pkgversion "${WG_TOOLS_SNAPSHOT}" -y; then INSTALLED_PACKAGES+=("wireguard-tools") echo "done!" else echo "failed!" exit 1 fi echo "WG_TOOLS_SNAPSHOT=${WG_TOOLS_SNAPSHOT}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf WG_MODULE_SNAPSHOT="$(curl -s https://build.wireguard.com/distros.json | jq -r '."upstream-linuxcompat"."version"')" WG_MODULE_SOURCE="https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-linux-compat/snapshot/wireguard-linux-compat-${WG_MODULE_SNAPSHOT}.tar.xz" echo "::: Downloading wireguard-linux-compat source code... " wget -qO- "${WG_MODULE_SOURCE}" | $SUDO tar xJ --directory /usr/src echo "done!" # Rename wireguard-linux-compat folder and move the source code to the parent folder # such that dkms picks up the module when referencing wireguard/"${WG_MODULE_SNAPSHOT}" cd /usr/src && \ $SUDO mv wireguard-linux-compat-"${WG_MODULE_SNAPSHOT}" wireguard-"${WG_MODULE_SNAPSHOT}" && \ cd wireguard-"${WG_MODULE_SNAPSHOT}" && \ $SUDO mv src/* . && \ $SUDO rmdir src || exit 1 echo "::: Adding WireGuard modules via DKMS... " if $SUDO dkms add wireguard/"${WG_MODULE_SNAPSHOT}"; then echo "done!" else echo "failed!" $SUDO dkms remove wireguard/"${WG_MODULE_SNAPSHOT}" --all exit 1 fi echo "::: Compiling WireGuard modules via DKMS... " if $SUDO dkms build wireguard/"${WG_MODULE_SNAPSHOT}"; then echo "done!" else echo "failed!" $SUDO dkms remove wireguard/"${WG_MODULE_SNAPSHOT}" --all exit 1 fi echo "::: Installing WireGuard modules via DKMS... " if $SUDO dkms install wireguard/"${WG_MODULE_SNAPSHOT}"; then INSTALLED_PACKAGES+=("wireguard-dkms") echo "done!" else echo "failed!" $SUDO dkms remove wireguard/"${WG_MODULE_SNAPSHOT}" --all exit 1 fi echo "WG_MODULE_SNAPSHOT=${WG_MODULE_SNAPSHOT}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf fi elif [ "$PLAT" = "Debian" ]; then echo "::: Installing WireGuard from Debian package... " if ! grep -qR 'deb http.\?://.*/debian.\? unstable main' /etc/apt/sources.list*; then echo "::: Adding Debian repository... " echo "deb https://deb.debian.org/debian/ unstable main" | $SUDO tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pivpn-unstable.list > /dev/null fi printf 'Package: *\nPin: release a=unstable\nPin-Priority: 90\n' | $SUDO tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/pivpn-limit-unstable > /dev/null echo "::: Updating package cache..." # shellcheck disable=SC2086 $SUDO ${UPDATE_PKG_CACHE} &> /dev/null & spinner $! PIVPN_DEPS=(linux-headers-amd64 qrencode wireguard wireguard-tools wireguard-dkms) installDependentPackages PIVPN_DEPS[@] elif [ "$PLAT" = "Ubuntu" ]; then echo "::: Installing WireGuard from PPA... " PIVPN_DEPS=(software-properties-common) installDependentPackages PIVPN_DEPS[@] $SUDO add-apt-repository ppa:wireguard/wireguard -y echo "::: Updating package cache..." # shellcheck disable=SC2086 $SUDO ${UPDATE_PKG_CACHE} &> /dev/null & spinner $! PIVPN_DEPS=(qrencode wireguard wireguard-tools wireguard-dkms linux-headers-generic) installDependentPackages PIVPN_DEPS[@] fi } askCustomProto(){ if [ "${runUnattended}" = 'true' ]; then if [ -z "$pivpnPROTO" ]; then echo "::: No TCP/IP protocol specified, using the default protocol udp" pivpnPROTO="udp" else pivpnPROTO="${pivpnPROTO,,}" if [ "$pivpnPROTO" = "udp" ] || [ "$pivpnPROTO" = "tcp" ]; then echo "::: Using the $pivpnPROTO protocol" else echo ":: $pivpnPROTO is not a supported TCP/IP protocol, please specify 'udp' or 'tcp'" exit 1 fi fi echo "pivpnPROTO=${pivpnPROTO}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf return fi # Set the available protocols into an array so it can be used with a whiptail dialog if pivpnPROTO=$(whiptail --title "Protocol" --radiolist \ "Choose a protocol (press space to select). Please only choose TCP if you know why you need TCP." ${r} ${c} 2 \ "UDP" "" ON \ "TCP" "" OFF 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) then # Convert option into lowercase (UDP->udp) pivpnPROTO="${pivpnPROTO,,}" echo "::: Using protocol: $pivpnPROTO" echo "pivpnPROTO=${pivpnPROTO}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf else echo "::: Cancel selected, exiting...." exit 1 fi } askCustomPort(){ if [ "${runUnattended}" = 'true' ]; then if [ -z "$pivpnPORT" ]; then if [ "$VPN" = "wireguard" ]; then echo "::: No port specified, using the default port 51820" pivpnPORT=51820 elif [ "$VPN" = "openvpn" ]; then if [ "$pivpnPROTO" = "udp" ]; then echo "::: No port specified, using the default port 1194" pivpnPORT=1194 elif [ "$pivpnPROTO" = "tcp" ]; then echo "::: No port specified, using the default port 443" pivpnPORT=443 fi fi else if [[ "$pivpnPORT" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && [ "$pivpnPORT" -ge 1 ] && [ "$pivpnPORT" -le 65535 ]; then echo "::: Using port $pivpnPORT" else echo "::: $pivpnPORT is not a valid port, use a port within the range [1,65535] (inclusive)" exit 1 fi fi echo "pivpnPORT=${pivpnPORT}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf return fi until [[ $PORTNumCorrect = True ]] do portInvalid="Invalid" if [ "$VPN" = "wireguard" ]; then DEFAULT_PORT=51820 elif [ "$VPN" = "openvpn" ]; then if [ "$pivpnPROTO" = "udp" ]; then DEFAULT_PORT=1194 else DEFAULT_PORT=443 fi fi if pivpnPORT=$(whiptail --title "Default $VPN Port" --inputbox "You can modify the default $VPN port. \\nEnter a new value or hit 'Enter' to retain the default" ${r} ${c} $DEFAULT_PORT 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) then if [[ "$pivpnPORT" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && [ "$pivpnPORT" -ge 1 ] && [ "$pivpnPORT" -le 65535 ]; then : else pivpnPORT=$portInvalid fi else echo "::: Cancel selected, exiting...." exit 1 fi if [[ $pivpnPORT == "$portInvalid" ]]; then whiptail --msgbox --backtitle "Invalid Port" --title "Invalid Port" "You entered an invalid Port number.\\n Please enter a number from 1 - 65535.\\n If you are not sure, please just keep the default." ${r} ${c} PORTNumCorrect=False else if (whiptail --backtitle "Specify Custom Port" --title "Confirm Custom Port Number" --yesno "Are these settings correct?\\n PORT: $pivpnPORT" ${r} ${c}) then PORTNumCorrect=True else # If the settings are wrong, the loop continues PORTNumCorrect=False fi fi done # write out the port echo "pivpnPORT=${pivpnPORT}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf } askClientDNS(){ if [ "${runUnattended}" = 'true' ]; then if [ -z "$pivpnDNS1" ] && [ -n "$pivpnDNS2" ]; then pivpnDNS1="$pivpnDNS2" unset pivpnDNS2 elif [ -z "$pivpnDNS1" ] && [ -z "$pivpnDNS2" ]; then pivpnDNS1="" pivpnDNS2="" echo "::: No DNS provider specified, using Quad9 DNS ($pivpnDNS1 $pivpnDNS2)" fi local INVALID_DNS_SETTINGS=0 if ! validIP "$pivpnDNS1"; then INVALID_DNS_SETTINGS=1 echo "::: Invalid DNS $pivpnDNS1" fi if [ -n "$pivpnDNS2" ] && ! validIP "$pivpnDNS2"; then INVALID_DNS_SETTINGS=1 echo "::: Invalid DNS $pivpnDNS2" fi if [ "$INVALID_DNS_SETTINGS" -eq 0 ]; then echo "::: Using DNS $pivpnDNS1 $pivpnDNS2" else exit 1 fi echo "pivpnDNS1=${pivpnDNS1}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf echo "pivpnDNS2=${pivpnDNS2}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf return fi # Detect and offer to use Pi-hole if command -v pihole > /dev/null; then if (whiptail --backtitle "Setup PiVPN" --title "Pi-hole" --yesno "We have detected a Pi-hole installation, do you want to use it as the DNS server for the VPN, so you get ad blocking on the go?" ${r} ${c}); then if [ ! -r "$piholeSetupVars" ]; then echo "::: Unable to read $piholeSetupVars" exit 1 fi # Add a custom hosts file for VPN clients so they appear as 'name.pivpn' in the # Pi-hole dashboard as well as resolve by their names. echo "addn-hosts=/etc/pivpn/hosts.$VPN" | $SUDO tee "$dnsmasqConfig" > /dev/null # Then create an empty hosts file or clear if it exists. $SUDO bash -c "> /etc/pivpn/hosts.$VPN" # If the listening behavior is "Listen only on interface whatever", which is the # default, tell dnsmasq to listen on the VPN interface as well. Other listening # behaviors are permissive enough. # Source in a subshell to prevent overwriting script's variables DNSMASQ_LISTENING="$(source "$piholeSetupVars" && echo "${DNSMASQ_LISTENING}")" # $DNSMASQ_LISTENING is not set if you never edit/save settings in the DNS page, # so if the variable is empty, we still add the 'interface=' directive. if [ -z "${DNSMASQ_LISTENING}" ] || [ "${DNSMASQ_LISTENING}" = "single" ]; then echo "interface=$pivpnDEV" | $SUDO tee -a "$dnsmasqConfig" > /dev/null fi # Use the Raspberry Pi VPN IP as DNS server. pivpnDNS1="$vpnGw" echo "pivpnDNS1=${pivpnDNS1}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf echo "pivpnDNS2=${pivpnDNS2}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf return fi fi DNSChoseCmd=(whiptail --separate-output --radiolist "Select the DNS Provider for your VPN Clients (press space to select). To use your own, select Custom.\\n\\nIn case you have a local resolver running, i.e. unbound, select \"PiVPN-is-local-DNS\" and make sure your resolver is listening on \"$vpnGw\", allowing requests from \"${pivpnNET}/${subnetClass}\"." "${r}" "${c}" 6) DNSChooseOptions=(Quad9 "" on OpenDNS "" off Level3 "" off DNS.WATCH "" off Norton "" off FamilyShield "" off CloudFlare "" off Google "" off PiVPN-is-local-DNS "" off Custom "" off) if DNSchoices=$("${DNSChoseCmd[@]}" "${DNSChooseOptions[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) then if [[ ${DNSchoices} != "Custom" ]]; then echo "::: Using ${DNSchoices} servers." declare -A DNS_MAP=(["Quad9"]="" ["OpenDNS"]="" ["Level3"]="" ["DNS.WATCH"]="" ["Norton"]="" ["FamilyShield"]="" ["CloudFlare"]="" ["Google"]="" ["PiVPN-is-local-DNS"]="$vpnGw") pivpnDNS1=$(awk '{print $1}' <<< "${DNS_MAP["${DNSchoices}"]}") pivpnDNS2=$(awk '{print $2}' <<< "${DNS_MAP["${DNSchoices}"]}") else until [[ $DNSSettingsCorrect = True ]]; do strInvalid="Invalid" if pivpnDNS=$(whiptail --backtitle "Specify Upstream DNS Provider(s)" --inputbox "Enter your desired upstream DNS provider(s), separated by a comma.\\n\\nFor example ','" ${r} ${c} "" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) then pivpnDNS1=$(echo "$pivpnDNS" | sed 's/[, \t]\+/,/g' | awk -F, '{print$1}') pivpnDNS2=$(echo "$pivpnDNS" | sed 's/[, \t]\+/,/g' | awk -F, '{print$2}') if ! validIP "$pivpnDNS1" || [ ! "$pivpnDNS1" ]; then pivpnDNS1=$strInvalid fi if ! validIP "$pivpnDNS2" && [ "$pivpnDNS2" ]; then pivpnDNS2=$strInvalid fi else echo "::: Cancel selected, exiting...." exit 1 fi if [[ $pivpnDNS1 == "$strInvalid" ]] || [[ $pivpnDNS2 == "$strInvalid" ]]; then whiptail --msgbox --backtitle "Invalid IP" --title "Invalid IP" "One or both entered IP addresses were invalid. Please try again.\\n\\n DNS Server 1: $pivpnDNS1\\n DNS Server 2: $pivpnDNS2" ${r} ${c} if [[ $pivpnDNS1 == "$strInvalid" ]]; then pivpnDNS1="" fi if [[ $pivpnDNS2 == "$strInvalid" ]]; then pivpnDNS2="" fi DNSSettingsCorrect=False else if (whiptail --backtitle "Specify Upstream DNS Provider(s)" --title "Upstream DNS Provider(s)" --yesno "Are these settings correct?\\n DNS Server 1: $pivpnDNS1\\n DNS Server 2: $pivpnDNS2" ${r} ${c}) then DNSSettingsCorrect=True else # If the settings are wrong, the loop continues DNSSettingsCorrect=False fi fi done fi else echo "::: Cancel selected. Exiting..." exit 1 fi echo "pivpnDNS1=${pivpnDNS1}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf echo "pivpnDNS2=${pivpnDNS2}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf } #Call this function to use a regex to check user input for a valid custom domain validDomain(){ local domain=$1 local stat=1 if [[ $domain =~ ^(([a-zA-Z0-9]{1,63}|([a-zA-Z0-9]{1,60}[-a-zA-Z0-9()]{0,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,60}))\.){1,6}([a-zA-Z]{2,})$ ]]; then stat=$? fi return $stat } #This procedure allows a user to specify a custom search domain if they have one. askCustomDomain(){ if [ "${runUnattended}" = 'true' ]; then if [ -n "$pivpnSEARCHDOMAIN" ]; then if validDomain "$pivpnSEARCHDOMAIN"; then echo "::: Using custom domain $pivpnSEARCHDOMAIN" else echo "::: Custom domain $pivpnSEARCHDOMAIN is not valid" exit 1 fi else echo "::: Skipping custom domain" fi echo "pivpnSEARCHDOMAIN=${pivpnSEARCHDOMAIN}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf return fi DomainSettingsCorrect=False if (whiptail --backtitle "Custom Search Domain" --title "Custom Search Domain" --yesno --defaultno "Would you like to add a custom search domain? \\n (This is only for advanced users who have their own domain)\\n" ${r} ${c}); then until [[ $DomainSettingsCorrect = True ]] do if pivpnSEARCHDOMAIN=$(whiptail --inputbox "Enter Custom Domain\\nFormat: mydomain.com" ${r} ${c} --title "Custom Domain" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3); then if validDomain "$pivpnSEARCHDOMAIN"; then if (whiptail --backtitle "Custom Search Domain" --title "Custom Search Domain" --yesno "Are these settings correct?\\n Custom Search Domain: $pivpnSEARCHDOMAIN" ${r} ${c}); then DomainSettingsCorrect=True else # If the settings are wrong, the loop continues DomainSettingsCorrect=False fi else whiptail --msgbox --backtitle "Invalid Domain" --title "Invalid Domain" "Domain is invalid. Please try again.\\n\\n DOMAIN: $pivpnSEARCHDOMAIN\\n" ${r} ${c} DomainSettingsCorrect=False fi else echo "::: Cancel selected. Exiting..." exit 1 fi done fi echo "pivpnSEARCHDOMAIN=${pivpnSEARCHDOMAIN}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf } askPublicIPOrDNS(){ if ! IPv4pub=$(dig +short myip.opendns.com @ || ! validIP "$IPv4pub"; then echo "dig failed, now trying to curl checkip.amazonaws.com" if ! IPv4pub=$(curl -s https://checkip.amazonaws.com) || ! validIP "$IPv4pub"; then echo "checkip.amazonaws.com failed, please check your internet connection/DNS" exit 1 fi fi if [ "${runUnattended}" = 'true' ]; then if [ -z "$pivpnHOST" ]; then echo "::: No IP or domain name specified, using public IP $IPv4pub" pivpnHOST="$IPv4pub" else if validIP "$pivpnHOST"; then echo "::: Using public IP $pivpnHOST" elif validDomain "$pivpnHOST"; then echo "::: Using domain name $pivpnHOST" else echo "::: $pivpnHOST is not a valid IP or domain name" exit 1 fi fi echo "pivpnHOST=${pivpnHOST}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf return fi local publicDNSCorrect local publicDNSValid if METH=$(whiptail --title "Public IP or DNS" --radiolist "Will clients use a Public IP or DNS Name to connect to your server (press space to select)?" ${r} ${c} 2 \ "$IPv4pub" "Use this public IP" "ON" \ "DNS Entry" "Use a public DNS" "OFF" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3); then if [ "$METH" = "$IPv4pub" ]; then pivpnHOST="${IPv4pub}" else until [[ ${publicDNSCorrect} = True ]]; do until [[ ${publicDNSValid} = True ]]; do if PUBLICDNS=$(whiptail --title "PiVPN Setup" --inputbox "What is the public DNS name of this Server?" ${r} ${c} 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3); then if validDomain "$PUBLICDNS"; then publicDNSValid=True pivpnHOST="${PUBLICDNS}" else whiptail --msgbox --backtitle "PiVPN Setup" --title "Invalid DNS name" "This DNS name is invalid. Please try again.\\n\\n DNS name: $PUBLICDNS\\n" ${r} ${c} publicDNSValid=False fi else echo "::: Cancel selected. Exiting..." exit 1 fi done if (whiptail --backtitle "PiVPN Setup" --title "Confirm DNS Name" --yesno "Is this correct?\\n\\n Public DNS Name: $PUBLICDNS" ${r} ${c}) then publicDNSCorrect=True else publicDNSCorrect=False publicDNSValid=False fi done fi else echo "::: Cancel selected. Exiting..." exit 1 fi echo "pivpnHOST=${pivpnHOST}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf } askEncryption(){ if [ "${runUnattended}" = 'true' ]; then if [ -z "$TWO_POINT_FOUR" ] || [ "$TWO_POINT_FOUR" -eq 1 ]; then TWO_POINT_FOUR=1 echo "::: Using OpenVPN 2.4 features" if [ -z "$pivpnENCRYPT" ]; then pivpnENCRYPT=256 echo "::: Using a 256 bit certificate" else if [ "$pivpnENCRYPT" -eq 256 ] || [ "$pivpnENCRYPT" -eq 384 ] || [ "$pivpnENCRYPT" -eq 521 ]; then echo "::: Using a ${pivpnENCRYPT}-bit certificate" else echo "::: ${pivpnENCRYPT} is not a valid certificate size, use 256, 384, or 521" exit 1 fi fi else TWO_POINT_FOUR=0 echo "::: Using traditional OpenVPN configuration" if [ -z "$pivpnENCRYPT" ]; then pivpnENCRYPT=2048 echo "::: Using a 2048 bit certificate" else if [ "$pivpnENCRYPT" -eq 2048 ] || [ "$pivpnENCRYPT" -eq 3072 ] || [ "$pivpnENCRYPT" -eq 4096 ]; then echo "::: Using a ${pivpnENCRYPT}-bit certificate" else echo "::: ${pivpnENCRYPT} is not a valid certificate size, use 2048, 3072, or 4096" exit 1 fi fi if [ -z "$USE_PREDEFINED_DH_PARAM" ]; then USE_PREDEFINED_DH_PARAM=1 echo "::: Pre-defined DH parameters will be used" else if [ "$USE_PREDEFINED_DH_PARAM" -eq 1 ]; then echo "::: Pre-defined DH parameters will be used" else echo "::: DH parameters will be generated locally" fi fi fi echo "TWO_POINT_FOUR=${TWO_POINT_FOUR}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf echo "pivpnENCRYPT=${pivpnENCRYPT}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf echo "USE_PREDEFINED_DH_PARAM=${USE_PREDEFINED_DH_PARAM}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf return fi if (whiptail --backtitle "Setup OpenVPN" --title "Installation mode" --yesno "OpenVPN 2.4 can take advantage of Elliptic Curves to provide higher connection speed and improved security over RSA, while keeping smaller certificates.\\n\\nMoreover, the 'tls-crypt' directive encrypts the certificates being used while authenticating, increasing privacy.\\n\\nIf your clients do run OpenVPN 2.4 or later you can enable these features, otherwise choose 'No' for best compatibility." "${r}" "${c}"); then TWO_POINT_FOUR=1 pivpnENCRYPT=$(whiptail --backtitle "Setup OpenVPN" --title "ECDSA certificate size" --radiolist \ "Choose the desired size of your certificate (press space to select):\\nThis is a certificate that will be generated on your system. The larger the certificate, the more time this will take. For most applications, it is recommended to use 256 bits. You can increase the number of bits if you care about, however, consider that 256 bits are already as secure as 3072 bit RSA." ${r} ${c} 3 \ "256" "Use a 256-bit certificate (recommended level)" ON \ "384" "Use a 384-bit certificate" OFF \ "521" "Use a 521-bit certificate (paranoid level)" OFF 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) else TWO_POINT_FOUR=0 pivpnENCRYPT=$(whiptail --backtitle "Setup OpenVPN" --title "RSA certificate size" --radiolist \ "Choose the desired size of your certificate (press space to select):\\nThis is a certificate that will be generated on your system. The larger the certificate, the more time this will take. For most applications, it is recommended to use 2048 bits. If you are paranoid about ... things... then grab a cup of joe and pick 4096 bits." ${r} ${c} 3 \ "2048" "Use a 2048-bit certificate (recommended level)" ON \ "3072" "Use a 3072-bit certificate " OFF \ "4096" "Use a 4096-bit certificate (paranoid level)" OFF 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) fi exitstatus=$? if [ $exitstatus != 0 ]; then echo "::: Cancel selected. Exiting..." exit 1 fi if ([ "$pivpnENCRYPT" -ge 2048 ] && whiptail --backtitle "Setup OpenVPN" --title "Generate Diffie-Hellman Parameters" --yesno "Generating DH parameters can take many hours on a Raspberry Pi. You can instead use Pre-defined DH parameters recommended by the Internet Engineering Task Force.\\n\\nMore information about those can be found here: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Security/Archive/Server_Side_TLS_4.0#Pre-defined_DHE_groups\\n\\nIf you want unique parameters, choose 'No' and new Diffie-Hellman parameters will be generated on your device." ${r} ${c}); then USE_PREDEFINED_DH_PARAM=1 else USE_PREDEFINED_DH_PARAM=0 fi echo "TWO_POINT_FOUR=${TWO_POINT_FOUR}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf echo "pivpnENCRYPT=${pivpnENCRYPT}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf echo "USE_PREDEFINED_DH_PARAM=${USE_PREDEFINED_DH_PARAM}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf } cidrToMask(){ # Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/20767392 set -- $(( 5 - ($1 / 8) )) 255 255 255 255 $(( (255 << (8 - ($1 % 8))) & 255 )) 0 0 0 [ $1 -gt 1 ] && shift $1 || shift echo ${1-0}.${2-0}.${3-0}.${4-0} } confOpenVPN(){ # Grab the existing Hostname host_name=$(hostname -s) # Generate a random UUID for this server so that we can use verify-x509-name later that is unique for this server installation. NEW_UUID=$( /dev/null umask "$CURRENT_UMASK" if [ -f /etc/openvpn/server.conf ]; then $SUDO rm /etc/openvpn/server.conf fi if [ -d /etc/openvpn/ccd ]; then $SUDO rm -rf /etc/openvpn/ccd fi # Create folder to store client specific directives used to push static IPs $SUDO mkdir /etc/openvpn/ccd # If easy-rsa exists, remove it if [[ -d /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/ ]]; then $SUDO rm -rf /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/ fi # Get easy-rsa wget -qO- "${easyrsaRel}" | $SUDO tar xz --directory /etc/openvpn $SUDO mv /etc/openvpn/EasyRSA-v${easyrsaVer} /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa # fix ownership $SUDO chown -R root:root /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa $SUDO mkdir /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki $SUDO chmod 700 /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa || exit 1 if [ "$TWO_POINT_FOUR" -eq 1 ]; then pivpnCERT="ec" pivpnTLSPROT="tls-crypt" else pivpnCERT="rsa" pivpnTLSPROT="tls-auth" fi # Write out new vars file echo "if [ -z \"\$EASYRSA_CALLER\" ]; then echo \"Nope.\" >&2 return 1 fi set_var EASYRSA \"/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa\" set_var EASYRSA_PKI \"\$EASYRSA/pki\" set_var EASYRSA_CRL_DAYS 3650 set_var EASYRSA_ALGO ${pivpnCERT}" | $SUDO tee vars >/dev/null # Set certificate type if [ "$pivpnENCRYPT" -ge 2048 ]; then echo "set_var EASYRSA_KEY_SIZE ${pivpnENCRYPT}" | $SUDO tee -a vars >/dev/null else declare -A ECDSA_MAP=(["256"]="prime256v1" ["384"]="secp384r1" ["521"]="secp521r1") echo "set_var EASYRSA_CURVE ${ECDSA_MAP["${pivpnENCRYPT}"]}" | $SUDO tee -a vars >/dev/null fi # Remove any previous keys ${SUDOE} ./easyrsa --batch init-pki # Build the certificate authority printf "::: Building CA...\\n" ${SUDOE} ./easyrsa --batch build-ca nopass printf "\\n::: CA Complete.\\n" if [ "$pivpnCERT" = "rsa" ] && [ "$USE_PREDEFINED_DH_PARAM" -ne 1 ]; then if [ "${runUnattended}" = 'true' ]; then echo "::: The server key, Diffie-Hellman parameters, and HMAC key will now be generated." else whiptail --msgbox --backtitle "Setup OpenVPN" --title "Server Information" "The server key, Diffie-Hellman parameters, and HMAC key will now be generated." ${r} ${c} fi elif [ "$pivpnCERT" = "ec" ] || { [ "$pivpnCERT" = "rsa" ] && [ "$USE_PREDEFINED_DH_PARAM" -eq 1 ]; }; then if [ "${runUnattended}" = 'true' ]; then echo "::: The server key and HMAC key will now be generated." else whiptail --msgbox --backtitle "Setup OpenVPN" --title "Server Information" "The server key and HMAC key will now be generated." ${r} ${c} fi fi # Build the server EASYRSA_CERT_EXPIRE=3650 ${SUDOE} ./easyrsa build-server-full "${SERVER_NAME}" nopass if [ "$pivpnCERT" = "rsa" ]; then if [ "${USE_PREDEFINED_DH_PARAM}" -eq 1 ]; then # Use Diffie-Hellman parameters from RFC 7919 (FFDHE) ${SUDOE} install -m 644 "${pivpnFilesDir}"/files/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/ffdhe"${pivpnENCRYPT}".pem pki/dh"${pivpnENCRYPT}".pem else # Generate Diffie-Hellman key exchange ${SUDOE} ./easyrsa gen-dh ${SUDOE} mv pki/dh.pem pki/dh"${pivpnENCRYPT}".pem fi fi # Generate static HMAC key to defend against DDoS ${SUDOE} openvpn --genkey --secret pki/ta.key # Generate an empty Certificate Revocation List ${SUDOE} ./easyrsa gen-crl ${SUDOE} cp pki/crl.pem /etc/openvpn/crl.pem if ! getent passwd openvpn; then ${SUDOE} adduser --system --home /var/lib/openvpn/ --group --disabled-login ${debianOvpnUserGroup%:*} fi ${SUDOE} chown "$debianOvpnUserGroup" /etc/openvpn/crl.pem # Write config file for server using the template.txt file $SUDO install -m 644 "$pivpnFilesDir"/files/etc/openvpn/server_config.txt /etc/openvpn/server.conf # Apply client DNS settings ${SUDOE} sed -i '0,/\(dhcp-option DNS \)/ s/\(dhcp-option DNS \).*/\1'${pivpnDNS1}'\"/' /etc/openvpn/server.conf if [ -z ${pivpnDNS2} ]; then ${SUDOE} sed -i '/\(dhcp-option DNS \)/{n;N;d}' /etc/openvpn/server.conf else ${SUDOE} sed -i '0,/\(dhcp-option DNS \)/! s/\(dhcp-option DNS \).*/\1'${pivpnDNS2}'\"/' /etc/openvpn/server.conf fi # Set the user encryption key size $SUDO sed -i "s#\\(dh /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/dh\\).*#\\1${pivpnENCRYPT}.pem#" /etc/openvpn/server.conf if [ "$pivpnTLSPROT" = "tls-crypt" ]; then #If they enabled 2.4 use tls-crypt instead of tls-auth to encrypt control channel $SUDO sed -i "s/tls-auth \/etc\/openvpn\/easy-rsa\/pki\/ta.key 0/tls-crypt \/etc\/openvpn\/easy-rsa\/pki\/ta.key/" /etc/openvpn/server.conf fi if [ "$pivpnCERT" = "ec" ]; then #If they enabled 2.4 disable dh parameters and specify the matching curve from the ECDSA certificate $SUDO sed -i "s/\(dh \/etc\/openvpn\/easy-rsa\/pki\/dh\).*/dh none\necdh-curve ${ECDSA_MAP["${pivpnENCRYPT}"]}/" /etc/openvpn/server.conf elif [ "$pivpnCERT" = "rsa" ]; then # Otherwise set the user encryption key size $SUDO sed -i "s#\\(dh /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/dh\\).*#\\1${pivpnENCRYPT}.pem#" /etc/openvpn/server.conf fi # if they modified VPN network put value in server.conf if [ "$pivpnNET" != "" ]; then $SUDO sed -i "s/${pivpnNET}/g" /etc/openvpn/server.conf fi # if they modified VPN subnet class put value in server.conf if [ "$(cidrToMask "$subnetClass")" != "" ]; then $SUDO sed -i "s/$(cidrToMask "$subnetClass")/g" /etc/openvpn/server.conf fi # if they modified port put value in server.conf if [ "$pivpnPORT" != 1194 ]; then $SUDO sed -i "s/1194/${pivpnPORT}/g" /etc/openvpn/server.conf fi # if they modified protocol put value in server.conf if [ "$pivpnPROTO" != "udp" ]; then $SUDO sed -i "s/proto udp/proto tcp/g" /etc/openvpn/server.conf fi if [ -n "$pivpnSEARCHDOMAIN" ]; then $SUDO sed -i "0,/\\(.*dhcp-option.*\\)/s//push \"dhcp-option DOMAIN ${pivpnSEARCHDOMAIN}\" \\n&/" /etc/openvpn/server.conf fi # write out server certs to conf file $SUDO sed -i "s#\\(key /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/private/\\).*#\\1${SERVER_NAME}.key#" /etc/openvpn/server.conf $SUDO sed -i "s#\\(cert /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/issued/\\).*#\\1${SERVER_NAME}.crt#" /etc/openvpn/server.conf } confOVPN(){ $SUDO install -m 644 "$pivpnFilesDir"/files/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/Default.txt /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/Default.txt $SUDO sed -i 's/IPv4pub/'"$pivpnHOST"'/' /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/Default.txt # if they modified port put value in Default.txt for clients to use if [ "$pivpnPORT" != 1194 ]; then $SUDO sed -i -e "s/1194/${pivpnPORT}/g" /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/Default.txt fi # if they modified protocol put value in Default.txt for clients to use if [ "$pivpnPROTO" != "udp" ]; then $SUDO sed -i -e "s/proto udp/proto tcp/g" /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/Default.txt fi # verify server name to strengthen security $SUDO sed -i "s/SRVRNAME/${SERVER_NAME}/" /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/Default.txt if [ "$pivpnTLSPROT" = "tls-crypt" ]; then #If they enabled 2.4 remove key-direction options since it's not required $SUDO sed -i "/key-direction 1/d" /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/Default.txt fi } confWireGuard(){ if [ -d /etc/wireguard ]; then # Backup the wireguard folder WIREGUARD_BACKUP="wireguard_$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S).tar.gz" echo "::: Backing up the wireguard folder to /etc/${WIREGUARD_BACKUP}" CURRENT_UMASK=$(umask) umask 0077 $SUDO tar czf "/etc/${WIREGUARD_BACKUP}" /etc/wireguard &> /dev/null umask "$CURRENT_UMASK" if [ -f /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf ]; then $SUDO rm /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf fi else # If compiled from source, the wireguard folder is not being created $SUDO mkdir /etc/wireguard fi # Ensure that only root is able to enter the wireguard folder $SUDO chown root:root /etc/wireguard $SUDO chmod 700 /etc/wireguard if [ "${runUnattended}" = 'true' ]; then echo "::: The Server Keys and Pre-Shared key will now be generated." else whiptail --title "Server Information" --msgbox "The Server Keys and Pre-Shared key will now be generated." "${r}" "${c}" fi # Remove configs and keys folders to make space for a new server when using 'Repair' or 'Reconfigure' # over an existing installation $SUDO rm -rf /etc/wireguard/configs $SUDO rm -rf /etc/wireguard/keys $SUDO mkdir -p /etc/wireguard/configs $SUDO touch /etc/wireguard/configs/clients.txt $SUDO mkdir -p /etc/wireguard/keys # Generate private key and derive public key from it wg genkey | $SUDO tee /etc/wireguard/keys/server_priv &> /dev/null wg genpsk | $SUDO tee /etc/wireguard/keys/psk &> /dev/null $SUDO cat /etc/wireguard/keys/server_priv | wg pubkey | $SUDO tee /etc/wireguard/keys/server_pub &> /dev/null echo "::: Server Keys and Pre-Shared Key have been generated." echo "[Interface] PrivateKey = $($SUDO cat /etc/wireguard/keys/server_priv) Address = ${vpnGw}/${subnetClass} ListenPort = ${pivpnPORT}" | $SUDO tee /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf &> /dev/null echo "::: Server config generated." } confNetwork(){ # Enable forwarding of internet traffic $SUDO sed -i '/net.ipv4.ip_forward=1/s/^#//g' /etc/sysctl.conf $SUDO sysctl -p > /dev/null if [ "$USING_UFW" -eq 1 ]; then echo "::: Detected UFW is enabled." echo "::: Adding UFW rules..." ### Basic safeguard: if file is empty, there's been something weird going on. ### Note: no safeguard against imcomplete content as a result of previous failures. if test -s /etc/ufw/before.rules; then $SUDO cp -f /etc/ufw/before.rules /etc/ufw/before.rules.pre-pivpn else echo "$0: ERR: Sorry, won't touch empty file \"/etc/ufw/before.rules\"."; exit 1; fi ### If there is already a "*nat" section just add our POSTROUTING MASQUERADE if $SUDO grep -q "*nat" /etc/ufw/before.rules; then ### Onyl add the NAT rule if it isn't already there if ! $SUDO grep -q "${VPN}-nat-rule" /etc/ufw/before.rules; then $SUDO sed "/^*nat/{n;s/\(:POSTROUTING ACCEPT .*\)/\1\n-I POSTROUTING -s ${pivpnNET}\/${subnetClass} -o ${IPv4dev} -j MASQUERADE -m comment --comment ${VPN}-nat-rule/}" -i /etc/ufw/before.rules fi else $SUDO sed "/delete these required/i *nat\n:POSTROUTING ACCEPT [0:0]\n-I POSTROUTING -s ${pivpnNET}\/${subnetClass} -o ${IPv4dev} -j MASQUERADE -m comment --comment ${VPN}-nat-rule\nCOMMIT\n" -i /etc/ufw/before.rules fi # Insert rules at the beginning of the chain (in case there are other rules that may drop the traffic) $SUDO ufw insert 1 allow "${pivpnPORT}"/"${pivpnPROTO}" >/dev/null $SUDO ufw route insert 1 allow in on "${pivpnDEV}" from "${pivpnNET}/${subnetClass}" out on "${IPv4dev}" to any >/dev/null $SUDO ufw reload >/dev/null echo "::: UFW configuration completed." elif [ "$USING_UFW" -eq 0 ]; then # Now some checks to detect which rules we need to add. On a newly installed system all policies # should be ACCEPT, so the only required rule would be the MASQUERADE one. if ! $SUDO iptables -t nat -S | grep -q "${VPN}-nat-rule"; then $SUDO iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -s "${pivpnNET}/${subnetClass}" -o "${IPv4dev}" -j MASQUERADE -m comment --comment "${VPN}-nat-rule" fi # Count how many rules are in the INPUT and FORWARD chain. When parsing input from # iptables -S, '^-P' skips the policies and 'ufw-' skips ufw chains (in case ufw was found # installed but not enabled). # Grep returns non 0 exit code where there are no matches, however that would make the script exit, # for this reasons we use '|| true' to force exit code 0 INPUT_RULES_COUNT="$($SUDO iptables -S INPUT | grep -vcE '(^-P|ufw-)')" FORWARD_RULES_COUNT="$($SUDO iptables -S FORWARD | grep -vcE '(^-P|ufw-)')" INPUT_POLICY="$($SUDO iptables -S INPUT | grep '^-P' | awk '{print $3}')" FORWARD_POLICY="$($SUDO iptables -S FORWARD | grep '^-P' | awk '{print $3}')" # If rules count is not zero, we assume we need to explicitly allow traffic. Same conclusion if # there are no rules and the policy is not ACCEPT. Note that rules are being added to the top of the # chain (using -I). if [ "$INPUT_RULES_COUNT" -ne 0 ] || [ "$INPUT_POLICY" != "ACCEPT" ]; then if $SUDO iptables -S | grep -q "${VPN}-input-rule"; then INPUT_CHAIN_EDITED=0 else $SUDO iptables -I INPUT 1 -i "${IPv4dev}" -p "${pivpnPROTO}" --dport "${pivpnPORT}" -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "${VPN}-input-rule" fi INPUT_CHAIN_EDITED=1 else INPUT_CHAIN_EDITED=0 fi if [ "$FORWARD_RULES_COUNT" -ne 0 ] || [ "$FORWARD_POLICY" != "ACCEPT" ]; then if $SUDO iptables -S | grep -q "${VPN}-forward-rule"; then FORWARD_CHAIN_EDITED=0 else $SUDO iptables -I FORWARD 1 -d "${pivpnNET}/${subnetClass}" -i "${IPv4dev}" -o "${pivpnDEV}" -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "${VPN}-forward-rule" $SUDO iptables -I FORWARD 2 -s "${pivpnNET}/${subnetClass}" -i "${pivpnDEV}" -o "${IPv4dev}" -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "${VPN}-forward-rule" fi FORWARD_CHAIN_EDITED=1 else FORWARD_CHAIN_EDITED=0 fi case ${PLAT} in Debian|Raspbian|Ubuntu) $SUDO iptables-save | $SUDO tee /etc/iptables/rules.v4 > /dev/null ;; esac echo "INPUT_CHAIN_EDITED=${INPUT_CHAIN_EDITED}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf echo "FORWARD_CHAIN_EDITED=${FORWARD_CHAIN_EDITED}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf fi } confLogging() { echo "if \$programname == 'ovpn-server' then /var/log/openvpn.log if \$programname == 'ovpn-server' then stop" | $SUDO tee /etc/rsyslog.d/30-openvpn.conf > /dev/null echo "/var/log/openvpn.log { rotate 4 weekly missingok notifempty compress delaycompress sharedscripts postrotate invoke-rc.d rsyslog rotate >/dev/null 2>&1 || true endscript }" | $SUDO tee /etc/logrotate.d/openvpn > /dev/null # Restart the logging service case ${PLAT} in Debian|Raspbian|Ubuntu) $SUDO systemctl restart rsyslog.service || true ;; esac } restartServices(){ echo "::: Restarting services..." case ${PLAT} in Debian|Raspbian|Ubuntu) if [ "$VPN" = "openvpn" ]; then $SUDO systemctl enable openvpn.service &> /dev/null $SUDO systemctl restart openvpn.service elif [ "$VPN" = "wireguard" ]; then $SUDO systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0.service &> /dev/null $SUDO systemctl restart wg-quick@wg0.service fi ;; esac if [ -f "$dnsmasqConfig" ]; then $SUDO pihole restartdns fi } askUnattendedUpgrades(){ if [ "${runUnattended}" = 'true' ]; then if [ -z "$UNATTUPG" ]; then UNATTUPG=1 echo "::: No preference regarding unattended upgrades, assuming yes" else if [ "$UNATTUPG" -eq 1 ]; then echo "::: Enabling unattended upgrades" else echo "::: Skipping unattended upgrades" fi fi echo "UNATTUPG=${UNATTUPG}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf return fi whiptail --msgbox --backtitle "Security Updates" --title "Unattended Upgrades" "Since this server will have at least one port open to the internet, it is recommended you enable unattended-upgrades.\\nThis feature will check daily for security package updates only and apply them when necessary.\\nIt will NOT automatically reboot the server so to fully apply some updates you should periodically reboot." ${r} ${c} if (whiptail --backtitle "Security Updates" --title "Unattended Upgrades" --yesno "Do you want to enable unattended upgrades of security patches to this server?" ${r} ${c}); then UNATTUPG=1 else UNATTUPG=0 fi echo "UNATTUPG=${UNATTUPG}" >> /tmp/setupVars.conf } confUnattendedUpgrades(){ local PIVPN_DEPS PIVPN_DEPS=(unattended-upgrades) installDependentPackages PIVPN_DEPS[@] aptConfDir="/etc/apt/apt.conf.d" if [ "$PLAT" = "Ubuntu" ]; then # Ubuntu 50unattended-upgrades should already just have security enabled # so we just need to configure the 10periodic file echo "APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists \"1\"; APT::Periodic::Download-Upgradeable-Packages \"1\"; APT::Periodic::AutocleanInterval \"5\"; APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade \"1\";" | $SUDO tee "${aptConfDir}/10periodic" > /dev/null else # Fix Raspbian config if [ "$PLAT" = "Raspbian" ]; then wget -qO- "$UNATTUPG_CONFIG" | $SUDO tar xz --directory "${aptConfDir}" "unattended-upgrades-$UNATTUPG_RELEASE/data/50unattended-upgrades.Raspbian" --strip-components 2 if test -s "${aptConfDir}/50unattended-upgrades.Raspbian"; then $SUDO mv "${aptConfDir}/50unattended-upgrades.Raspbian" "${aptConfDir}/50unattended-upgrades" else echo "$0: ERR: Failed to download \"50unattended-upgrades.Raspbian\"." exit 1 fi fi # Add the remaining settings for all other distributions echo "APT::Periodic::Enable \"1\"; APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists \"1\"; APT::Periodic::Download-Upgradeable-Packages \"1\"; APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade \"1\"; APT::Periodic::AutocleanInterval \"7\"; APT::Periodic::Verbose \"0\";" | $SUDO tee "${aptConfDir}/02periodic" > /dev/null fi # Enable automatic updates via the unstable repository when installing from debian package if [ "$VPN" = "wireguard" ] && [ "$PLAT" != "Ubuntu" ] && [ "$(uname -m)" != "armv6l" ]; then if ! grep -q '"o=Debian,a=unstable";' "${aptConfDir}/50unattended-upgrades"; then $SUDO sed -i '/Unattended-Upgrade::Origins-Pattern {/a"o=Debian,a=unstable";' "${aptConfDir}/50unattended-upgrades" fi fi } installScripts(){ # Install the scripts from /etc/.pivpn to their various locations echo ":::" echo -n -e "::: Installing scripts to /opt/pivpn...\n" if [ ! -d /opt/pivpn ]; then $SUDO mkdir -p /opt/pivpn $SUDO chown root:root /opt/pivpn $SUDO chmod 0755 /opt/pivpn fi $SUDO install -m 755 "$pivpnFilesDir"/scripts/*.sh -t /opt/pivpn $SUDO install -m 755 "$pivpnFilesDir"/scripts/"$VPN"/*.sh -t /opt/pivpn $SUDO install -m 755 "$pivpnFilesDir"/scripts/"$VPN"/pivpn /usr/local/bin/pivpn $SUDO install -m 644 "$pivpnFilesDir"/scripts/"$VPN"/bash-completion /etc/bash_completion.d/pivpn # shellcheck disable=SC1091 . /etc/bash_completion.d/pivpn echo " done." } displayFinalMessage(){ if [ "${runUnattended}" = 'true' ]; then echo "::: Installation Complete!" echo "::: Now run 'pivpn add' to create the ovpn profiles." echo "::: Run 'pivpn help' to see what else you can do!" echo echo "::: If you run into any issue, please read all our documentation carefully." echo "::: All incomplete posts or bug reports will be ignored or deleted." echo echo "::: Thank you for using PiVPN." echo "::: It is strongly recommended you reboot after installation." return fi # Final completion message to user whiptail --msgbox --backtitle "Make it so." --title "Installation Complete!" "Now run 'pivpn add' to create the ovpn profiles. Run 'pivpn help' to see what else you can do!\\n\\nIf you run into any issue, please read all our documentation carefully. All incomplete posts or bug reports will be ignored or deleted.\\n\\nThank you for using PiVPN." ${r} ${c} if (whiptail --title "Reboot" --yesno --defaultno "It is strongly recommended you reboot after installation. Would you like to reboot now?" ${r} ${c}); then whiptail --title "Rebooting" --msgbox "The system will now reboot." ${r} ${c} printf "\\nRebooting system...\\n" $SUDO sleep 3 $SUDO shutdown -r now fi } main "$@"