mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 00:49:38 +00:00
- Add curl as a dependency for those who run the script without 'curl URL | bash'. - Use POSIX 'command -v' instead of 'hash'. - Check if packages have actually been installed and abort execution if they have not. - Fixed issue with getStaticIPv4Settings() that prevented existing network settings to be used as static IP settings when running the script unattended with empty $IPv4addr and $IPv4gw variables. - Exit if processing wireguard-linux-compat fails. - Exit if 50unattended-upgrades fails to extract. - Exit clientSTAT.sh if the wg0 interface is not available. - Moved the Self Check to a single script since dedicated versions were very similar. - Add 'pivpn -wg' to update WireGuard for users running Raspbian with armv6l kernel.
59 lines
2.7 KiB
Executable file
59 lines
2.7 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This scripts runs as root
if [ ! -f "${setupVars}" ]; then
echo "::: Missing setup vars file!"
exit 1
source "${setupVars}"
echo -e "::::\t\t\e[4mPiVPN debug\e[0m\t\t ::::"
printf "=============================================\n"
echo -e "::::\t\t\e[4mLatest commit\e[0m\t\t ::::"
git --git-dir /etc/.pivpn/.git log -n 1
printf "=============================================\n"
echo -e "::::\t \e[4mInstallation settings\e[0m \t ::::"
sed "s/$pivpnHOST/REDACTED/" < /etc/pivpn/setupVars.conf
printf "=============================================\n"
echo -e ":::: \e[4mServer configuration shown below\e[0m ::::"
cat /etc/openvpn/server.conf
printf "=============================================\n"
echo -e ":::: \e[4mClient template file shown below\e[0m ::::"
sed "s/$pivpnHOST/REDACTED/" < /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/Default.txt
printf "=============================================\n"
echo -e ":::: \t\e[4mRecursive list of files in\e[0m\t ::::\n::: \e[4m/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki shows below\e[0m :::"
ls -LR /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/ -Ireqs -Icerts_by_serial
printf "=============================================\n"
echo -e "::::\t\t\e[4mSelf check\e[0m\t\t ::::"
printf "=============================================\n"
echo -e ":::: \e[4mSnippet of the server log\e[0m ::::"
tail -20 /var/log/openvpn.log > /tmp/snippet
# Regular expession taken from https://superuser.com/a/202835, it will match invalid IPs
# like 123.456.789.012 but it's fine since the log only contains valid ones.
declare -a IPS_TO_HIDE=($(grepcidr -v,, /tmp/snippet | grep -oE '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | uniq))
for IP in "${IPS_TO_HIDE[@]}"; do
sed -i "s/$IP/REDACTED/g" /tmp/snippet
cat /tmp/snippet
rm /tmp/snippet
printf "=============================================\n"
echo -e "::::\t\t\e[4mDebug complete\e[0m\t\t ::::"
# Telekom Hybrid Check
wget -O /tmp/hybcheck http://speedport.ip &>/dev/null
if grep -Fq "Speedport Pro" /tmp/hybcheck || grep -Fq "Speedport Hybrid" /tmp/hybcheck
printf ":::\t\t\t\t\t:::\n::\tTelekom Hybrid Check\t\t ::\n:::\t\t\t\t\t:::\n"
echo "Are you using Telekom Hybrid (found a hybrid compatible router)?"
echo "If yes and you have problems with the connections you can test the following:"
echo "Add 'tun-mtu 1316' in /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/Default.txt to set a hybrid compatible MTU size (new .ovpn files)."
echo "For already existing .ovpn files 'tun-mtu 1316' can also be inserted there manually."
echo "With Telekom hybrid connections, you may have to experiment a little with MTU (tun-mtu, link-mtu and mssfix)."
rm /tmp/hybcheck