This commit is contained in:
Utku Bakir 2024-05-06 19:58:24 -04:00
parent 3f014ea6c1
commit 34b0f5c291
10 changed files with 10 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -563,6 +563,7 @@
"spacedrop_a_file": "Eine Datei Spacedropen",
"spacedrop_already_progress": "Spacedrop bereits im Gange",
"spacedrop_contacts_only": "Nur Kontakte",
"spacedrop_description": "Teilen Sie sie sofort mit Geräten in Ihrem Netzwerk oder mit anderen über unsere Spacedrive Cloud.",
"spacedrop_disabled": "Deaktiviert",
"spacedrop_everyone": "Alle",
"spacedrop_rejected": "Spacedrop abgelehnt",

View file

@ -564,6 +564,7 @@
"spacedrop_a_file": "Soltar un Archivo",
"spacedrop_already_progress": "Spacedrop ya está en progreso",
"spacedrop_contacts_only": "Solo contactos",
"spacedrop_description": "Comparta instantáneamente con dispositivos en su red o con cualquier persona con nuestra Spacedrive Cloud.",
"spacedrop_disabled": "Desactivado",
"spacedrop_everyone": "Todos",
"spacedrop_rejected": "Spacedrop rechazado",

View file

@ -564,6 +564,7 @@
"spacedrop_a_file": "Déposer un fichier dans Spacedrive",
"spacedrop_already_progress": "Spacedrop déjà en cours",
"spacedrop_contacts_only": "Contacts uniquement",
"spacedrop_description": "Partagez instantanément avec les appareils de votre réseau ou avec n'importe qui grâce à notre Spacedrive Cloud.",
"spacedrop_disabled": "Désactivé",
"spacedrop_everyone": "Tout le monde",
"spacedrop_rejected": "Spacedrop rejeté",

View file

@ -564,6 +564,7 @@
"spacedrop_a_file": "Spacedroppa un file",
"spacedrop_already_progress": "Spacedrop già in corso",
"spacedrop_contacts_only": "Solo contatti",
"spacedrop_description": "Condividi istantaneamente con i dispositivi sulla tua rete o con chiunque con il nostro Spacedrive Cloud.",
"spacedrop_disabled": "Disabilitato",
"spacedrop_everyone": "Tutti",
"spacedrop_rejected": "Spacedrop rifiutato",

View file

@ -559,6 +559,7 @@
"spacedrop_a_file": "ファイルをSpacedropへ",
"spacedrop_already_progress": "Spacedropは既に実行中です",
"spacedrop_contacts_only": "連絡先のみ",
"spacedrop_description": "ネットワーク上のデバイスや、Spacedrive Cloud を使用する他のユーザーと即座に共有できます。",
"spacedrop_disabled": "無効",
"spacedrop_everyone": "みんな",
"spacedrop_rejected": "Spacedropは不採用",

View file

@ -562,6 +562,7 @@
"spacedrop_a_file": "Spacedrop een Bestand",
"spacedrop_already_progress": "Spacedrop is al bezig",
"spacedrop_contacts_only": "Alleen contacten",
"spacedrop_description": "Deel direct met apparaten in uw netwerk of met wie dan ook met onze Spacedrive Cloud.",
"spacedrop_disabled": "Gehandicapt",
"spacedrop_everyone": "Iedereen",
"spacedrop_rejected": "Spacedrop geweigerd",

View file

@ -566,6 +566,7 @@
"spacedrop_a_file": "Отправить файл с помощью Spacedrop",
"spacedrop_already_progress": "Spacedrop уже в процессе",
"spacedrop_contacts_only": "Только для контактов",
"spacedrop_description": "Мгновенно делитесь данными с устройствами в вашей сети или с кем угодно с помощью нашего облака Spacedrive.",
"spacedrop_disabled": "Отключен",
"spacedrop_everyone": "Все",
"spacedrop_rejected": "Spacedrop отклонен",

View file

@ -563,6 +563,7 @@
"spacedrop_a_file": "Bir Dosya Spacedropa",
"spacedrop_already_progress": "Spacedrop zaten devam ediyor",
"spacedrop_contacts_only": "Yalnızca Kişiler",
"spacedrop_description": "Ağınızdaki cihazlarla veya Spacedrive Bulut'umuz olan herkesle anında paylaşın.",
"spacedrop_disabled": "Engelli",
"spacedrop_everyone": "Herkes",
"spacedrop_rejected": "Spacedrop reddedildi",

View file

@ -559,6 +559,7 @@
"spacedrop_a_file": "使用 Spacedrop 传输文件",
"spacedrop_already_progress": "Spacedrop 已在进行中",
"spacedrop_contacts_only": "仅限联系人",
"spacedrop_description": "通过我们的 Spacedrive Cloud 与网络上的设备或任何人即时共享。",
"spacedrop_disabled": "残疾人",
"spacedrop_everyone": "每个人",
"spacedrop_rejected": "Spacedrop 被拒绝",

View file

@ -559,6 +559,7 @@
"spacedrop_a_file": "Spacedrop文件",
"spacedrop_already_progress": "Spacedrop 已在進行中",
"spacedrop_contacts_only": "限聯絡人",
"spacedrop_description": "透過我們的 Spacedrive Cloud 與網路上的裝置或任何人即時分享。",
"spacedrop_disabled": "殘障人士",
"spacedrop_everyone": "每個人",
"spacedrop_rejected": "Spacedrop 被拒絕",