re-add rspc codegen

This commit is contained in:
maxichrome 2023-01-21 00:10:50 -08:00
parent a0975ec8c0
commit d7dee1bf9c
3 changed files with 197 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -8,3 +8,5 @@ Pods/
# we plainly don't need a lockfile to look nice
# codegen from rspc -- not supposed to look nice

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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
# rspc codegen -- generated during pnpm prep, no reason to commit

packages/client/src/core.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
/* eslint-disable */
// This file was generated by [rspc]( Do not edit this file manually.
export type Procedures = {
{ key: "buildInfo", input: never, result: BuildInfo } |
{ key: "files.get", input: LibraryArgs<GetArgs>, result: { id: number, cas_id: string, integrity_checksum: string | null, name: string | null, extension: string | null, kind: number, size_in_bytes: string, key_id: number | null, hidden: boolean, favorite: boolean, important: boolean, has_thumbnail: boolean, has_thumbstrip: boolean, has_video_preview: boolean, ipfs_id: string | null, note: string | null, date_created: string, date_modified: string, date_indexed: string, file_paths: Array<FilePath>, media_data: MediaData | null } | null } |
{ key: "jobs.getHistory", input: LibraryArgs<null>, result: Array<JobReport> } |
{ key: "jobs.getRunning", input: LibraryArgs<null>, result: Array<JobReport> } |
{ key: "jobs.isRunning", input: LibraryArgs<null>, result: boolean } |
{ key: "keys.getDefault", input: LibraryArgs<null>, result: string | null } |
{ key: "keys.getKey", input: LibraryArgs<string>, result: string } |
{ key: "keys.hasMasterPassword", input: LibraryArgs<null>, result: boolean } |
{ key: "keys.isKeyManagerUnlocking", input: LibraryArgs<null>, result: boolean } |
{ key: "keys.list", input: LibraryArgs<null>, result: Array<StoredKey> } |
{ key: "keys.listMounted", input: LibraryArgs<null>, result: Array<string> } |
{ key: "library.getStatistics", input: LibraryArgs<null>, result: Statistics } |
{ key: "library.list", input: never, result: Array<LibraryConfigWrapped> } |
{ key: "locations.getById", input: LibraryArgs<number>, result: Location | null } |
{ key: "locations.getExplorerData", input: LibraryArgs<LocationExplorerArgs>, result: ExplorerData } |
{ key: "locations.indexer_rules.get", input: LibraryArgs<number>, result: IndexerRule } |
{ key: "locations.indexer_rules.list", input: LibraryArgs<null>, result: Array<IndexerRule> } |
{ key: "locations.list", input: LibraryArgs<null>, result: Array<{ id: number, pub_id: Array<number>, node_id: number, name: string | null, local_path: string | null, total_capacity: number | null, available_capacity: number | null, filesystem: string | null, disk_type: number | null, is_removable: boolean | null, is_online: boolean, is_archived: boolean, date_created: string, node: Node }> } |
{ key: "nodeState", input: never, result: NodeState } |
{ key: "normi.composite", input: never, result: NormalisedCompositeId } |
{ key: "", input: never, result: NormalisedOrganisation } |
{ key: "normi.user", input: never, result: NormalisedUser } |
{ key: "normi.userSync", input: never, result: NormalisedUser } |
{ key: "normi.version", input: never, result: string } |
{ key: "tags.get", input: LibraryArgs<number>, result: Tag | null } |
{ key: "tags.getExplorerData", input: LibraryArgs<number>, result: ExplorerData } |
{ key: "tags.getForObject", input: LibraryArgs<number>, result: Array<Tag> } |
{ key: "tags.list", input: LibraryArgs<null>, result: Array<Tag> } |
{ key: "volumes.list", input: never, result: Array<Volume> },
{ key: "files.decryptFiles", input: LibraryArgs<FileDecryptorJobInit>, result: null } |
{ key: "files.delete", input: LibraryArgs<number>, result: null } |
{ key: "files.deleteFiles", input: LibraryArgs<FileDeleterJobInit>, result: null } |
{ key: "files.encryptFiles", input: LibraryArgs<FileEncryptorJobInit>, result: null } |
{ key: "files.eraseFiles", input: LibraryArgs<FileEraserJobInit>, result: null } |
{ key: "files.setFavorite", input: LibraryArgs<SetFavoriteArgs>, result: null } |
{ key: "files.setNote", input: LibraryArgs<SetNoteArgs>, result: null } |
{ key: "jobs.clearAll", input: LibraryArgs<null>, result: null } |
{ key: "jobs.generateThumbsForLocation", input: LibraryArgs<GenerateThumbsForLocationArgs>, result: null } |
{ key: "jobs.identifyUniqueFiles", input: LibraryArgs<IdentifyUniqueFilesArgs>, result: null } |
{ key: "jobs.objectValidator", input: LibraryArgs<ObjectValidatorArgs>, result: null } |
{ key: "keys.add", input: LibraryArgs<KeyAddArgs>, result: null } |
{ key: "keys.backupKeystore", input: LibraryArgs<string>, result: null } |
{ key: "keys.changeMasterPassword", input: LibraryArgs<MasterPasswordChangeArgs>, result: null } |
{ key: "keys.clearMasterPassword", input: LibraryArgs<null>, result: null } |
{ key: "keys.deleteFromLibrary", input: LibraryArgs<string>, result: null } |
{ key: "keys.mount", input: LibraryArgs<string>, result: null } |
{ key: "keys.restoreKeystore", input: LibraryArgs<RestoreBackupArgs>, result: number } |
{ key: "keys.setDefault", input: LibraryArgs<string>, result: null } |
{ key: "keys.setMasterPassword", input: LibraryArgs<SetMasterPasswordArgs>, result: null } |
{ key: "keys.syncKeyToLibrary", input: LibraryArgs<string>, result: null } |
{ key: "keys.unmount", input: LibraryArgs<string>, result: null } |
{ key: "keys.unmountAll", input: LibraryArgs<null>, result: null } |
{ key: "keys.updateAutomountStatus", input: LibraryArgs<AutomountUpdateArgs>, result: null } |
{ key: "library.create", input: CreateLibraryArgs, result: LibraryConfigWrapped } |
{ key: "library.delete", input: string, result: null } |
{ key: "library.edit", input: EditLibraryArgs, result: null } |
{ key: "locations.addLibrary", input: LibraryArgs<LocationCreateArgs>, result: null } |
{ key: "locations.create", input: LibraryArgs<LocationCreateArgs>, result: null } |
{ key: "locations.delete", input: LibraryArgs<number>, result: null } |
{ key: "locations.fullRescan", input: LibraryArgs<number>, result: null } |
{ key: "locations.indexer_rules.create", input: LibraryArgs<IndexerRuleCreateArgs>, result: IndexerRule } |
{ key: "locations.indexer_rules.delete", input: LibraryArgs<number>, result: null } |
{ key: "locations.quickRescan", input: LibraryArgs<null>, result: null } |
{ key: "locations.relink", input: LibraryArgs<string>, result: null } |
{ key: "locations.update", input: LibraryArgs<LocationUpdateArgs>, result: null } |
{ key: "tags.assign", input: LibraryArgs<TagAssignArgs>, result: null } |
{ key: "tags.create", input: LibraryArgs<TagCreateArgs>, result: Tag } |
{ key: "tags.delete", input: LibraryArgs<number>, result: null } |
{ key: "tags.update", input: LibraryArgs<TagUpdateArgs>, result: null },
{ key: "invalidateQuery", input: never, result: InvalidateOperationEvent } |
{ key: "jobs.newThumbnail", input: LibraryArgs<null>, result: string }
export type Algorithm = "XChaCha20Poly1305" | "Aes256Gcm"
export interface AutomountUpdateArgs { uuid: string, status: boolean }
export interface BuildInfo { version: string, commit: string }
export interface ConfigMetadata { version: string | null }
export interface CreateLibraryArgs { name: string, password: string, secret_key: string | null, algorithm: Algorithm, hashing_algorithm: HashingAlgorithm }
export interface EditLibraryArgs { id: string, name: string | null, description: string | null }
export type ExplorerContext = { type: "Location" } & Location | { type: "Tag" } & Tag
export interface ExplorerData { context: ExplorerContext, items: Array<ExplorerItem> }
export type ExplorerItem = { type: "Path" } & FilePathWithObject | { type: "Object" } & ObjectWithFilePaths
export interface FileDecryptorJobInit { location_id: number, path_id: number, output_path: string | null, password: string | null, save_to_library: boolean | null }
export interface FileDeleterJobInit { location_id: number, path_id: number }
export interface FileEncryptorJobInit { location_id: number, path_id: number, key_uuid: string, algorithm: Algorithm, metadata: boolean, preview_media: boolean, output_path: string | null }
export interface FileEraserJobInit { location_id: number, path_id: number, passes: number }
export interface FilePath { id: number, is_dir: boolean, location_id: number, materialized_path: string, name: string, extension: string | null, object_id: number | null, parent_id: number | null, key_id: number | null, date_created: string, date_modified: string, date_indexed: string }
export interface GenerateThumbsForLocationArgs { id: number, path: string }
export interface GetArgs { id: number }
export type HashingAlgorithm = { name: "Argon2id", params: Params } | { name: "BalloonBlake3", params: Params }
export interface IdentifyUniqueFilesArgs { id: number, path: string }
export interface IndexerRule { id: number, kind: number, name: string, parameters: Array<number>, date_created: string, date_modified: string }
export interface IndexerRuleCreateArgs { kind: RuleKind, name: string, parameters: Array<number> }
export interface InvalidateOperationEvent { key: string, arg: any }
export interface JobReport { id: string, name: string, data: Array<number> | null, metadata: any | null, date_created: string, date_modified: string, status: JobStatus, task_count: number, completed_task_count: number, message: string, seconds_elapsed: number }
export type JobStatus = "Queued" | "Running" | "Completed" | "Canceled" | "Failed" | "Paused"
export interface KeyAddArgs { algorithm: Algorithm, hashing_algorithm: HashingAlgorithm, key: string, library_sync: boolean, automount: boolean }
export interface LibraryArgs<T> { library_id: string, arg: T }
export interface LibraryConfig { version: string | null, name: string, description: string }
export interface LibraryConfigWrapped { uuid: string, config: LibraryConfig }
export interface Location { id: number, pub_id: Array<number>, node_id: number, name: string | null, local_path: string | null, total_capacity: number | null, available_capacity: number | null, filesystem: string | null, disk_type: number | null, is_removable: boolean | null, is_online: boolean, is_archived: boolean, date_created: string }
export interface LocationCreateArgs { path: string, indexer_rules_ids: Array<number> }
export interface LocationExplorerArgs { location_id: number, path: string, limit: number, cursor: string | null }
export interface LocationUpdateArgs { id: number, name: string | null, indexer_rules_ids: Array<number> }
export interface MasterPasswordChangeArgs { password: string, secret_key: string | null, algorithm: Algorithm, hashing_algorithm: HashingAlgorithm }
export interface MediaData { id: number, pixel_width: number | null, pixel_height: number | null, longitude: number | null, latitude: number | null, fps: number | null, capture_device_make: string | null, capture_device_model: string | null, capture_device_software: string | null, duration_seconds: number | null, codecs: string | null, streams: number | null }
export interface Node { id: number, pub_id: Array<number>, name: string, platform: number, version: string | null, last_seen: string, timezone: string | null, date_created: string }
export interface NodeConfig { version: string | null, id: string, name: string, p2p_port: number | null }
export interface NodeState { version: string | null, id: string, name: string, p2p_port: number | null, data_path: string }
export interface NormalisedCompositeId { $type: string, $id: any, org_id: string, user_id: string }
export interface NormalisedOrganisation { $type: string, $id: any, id: string, name: string, users: NormalizedVec<NormalisedUser>, owner: NormalisedUser, non_normalised_data: Array<null> }
export interface NormalisedUser { $type: string, $id: any, id: string, name: string }
export interface NormalizedVec<T> { $type: string, edges: Array<T> }
export interface Object { id: number, cas_id: string, integrity_checksum: string | null, name: string | null, extension: string | null, kind: number, size_in_bytes: string, key_id: number | null, hidden: boolean, favorite: boolean, important: boolean, has_thumbnail: boolean, has_thumbstrip: boolean, has_video_preview: boolean, ipfs_id: string | null, note: string | null, date_created: string, date_modified: string, date_indexed: string }
export interface ObjectValidatorArgs { id: number, path: string }
export type Params = "Standard" | "Hardened" | "Paranoid"
export interface RestoreBackupArgs { password: string, secret_key: string | null, path: string }
export type RuleKind = "AcceptFilesByGlob" | "RejectFilesByGlob" | "AcceptIfChildrenDirectoriesArePresent" | "RejectIfChildrenDirectoriesArePresent"
export interface SetFavoriteArgs { id: number, favorite: boolean }
export interface SetMasterPasswordArgs { password: string, secret_key: string | null }
export interface SetNoteArgs { id: number, note: string | null }
export interface Statistics { id: number, date_captured: string, total_object_count: number, library_db_size: string, total_bytes_used: string, total_bytes_capacity: string, total_unique_bytes: string, total_bytes_free: string, preview_media_bytes: string }
export interface StoredKey { uuid: string, version: StoredKeyVersion, algorithm: Algorithm, hashing_algorithm: HashingAlgorithm, content_salt: Array<number>, master_key: Array<number>, master_key_nonce: Array<number>, key_nonce: Array<number>, key: Array<number>, salt: Array<number>, memory_only: boolean, automount: boolean }
export type StoredKeyVersion = "V1"
export interface Tag { id: number, pub_id: Array<number>, name: string | null, color: string | null, total_objects: number | null, redundancy_goal: number | null, date_created: string, date_modified: string }
export interface TagAssignArgs { object_id: number, tag_id: number, unassign: boolean }
export interface TagCreateArgs { name: string, color: string }
export interface TagUpdateArgs { id: number, name: string | null, color: string | null }
export interface Volume { name: string, mount_point: string, total_capacity: bigint, available_capacity: bigint, is_removable: boolean, disk_type: string | null, file_system: string | null, is_root_filesystem: boolean }
export interface FilePathWithObject { id: number, is_dir: boolean, location_id: number, materialized_path: string, name: string, extension: string | null, object_id: number | null, parent_id: number | null, key_id: number | null, date_created: string, date_modified: string, date_indexed: string, object: Object | null }
export interface ObjectWithFilePaths { id: number, cas_id: string, integrity_checksum: string | null, name: string | null, extension: string | null, kind: number, size_in_bytes: string, key_id: number | null, hidden: boolean, favorite: boolean, important: boolean, has_thumbnail: boolean, has_thumbstrip: boolean, has_video_preview: boolean, ipfs_id: string | null, note: string | null, date_created: string, date_modified: string, date_indexed: string, file_paths: Array<FilePath> }