Improve Windows setup script (#673)

* Improve Windows setup script
 - Change LLVM install logic to use version 15 instead of the latest, due to incompatibilities of new LLVM (16) with `ffmpeg-sys-next` build script
 - Add check to ensure script is executed as administrator, due to chocolatey requiring admin privileges to install `protoc`
 - Update ffmpeg to 5.1.1 to match used `ffmpeg-sys-next` version
 - Don't attempt to reinstall LLVM when it is already installed

* Wait for key press before closing script

* Fix typo

* Choco install auto accept

* Specify PNPM version when installing on windows

* More logs

* Fix windows setup script not copying ffmpeg dlls to the correct location

* Better installation logic for llvm, protobuf, ffmpeg
 - Remove dependency in Chocolatey
 - Download ffmpeg version based on ffmpeg-sys-next version
 - Improve version checks
 - Install protobuf directly from github
 - Update rimraf so globbing works in Windows
 - Avoid dist/.gitignore being deleted by rimraf

* Fix bugs and handle errors in Windows setup script
- Check for connectivity with GitHub before proceeding with setup.
- Implement a workaround for pnpm bootstrap problems on Windows.
- Check if Cargo packages are up to date before parsing the metadata.
- Ensure that the FFMPEG_DIR environment variable is set.
- Use double quotes for rimraf arguments on Windows.

* Auto-install VisualBuildTools (C++) and Rust in Windows setup
 - Fix protoc envvars not being set in CI
 - Improve logs

* Install LLVM automatically
 - Remove sleeps
 - Uninstall any imcompatible LLVM version present
 - Ensure path is fresh after installing rust and cargo

* Fix system path not being set correctly in windows setup script
 - Install node with winget and pnpm with npm
 - Rewrite initial script message
 - Don't wait for user interaction when running in CI

* Improve environment check to ensure we are on Windows x64
 - Warn users if they have already installed incompatible versions of LLVM and pnpm instead of silently removing them

* Ensure Path and Env are correctly set and available in the windows setup script
 - Improve error handling
 - Improve logs

* Fix FFmpeg version parsing getting multiple version sometimes
- Fix some typos
This commit is contained in:
Vítor Vasconcellos 2023-04-10 13:38:20 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent 6e985c68b7
commit fd76705dd3
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
3 changed files with 1864 additions and 576 deletions

View file

@ -1,183 +1,361 @@
# Enables strict mode, which causes PowerShell to treat uninitialized variables, undefined functions, and other common errors as terminating errors.
$ErrorActionPreference = if ($env:CI) { 'Stop' } else { 'Inquire' }
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
function Reset-Path {
$env:Path = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables(
[System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', 'Machine') + ';' + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', 'User')
function Set-EnvVar($variable, $value = $null) {
if ($null -ne $value) {
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($variable, $value, 'User')
if ($env:CI -and ($variable -ne 'Path')) {
# If running in CI, we need to use GITHUB_ENV instead of the normal env variables
Add-Content $env:GITHUB_ENV "$variable=$value`n"
# The following is needed to make the environment variable available to the current PowerShell process
if ($variable -eq 'Path') {
} else {
$variable, [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($variable, 'User'), 'Process'
# Verify if environment is Windows 64-bit and if the user is an administrator
if ((-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432)) -or (
) -or (
(Get-CimInstance Win32_operatingsystem).OSArchitecture -ne '64-bit'
# Powershell >= 6 is cross-platform, check if running on Windows
) -or (($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 6) -and (-not $IsWindows))
) {
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
Write-Host # There is no oficial ffmpeg binaries for Windows 32 or ARM
if (Test-Path "$($env:WINDIR)\SysNative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -PathType Leaf) {
throw 'You are using PowerShell (32-bit), please re-run in PowerShell (64-bit)'
} else {
throw 'This script is only supported on Windows 64-bit'
Exit 1
} elseif (
-not ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)
) {
# Start a new PowerShell process with administrator privileges and set the working directory to the directory where the script is located
Start-Process -Wait -FilePath 'PowerShell.exe' -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File `"$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)`"" -WorkingDirectory "$PSScriptRoot"
# NOTICE: Any modified environment variables should be reloaded here, so the user doesn't have to restart the shell after running the script
function Exit-WithError($err, $help = $null) {
if ($null -ne $help) {
Write-Host $help -ForegroundColor DarkRed
throw $err
Exit 1
function Add-DirectoryToPath($directory) {
if ($env:Path.Split(';') -notcontains $directory) {
Set-EnvVar 'Path' "$($env:Path);$directory"
if ($env:CI) {
# If running in CI, we need to use GITHUB_PATH instead of the normal PATH env variables
Add-Content $env:GITHUB_PATH "$directory`n"
# Reset PATH to ensure the script doesn't read any stale entries
# Get temp folder
$temp = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()
# Get current running dir
$currentLocation = $((Get-Location).path)
# Get project dir (get grandparent dir from script location: <PROJECT_ROOT>\.github\scripts)
$projectRoot = Split-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) -Parent
# Check to see if a command exists (eg if an app is installed)
Function CheckCommand {
# Currently pnpm >= 8 is not supported due to incompatibilities with some dependencies
$pnpm_major = '7'
Param ($command)
# Currently LLVM >= 16 is not supported due to incompatibilities with ffmpeg-sys-next
# See
$llvm_major = '15'
$oldPreference = $ErrorActionPreference
# Change CWD to project root
Set-Location $projectRoot
$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'
try { if (Get-Command $command) { RETURN $true } }
Catch { RETURN $false }
Finally { $ErrorActionPreference = $oldPreference }
Write-Host "Spacedrive Development Environment Setup" -ForegroundColor Magenta
Write-Host 'Spacedrive Development Environment Setup' -ForegroundColor Magenta
Write-Host @"
To set up your machine for Spacedrive development, this script will do the following:
1) Check for Rust and Cargo
2) Install pnpm (if not installed)
3) Install the latest version of Node.js using pnpm
4) Install LLVM (compiler for ffmpeg-rust)
4) Download ffmpeg and set as an environment variable
Write-Host "Checking for Rust and Cargo..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 150
$cargoCheck = CheckCommand cargo
if ($cargoCheck -eq $false) {
Write-Host @"
Cargo is not installed.
To use Spacedrive on Windows, Cargo needs to be installed.
The Visual Studio C++ Build tools are also required.
Instructions can be found here:
Once you have installed Cargo, re-run this script.
1) Install Windows C++ build tools
2) Install Edge Webview 2
3) Install Rust and Cargo
4) Install Rust tools
5) Install Node.js, npm and pnpm $pnpm_major
6) Install LLVM $llvm_major (compiler for ffmpeg-rust)
7) Download protbuf compiler and set the PROTOC environment variable
8) Download ffmpeg and set the FFMPEG_DIR environment variable
else {
Write-Host "Cargo is installed."
if ($env:CI -ne $True) {
Write-Host "Installing Rust tools" -ForegroundColor Yellow
cargo install cargo-watch
# Check connectivity to GitHub
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
if (-not ((Test-NetConnection -ComputerName '' -Port 80).TcpTestSucceeded)) {
throw "Can't connect to github, maybe internet is down?"
$ProgressPreference = 'Continue'
# Install C++ build tools and Rust
# GitHub Actions already has all of this installed
if (-not $env:CI) {
if (-not (Get-Command winget -ea 0)) {
Exit-WithError 'winget not available' @'
Follow the instructions here to install winget:
Write-Host 'Installing Visual Studio Build Tools...' -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host 'This will take some time as it involves downloading several gigabytes of data....' -ForegroundColor Cyan
# Force install because BuildTools is itself an installer for multiple packages, so let itself decide if it need to install anythin or not
winget install --exact --no-upgrade --accept-source-agreements --force --disable-interactivity --id Microsoft.VisualStudio.2022.BuildTools --override '--wait --quiet --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.VCTools --includeRecommended'
Write-Host 'Installing Edge Webview 2...' -ForegroundColor Yellow
try {
# This is normally already available, but on some early Windows 10 versions it isn't
winget install --exact --no-upgrade --accept-source-agreements --disable-interactivity --id Microsoft.EdgeWebView2Runtime
} catch {}
Write-Host 'Installing Rust and Cargo...' -ForegroundColor Yellow
try {
winget install --exact --no-upgrade --accept-source-agreements --disable-interactivity --id Rustlang.Rustup
Reset-Path # Reset Path to ensure that cargo is available to the command bellow
} catch {}
Write-Host 'Installing Rust tools' -ForegroundColor Yellow
cargo install cargo-watch
Write-Host "Checking for pnpm..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 150
Write-Host 'Checking for pnpm...' -ForegroundColor Yellow
if ((Get-Command pnpm -ea 0) -and (pnpm --version | Select-Object -First 1) -match "^$pnpm_major\." ) {
Write-Host "pnpm $pnpm_major is installed." -ForegroundColor Green
} else {
# Check for pnpm installed with standalone installer
if (($null -ne $env:PNPM_HOME) -and (Test-Path "$env:PNPM_HOME/pnpm.exe" -PathType Leaf)) {
Exit-WithError 'You have a incompatible version of pnpm installed, please remove it and run this script again' @'
Follow the instructions here to uninstall pnpm:
} else {
# Remove possible remaining envvars from old pnpm installation
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PNPM_HOME', $null, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PNPM_HOME', $null, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)
$pnpmCheck = CheckCommand pnpm
if ($pnpmCheck -eq $false) {
if (-not $env:CI) {
Write-Host 'Installing NodeJS...' -ForegroundColor Yellow
try {
winget install --exact --no-upgrade --accept-source-agreements --disable-interactivity --id OpenJS.NodeJS
# Add NodeJS to the PATH
Add-DirectoryToPath "$env:SystemDrive\Program Files\nodejs"
} catch {}
Write-Host "pnpm is not installed. Installing now."
Write-Host "Running the pnpm installer..."
#pnpm installer taken from
Invoke-WebRequest -useb | Invoke-Expression
# Reset the PATH env variables to make sure pnpm is accessible
$env:PNPM_HOME = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PNPM_HOME", "User")
$env:Path = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables([System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "User"))
else {
Write-Host "pnpm is installed."
Write-Host 'Installing pnpm...'
# Currently pnpm >= 8 is not supported due to incompatibilities with some dependencies
npm install -g 'pnpm@latest-7'
# Add NPM global modules to the PATH
if (Test-Path "$env:APPDATA\npm" -PathType Container) {
Add-DirectoryToPath "$env:APPDATA\npm"
# A GitHub Action takes care of installing node, so this isn't necessary if running in the ci.
if ($env:CI -eq $True) {
Write-Host "Running with Ci, skipping Node install." -ForegroundColor Yellow
else {
Write-Host "Using pnpm to install the latest version of Node..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "This will set your global Node version to the latest!"
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 150
# Runs the pnpm command to use the latest version of node, which also installs it
Start-Process -Wait -FilePath "pnpm" -ArgumentList "env use --global latest" -PassThru -Verb runAs
# The ci has LLVM installed already, so we instead just set the env variables.
if ($env:CI -eq $True) {
Write-Host "Running with Ci, skipping LLVM install." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host 'Checking for LLVM...' -ForegroundColor Yellow
if ($env:CI) {
# The CI has LLVM installed already, so we instead just set the env variables.
Write-Host 'Running with Ci, skipping LLVM install.' -ForegroundColor Green
# TODO: Check if CI LLVM version match our required major version
$VCINSTALLDIR = $(& "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" -latest -property installationPath)
} elseif (
(Get-Command clang -ea 0) -and (
(clang --version | Select-String -Pattern 'version\s+(\d+)' | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }) -eq "$llvm_major"
) {
Write-Host "LLVM $llvm_major is installed." -ForegroundColor Green
} else {
Write-Host "Downloading the LLVM installer..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Downloads latest installer for LLVM
$filenamePattern = "*-win64.exe"
$releasesUri = ""
$downloadUri = ((Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $releasesUri).assets | Where-Object name -like $filenamePattern ).browser_download_url
$downloadUri = $null
$releasesUri = ''
$llvmVersion = "LLVM $llvm_major*"
$filenamePattern = '*-win64.exe'
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $downloadUri -Destination "$temp\llvm.exe"
Write-Host "Downloading LLVM $llvm_major installer..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$releases = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $releasesUri
$downloadUri = $releases | ForEach-Object {
if ($ -like $llvmVersion) {
$_.assets | Where-Object { $ -like $filenamePattern } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'browser_download_url'
} | Select-Object -First 1
Write-Host "Running the LLVM installer..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "Please follow the instructions to install LLVM."
Write-Host "Ensure you add LLVM to your PATH."
if ($null -eq $downloadUri) {
Exit-WithError "Couldn't find a LLVM installer for version: $llvm_major"
Start-Process "$temp\llvm.exe" -Wait
$oldUninstaller = "$env:SystemDrive\Program Files\LLVM\Uninstall.exe"
if (Test-Path $oldUninstaller -PathType Leaf) {
Exit-WithError 'You have a incompatible version of LLVM installed' 'Uninstall the current version of LLVM and run this script again'
Start-BitsTransfer -TransferType Download -Source $downloadUri -Destination "$temp\llvm.exe"
Write-Host "Install protobuf compiler..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
choco install protoc
Write-Host "Installing LLVM $llvm_major" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host 'This may take a while and will have no visual feedback, please wait...' -ForegroundColor Cyan
Start-Process -FilePath "$temp\llvm.exe" -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList '/S' -Wait -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host "Downloading the latest ffmpeg build..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Add-DirectoryToPath "$env:SystemDrive\Program Files\LLVM\bin"
# Downloads the latest shared build of ffmpeg from GitHub
# $filenamePattern = "*"
# $releasesUri = ""
$downloadUri = "" # ((Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $releasesUri).assets | Where-Object name -like $filenamePattern ).browser_download_url
$filename = "" # ((Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $releasesUri).assets | Where-Object name -like $filenamePattern ).name
$remove = ".zip"
$foldername = $filename.Substring(0, ($filename.Length - $remove.Length))
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $downloadUri -Destination "$temp\"
Write-Host "Expanding ffmpeg zip..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Expand-Archive "$temp\" $HOME -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item "$temp\"
Write-Host "Setting environment variables..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
if ($env:CI -eq $True) {
# If running in ci, we need to use GITHUB_ENV and GITHUB_PATH instead of the normal PATH env variables, so we set them here
Add-Content $env:GITHUB_ENV "FFMPEG_DIR=$HOME\$foldername`n"
Add-Content $env:GITHUB_PATH "$HOME\$foldername\bin`n"
else {
# Sets environment variable for ffmpeg
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('FFMPEG_DIR', "$HOME\$foldername", [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)
Remove-Item "$temp\llvm.exe"
Write-Host "Copying Required .dll files..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host 'Checking for protobuf compiler...' -ForegroundColor Yellow
$protocVersion = $null
if (($null -ne $env:PROTOC) -and (Test-Path $env:PROTOC -PathType Leaf)) {
$protocVersion = &"$env:PROTOC" --version 2>&1 | Out-String
if ($protocVersion) {
Write-Host 'protobuf compiler is installed.' -ForegroundColor Green
} else {
$filename = $null
$downloadUri = $null
$releasesUri = ''
$filenamePattern = '*'
Write-Host 'Downloading protobuf compiler...' -ForegroundColor Yellow
$releases = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $releasesUri
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $releases.Count; $i++) {
$release = $releases[$i]
foreach ($asset in $release.assets) {
if ($ -like $filenamePattern) {
$filename = $
$downloadUri = $asset.browser_download_url
$i = $releases.Count
if (-not ($filename -and $downloadUri)) {
Exit-WithError "Couldn't find a protobuf compiler installer"
$foldername = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\$([System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($fileName))"
New-Item -Path $foldername -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Host 'Dowloading protobuf zip...' -ForegroundColor Yellow
Start-BitsTransfer -TransferType Download -Source $downloadUri -Destination "$temp\"
Write-Host 'Expanding protobuf zip...' -ForegroundColor Yellow
Expand-Archive "$temp\" $foldername -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item "$temp\"
Write-Host 'Setting PROTOC environment variable...' -ForegroundColor Yellow
Set-EnvVar 'PROTOC' "$foldername\bin\protoc.exe"
Add-DirectoryToPath "$foldername\bin"
Write-Host 'Update cargo packages...' -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Run first time to ensure packages are up to date
cargo metadata --format-version 1 > $null
Write-Host 'Checking for ffmpeg build...' -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Get ffmpeg-sys-next version
$ffmpegVersion = (cargo metadata --format-version 1 | ConvertFrom-Json).packages.dependencies | Where-Object {
$ -like 'ffmpeg-sys-next'
} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'req' | ForEach-Object {
$_ -replace '[~^<>=!*]+', ''
} | Sort-Object -Unique | Select-Object -Last 1
if (($null -ne $env:FFMPEG_DIR) -and (
(($env:FFMPEG_DIR.split('\') | Where-Object { $_ -like 'ffmpeg-*' }) -replace 'ffmpeg-(\d+(\.\d+)*).*', '$1'),
) {
Write-Host 'ffmpeg is installed.' -ForegroundColor Green
} else {
$filename = $null
$downloadUri = $null
$releasesUri = ''
$filenamePattern = '*'
# Downloads a build of ffmpeg from GitHub compatible with the declared ffmpeg-sys-next version
$releases = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $releasesUri
$version = $ffmpegVersion
while (-not ($filename -and $downloadUri) -and $version) {
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $releases.Count; $i++) {
$release = $releases[$i]
if ($release.tag_name -eq $version) {
foreach ($asset in $release.assets) {
if ($ -like $filenamePattern) {
$filename = $
$downloadUri = $asset.browser_download_url
$i = $releases.Count
$version = $version -replace '\.?\d+$'
if (-not ($filename -and $downloadUri)) {
Exit-WithError "Couldn't find a ffmpeg installer for version: $ffmpegVersion"
$foldername = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\$([System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($fileName))"
Write-Host 'Dowloading ffmpeg zip...' -ForegroundColor Yellow
Start-BitsTransfer -TransferType Download -Source $downloadUri -Destination "$temp\"
Write-Host 'Expanding ffmpeg zip...' -ForegroundColor Yellow
# FFmpeg zip contains a subdirectory with the same name as the zip file
Expand-Archive "$temp\" $env:LOCALAPPDATA -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item "$temp\"
Write-Host 'Setting FFMPEG_DIR environment variable...' -ForegroundColor Yellow
Set-EnvVar 'FFMPEG_DIR' "$foldername"
Add-DirectoryToPath "$foldername\bin"
Write-Host 'Copying Required .dll files...' -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Create target\debug folder, continue if already exists
New-Item -Path $currentLocation\target\debug -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
New-Item -Path $projectRoot\target\debug -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Copies all .dll required for rust-ffmpeg to target\debug folder
Get-ChildItem "$HOME\$foldername\bin" -recurse -filter *.dll | Copy-Item -Destination "$currentLocation\target\debug"
Get-ChildItem "$env:FFMPEG_DIR\bin" -Recurse -Filter *.dll | Copy-Item -Destination "$projectRoot\target\debug"
Write-Host "Your machine has been setup for Spacedrive development!"
Write-Host 'Your machine has been setup for Spacedrive development!' -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host 'You will need to re-run this script if there are rust dependencies changes or you use `pnpm clean` or `cargo clean`!' -ForegroundColor Red
if (-not $env:CI) { Read-Host 'Press Enter to continue' }

View file

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
"typecheck": "turbo run typecheck",
"lint": "turbo run lint",
"lint:fix": "turbo run lint -- --fix",
"clean": "rimraf node_modules/ **/node_modules/ target/ **/.build/ **/.next/ **/dist/**"
"clean": "rimraf -g \"node_modules/\" \"**/node_modules/\" \"target/\" \"**/.build/\" \"**/.next/\" \"**/dist/!(.gitignore)**\""
"pnpm": {
"overrides": {
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
"markdown-link-check": "^3.10.3",
"prettier": "^2.8.7",
"prettier-plugin-tailwindcss": "^0.2.6",
"rimraf": "^4.1.1",
"rimraf": "^4.3",
"turbo": "^1.5.5",
"turbo-ignore": "^0.3.0",
"typescript": "^4.9.4"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff