# FFmpeg Thumbnailer RS Rust implementation of a thumbnail generation for video files using FFmpeg. Based on https://github.com/dirkvdb/ffmpegthumbnailer For now only implements the minimum API for Spacedrive needs. PRs are welcome ## Usage ```rust use ffmpegthumbnailer_rs::{to_thumbnail, ThumbnailerError}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), ThumbnailerError> { to_thumbnail("input.mp4", "output.webp", 256, 100.0).await } ``` Or you can use a builder to change the default options ```rust use ffmpegthumbnailer_rs::{ThumbnailerBuilder, ThumbnailerError}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), ThumbnailerError> { let thumbnailer = ThumbnailerBuilder::new() .width_and_height(420, 315) .seek_percentage(0.25)? .quality(80.0)? .build(); thumbnailer.process("input.mp4", "output.webp").await } ```