#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eEuo pipefail if [ "${CI:-}" = "true" ]; then set -x fi if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]; then echo "This script requires root privileges." >&2 exec sudo -E env _UID="$(id -u)" _GID="$(id -g)" "$0" "$@" fi echo "Fixing deb bundle..." >&2 umask 0 err() { for _line in "$@"; do echo "$_line" >&2 done exit 1 } has() { for prog in "$@"; do if ! command -v "$prog" 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then return 1 fi done } if ! has tar curl gzip strip; then err 'Dependencies missing.' \ "This script requires 'tar', 'curl', 'gzip' and 'strip' to be installed and available on \$PATH." fi # Go to script root CDPATH='' cd -- "$(dirname "$0")" _root="$(pwd -P)" if [ -n "${TARGET:-}" ]; then cd "../target/${TARGET}/release/bundle/deb" || err 'Failed to find deb bundle' else cd ../target/release/bundle/deb || err 'Failed to find deb bundle' fi # Find deb file with the highest version number, name format: spacedrive__.deb _deb="$(find . -type f -name '*.deb' | sort -t '_' -k '2,2' -V | tail -n 1)" # Clean up build unused artifacts rm -rf "$(basename "$_deb" .deb)" # Make a backup of deb cp "$_deb" "$_deb.bak" # Temporary directory _tmp="$(mktemp -d)" cleanup() { _err=$? rm -rf "$_tmp" # Restore backed up deb if something goes wrong if [ $_err -ne 0 ]; then mv "${_deb:?}.bak" "$_deb" fi # Ensure deb owner is the same as the user who ran the script chown "${_UID:-0}:${_GID:-0}" "$_deb" 2>/dev/null || true rm -f "${_deb:?}.bak" exit "$_err" } trap 'cleanup' EXIT # Extract deb to a tmp dir ar x "$_deb" --output="$_tmp" # Extract data.tar.xz mkdir -p "${_tmp}/data" tar -xzf "${_tmp}/data.tar.gz" -C "${_tmp}/data" # Extract control.tar.xz mkdir -p "${_tmp}/control" tar -xzf "${_tmp}/control.tar.gz" -C "${_tmp}/control" # Fix files owner chown -R root:root "$_tmp" # Create doc directory mkdir -p "$_tmp"/data/usr/share/{doc/spacedrive,man/man1} # Create changelog.gz curl -LSs 'https://gist.githubusercontent.com/HeavenVolkoff/0993c42bdb0b952eb5bf765398e9b921/raw/changelog' \ | gzip -9 >"${_tmp}/data/usr/share/doc/spacedrive/changelog.gz" # Copy LICENSE to copyright cp "${_root}/../LICENSE" "${_tmp}/data/usr/share/doc/spacedrive/copyright" # Copy dependencies licenses ( for _license in "${_root}"/../apps/.deps/licenses/*; do cat <"${_tmp}/data/usr/share/doc/spacedrive/thrid-party-licenses.gz" # Create manual page curl -LSs 'https://gist.githubusercontent.com/HeavenVolkoff/0993c42bdb0b952eb5bf765398e9b921/raw/spacedrive.1' \ | gzip -9 >"${_tmp}/data/usr/share/man/man1/spacedrive.1.gz" # Fill the Categories entry in .desktop file sed -i 's/^Categories=.*/Categories=System;FileTools;FileManager;/' "${_tmp}/data/usr/share/applications/spacedrive.desktop" # Fix data permissions find "${_tmp}/data" -type d -exec chmod 755 {} + find "${_tmp}/data" -type f -exec chmod 644 {} + # Fix main executable permission chmod 755 "${_tmp}/data/usr/bin/spacedrive" # Make generic named shared libs symlinks to the versioned ones find "${_tmp}/data/usr/lib" -type f -name '*.so.*' -exec sh -euc \ 'for _lib in "$@"; do _link="$_lib" && while { _link="${_link%.*}" && [ "$_link" != "${_lib%.so*}" ]; }; do if [ -f "$_link" ]; then ln -sf "$(basename "$_lib")" "$_link"; fi; done; done' \ sh {} + # Strip all executables and shared libs find "${_tmp}/data/usr/bin" "${_tmp}/data/usr/lib" -type f -exec strip --strip-unneeded {} \; # Add Section field to control file, if it doesnt exists if ! grep -q '^Section:' "${_tmp}/control/control"; then echo 'Section: contrib/utils' >>"${_tmp}/control/control" fi # Add Recommends field to control file after Depends field _recomends='gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly' if grep -q '^Recommends:' "${_tmp}/control/control"; then sed -i "s/^Recommends:.*/Recommends: ${_recomends}/" "${_tmp}/control/control" else sed -i "/^Depends:/a Recommends: ${_recomends}" "${_tmp}/control/control" fi # Add Suggests field to control file after Recommends field _suggests='gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad' if grep -q '^Suggests:' "${_tmp}/control/control"; then sed -i "s/^Suggests:.*/Suggests: ${_suggests}/" "${_tmp}/control/control" else sed -i "/^Recommends:/a Suggests: ${_suggests}" "${_tmp}/control/control" fi # Re-calculate md5sums (cd "${_tmp}/data" && find . -type f -exec md5sum {} + >"${_tmp}/control/md5sums") # Fix control files permission find "${_tmp}/control" -type f -exec chmod 644 {} + # Compress data.tar.xz tar -czf "${_tmp}/data.tar.gz" -C "${_tmp}/data" . # Compress control.tar.xz tar -czf "${_tmp}/control.tar.gz" -C "${_tmp}/control" . # Compress deb ar rcs "$_deb" "${_tmp}/debian-binary" "${_tmp}/control.tar.gz" "${_tmp}/data.tar.gz"