# Set default value of 0 for external command exit code $LASTEXITCODE = 0 # Enables strict mode, which causes PowerShell to treat uninitialized variables, undefined functions, and other common errors as terminating errors. $ErrorActionPreference = if ($env:CI) { 'Stop' } else { 'Inquire' } Set-StrictMode -Version Latest function Reset-Path { $env:Path = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', 'Machine') + [IO.Path]::PathSeparator + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', 'User') ) } # Verify if environment is Windows 64-bit and if the user is an administrator if ((-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432)) -or ( "$env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE" -eq 'ARM64' ) -or ( -not [System.Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem # Powershell >= 6 is cross-platform, check if running on Windows ) -or (($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 6) -and (-not $IsWindows)) ) { $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue' Write-Host # There is no oficial ffmpeg binaries for Windows 32 or ARM if (Test-Path "$($env:WINDIR)\SysNative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -PathType Leaf) { throw 'You are using PowerShell (32-bit), please re-run in PowerShell (64-bit)' } else { throw 'This script is only supported on Windows 64-bit' } Exit 1 } elseif ( -not ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator) ) { # Start a new PowerShell process with administrator privileges and set the working directory to the directory where the script is located $proc = Start-Process -PassThru -Wait -FilePath 'PowerShell.exe' -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File `"$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)`"" -WorkingDirectory "$PSScriptRoot" # Reset path so the user doesn't have to restart the shell to use the tools installed by this script Reset-Path Exit $proc.ExitCode } function Exit-WithError($err, $help = $null) { if ($null -ne $help) { Write-Host Write-Host $help -ForegroundColor DarkRed } throw $err Exit 1 } function Add-DirectoryToPath($directory) { Reset-Path if ($env:Path.Split([IO.Path]::PathSeparator) -notcontains $directory) { [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable( 'Path', [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', 'User') + [IO.Path]::PathSeparator + $directory, 'User' ) if ($env:CI) { # If running in CI, we need to use GITHUB_PATH instead of the normal PATH env variables Add-Content $env:GITHUB_PATH "$directory`n" } } Reset-Path } # Reset PATH to ensure the script doesn't have stale Path entries Reset-Path # Get project dir (get grandparent dir from script location: \scripts\setup.ps1) $projectRoot = Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent $packageJson = Get-Content -Raw -Path "$projectRoot\package.json" | ConvertFrom-Json # Valid winget exit status $wingetValidExit = 0, -1978335189, -1978335153, -1978335135 # Currently LLVM >= 16 is not supported due to incompatibilities with ffmpeg-sys-next # See https://github.com/spacedriveapp/spacedrive/issues/677 $llvmVersion = [Version]'15.0.7' Write-Host 'Spacedrive Development Environment Setup' -ForegroundColor Magenta Write-Host @" To set up your machine for Spacedrive development, this script will do the following: 1) Install Windows C++ build tools 2) Install Edge Webview 2 3) Install Rust and Cargo 4) Install Rust tools 5) Install Strawberry perl (used by to build the openssl-sys crate) 6) Install Node.js, npm and pnpm 7) Install LLVM $llvmVersion (compiler for ffmpeg-sys-next crate) "@ # Install System dependencies (GitHub Actions already has all of those installed) if (-not $env:CI) { if (-not (Get-Command winget -ea 0)) { Exit-WithError 'winget not available' @' Follow the instructions here to install winget: https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/package-manager/winget/ '@ } # Check system winget version is greater or equal to v1.4.10052 $wingetVersion = [Version]((winget --version) -replace '.*?(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+).*', '$1.$2.$3') $requiredVersion = [Version]'1.4.10052' if ($wingetVersion.CompareTo($requiredVersion) -lt 0) { $errorMessage = "You need to update your winget to version $requiredVersion or higher." Exit-WithError $errorMessage } # Check connectivity to GitHub $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' if (-not ((Test-NetConnection -ComputerName 'github.com' -Port 80).TcpTestSucceeded)) { Exit-WithError "Can't connect to github, check your internet connection and run this script again" } $ProgressPreference = 'Continue' Write-Host Read-Host 'Press Enter to continue' # TODO: Force update Visual Studio build tools Write-Host Write-Host 'Installing Visual Studio Build Tools...' -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host 'This will take some time as it involves downloading several gigabytes of data....' -ForegroundColor Cyan winget install -e --accept-source-agreements --force --disable-interactivity --id Microsoft.VisualStudio.2022.BuildTools ` --override 'updateall --quiet --wait' # Force install because BuildTools is itself a package manager, so let it decide if something needs to be installed or not winget install -e --accept-source-agreements --force --disable-interactivity --id Microsoft.VisualStudio.2022.BuildTools ` --override '--wait --quiet --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.VCTools --includeRecommended' if (-not ($wingetValidExit -contains $LASTEXITCODE)) { Exit-WithError 'Failed to install Visual Studio Build Tools' } else { $LASTEXITCODE = 0 } Write-Host Write-Host 'Installing Edge Webview 2...' -ForegroundColor Yellow # This is normally already available, but on some early Windows 10 versions it isn't winget install -e --accept-source-agreements --disable-interactivity --id Microsoft.EdgeWebView2Runtime if (-not ($wingetValidExit -contains $LASTEXITCODE)) { Exit-WithError 'Failed to install Edge Webview 2' } else { $LASTEXITCODE = 0 } Write-Host Write-Host 'Installing Rust and Cargo...' -ForegroundColor Yellow winget install -e --accept-source-agreements --disable-interactivity --id Rustlang.Rustup if (-not ($wingetValidExit -contains $LASTEXITCODE)) { Exit-WithError 'Failed to install Rust and Cargo' } else { $LASTEXITCODE = 0 } Write-Host Write-Host 'Installing Nasm...' -ForegroundColor Yellow winget install -e --accept-source-agreements --disable-interactivity --id NASM.NASM if (-not ($wingetValidExit -contains $LASTEXITCODE)) { Exit-WithError 'Failed to install Nasm' } else { $LASTEXITCODE = 0 } Write-Host Write-Host 'Installing Strawberry perl...' -ForegroundColor Yellow winget install -e --accept-source-agreements --disable-interactivity --id StrawberryPerl.StrawberryPerl if (-not ($wingetValidExit -contains $LASTEXITCODE)) { Exit-WithError 'Failed to install Strawberry perl' } else { $LASTEXITCODE = 0 } Write-Host Write-Host 'Installing NodeJS...' -ForegroundColor Yellow # Check if Node.JS is already installed and if it's compatible with the project $currentNode = Get-Command node -ea 0 $currentNodeVersion = if (-not $currentNode) { $null } elseif ($currentNode.Version) { $currentNode.Version } elseif ((node --version) -match '(?sm)(\d+(\.\d+)*)') { [Version]$matches[1] } else { $null } $enginesNodeVersion = if ($packageJson.engines.node -match '(?sm)(\d+(\.\d+)*)') { [Version]$matches[1] } else { $null } if ($currentNodeVersion -and $enginesNodeVersion -and $currentNodeVersion.CompareTo($enginesNodeVersion) -lt 0) { Exit-WithError "Current Node.JS version: $currentNodeVersion (required: $enginesNodeVersion)" ` 'Uninstall the current version of Node.JS and run this script again' } # Install Node.JS winget install -e --accept-source-agreements --disable-interactivity --id OpenJS.NodeJS if (-not ($wingetValidExit -contains $LASTEXITCODE)) { Exit-WithError 'Failed to install NodeJS' } else { $LASTEXITCODE = 0 } # Add NodeJS to the PATH Add-DirectoryToPath "$env:SystemDrive\Program Files\nodejs" Write-Host Write-Host 'Checking for LLVM...' -ForegroundColor Yellow # Check if LLVM is already installed and if it's compatible with the project $currentLLVMVersion = if ("$(winget list -e --disable-interactivity --id LLVM.LLVM)" -match '(?sm)LLVM.LLVM\s+(\d+(\.\d+)*)') { [Version]$matches[1] } else { $null } if ($currentLLVMVersion -and $currentLLVMVersion.Major -gt $llvmVersion.Major) { Exit-WithError "Current LLVM version: $currentLLVMVersion (required: $llvmVersion)" ` 'Uninstall the current version of LLVM and run this script again' } # Install LLVM winget install -e --accept-source-agreements --disable-interactivity --id LLVM.LLVM --version "$llvmVersion" if (-not ($wingetValidExit -contains $LASTEXITCODE)) { Exit-WithError 'Failed to install NodeJS' } else { $LASTEXITCODE = 0 } # Add LLVM to the PATH Add-DirectoryToPath "$env:SystemDrive\Program Files\LLVM\bin" # Reset Path to ensure that executable installed above are available to rest of the script Reset-Path Write-Host Write-Host 'Installing Rust MSVC Toolchain...' -ForegroundColor Yellow rustup toolchain install stable-msvc if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Exit-WithError 'Failed to install Rust MSVC Toolchain' } Write-Host Write-Host 'Installing Rust tools...' -ForegroundColor Yellow cargo install cargo-watch if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Exit-WithError 'Failed to install Rust tools' } Write-Host Write-Host 'Installing for pnpm...' -ForegroundColor Yellow # Check if pnpm is already installed and if it's compatible with the project $currentPnpmVersion = if (-not (Get-Command pnpm -ea 0)) { $null } elseif ((pnpm --version) -match '(?sm)(\d+(\.\d+)*)') { [Version]$matches[1] } else { $null } $enginesPnpmVersion = if ($packageJson.engines.pnpm -match '(?sm)(\d+(\.\d+)*)') { [Version]$matches[1] } else { $null } if (-not $currentPnpmVersion) { # Remove possible remaining envvars from old pnpm installation [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PNPM_HOME', $null, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine) [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PNPM_HOME', $null, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User) # Install pnpm npm install -g "pnpm@latest-$($enginesPnpmVersion.Major)" if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Exit-WithError 'Failed to install pnpm' } # Add NPM global modules to the PATH if (Test-Path "$env:APPDATA\npm" -PathType Container) { Add-DirectoryToPath "$env:APPDATA\npm" } } elseif ($currentPnpmVersion -and $enginesPnpmVersion -and $currentPnpmVersion.CompareTo($enginesPnpmVersion) -lt 0) { Exit-WithError "Current pnpm version: $currentPnpmVersion (required: $enginesPnpmVersion)" ` 'Uninstall the current version of pnpm and run this script again' } } if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Exit-WithError "Something went wrong, exit code: $LASTEXITCODE" } if (-not $env:CI) { Write-Host Write-Host 'Your machine has been setup for Spacedrive development!' -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host Read-Host 'Press Enter to continue' }