Vítor Vasconcellos 393a907b57
Update github actions due to nodejs 16 deprecation (#2107)
* Update github actions due to nodejs 16 deprecation
 - Replace archived actions-rs/clippy-check with maintained fork actions-rs-plus/clippy-check
 - Replace redhat-actions/push-to-registry with updated fork Eusebiotrigo/push-to-registry
 - Point redhat-actions/buildah-build and softprops/action-gh-release to current master to fix nodejs deprecation

* Build the correct ios core rust arch for CI runs

* Build ios app for the same arch as the host in Mobile CI

* Some changes to try and make cache-factory faster and avoid failing so much

* Add trigger to run cache-factory on pull requests when there are changes to itself

* Attempt to fix sed usage on macOS

* Don't treat warning as errors

* Fix windows

* Fix windows 2

* Use target ad cache key for rust to differentiate between macOS x86_64 and arm64

* Use faster/better linkers to compile for macOS, Linux and Windows

* Fix missing shell in action

* Fix typo

* Fix missing shell in action 2

* Fix mold download
 - Replace bsdtar with plain tar

* Fix permission denied when extracting mold

* Remove zld

* Don't restore cache for rustfmt
 - Remove target symlink to C:/ in an attempt to speed-up windows CI

* Fix typo

* Restore target symlink on windows
 - Removing it didn't make CI faster

* Run Mobile on macos-14
2024-02-21 09:27:40 +00:00

76 lines
1.9 KiB

PROTOC = { force = true, value = "{{{protoc}}}" }
FFMPEG_DIR = { force = true, value = "{{{nativeDeps}}}" }
ORT_LIB_LOCATION = { force = true, value = "{{{nativeDeps}}}/lib" }
OPENSSL_STATIC = { force = true, value = "1" }
OPENSSL_NO_VENDOR = { force = true, value = "0" }
OPENSSL_RUST_USE_NASM = { force = true, value = "1" }
rustflags = ["-L", "{{{nativeDeps}}}/lib", "-Csplit-debuginfo=unpacked"]
rustc-link-search = ["{{{nativeDeps}}}/lib"]
rustc-link-lib = ["heif"]
rustflags = ["-L", "{{{nativeDeps}}}/lib", "-Csplit-debuginfo=unpacked"]
rustc-link-search = ["{{{nativeDeps}}}/lib"]
rustc-link-lib = ["heif"]
linker = "lld-link.exe"
rustflags = ["-L", "{{{nativeDeps}}}\\lib"]
rustc-link-search = ["{{{nativeDeps}}}\\lib"]
rustc-link-lib = ["heif"]
linker = "clang"
rustflags = [
"-L", "{{{nativeDeps}}}/lib", "-C", "link-arg=-Wl,-rpath=${ORIGIN}/../lib/spacedrive",
"-C", "link-arg=-fuse-ld={{{linker}}}",
rustc-link-search = ["{{{nativeDeps}}}/lib"]
rustc-link-lib = ["heif"]
linker = "clang"
rustflags = [
"-L", "{{{nativeDeps}}}/lib", "-C", "link-arg=-Wl,-rpath=${ORIGIN}/../lib/spacedrive",
"-C", "link-arg=-fuse-ld={{{linker}}}",
rustc-link-search = ["{{{nativeDeps}}}/lib"]
rustc-link-lib = ["heif"]
prisma = "run -p prisma-cli --bin prisma --"
prisma-sync = "run -p prisma-cli --bin sync --"