Ericson "Fogo" Soares bdc242a852
[ENG-1775] Scan location using new jobs (#2476)
* First draft on task system usage, still missing job system

* Scan location roughly working, a ton of stuff to fix yet

* Updating some deps due to crashes and bugs

* Exposing non critical errors to frontend

* Getting active job reports from job system

* Using boxed opaque type to avoid a downcast issue with generics

* Task system issues discovered on race conditions

* Enable debug

* Fix job report in the job manager

* Fix race condition on steal tasks

* Fixed race condition on task suspend

* Some fixes on job progress reporting and save

* Fixed many race conditions and a hard deadlock
Also some progress report polishing

* Ignore .ts and .mts video files for now

* Some better logs

* bruh

* Internal deadlocks and excess of communication in the task system
- Also better logs

* Bunch of fixes and optimizations

* WIP at fixing file identifier

* Fixed file identifier job
- still need to work on its progress report frontend

* A bunch of polishing

* Fixed some bugs and did more polishing

* Cleanup

* Bridging old and new job systems

* A ton of fixes

* A bunch of bugs related to shutdown and resume

* Indexer and watcher bugs

* Log normalizing

* Fixing CI

* Change error! to warn! on non critical errors log

* Fix redirect to new location

* Type annotation

* Bogus merge resolution on cargo lock
2024-06-17 21:30:57 +00:00

151 lines
4.6 KiB

resolver = "2"
members = [
exclude = ["crates/crypto"]
license = "AGPL-3.0-only"
edition = "2021"
repository = ""
# Third party dependencies used by one or more of our crates
async-channel = "2.3"
async-trait = "0.1.80"
axum = "0.6.20" # Update blocked by hyper
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base91 = "0.1.0"
blake3 = "1.5.0" # Update blocked by custom patch below
chrono = "0.4.38"
directories = "5.0"
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futures = "0.3.30"
futures-concurrency = "7.6"
gix-ignore = "0.11.2"
globset = "0.4.14"
http = "0.2" # Update blocked by axum
hyper = "0.14" # Update blocked due to API breaking changes
image = "0.25.1"
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libc = "0.2"
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pin-project-lite = "0.2.14"
rand = "0.8.5"
regex = "1.10"
reqwest = "0.11" # Update blocked by hyper
rmp = "0.8.14"
rmp-serde = "1.3.0"
rmpv = { version = "1.3", features = ["with-serde"] }
rspc = "0.1.4"
serde = "1.0"
serde_json = "1.0"
specta = "=2.0.0-rc.11"
static_assertions = "1.1"
strum = "0.26"
strum_macros = "0.26"
tempfile = "3.10"
thiserror = "1.0"
tokio = "1.38"
tokio-stream = "0.1.15"
tokio-util = "0.7.11"
tracing = "0.1.40"
tracing-subscriber = "0.3.18"
tracing-test = "0.2.5"
uhlc = "0.6.0" # Must follow version used by specta
uuid = "1.8"
webp = "0.3.0"
git = ""
rev = "4f9ef9d38ca732162accff72b2eb684d2f120bab"
features = ["migrations", "specta", "sqlite", "sqlite-create-many"]
default-features = false
git = ""
rev = "4f9ef9d38ca732162accff72b2eb684d2f120bab"
features = ["migrations", "specta", "sqlite", "sqlite-create-many"]
default-features = false
git = ""
rev = "4f9ef9d38ca732162accff72b2eb684d2f120bab"
features = ["sqlite"]
default-features = false
# Proper IOS Support
if-watch = { git = "", rev = "a92c17d3f85c1c6fb0afeeaf6c2b24d0b147e8c3" }
# We hack it to the high heavens
rspc = { git = "", rev = "ab12964b140991e0730c3423693533fba71efb03" }
# Add `Control::open_stream_with_addrs`
libp2p = { git = "", rev = "a005656df7e82059a0eb2e333ebada4731d23f8c" }
libp2p-core = { git = "", rev = "a005656df7e82059a0eb2e333ebada4731d23f8c" }
libp2p-swarm = { git = "", rev = "a005656df7e82059a0eb2e333ebada4731d23f8c" }
libp2p-stream = { git = "", rev = "a005656df7e82059a0eb2e333ebada4731d23f8c" }
blake3 = { git = "", rev = "d3aab416c12a75c2bfabce33bcd594e428a79069" }
# Due to image crate version bump
pdfium-render = { git = "", rev = "e7aa1111f441c49e857cebda15b4e51b24356aaa" }
# Make compilation faster on macOS
split-debuginfo = "unpacked"
opt-level = 0
debug = 0
strip = "none"
lto = false
codegen-units = 256
incremental = true
inherits = "dev"
# Enables debugger
split-debuginfo = "none"
opt-level = 0
debug = "full"
strip = "none"
lto = "off"
codegen-units = 256
incremental = true
# Set the settings for build scripts and proc-macros.
opt-level = 3
# Set the default for dependencies, except workspace members.
opt-level = 3
incremental = false
# Set the default for dependencies, except workspace members.
inherits = "dev"
opt-level = 3
debug = "full"
incremental = false
# Optimize release builds
panic = "abort" # Strip expensive panic clean-up logic
codegen-units = 1 # Compile crates one after another so the compiler can optimize better
lto = true # Enables link to optimizations
opt-level = "s" # Optimize for binary size
strip = true # Remove debug symbols