Vítor Vasconcellos e5b57aa0ea
New test: Add location (#2222)
* New test: Add location
 - Add script to download some test files to allows tests to have a stable path for creating locations
 - Improve onboarding test
 - Add custom Cypress commands for fastOnboarding and deleteLibrary
 - Add some documentation related to tests to
 - Update some deps

* Download small test-data for Cypress CI

* Replace globstar with find to make it compatible with bash 3.x

* Fix react too many re-renders
 - add-location test should now pass successfully

* Make job model task text match less flaky

* Check if we were redirected to onboarding after Library was deleted
 - Check if sidebar entry was created after adding a location
 - Put route regex's into a separate file
 - Make onboarding test ensure that no Library exists before running

* Enable test retries
 - Log cypress default config during test run

* Run tests under webkit
 - Pass CI envvar to tests to ensure correct cypress config

* Attempt fix CI config again

* Remove single use checkUrlIsLibrary function
2024-03-23 21:24:16 +00:00

71 lines
1.9 KiB

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