Brendan Allan 49cc098f32
[ENG-927, ENG-735, ENG-766] Fix Updater & Tauri 1.5 (#1361)
* custom updater with toasts

* new state management + updated router route

* tauri-specific update route

* ref

* update in prod only

* change 'Install' to 'Update'

* fix tsconfig

* desktop tauri

* remove tauri patch

* tauri 1.5

* tauri 1.5

* use tauri script

* native-deps

* Rework preprep and tauri script to better support tauri 1.5

* Update to tauri 1.5.1
 - Update workspace and apps/desktop dependencies
 - Fix mustache import, @types/mustache is not compatible with ES imports
 - Replace arm64 with aarch64 in machineID, they should be treated the same and this simplyfies the code

* Fix tauri updater not building due to missing key
 - Fix dmg background not being found
 - Generate an adhoc key for tauri updater with it is enabled and the user is doing a prod build

* Fix ctrl+c/ctrl+v typo

* Normalie @tanstack/react-query version through workspace
 - Use undici in scripts instead of global fetch
 - Fix typecheck

* Fix linux prod and dev builds
 - Improve error handling in tauri.mjs

* Normalize dev deps in workspace
 - Improve linux shared libs setup

* Fix CI and server docker

* Fix windows
 - Remove superfluous envvar

* Attempt to fix server, mobile, deb and release updater

* Attempt to fix deb and mobile again
 - Fix type on deb dependency
 - Enable release deb for aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu

* Github doesn't have arm runners
 - Fix typo in server Dockerfile

* Publish deb and updater artifacts

* remove version from asset name

* update commands

* log release

* Some logs on updater errors

* show updater errors on frontend

* fix desktop ui caching


Co-authored-by: Vítor Vasconcellos <>
Co-authored-by: Ericson Fogo Soares <>
2023-10-10 07:30:56 +00:00

71 lines
1.3 KiB

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