Oscar Beaumont a238760c88
[ENG-1690] Upgrade to Tauri 2.0 (#2433)
* Most of it

* Cleanup menu

* fixes

* Fixed linux compilation, still not working though, as the app panic on start

* Add dialog permissions

* fix search keybind

* Fix linux
∙  - Disable linux-ipc-protocol feature, as that is causing panics due to trying to access some WebKit internal structures outside the main thread

* Update to Ubuntu 22.04, new tauri doesn't support ubuntu 20.04
>  - Add note to download page about deb's distro support

* Remove gen/schemas

* Update linux dependencies in

* Fix linux deps again
 - Enable rt-tokio-crypto-rust feature in secret-service so clippy stops complaining

* Clippy + auto fmt

* Fix cache-factory
 - Create a devtools feature for desktop app, which is enabled by default on dev builds

* Fix minor error in patchTauri.mjs

* Fix some envvars that have been renamed on tauri v2

* Dont change the secrets

* Add missing linux dependency


Co-authored-by: Vítor Vasconcellos <>
2024-05-07 08:36:50 +00:00

152 lines
4.3 KiB

import { exec as _exec } from 'node:child_process'
import * as fs from 'node:fs/promises'
import * as os from 'node:os'
import * as path from 'node:path'
import { env } from 'node:process'
import { promisify } from 'node:util'
import * as semver from 'semver'
import { linuxLibs, windowsDLLs } from './shared.mjs'
const exec = promisify(_exec)
const __debug = env.NODE_ENV === 'debug'
* @param {string} nativeDeps
* @returns {Promise<string?>}
export async function tauriUpdaterKey(nativeDeps) {
if (env.TAURI_SIGNING_PRIVATE_KEY) return null
// pnpm exec tauri signer generate -w
const privateKeyPath = path.join(nativeDeps, 'tauri.key')
const publicKeyPath = path.join(nativeDeps, '')
const readKeys = () =>
fs.readFile(publicKeyPath, { encoding: 'utf-8' }),
fs.readFile(privateKeyPath, { encoding: 'utf-8' }),
let privateKey, publicKey
try {
;[publicKey, privateKey] = await readKeys()
if (!(publicKey && privateKey)) throw new Error('Empty keys')
} catch (err) {
if (__debug) {
console.warn('Failed to read tauri updater keys')
const quote = os.type() === 'Windows_NT' ? '"' : "'"
await exec(`pnpm exec tauri signer generate --ci -w ${quote}${privateKeyPath}${quote}`)
;[publicKey, privateKey] = await readKeys()
if (!(publicKey && privateKey)) throw new Error('Empty keys')
return publicKey
* @param {string} root
* @param {string} nativeDeps
* @param {string[]} targets
* @param {string[]} bundles
* @param {string[]} args
* @returns {Promise<string[]>}
export async function patchTauri(root, nativeDeps, targets, bundles, args) {
if (args.findIndex(e => e === '-c' || e === '--config') !== -1) {
throw new Error('Custom tauri build config is not supported.')
const osType = os.type()
const tauriPatch = {
build: {
features: /** @type {string[]} */ ([]),
bundle: {
macOS: { minimumSystemVersion: '' },
resources: {},
plugins: {
updater: /** @type {{ pubkey?: string }} */ ({}),
if (osType === 'Linux') {
tauriPatch.bundle.resources = await linuxLibs(nativeDeps)
} else if (osType === 'Windows_NT') {
tauriPatch.bundle.resources = {
...(await windowsDLLs(nativeDeps)),
[path.join(nativeDeps, 'models', 'yolov8s.onnx')]: './models/yolov8s.onnx',
// Location for desktop app tauri code
const tauriRoot = path.join(root, 'apps', 'desktop', 'src-tauri')
const tauriConfig = await fs
.readFile(path.join(tauriRoot, 'tauri.conf.json'), 'utf-8')
if (bundles.length === 0) {
const defaultBundles = tauriConfig?.bundle?.targets
if (Array.isArray(defaultBundles)) bundles.push(...defaultBundles)
if (bundles.length === 0) bundles.push('all')
switch (args[0]) {
case 'dev':'devtools')
case 'build': {
if (tauriConfig?.plugins?.updater?.active) {
const pubKey = await tauriUpdaterKey(nativeDeps)
if (pubKey != null) tauriPatch.plugins.updater.pubkey = pubKey
if (osType === 'Darwin') {
const macOSArm64MinimumVersion = '11.0'
let macOSMinimumVersion = tauriConfig?.bundle?.macOS?.minimumSystemVersion
if (
(targets.includes('aarch64-apple-darwin') ||
(targets.length === 0 && process.arch === 'arm64')) &&
(macOSMinimumVersion == null ||
/** @type {import('semver').SemVer} */ (semver.coerce(macOSMinimumVersion)),
/** @type {import('semver').SemVer} */ (
) {
macOSMinimumVersion = macOSArm64MinimumVersion
`aarch64-apple-darwin target detected, setting minimum system version to ${macOSMinimumVersion}`
if (macOSMinimumVersion) {
tauriPatch.bundle.macOS.minimumSystemVersion = macOSMinimumVersion
} else {
throw new Error('No minimum macOS version detected, please review tauri.conf.json')
const tauriPatchConf = path.join(tauriRoot, 'tauri.conf.patch.json')
await fs.writeFile(tauriPatchConf, JSON.stringify(tauriPatch, null, 2))
// Modify args to load patched tauri config
args.splice(1, 0, '-c', tauriPatchConf)
// Files to be removed
return [tauriPatchConf]