Oscar Beaumont bef1ebcade
[ENG-1508] Launch Spacedrop (#1893)
* Shit UI

* refactor a bit

* wip

* yeet

* farming the wry but it's stale

* Real-time hover event

* Hook with `Platform` + fix broken window-state plugin

* `DragAndDropDebug`

* Clippy

* revert Tauri v2 stuff

* minor

* probs not gonna work

* undo last commit

* a

* b

* c

* d

* e

* f

* g

* long shot

* 1

* no 7

* da hell

* large bruh moment

* lol

* zzzz

* SSH into CI

* yeet

* Tauri mouse position without new Wry

* go for gold

* Correctly lock `ort` version

* minor fixes

* debounce hover events

* WTF Tauri

* Replace DND hooks with goated versions

* wip frontend stuff

* fix ts

* disable library p2p stuff

* remove Spacedrop dialog + hook up backend

* `useOnDndLeave` working

* Close popover when drag outside

* Allow `openFilePickerDialog` for Spacedrop

* couple of fixes

* empty state

* smh


Co-authored-by: Brendan Allan <>
2024-01-08 06:42:17 +00:00

181 lines
6.1 KiB

import { RefObject, useEffect, useId, useLayoutEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { proxy, useSnapshot } from 'valtio';
import { usePlatform } from '..';
const dndState = proxy({
renderRects: false
export const toggleRenderRects = () => (dndState.renderRects = !dndState.renderRects);
type UseDropzoneProps = {
// A ref to used to detect when the element is being hovered.
// If the file drop's mouse position is above this ref it will return a 'hovered' state.
// If none is set the 'hovered' state will never be returned.
ref?: RefObject<HTMLDivElement>;
// Handle the final file drop event.
// If `ref === undefined` this will be called for every drop event.
// If `ref !== undefined` this will only be called if the drop event is within the bounds of the ref.
onDrop?: (paths: string[]) => void;
// Called only once per each hover event.
onHover?: () => void;
// On each position of the move
onMove?: (x: number, y: number) => void;
// Added to the bounds of the shape and if the mouse is within it's counted as hovered.
// This allows for the dropzone to be bigger than the actual element to make it easier to drop on.
extendBoundsBy?: number;
export function isWithinRect(x: number, y: number, rect: DOMRect) {
return x >= rect.left && x <= rect.right && y >= && y <= rect.bottom;
export function expandRect(rect: DOMRect, by: number) {
return new DOMRect(rect.left - by, - by, rect.width + by * 2, rect.height + by * 2);
export function useDropzone(opts?: UseDropzoneProps) {
const id = useId();
const platform = usePlatform();
const [state, setState] = useState('idle' as 'idle' | 'active' | 'hovered');
const debugRect = useSnapshot(dndState).renderRects;
useEffect(() => {
if (!platform.subscribeToDragAndDropEvents) return;
let elemBounds = opts?.ref?.current?.getBoundingClientRect();
if (elemBounds && opts?.extendBoundsBy)
elemBounds = expandRect(elemBounds, opts.extendBoundsBy);
const existingDebugRectElem = document.getElementById(id);
if (existingDebugRectElem) existingDebugRectElem.remove();
if (debugRect) {
const div = document.createElement('div'); = id; = 'absolute'; = `${elemBounds?.left}px`; = `${elemBounds?.top}px`; = `${elemBounds?.width}px`; = `${elemBounds?.height}px`; = 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)'; = 'none'; = '999';
let finished = false;
const unsub = platform.subscribeToDragAndDropEvents((event) => {
if (finished) return;
if (event.type === 'Hovered') {
const isHovered = elemBounds ? isWithinRect(event.x, event.y, elemBounds) : false;
setState((state) => {
// Only call it during the state transition from 'idle' -> 'active' when no `elemBounds`
if (opts?.onHover) {
if (elemBounds) {
if ((state === 'idle' || state === 'active') && isHovered)
} else {
if (state === 'idle') opts.onHover();
return isHovered ? 'hovered' : 'active';
if (opts?.onMove) opts.onMove(event.x, event.y);
} else if (event.type === 'Dropped') {
if (elemBounds && !isWithinRect(event.x, event.y, elemBounds)) return;
if (opts?.onDrop) opts.onDrop(event.paths);
} else if (event.type === 'Cancelled') {
return () => {
finished = true;
void unsub.then((unsub) => unsub());
}, [platform, opts, debugRect, id]);
return state;
type UseOnDndEnterProps = {
// Ref to the element that is being dragged over.
ref: React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement>;
// Called when the file being actively drag and dropped leaves the bounds of the ref (+ `extendBoundsBy`).
onLeave: () => void;
// Added to the bounds of the shape and if the mouse is within it's counted as hovered.
// This allows for the dropzone to be bigger than the actual element to make it easier to drop on.
extendBoundsBy?: number;
/// is responsible for running an action when the file being actively drag and dropped leaves the bounds of the ref.
export function useOnDndLeave({ ref, onLeave, extendBoundsBy }: UseOnDndEnterProps) {
const id = useId();
const platform = usePlatform();
const debugRect = useSnapshot(dndState).renderRects;
useLayoutEffect(() => {
if (!platform.subscribeToDragAndDropEvents) return;
let finished = false;
let mouseEnteredZone = false;
let rect: DOMRect | null = null;
// This timeout is super important. It ensures we get the ref after it's properly rendered.
// This is important if we render this component within a portal.
setTimeout(() => {
// We do this before the early return so when the element is removed the debug rect is removed.
const existingDebugRectElem = document.getElementById(id);
if (existingDebugRectElem) existingDebugRectElem.remove();
if (!ref.current) return;
rect = ref.current.getBoundingClientRect();
if (extendBoundsBy) rect = expandRect(rect, extendBoundsBy);
if (debugRect) {
const div = document.createElement('div'); = id; = 'absolute'; = `${rect.left}px`; = `${}px`; = `${rect.width}px`; = `${rect.height}px`; = 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5)'; = 'none'; = '999';
const unsub = platform.subscribeToDragAndDropEvents((event) => {
if (finished) return;
if (event.type === 'Hovered') {
if (!rect) return;
const isWithinRectNow = isWithinRect(event.x, event.y, rect);
if (mouseEnteredZone) {
if (!isWithinRectNow) onLeave();
} else {
mouseEnteredZone = isWithinRectNow;
} else if (event.type === 'Dropped') {
mouseEnteredZone = false;
} else if (event.type === 'Cancelled') {
mouseEnteredZone = false;
return () => {
finished = true;
void unsub.then((unsub) => unsub());
}, [platform, ref, onLeave, extendBoundsBy, debugRect, id]);