Vítor Vasconcellos 7e4ed2b547
[ENG-767, ENG-916] Improvements and fixes for Open/Open With (#1082)
* Normalize PATH and XDG envvars on Linux

* Fix normalize_xdg_environment

* Replace custom Desktop file parsers with Glib

* Fix AppImage env influencing external apps
 - Normalize GStream plugin path

* Fix macos pulling linux deps

* Attempt to fix gnome apps failing to launch
 - Fix incorrect logic in `normalize_pathlist`

* Ensure empty envvars are not set

* Revert AppImage ovewritten GTK specific variables
 - `normalize_pathlist` now prefers entries with less priority when dealing with repeated entries, this is not compatible with the default behavior, but it is a more sane approach IMHO

* Remove 32-bit libs from release CI build host

* Remove 32-bit from github runner 2 attempt
 - Remove deprecated vscode config

* Remove libc6-i386

* [ENG-916] Implement `Open With` logic compatible with macOS < 12

* Add some missing gstreamer deps in Linux

* Replace opener with Glib API

* Fix reveal opening file instead of dir
 - Improve Open With logic in Windows
 - Expose functions to test if app is in a flatpak, snap or appimage


Co-authored-by: Brendan Allan <>
2023-07-24 17:36:00 +00:00

84 lines
2 KiB

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