Ericson "Fogo" Soares 28d106a2d5
[ENG-862, ENG-921] Ephemeral locations (#1092)
* Some initial drafts

* Finising the first draft on non-indexed locations

* Minor tweaks

* Fix warnings

* Adding date_created and date_modified to non indexed path entries

* Add id and path properties to NonIndexedPathItem

* Working ephemeral location (hardcoded home for now)

* Fix UI for ephemeral locations

* Fix windows

* Passing ephemeral thumbnails to thumbnails remover

* Indexing rules for ephemeral paths walking

* Animate Location button when path text overflow it's size

* Fix Linux not showing all volumes

* Fix Linux
 - Add some missing no_os_protected rules for macOS
 - Improve ephemeral location names

* Remove unecessary import

* Fix Mobile

* Improve resizing behaviour for ephemeral location topbar path button
 - Improve Search View (Replace custom empty component with Explorer's emptyNotice )
 - Improve how TopBar children positioning

* Hide EphemeralSection if there is no volume or home
 - Disable Ephemeral topbar path button animation when text is not overflowing

* minor fixes

* Introducing ordering for ephemeral paths

* TS Format

* Ephemeral locations UI fixes
 - Fix indexed Locations having no metadata
 - Remove date indexed/accessed options for sorting Ephemeral locations
 - Remove empty three dots from SideBar element when no settings is linked

* Add tooltip to add location button in ephemeral locations

* Fix indexed Locations selecting other folder/files in Ephemeral location

* Minor fixes

* Fix app breaking due to wrong logic to get item full path in Explorer

* Revert some recent changes to Thumb.tsx

* Fix original not loading for overview items
 - Fix QuickPreview name broken for overview items

* Improve imports

* Revert replace useEffect with useLayoutEffect for locked logic in ListView
It was causing the component to full reload when clicking a header to sort per column

* Changes from feedback

* Hide some unused Inspector metadata fields on NonIndexedPaths
 - Merge formatDate functions while retaining original behaviour

* Use tauri api for getting user home

* Change ThumbType to a string enum to allow for string comparisons

* Improve ObjectKind typing


Co-authored-by: Vítor Vasconcellos <>
Co-authored-by: Oscar Beaumont <>
2023-08-23 17:26:07 +00:00

91 lines
2.5 KiB

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