Brendan Allan 49cc098f32
[ENG-927, ENG-735, ENG-766] Fix Updater & Tauri 1.5 (#1361)
* custom updater with toasts

* new state management + updated router route

* tauri-specific update route

* ref

* update in prod only

* change 'Install' to 'Update'

* fix tsconfig

* desktop tauri

* remove tauri patch

* tauri 1.5

* tauri 1.5

* use tauri script

* native-deps

* Rework preprep and tauri script to better support tauri 1.5

* Update to tauri 1.5.1
 - Update workspace and apps/desktop dependencies
 - Fix mustache import, @types/mustache is not compatible with ES imports
 - Replace arm64 with aarch64 in machineID, they should be treated the same and this simplyfies the code

* Fix tauri updater not building due to missing key
 - Fix dmg background not being found
 - Generate an adhoc key for tauri updater with it is enabled and the user is doing a prod build

* Fix ctrl+c/ctrl+v typo

* Normalie @tanstack/react-query version through workspace
 - Use undici in scripts instead of global fetch
 - Fix typecheck

* Fix linux prod and dev builds
 - Improve error handling in tauri.mjs

* Normalize dev deps in workspace
 - Improve linux shared libs setup

* Fix CI and server docker

* Fix windows
 - Remove superfluous envvar

* Attempt to fix server, mobile, deb and release updater

* Attempt to fix deb and mobile again
 - Fix type on deb dependency
 - Enable release deb for aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu

* Github doesn't have arm runners
 - Fix typo in server Dockerfile

* Publish deb and updater artifacts

* remove version from asset name

* update commands

* log release

* Some logs on updater errors

* show updater errors on frontend

* fix desktop ui caching


Co-authored-by: Vítor Vasconcellos <>
Co-authored-by: Ericson Fogo Soares <>
2023-10-10 07:30:56 +00:00

387 lines
11 KiB

import * as fs from 'node:fs/promises'
import { dirname, join as joinPath, posix as path } from 'node:path'
import { env } from 'node:process'
import { setTimeout } from 'node:timers/promises'
import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'
import { fetch, Headers } from 'undici'
const __debug = env.NODE_ENV === 'debug'
const __offline = env.OFFLINE === 'true'
const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)
const __dirname = dirname(__filename)
const cacheDir = joinPath(__dirname, '.tmp')
await fs.mkdir(cacheDir, { recursive: true, mode: 0o751 })
// Note: Trailing slashs are important to correctly append paths
const GH = ''
const NIGTHLY = ''
// Github routes
const RELEASES = 'releases'
const WORKFLOWS = 'actions/workflows'
const ARTIFACTS = 'actions/artifacts'
// Default GH headers
const GH_HEADERS = new Headers({
Accept: 'application/vnd.github+json',
'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28',
// Load github auth token if available
if ('GITHUB_TOKEN' in env && env.GITHUB_TOKEN)
GH_HEADERS.append('Authorization', `Bearer ${env.GITHUB_TOKEN}`)
* @param {string} resource
* @param {Headers} [headers]
* @returns {Promise<null | {data: Buffer, header: [string, string] | undefined}>}
async function getCache(resource, headers) {
/** @type {Buffer | undefined} */
let data
/** @type {[string, string] | undefined} */
let header
// Don't cache in CI
if (env.CI === 'true') return null
if (headers)
resource += Array.from(headers.entries())
.filter(([name]) => name !== 'If-None-Match' && name !== 'If-Modified-Since')
try {
const cache = JSON.parse(
await fs.readFile(joinPath(cacheDir, Buffer.from(resource).toString('base64url')), {
encoding: 'utf8',
if (cache && typeof cache === 'object') {
if (cache.etag && typeof cache.etag === 'string') {
header = ['If-None-Match', cache.etag]
} else if (cache.modifiedSince && typeof cache.modifiedSince === 'string') {
header = ['If-Modified-Since', cache.modifiedSince]
if ( && typeof === 'string')
data = Buffer.from(, 'base64')
} catch (error) {
if (__debug) {
console.warn(`CACHE MISS: ${resource}`)
return data ? { data, header } : null
* @param {import('undici').Response} response
* @param {string} resource
* @param {Buffer} [cachedData]
* @param {Headers} [headers]
* @returns {Promise<Buffer>}
async function setCache(response, resource, cachedData, headers) {
const data = Buffer.from(await response.arrayBuffer())
// Don't cache in CI
if (env.CI === 'true') return data
const etag = response.headers.get('ETag') || undefined
const modifiedSince = response.headers.get('Last-Modified') || undefined
if (headers)
resource += Array.from(headers.entries())
.filter(([name]) => name !== 'If-None-Match' && name !== 'If-Modified-Since')
if (response.status === 304 || (response.ok && data.length === 0)) {
// Cache hit
if (!cachedData) throw new Error('Empty cache hit ????')
return cachedData
try {
await fs.writeFile(
joinPath(cacheDir, Buffer.from(resource).toString('base64url')),
data: data.toString('base64'),
{ mode: 0o640, flag: 'w+' }
} catch (error) {
if (__debug) {
console.warn(`CACHE WRITE FAIL: ${resource}`)
return data
* @param {URL | string} resource
* @param {Headers?} [headers]
* @param {boolean} [preferCache]
* @returns {Promise<Buffer>}
export async function get(resource, headers, preferCache) {
if (headers == null) headers = new Headers()
if (resource instanceof URL) resource = resource.toString()
const cache = await getCache(resource, headers)
if (__offline) {
if (cache?.data == null)
throw new Error(`OFFLINE MODE: Cache for request ${resource} doesn't exist`)
if (preferCache && cache?.data != null) return
if (cache?.header) headers.append(...cache.header)
const response = await fetch(resource, { headers })
if (!response.ok) {
if (cache?.data) {
if (__debug) console.warn(`CACHE HIT due to fail: ${resource} ${response.statusText}`)
throw new Error(response.statusText)
return await setCache(response, resource, cache?.data, headers)
// Header name Description
// x-ratelimit-limit The maximum number of requests you're permitted to make per hour.
// x-ratelimit-remaining The number of requests remaining in the current rate limit window.
// x-ratelimit-used The number of requests you've made in the current rate limit window.
// x-ratelimit-reset The time at which the current rate limit window resets in UTC epoch seconds.
const RATE_LIMIT = {
reset: 0,
remaining: Infinity,
* Get resource from a Github route with some pre-defined parameters
* @param {string} route
* @returns {Promise<Buffer>}
export async function getGh(route) {
route = new URL(route, GH).toString()
const cache = await getCache(route)
if (__offline) {
if (cache?.data == null)
throw new Error(`OFFLINE MODE: Cache for request ${route} doesn't exist`)
return cache?.data
if (RATE_LIMIT.remaining === 0) {
if (cache?.data) return
`RATE LIMIT: Waiting ${RATE_LIMIT.reset} seconds before contacting Github again... [CTRL+C to cancel]`
await setTimeout(RATE_LIMIT.reset * 1000)
const headers = new Headers(GH_HEADERS)
if (cache?.header) headers.append(...cache.header)
const response = await fetch(route, { method: 'GET', headers })
const rateReset = Number.parseInt(response.headers.get('x-ratelimit-reset') ?? '')
const rateRemaining = Number.parseInt(response.headers.get('x-ratelimit-remaining') ?? '')
if (!(Number.isNaN(rateReset) || Number.isNaN(rateRemaining))) {
const reset = rateReset - / 1000
if (reset > RATE_LIMIT.reset) RATE_LIMIT.reset = reset
if (rateRemaining < RATE_LIMIT.remaining) {
RATE_LIMIT.remaining = rateRemaining
if (__debug) {
console.warn(`Github remaining requests: ${RATE_LIMIT.remaining}`)
await setTimeout(5000)
if (!response.ok) {
if (cache?.data) {
if (__debug) console.warn(`CACHE HIT due to fail: ${route} ${response.statusText}`)
if (response.status === 403 && RATE_LIMIT.remaining === 0) return await getGh(route)
throw new Error(response.statusText)
return await setCache(response, route, cache?.data)
* @param {string} repo
* @yields {{name: string, downloadUrl: string}}
export async function* getGhReleasesAssets(repo) {
let page = 0
while (true) {
// "${_gh_url}/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases?page=${_page}&per_page=100"
const releases = JSON.parse(
(await getGh(path.join(repo, `${RELEASES}?page=${page++}&per_page=100`))).toString(
if (!Array.isArray(releases)) throw new Error(`Error: ${JSON.stringify(releases)}`)
if (releases.length === 0) return
for (const release of /** @type {unknown[]} */ (releases)) {
if (
release &&
typeof release === 'object' &&
'assets' in release &&
throw new Error(`Invalid release: ${release}`)
if ('prerelease' in release && release.prerelease) continue
for (const asset of /** @type {unknown[]} */ (release.assets)) {
if (
asset &&
typeof asset === 'object' &&
'name' in asset &&
typeof === 'string' &&
'browser_download_url' in asset &&
typeof asset.browser_download_url === 'string'
throw new Error(`Invalid release.asset: ${asset}`)
yield { name:, downloadUrl: asset.browser_download_url }
* @param {string} repo
* @param {string} yaml
* @param {string | Array.<string> | Set.<string>} [branch]
* @yields {{ id: number, name: string }}
export async function* getGhWorkflowRunArtifacts(repo, yaml, branch) {
if (!branch) branch = 'main'
if (typeof branch === 'string') branch = [branch]
if (!(branch instanceof Set)) branch = new Set(branch)
let page = 0
while (true) {
const workflow = /** @type {unknown} */ (
await getGh(
if (
workflow &&
typeof workflow === 'object' &&
'workflow_runs' in workflow &&
throw new Error(`Error: ${JSON.stringify(workflow)}`)
if (workflow.workflow_runs.length === 0) return
for (const run of /** @type {unknown[]} */ (workflow.workflow_runs)) {
if (
run &&
typeof run === 'object' &&
'head_branch' in run &&
typeof run.head_branch === 'string' &&
'artifacts_url' in run &&
typeof run.artifacts_url === 'string'
throw new Error(`Invalid Workflow run: ${run}`)
if (!branch.has(run.head_branch)) continue
const response = /** @type {unknown} */ (
JSON.parse((await getGh(run.artifacts_url)).toString('utf8'))
if (
response &&
typeof response === 'object' &&
'artifacts' in response &&
throw new Error(`Error: ${JSON.stringify(response)}`)
for (const artifact of /** @type {unknown[]} */ (response.artifacts)) {
if (
artifact &&
typeof artifact === 'object' &&
'id' in artifact &&
typeof === 'number' &&
'name' in artifact &&
typeof === 'string'
throw new Error(`Invalid artifact: ${artifact}`)
yield { id:, name: }
* @param {string} repo
* @param {number} id
* @returns {Promise<Buffer>}
export async function getGhArtifactContent(repo, id) {
// Artifacts can only be downloaded directly from Github with authorized requests
if (GH_HEADERS.has('Authorization')) {
try {
// "${_gh_url}/${_sd_gh_path}/actions/artifacts/${_artifact_id}/zip"
return await getGh(path.join(repo, ARTIFACTS, id.toString(), 'zip'))
} catch (error) {
if (__debug) {
console.warn('Failed to download artifact from github, fallback to')
* is a workaround for the lack of a public GitHub API to download artifacts from a workflow run
* Use it when running in evironments that are not authenticated with github
* "${_sd_gh_path}/actions/artifacts/${_artifact_id}.zip"
return await get(new URL(path.join(repo, ARTIFACTS, `${id}.zip`), NIGTHLY), null, true)