Vítor Vasconcellos 5a103fb21b
[ENG-1472] Frontend bug fixes and dependencies update (#2137)
* Fix onboarding sometimes not redirecting to Explorer on prod builds
 - Fix failure trying to compile landing prod builds outside Vercel
 - Fix Server docker failing to restart due to some incorrecting logic for creating the unprivileged users erroring out
 - Fix Storybook failing to build due to updates to Vite
 - Update Storybook dependencies
 - Remove unused Inter font dependency
 - Fix some incorrect references to NodeJS types inside web code
 - Fix $libraryId index using the incorrect redirect function
 - Improve error handling for the $libraryId index route
 - Fix Prism not being correctly loaded, and failing to register its plugins
 - Improve Prism loading error handling
 - Small improvement to the text highlight logic
 - Fix SCSS deprecation for untyped hsl values
 - Fix library query cache incorrectly saving empty values, which lead to the onboarding redirect bug
 - Patch contentLayer to fix an error during the final part of it's build process
 - Update most dev dependencies
 - Update publish-artifact to be compatible with new @actions/artifact
 - Fix issue with new vite-plugin-solid failing to build our .ts files due to the removal of the typescript plugin
 - Fix pnpm overrides not applying due to incorrect placement in package.json
 - Replace deprecated react-tsparticles and updated three used by the Bubbles background in the landing page
 - Rework Bubbles background to be compatible with new @tsparticles/react
 - Update @sd/config dependencies
 - Update @sd/scripts dependencies

* Implement suggestions
 - Replace mobile JS node setup with custom setup-pnpm action
 - Handle GITHUB_SECRET default value in code and throw a warning when it is not set
 - Fix pnpm now resolving the correct node version when building Spacedrive server docker
 - Add missing getent command to spacedrive server docker
 - Fix typo in
 - Implement a more robust check if the user is already in a group
 - Fix adduser failing due to missing default group
 - Disconnect IntersectionObserver on component unmount
 - Improve prism import comment

* Implement more suggestions
 - Pin genent version to latest stable release of UClibc
 - Add checksum checks for all ADD clauses in Spacedrive server Dockerfile

* Increase Maestro timeout to reduce CI failures due to slow simulator startup

* Dowgrade maestro to workaround CI timeout

* Improvements to the script that run maestro mobile tests
 - Increase the amount of retries for a maestro test run to 6
 - Increase Maestro driver startup timeout to 2 minutes

* Let decide how to run itself

* ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2024-02-28 23:52:24 +00:00

84 lines
2.4 KiB

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