Utku 9a1cdf1dca
Fix all the weird eslint warnings (#2245)
* actually fix the weird lint errors

* Prettier auto-format


Co-authored-by: ameer2468 <>
Co-authored-by: Vítor Vasconcellos <>
2024-03-26 20:46:44 +00:00

105 lines
2.9 KiB

import client from '@actions/artifact';
import * as core from '@actions/core';
import * as glob from '@actions/glob';
import * as io from '@actions/io';
type OS = 'darwin' | 'windows' | 'linux';
type Arch = 'x64' | 'arm64';
type TargetConfig = { bundle: string; ext: string };
type BuildTarget = {
updater: { bundle: string; bundleExt: string; archiveExt: string };
standalone: Array<TargetConfig>;
const OS_TARGETS = {
darwin: {
updater: {
bundle: 'macos',
bundleExt: 'app',
archiveExt: 'tar.gz'
standalone: [{ ext: 'dmg', bundle: 'dmg' }]
windows: {
updater: {
bundle: 'msi',
bundleExt: 'msi',
archiveExt: 'zip'
standalone: [{ ext: 'msi', bundle: 'msi' }]
linux: {
updater: {
bundle: 'appimage',
bundleExt: 'AppImage',
archiveExt: 'tar.gz'
standalone: [
{ ext: 'deb', bundle: 'deb' },
{ ext: 'AppImage', bundle: 'appimage' }
} satisfies Record<OS, BuildTarget>;
// Workflow inputs
const OS: OS = core.getInput('os') as any;
const ARCH: Arch = core.getInput('arch') as any;
const TARGET = core.getInput('target');
const PROFILE = core.getInput('profile');
const BUNDLE_DIR = `target/${TARGET}/${PROFILE}/bundle`;
const ARTIFACTS_DIR = '.artifacts';
const ARTIFACT_BASE = `Spacedrive-${OS}-${ARCH}`;
const UPDATER_ARTIFACT_NAME = `Spacedrive-Updater-${OS}-${ARCH}`;
async function globFiles(pattern: string) {
const globber = await glob.create(pattern);
return await globber.glob();
async function uploadUpdater({ bundle, bundleExt, archiveExt }: BuildTarget['updater']) {
const fullExt = `${bundleExt}.${archiveExt}`;
const files = await globFiles(`${BUNDLE_DIR}/${bundle}/*.${fullExt}*`);
const updaterPath = files.find((file) => file.endsWith(fullExt));
if (!updaterPath) return console.error(`Updater path not found. Files: ${files}`);
const artifactPath = `${ARTIFACTS_DIR}/${UPDATER_ARTIFACT_NAME}.${archiveExt}`;
await io.cp(updaterPath, artifactPath);
await io.cp(`${updaterPath}.sig`, `${artifactPath}.sig`);
await client.uploadArtifact(
[artifactPath, `${artifactPath}.sig`],
async function uploadStandalone({ bundle, ext }: TargetConfig) {
const files = await globFiles(`${BUNDLE_DIR}/${bundle}/*.${ext}*`);
const standalonePath = files.find((file) => file.endsWith(ext));
if (!standalonePath) return console.error(`Standalone path not found. Files: ${files}`);
const artifactName = `${ARTIFACT_BASE}.${ext}`;
const artifactPath = `${ARTIFACTS_DIR}/${artifactName}`;
await io.cp(standalonePath, artifactPath, { recursive: true });
await client.uploadArtifact(artifactName, [artifactPath], ARTIFACTS_DIR);
async function run() {
await io.mkdirP(ARTIFACTS_DIR);
const { updater, standalone } = OS_TARGETS[OS];
await uploadUpdater(updater);
for (const config of standalone) {
await uploadStandalone(config);