Utku e9e8d2286c
Mobile Actions & File Info Modal (#573)
* better drawer

* fix build?

* style changes

* fix subfolder navigation

* bigger icons and drawer style tweaks

* Disable Menu animation

* more subfolder navigation & title stuff

* move tag dialogs to modal

* cleanup

* Fix text input sizing

* Improve modal component

* Hide modal close button & fix position

* update packages

* style create tag / update tag modals.

* move dialogs to modal & new modal component

* move IsPath and isObject to client + small fixes

* fix FileModal

* move kind to client

* move everything to components + cleanup

* move format bytes, info pills, work on fileinfo and actions modal, update packages, rename xcode build step

* Update Device.tsx

remove placeholder data

* small fixes

* actions modal header and some styling

* fav button

* actions item, divider and container components

* file actions

* file info modal

* remove bg-green from Inspector

* Add more info to fileinfo modal

* Delete unused Device component

* fix merge stuff

* linting + changed how we export tw + rename to twStyle
2023-02-20 05:24:59 +00:00

73 lines
2.2 KiB

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