Brendan Allan fd39dc3a3d
Replace Location.local_path with path (#571)
* replace Location.local_path with path

* Using more references to avoid unneeded moves and removing unneeded errors variants

* remove unnecessary stuff

* location id checks


Co-authored-by: Ericson Soares <>
2023-02-20 05:14:47 +00:00

438 lines
13 KiB

datasource db {
provider = "sqlite"
url = "file:dev.db"
generator client {
provider = "cargo prisma"
output = "../src/"
generator sync {
provider = "cargo prisma-sync"
output = "../src/"
model OwnedOperation {
id Bytes @id
timestamp BigInt
data Bytes
model String
node_id Int
node Node @relation(fields: [node_id], references: [id])
model SharedOperation {
id Bytes @id
timestamp BigInt
model String
record_id Bytes
kind String
data Bytes
node_id Int
node Node @relation(fields: [node_id], references: [id])
model Statistics {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
date_captured DateTime @default(now())
total_object_count Int @default(0)
library_db_size String @default("0")
total_bytes_used String @default("0")
total_bytes_capacity String @default("0")
total_unique_bytes String @default("0")
total_bytes_free String @default("0")
preview_media_bytes String @default("0")
/// @local(id: pub_id)
model Node {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
pub_id Bytes @unique
name String
platform Int @default(0)
version String?
last_seen DateTime @default(now())
timezone String?
date_created DateTime @default(now())
jobs Job[]
Location Location[]
OwnedOperation OwnedOperation[]
SharedOperation SharedOperation[]
model Volume {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
node_id Int
name String
mount_point String
total_bytes_capacity String @default("0")
total_bytes_available String @default("0")
disk_type String?
filesystem String?
is_system Boolean @default(false)
date_modified DateTime @default(now())
@@unique([node_id, mount_point, name])
/// @owned(id: pub_id)
model Location {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
pub_id Bytes @unique
node_id Int
name String
path String
total_capacity Int?
available_capacity Int?
is_archived Boolean @default(false)
generate_preview_media Boolean @default(true)
sync_preview_media Boolean @default(true)
hidden Boolean @default(false)
date_created DateTime @default(now())
node Node @relation(fields: [node_id], references: [id])
file_paths FilePath[]
indexer_rules IndexerRulesInLocation[]
/// @shared(id: pub_id)
model Object {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
pub_id Bytes @unique
// basic metadata
name String?
// Must have 'COLLATE NOCASE' in migration
extension String?
kind Int @default(0)
size_in_bytes String @default("0")
key_id Int?
// handy ways to mark an object
hidden Boolean @default(false)
favorite Boolean @default(false)
important Boolean @default(false)
// if we have generated preview media for this object
has_thumbnail Boolean @default(false)
has_thumbstrip Boolean @default(false)
has_video_preview Boolean @default(false)
// integration with ipfs
ipfs_id String?
// plain text note
note String?
// the original known creation date of this object
date_created DateTime @default(now())
// the last time this object was modified
date_modified DateTime @default(now())
// when this object was first indexed
date_indexed DateTime @default(now())
tags TagOnObject[]
labels LabelOnObject[]
albums ObjectInAlbum[]
spaces ObjectInSpace[]
file_paths FilePath[]
comments Comment[]
media_data MediaData?
key Key? @relation(fields: [key_id], references: [id])
/// @shared(id: [location, id])
model FilePath {
id Int
is_dir Boolean @default(false)
// content addressable storage id - blake3 sampled checksum
cas_id String?
// full byte contents digested into blake3 checksum
integrity_checksum String? @unique
// location that owns this path
location_id Int
location Location @relation(fields: [location_id], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, onUpdate: Cascade)
// a path generated from local file_path ids eg: "34/45/67/890"
materialized_path String
// the name and extension
// Must have 'COLLATE NOCASE' in migration
name String
extension String?
// the unique Object for this file path
object_id Int?
object Object? @relation(fields: [object_id], references: [id], onDelete: Restrict)
// the parent in the file tree
parent_id Int?
key_id Int? // replacement for encryption
// permissions String?
date_created DateTime @default(now())
date_modified DateTime @default(now())
date_indexed DateTime @default(now())
// NOTE: this self relation for the file tree was causing SQLite to go to forever bed, disabling until workaround
// parent FilePath? @relation("directory_file_paths", fields: [parent_id], references: [id], onDelete: NoAction, onUpdate: NoAction)
// children FilePath[] @relation("directory_file_paths")
key Key? @relation(fields: [key_id], references: [id])
@@id([location_id, id])
@@unique([location_id, materialized_path, name, extension])
// if there is a conflicting cas_id, the conficting file should be updated to have a larger cas_id as the field is unique, however this record is kept to tell the indexer (upon discovering this CAS) that there is alternate versions of the file and to check by a full integrity hash to define for which to associate with.
model FileConflict {
original_object_id Int @unique
detactched_object_id Int @unique
// keys allow us to know exactly which files can be decrypted with a given key
// they can be "mounted" to a client, and then used to decrypt files automatically
/// @shared(id: uuid)
model Key {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
// uuid to identify the key
uuid String @unique
version String
key_type String
// the name that the user sets
name String?
// is this key the default for encryption?
// was not tagged as unique as i'm not too sure if PCR will handle it
// can always be tagged as unique, the keys API will need updating to use `find_unique()`
default Boolean @default(false)
// nullable if concealed for security
date_created DateTime? @default(now())
// encryption algorithm used to encrypt the key
algorithm String
// hashing algorithm used for hashing the key with the content salt
hashing_algorithm String
// salt used for encrypting data with this key
content_salt Bytes
// the *encrypted* master key (48 bytes)
master_key Bytes
// the nonce used for encrypting the master key
master_key_nonce Bytes
// the nonce used for encrypting the key
key_nonce Bytes
// the *encrypted* key
key Bytes
// the salt used for deriving the KEK (used for encrypting the master key) from the root key
salt Bytes
automount Boolean @default(false)
objects Object[]
file_paths FilePath[]
model MediaData {
id Int @id
pixel_width Int?
pixel_height Int?
longitude Float?
latitude Float?
fps Int?
capture_device_make String? // eg: "Apple"
capture_device_model String? // eg: "iPhone 12"
capture_device_software String? // eg: "12.1.1"
duration_seconds Int?
codecs String? // eg: "h264,acc"
streams Int?
object Object? @relation(fields: [id], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, onUpdate: Cascade)
/// @shared(id: pub_id)
model Tag {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
pub_id Bytes @unique
name String?
color String?
total_objects Int? @default(0)
redundancy_goal Int? @default(1)
date_created DateTime @default(now())
date_modified DateTime @default(now())
tag_objects TagOnObject[]
model TagOnObject {
date_created DateTime @default(now())
tag_id Int
tag Tag @relation(fields: [tag_id], references: [id], onDelete: NoAction, onUpdate: NoAction)
object_id Int
object Object @relation(fields: [object_id], references: [id], onDelete: NoAction, onUpdate: NoAction)
@@id([tag_id, object_id])
model Label {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
pub_id Bytes @unique
name String?
date_created DateTime @default(now())
date_modified DateTime @default(now())
label_objects LabelOnObject[]
model LabelOnObject {
date_created DateTime @default(now())
label_id Int
label Label @relation(fields: [label_id], references: [id], onDelete: NoAction, onUpdate: NoAction)
object_id Int
object Object @relation(fields: [object_id], references: [id], onDelete: NoAction, onUpdate: NoAction)
@@id([label_id, object_id])
model Space {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
pub_id Bytes @unique
name String?
description String?
date_created DateTime @default(now())
date_modified DateTime @default(now())
objects ObjectInSpace[]
model ObjectInSpace {
date_created DateTime @default(now())
space_id Int
space Space @relation(fields: [space_id], references: [id], onDelete: NoAction, onUpdate: NoAction)
object_id Int
object Object @relation(fields: [object_id], references: [id], onDelete: NoAction, onUpdate: NoAction)
@@id([space_id, object_id])
model Job {
id Bytes @id
name String
node_id Int
action Int
status Int @default(0)
data Bytes?
metadata Bytes?
task_count Int @default(1)
completed_task_count Int @default(0)
date_created DateTime @default(now())
date_modified DateTime @default(now())
seconds_elapsed Int @default(0)
nodes Node @relation(fields: [node_id], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, onUpdate: Cascade)
/// @shared(id: pub_id)
model Album {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
pub_id Bytes @unique
name String
is_hidden Boolean @default(false)
date_created DateTime @default(now())
date_modified DateTime @default(now())
objects ObjectInAlbum[]
model ObjectInAlbum {
date_created DateTime @default(now())
album_id Int
album Album @relation(fields: [album_id], references: [id], onDelete: NoAction, onUpdate: NoAction)
object_id Int
object Object @relation(fields: [object_id], references: [id], onDelete: NoAction, onUpdate: NoAction)
@@id([album_id, object_id])
model Comment {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
pub_id Bytes @unique
content String
date_created DateTime @default(now())
date_modified DateTime @default(now())
object_id Int?
object Object? @relation(fields: [object_id], references: [id])
model IndexerRule {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
kind Int
name String
parameters Bytes
date_created DateTime @default(now())
date_modified DateTime @default(now())
locations IndexerRulesInLocation[]
model IndexerRulesInLocation {
date_created DateTime @default(now())
location_id Int
location Location @relation(fields: [location_id], references: [id], onDelete: NoAction, onUpdate: NoAction)
indexer_rule_id Int
indexer_rule IndexerRule @relation(fields: [indexer_rule_id], references: [id], onDelete: NoAction, onUpdate: NoAction)
@@id([location_id, indexer_rule_id])