Brendan Allan fd39dc3a3d
Replace Location.local_path with path (#571)
* replace Location.local_path with path

* Using more references to avoid unneeded moves and removing unneeded errors variants

* remove unnecessary stuff

* location id checks


Co-authored-by: Ericson Soares <>
2023-02-20 05:14:47 +00:00

208 lines
5.8 KiB

use api::{CoreEvent, Ctx, Router};
use job::JobManager;
use library::LibraryManager;
use location::{LocationManager, LocationManagerError};
use node::NodeConfigManager;
use util::secure_temp_keystore::SecureTempKeystore;
use std::{path::Path, sync::Arc};
use thiserror::Error;
use tokio::{fs, sync::broadcast};
use tracing::{debug, error, info};
use tracing_subscriber::{prelude::*, EnvFilter};
pub mod api;
pub mod custom_uri;
pub(crate) mod job;
pub(crate) mod library;
pub(crate) mod location;
pub(crate) mod node;
pub(crate) mod object;
pub(crate) mod sync;
pub(crate) mod util;
pub(crate) mod volume;
pub(crate) mod prisma;
pub(crate) mod prisma_sync;
pub struct NodeContext {
pub config: Arc<NodeConfigManager>,
pub jobs: Arc<JobManager>,
pub location_manager: Arc<LocationManager>,
pub event_bus_tx: broadcast::Sender<CoreEvent>,
pub struct Node {
config: Arc<NodeConfigManager>,
library_manager: Arc<LibraryManager>,
jobs: Arc<JobManager>,
event_bus: (broadcast::Sender<CoreEvent>, broadcast::Receiver<CoreEvent>),
secure_temp_keystore: Arc<SecureTempKeystore>,
#[cfg(not(feature = "android"))]
const CONSOLE_LOG_FILTER: tracing_subscriber::filter::LevelFilter = {
use tracing_subscriber::filter::LevelFilter;
match cfg!(debug_assertions) {
true => LevelFilter::DEBUG,
false => LevelFilter::INFO,
impl Node {
pub async fn new(data_dir: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<(Arc<Node>, Arc<Router>), NodeError> {
let data_dir = data_dir.as_ref();
// This error is ignored because it's throwing on mobile despite the folder existing.
let _ = fs::create_dir_all(&data_dir).await;
// dbg!(get_object_kind_from_extension("png"));
// let (non_blocking, _guard) = tracing_appender::non_blocking(rolling::daily(
// Path::new(&data_dir).join("logs"),
// "log",
// ));
// TODO: Make logs automatically delete after x time
let subscriber = tracing_subscriber::registry().with(
.add_directive("warn".parse().expect("Error invalid tracing directive!"))
.expect("Error invalid tracing directive!"),
.expect("Error invalid tracing directive!"),
.expect("Error invalid tracing directive!"),
.expect("Error invalid tracing directive!"),
.expect("Error invalid tracing directive!"),
), // .add_directive(
// "rspc=debug"
// .parse()
// .expect("Error invalid tracing directive!"),
// ),
#[cfg(not(feature = "android"))]
let subscriber = subscriber.with(tracing_subscriber::fmt::layer().with_filter(CONSOLE_LOG_FILTER));
#[cfg(feature = "android")]
let subscriber = subscriber.with(tracing_android::layer("").unwrap()); // TODO: This is not working
// .with(
// Layer::default()
// .with_writer(non_blocking)
// .with_ansi(false)
// .with_filter(LevelFilter::DEBUG),
// )
let event_bus = broadcast::channel(1024);
let config = NodeConfigManager::new(data_dir.to_path_buf()).await?;
let jobs = JobManager::new();
let location_manager = LocationManager::new();
let secure_temp_keystore = SecureTempKeystore::new();
let library_manager = LibraryManager::new(
NodeContext {
config: Arc::clone(&config),
jobs: Arc::clone(&jobs),
location_manager: Arc::clone(&location_manager),
event_bus_tx: event_bus.0.clone(),
// Adding already existing locations for location management
for library_ctx in library_manager.get_all_libraries_ctx().await {
for location in library_ctx
.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
"Failed to get locations from database for location manager: {:#?}",
}) {
if let Err(e) = location_manager.add(, library_ctx.clone()).await {
error!("Failed to add location to location manager: {:#?}", e);
debug!("Watching locations");
// Trying to resume possible paused jobs
let inner_library_manager = Arc::clone(&library_manager);
let inner_jobs = Arc::clone(&jobs);
tokio::spawn(async move {
for library_ctx in inner_library_manager.get_all_libraries_ctx().await {
if let Err(e) = Arc::clone(&inner_jobs).resume_jobs(&library_ctx).await {
error!("Failed to resume jobs for library. {:#?}", e);
let router = api::mount();
let node = Node {
info!("Spacedrive online.");
Ok((Arc::new(node), router))
pub fn get_request_context(&self) -> Ctx {
Ctx {
library_manager: Arc::clone(&self.library_manager),
config: Arc::clone(&self.config),
jobs: Arc::clone(&,
event_bus: self.event_bus.0.clone(),
secure_temp_keystore: Arc::clone(&self.secure_temp_keystore),
pub async fn shutdown(&self) {
info!("Spacedrive shutting down...");;
info!("Spacedrive Core shutdown successful!");
/// Error type for Node related errors.
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum NodeError {
#[error("Failed to create data directory: {0}")]
FailedToCreateDataDirectory(#[from] std::io::Error),
#[error("Failed to initialize config: {0}")]
FailedToInitializeConfig(#[from] node::NodeConfigError),
#[error("Failed to initialize library manager: {0}")]
FailedToInitializeLibraryManager(#[from] library::LibraryManagerError),
#[error("Location manager error: {0}")]
LocationManager(#[from] LocationManagerError),